今天的 #新聞短打 我們把焦點拉回美國,德州州長艾伯特 (Greg Abbott) 5月簽署的「心跳法案」在9月1日正式上路,引發全美激辯。
據民間組織美國民權聯盟 (American Civil Liberties Union) 表示,成功起訴者將可獲得一萬美元的賞金,且這項賞金將由被告支付,等於變相鼓勵市民加入反墮胎陣營,對有可能提供墮胎諮詢的醫療院所進行起訴。美國民權聯盟擔心,寒蟬效應將會讓需要墮胎諮詢的婦女必須離開德州,才能獲得醫學幫助。
第二則是這項「心跳法案」未能就不同週次的胎兒,分別訂立有醫學根據的不同規範,與1973年美國最高法院作出的「羅 vs. 韋德 (Roe v. Wade)」判決出現衝突。近50年來各州多次制定嚴苛的反墮胎法案,均被最高法院以違反 Roe v. Wade判決為由,裁定法案失效。
Roe v. Wade 判決認為,尚未出生的胎兒並不屬於美國憲法定義的「人」,因而對墮胎權與胎兒的保障,並非完全傾向胎兒,而需視母體與胎兒的狀況,來制定不同的規範:受孕後12週以內的胎兒因無法在母體外獨立存活,母親應可自行決定是否要繼續妊娠。
但隨著前總統川普 (Donald Trump) 任內任命了三名大法官,尤其是關鍵自由派金斯伯格法官 (Ruth B. Ginsburg) 由保守派的巴雷特法官 (Amy Barret) 取代後,美國最高法院的保守派對自由派人數,已經從雙方具備微妙平衡的5:4,滑向保守派佔優的6:3。
目前相關爭議已經在全美延燒,民主黨陣營普遍認為此次德州心跳法案過關,將摧毀 Roe v. Wade 判決建立起來的婦女自主權防火牆。另一方面共和黨則有意見認為,拜登政府強打此一法案是要轉移阿富汗失利的焦點。至於力推心跳法案的保守派,則對反墮胎陣營的勝利表示歡迎。
但無論口水戰打的如何,未來美國最高法院針對密西西比以及德州墮胎法案的判決,勢必會如同 Roe v. Wade 判決一樣,影響美國數個世代的婦女以及他們的胎兒。
american civil liberties union 在 葉慶元律師(葉狀師) Facebook 的精選貼文
川普任內,總共任名了三位聯邦最高法院的大法官,導致目前聯邦最高法院的政治光譜嚴重向保守派傾斜。如果依照聯邦最高法院的過往見解,任何限制墮胎的法律,如果對於墮胎形成了「過度負擔(undue burden)」,就會違憲(過度限制女性的墮胎權);德州的「心跳法」很明顯對於婦女構成了過度負擔,但是聯邦最高法院卻拒絕介入,顯示最高法院對於墮胎權的立場可能已經發生變化。
在2020年的 June Medical Services, LLC v. Russo案,美國聯邦最高法院以5:4的些微差距,將 Louisiana 的限制墮胎法律宣告違憲。今年五月,美國聯邦最高法院受理 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization 案-對密西西比州限制懷孕15週後墮胎的法律進行違憲審查(尚未宣判)。
德州共和黨籍州長艾波特(Greg Abbott)5月簽署「心跳法案」(heartbeat bill),禁止在偵測到胎兒心跳後執行墮胎。通常是在孕期6週左右可以測得胎兒心跳。
美國民權聯盟(American Civil Liberties Union)、美國計劃生育協會(Planned Parenthood)和生育自主權中心(Center for Reproductive Rights)等團體8月30日向最高法院遞出緊急請求,希望能阻止德州「心跳法」生效。
american civil liberties union 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
When tracking the virus means tracking your citizens
Apple and Google on Friday unveiled ( ) a rare ( ) partnership to add technology to their smartphone platforms ( ) that will alert users if they have come into contact with a person with COVID-19. Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android — the operating systems used in iPhone and Samsung Galaxy devices, among others — are used by about 3 billion people around the globe.
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, some democracies ( ) around the world have used technology to avoid having to impose draconian ( ) mass quarantines ( ) that were common earlier this year in China. That’s reassuring — and it’s also worrying, because the very strategies that can help fight a plague can also be abused once it’s over.
Consider Taiwan, where an “electronic fence” allows local police to make regular phone calls to everyone who is home under quarantine; if the citizen doesn’t answer or the phone is out of power, police come to the home within 15 minutes. In South Korea, the government constantly updates a Web site that tracks the movements of people who have been infected, and issues alerts to the mobile phones of people in the geographic vicinity ( ) of an infected citizen. The Israeli government gained access to an archive ( ) of phone data to map the movements of infected people, then alerted those who had been in contact with them to self-isolate.
Invoking ( ) these powers is reasonable during a pandemic. Once the outbreak is over, however, this kind of power can and probably will be abused. What’s to stop a corrupt ( ) (or merely unscrupulous [ ]) leader from using such technologies to learn or even publicize the location of political opponents or dissidents ( )?
“This is a genuine emergency and that justifies ( ) a lot of things that would not normally be justified,” says Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). “But we have to make sure that these temporary ( ) powers do not become permanent ( ) in a way that hurts everybody else.”
The good news is that the pandemic is not an endless war. Once there is a treatment or a vaccine ( ), there will be a clear end date to the state of emergency.
Stanley says it’s crucial to set up strict rules beforehand ( ). Any location data, for example, should only be used by public health authorities for public health purposes. The programs should be temporary and the data should be deleted after the crisis ( ) ends.
Along these lines, Freedom House released a set of principles on March 24 for protecting civil and human rights in the fight against COVID-19. It says any surveillance ( ) programs that use new technology to fight the spread of the disease should be “subject to ( ) independent oversight ( ), and ‘firewalled’ from other commercial and governmental uses such as law enforcement and enforcement of immigration policies.”
In the middle of a crisis, all of this might seem theoretical. The most essential tasks for democratic leaders are providing for the public’s safety and working to revive ( ) the economy. Yet it’s also important to remember that the state rarely relinquishes ( ) powers it amasses ( ) in a crisis.
After 9/11, the FBI was given broad new powers to demand data from private businesses. A dozen years later, both the ACLU and the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the use of that extraordinary power had become routine ( ) and unchecked. As Americans grapple ( ) with the current pandemic, they must be vigilant ( ) that their government not repeat the same mistake.
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