餵人奶係百分百好,但其實都唔容易! 妳有以下煩惱嗎?
1. 唔夠奶
2. 唔知食左幾多
3. 唔知夠唔夠
4. 谷奶,漏奶
5. 乳頭痛
6. bb未識suck
7. 乳線發炎
雖然有十萬個為什麼,很多媽媽都會儘量堅持!這個video希望鼓勵到面對緊餵人奶帶來壓力的媽媽。Mama College
This video discusses the pros and cons of breast feeding. As we all know breast feeding is the best form of food for baby, especially in the first 6 months, babies should be exclusively breast fed. However, not all moms are able to breast feed. Many moms deal with low milk supply , time constraint , fatigue and other problems associated with breast feeding. This leads to tremendous stress. Some moms even develop postpartum depression because of the breastfeeding.
How can we help and support breast feeding mom?
Mama College
Kayi Cheung.