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⚔️合作請洽 (Business Contact) : pikalu@zoho.eu
This channel is used only to recommend games and spread awareness of all the positive possibilities of gaming.
All videos are not intended to infringe any copyright law, only to assist commentary and recommendation.
If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact (pikalu@zoho.eu) with me and I will delete it immediately (this includes artists of the images used).
✔︎Elden Ring may not be released before April 2022:https://www.vg247.com/2021/05/03/elden-ring-release-date-forecast-kadokawa/
✔︎《最後生還者 3》大綱已完成,但尚未準備開發:https://www.4gamers.com.tw/news/detail/47717/the-last-of-us-part-3-has-a-plot-but-its-not-being-made
✔︎《附帶導航!一做就上手 第一次的遊戲程式設計》介紹影片(台灣):https://youtu.be/klgAM_Aal3s
✔︎New Pokemon Snap's Blastoise is one of its most magical moments:https://www.destructoid.com/stories/new-pokemon-snap-s-blastoise-is-one-of-its-most-magical-moments-628345.phtml
✔︎Ethan Checks Up On Mommy Dimitrescu in Resident Village:https://youtu.be/sldyYbXo0nQ
✔︎This Spider-Man Fan Game Has Massive Potential For Web-Swinging:https://youtu.be/M3jmdDhNdnw
✔︎5 歲男孩靠一己之力全破《血源詛咒》!這下沒理由說太難了:https://game.nownews.com/news/20210505/3293766/
🎵Chun-Nan - Dragon Road Day - Sonic Unleashed
🎵Wavedash (Super Smash Bros. Melee) (TRAP REMIX)
#FromSoftware #Blizzard #皮卡嚕 #PikaLu
最後生還者3 遊戲介紹 聊Game 變態難度 恥笑玩家 2021 羞辱玩家 污辱玩家 機車開發者 無聊開發者 十大遊戲 白爛 十大 智障 德軍總部 忍者外傳 茶杯頭 Cuphead 蜘蛛人 Spiderman 席維斯·史特龍 Sylvester Stallone 潛龍諜影5 小島秀夫 Kojima 遊戲10大排行 十大排行 Top 10
巫師3 switch心得 在 遊戲皮卡嚕 PikaLu Youtube 的最佳貼文
⚔️皮卡軍團✪Discord➔ https://discord.gg/qgt5d9mjBx
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⚔️皮卡軍團✪Twitter➔ https://twitter.com/PikaLu_Game
⚔️皮卡軍團✪微博➔ http://weibo.com/pikalugame
⚔️皮卡軍團✪IG➔ https://www.instagram.com/pikalu_game/
⚔️合作請洽 (Business Contact) : pikalu@zoho.eu
This channel is used only to recommend games and spread awareness of all the positive possibilities of gaming.
All videos are not intended to infringe any copyright law, only to assist commentary and recommendation.
If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact (pikalu@zoho.eu) with me and I will delete it immediately (this includes artists of the images used).
✔︎《死亡擱淺》PC 版表現亮眼:https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/detail.php?sn=213269
✔︎E3 2021 將於 6/12 以線上發表形式回歸!:https://agirls.aotter.net/post/58678
✔︎E3 2021首波參展商公開:https://pse.is/3ejnxx
✔︎Kojima Productions likely to announce its next game ‘quite soon’:https://pse.is/3bwrr2
✔︎Bungie: "Our team is working on a new secret world in parallel with Destiny. We are looking firmly at 2025":https://pse.is/3e3jdk
✔︎This year's Call of Duty returns to WW2:https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-03-26-report-this-years-call-of-duty-returns-to-ww2
✔︎Death Stranding Did Very Well On PC, Earning $27 Million:https://www.gamespot.com/articles/death-stranding-did-very-well-on-pc-earning-27-million/1100-6489840/?utm_source=reddit.com
✔︎Cyberpunk 2077 - Bugs & Glitches After Patch 1.2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trMdmtbuQXo&t=36s
✔︎CYBERPUNK 2077 BIG Update 1.2 - Is It Fixed?:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEs_WWiiqlw
✔︎'The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt' Getting Next-Gen Update:https://pse.is/3d6v6v
✔︎Path of Exile 2 - Official Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If7yS8UzScc
✔︎No Man's Sky Expeditions Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7T0_admYi4
✔︎The Lord of the Rings: Gollum:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYu2oX1T75E
✔︎Bloodborne PS1 Demake:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXcwpNWoR8s
✔︎Control (1996):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaJ6I2d6SRo
🎵Boomerang Fu Theme (feat. Paul Kopetko)
🎵Wavedash (Super Smash Bros. Melee) (TRAP REMIX)
#POE2 #Cyberpunk2077 #皮卡嚕 #嚕新聞 #PikaLu
皮卡大排行 遊戲介紹 聊Game Cyberpunk Kojima Konami E3 2021 決勝時刻 巫師3 POE2 無人深空 無聊開發者 十大
巫師3 switch心得 在 遊戲皮卡嚕 PikaLu Youtube 的最佳貼文
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⚔️皮卡軍團✪Discord➔ https://discord.gg/qgt5d9mjBx
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⚔️皮卡軍團✪Twitter➔ https://twitter.com/PikaLu_Game
⚔️皮卡軍團✪微博➔ http://weibo.com/pikalugame
⚔️皮卡軍團✪IG➔ https://www.instagram.com/pikalu_game/
⚔️合作請洽 (Business Contact) : pikalu@zoho.eu
This channel is used only to recommend games and spread awareness of all the positive possibilities of gaming.
All videos are not intended to infringe any copyright law, only to assist commentary and recommendation.
If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact (pikalu@zoho.eu) with me and I will delete it immediately (this includes artists of the images used).
🎨Cover Art by Sakimichan
🎵Tressa, the Merchant - Octopath Traveler Character Theme
🎵Crash Bandicoot 1 Theme
🎵Tostarena_ Town - Super Mario Odyssey [OST]
🎵Persona 2 Innocent Sin (PSP) ost - Kasugayama High School
🎵Persona 4 Golden - Sky Full of Stars
🎵Bayonetta - OST - Fly Me To The Moon
🎵Strikers (Title Screen Theme) - Persona 5 Scramble_ The Phantom Strikers OST
🎵The King of Fighters XIV - Splendid Soldier (Women Fighters Team Theme) OST
🎵The Sunlands Octopath Traveler Music
🎵Persona 4 Reincarnation_ Specialist
🎵Fire Emblem Fates OST - Daily Life
🎵Tifa's Theme - Final Fantasy 7 Remake OST
2021十大期待遊戲 FF16 PS5 PS4 Final Fantasy 16 FAR CRY6 垂死之光 2 DYING LIGHT2
值得買嗎 遊戲介紹 購買須知 聊Game 遊戲情報 不知火舞 春麗 靜靜 Quite 2B 尼爾:自動人形 Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy VII 蒂法 蘿拉 三國無雙 光榮 光榮臉 貝姐 魔兵驚天錄
艾達王 巫師3 希里 貝優妮塔 KOF 格鬥天王 白金工作室 SE Tomb Rider
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