Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a French style Pineapple Vanilla Rum Jam (Confiture D’ananas Á La Vanille au Rhum).
It’s the season for pineapple locally. Pineapple is super sweet and less expensive than usual since they're in season now. If you want to preserve more delicious pineapples, making jam is a good way.
We have made Taiwanese pineapple jam before, but this time we’re going to make the French style, the recipe is inspired by Christine Ferber. Pineapple laced with vanilla and dark rum, the whole combination worked brilliantly and produced a delicious result in texture and flavor. It’s a Must Try recipe. Enjoy the video. :)
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This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make French Pineapple Jam With Vanilla & Rum
Here is the French Pineapple Jam With Vanilla & Rum Recipe
☞ Jam Container is 500ml
✎ Ingredients
pineapple 500g, remove the skin and core
rum 50ml
sugar 375g
vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon (or a stick of vanilla bean)
lemon 1
✎ Instructions
1. Cut the pineapple in half through the center, and then cut into 3 for each half. Remove the core.
2. To use a sticker or a small knife, remove the pineapple seeds to make a perfect texture and taste.
3. Slice the pineapple into 2~3mm thick. Weigh out 500 grams of pulp.
4. Place pineapple slices into a saucepan, add the sugar, vanilla extract, then squeeze a lemon juice.
5. Cook on medium heat, stirring frequently, until the pineapple mixture simmers slightly for a few minutes.
6. Pour the pineapple mixture into a large bowl, cover with parchment and let cool. Then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
7. Next day, pour the mixture into the saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir frequently and skim any scum that rises to the surface. After boiling, continue to cook for 8~10 minutes. Stirring occasionally.
8. When the fruit and liquid cook to the gel point, or until 105C, add the Rum and continue to cook for 3 minutes.
9. Once cooked, pour the jam into sterilized containers. Place lids and seal. Turning the jars upside down. Let cool and place in the refrigerator.
00:00 opening
00:30 Ingredients
01:01 preparation
03:40 Day one: pre-cook
07:05 Day two: make pineapple jam
10:28 taste
簡易水果茶做法 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文
嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』要跟大家分享一款獨具風味的果醬:法式蘭姆香草鳳梨果醬。(Pineapple Jam With Vanilla & Rum)
這次的食譜靈感來自法國果醬女王 Christine Ferber 的配方,但有做一些修改,主要是因為台灣的鳳梨太甜了,不管是金鑽、甜蜜蜜還是牛奶鳳梨,甜度都偏高,不得不減去一些糖分,同時為了讓口味多點層次,檸檬汁的用量亦增加了,喜歡用當令鮮果製作果醬的朋友,真心邀請大家來做看看哦!
📍 我們的IG: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/
📍 我們的FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio
這支影片還會有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:
法式蘭姆香草鳳梨果醬 怎麼作呢?
下面是這道 法式蘭姆香草鳳梨果醬 的做法與食譜:
☞ 果醬瓶的容量為 500ml
✎ 材料 / Ingredients
新鮮鳳梨 500g,去皮去心的純果肉(約一顆中型尺寸)
蘭姆酒 50ml
細砂糖 375g
香草精 1/2 茶匙 (也可用香草莢半根)
檸檬 1顆
✎ 做法 / Instructions
1. 鳳梨剖半,再切成六等份,去掉木質粗硬的鳳梨
2. 為了讓果醬的成品色澤更清透,取一牙籤或小水果刀,把鳳梨籽籽挑掉
3. 將去籽的鳳梨片成銀杏葉片形狀的薄片,每片厚度約在 2~3mm 左右,然後取500克果肉備用
4. 果醬鍋裡加入鳳梨、糖跟香草精,再擠一整顆檸檬汁
5. 以中火加熱,煮到糖全數融化,呈現微滾狀態就可以關火
6. 把煮過的鳳梨倒入一個大的料理盆,貼著鳳梨表面舖上烘焙紙,完全放涼後再覆蓋上保鮮膜送進冰箱冷藏過夜
7. 翌日,將糖漬一夜的鳳梨材料倒回果醬鍋,以中火煮到沸騰,煮滾後繼續同個火力煮8-10分鐘,期間要不間斷的輕輕攪拌並撈除浮沫
8. 時間到後,檢查果醬是否已經煮到膠化狀態,或用溫度計測量是否達到105°C。接著加入蘭姆酒後,再煮3分鐘(若份量較多,煮的時間可以多2-3分鐘)
9. 果醬煮好後,趁熱倒入已消毒過的瓶子裡,蓋子一定要旋緊,然後倒扣放涼。放涼後再移至冰箱保存
影片章節 :
00:00 開場
00:30 食材介紹
01:01 前置準備:處理鳳梨、去芯去籽
03:40 第一次加熱
05:47 倒入料理盆,蓋上烘焙紙,糖漬過夜
07:05 第二天,熬煮鳳梨果醬
09:46 裝瓶並倒扣放涼,冷藏保存
10:28 蘭姆鳳梨果醬搭配氣泡水享用
11:51 製作法式鳳梨果醬的技巧分享與注意事項
更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:
本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.
More Info:
FB Page:
簡易水果茶做法 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文
嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre,今天的『食不相瞞』要來分享一款健康又好喝的鮮果冰茶飲:台灣經典的冰水果茶 (Taiwanese-Style fruits Iced tea w/ Old School Pineapple Jam )!
這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:
台灣經典冰水果茶與古早味鳳梨醬 (Taiwanese-Style Iced fruit tea w/ Old School Pineapple Jam) 怎麼做呢?
❋ 這份食譜可以做一壺500ml的冰水果茶
材料 / Ingredients
鳳梨 400克
三溫糖 180克(細砂糖或冰糖都可以)
麥芽糖 1-2大匙
檸檬 半顆
百香果 1 顆
金桔 2 顆
話梅 1粒
蘋果 ¼ 顆
甜橙 ¼ 顆
奇異果 ½ 顆
鍚蘭紅茶包 一個
做法 / Instructions
1. 將整顆的鳳梨對半切,再將半顆鳳梨切兩刀變成三條,切除纖維較粗的鳳梨心
2. 把鳳梨片成 4mm 的薄度,不要切太厚,然後秤出400克備用
3. 鍋子裡倒入鳳梨切片、糖以及擠半顆檸檬汁,用中火煮到糖完全溶化
4. 沸騰後撈除浮沫,關小火並蓋上鍋蓋(露一點縫細)續煮40-50分鐘,期間要時不時攪拌以免燒糊
5. 續煮時間到,加入麥芽糖,待其溶解後,關火燜10分鐘
6. 煮好的鳳梨醬裝入消毒過的瓶子裡,放涼備用
7. 來切水果,把百香果、金桔都對半切,蘋果、奇異果切片,甜橙去皮只取果肉
8. 水壺裡依序加入50克左右的鳳梨醬、話梅、百香果的汁肉,金桔先擠出汁來,再連同果皮一起放入,接著把剩餘的水果都放進來
9. 雪克杯裡加入250-300ml的熱水,放入茶包泡 3分鐘,時間到取出茶包,加入適量冰塊上下搖盪,直到雪克杯外有一層冰霧即可,若沒有雪克杯,可用密封效果佳的罐子或玻璃罐代替
10. 把搖好的冰茶倒入裝有水果的壺中,輕輕把底部的鳳梨醬和其它材料攪拌均勻,就可以享用了
更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:
本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.
More Info:
FB Page: