🌸🐦筆歌墨舞—故宮繪畫導賞 展出不同時期的各式人物、花鳥、山水作品。有興趣的朋友請參考☘️展件清單:https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh110/Painting11001/ch/page-3.html#main
【宋 錢選 煙江待渡圖】
Waiting for the Fairy on a Misty River, Qian Xuan, Song dynasty (960-1279)
尺寸:21.6 x 111.2 cm
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Qian Xuan (fl.1235-1307, style name Shunju; sobriquets Yutan and Xunfeng) was a native of Wuxing (modern Huzhou, Zhejiang). He did not seek office after the rise of the Yuan dynasty, instead making a living through his painting and calligraphy.
He took the landscape styles of Zhao Lingrang and Zhao Boju, bird-and-flower manner of Zhao Chang, and figure style of Li Gonglin as his teachers. Qian Xuan was, however, not confined by the methods of previous masters. This is a painting of an autumnal landscape in which the mountain ridges and level slopes are depicted mostly with angular texture strokes using a stiff, awkward brush held upright, assisting to express the archaic elegance and delicate beauty of a blue-and-green landscape that fully possesses the peaceful atmosphere of literati painting. The groups of trees are rendered with fine texture strokes and dots, conveying luxuriant growth and pure beauty. The painting has a flat-distance composition with a vast body of water suggesting an otherworldly and unsullied realm, the artist's poetry inscribed at the top of the painting expressing his wish to live in reclusion and retire from the world.
●Pictorial Songs of the Brush: A Guide to Paintings in the National Palace Museum Collection
Dates: 01 JAN 2021~06 APR 2021
Gallery: 210 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I