【玳瑚師父佛學論】 富與貧的學問
The knowledege behind wealth & poverty (English version below)
另有一種是他,她都很積極做慈善與公益,可是邊做邊埋怨,也常常"碎碎唸"。這樣的行善法,也是無法與富結緣的。因為,所謂的行善,是要完完全全,歡喜甘願的去做的。吾這一說,諸位大德也應該有所領悟了。為何做了這麼多善事始終無法改善命運。還有一種是很喜歡佔他人便宜的。這樣的人,當然也很難與富有緣。原因很簡單,他,她還沒積德,就先缺德了。真是"陰功" (廣東話)啊!不富的原因不祇是這幾種。但這幾種是很要不得的。因為毫無善可言。我們若存著私心去行善,是有虧的。有虧,如何圓滿。一般人是無法察覺。但,鬼神是佈滿十方法界的。人的念頭一起,鬼神早已知曉,無功反有過,命運祇會越來越凶啊!
In my opinion, being rich or poor is a matter of sequence. Why do I say that? Let's use an analogy of a extremely wealthy man who is a haughty scrooge. He leads a life of thrift, eating porridge with pickled vegetables all his life. There is nothing wrong with his lifestyle, except that he never once uses his wealth in this lifetime for the benefit of others and accumulate more merits for his next life. As such, in terms of the law of cause and effect, he did not create the seed or 'cause' to be wealthy again in his next life. A person, who is poor this life, however recognizes and grasps the opportunity to do good and accumulate merits often, he would plant the seed (cause) to be wealthy (effect) and break free from poverty eventually.
There is another kind of people who, despite his/her persistence in doing charity work, grumble non-stop as he/she is doing it. This behaviour or attitude would not have help their cause to accumulate merits for future fortune. Good deeds must be done willingly, with complete sincerity from the bottom of your heart. I hope with the above sentence, my dear readers would finally realise why, despite doing all the good deeds, there is no improvement to your lives.
There is yet another kind of people who love to take advantage of others. Such people would find it very difficult to have an affinity with wealth. Reason being, they are sorely lacking in virtues even before they accumulate more merits. How pathetic that is! No wonder good fortune and wealth do not come knocking at their doors.
There are many more reasons why a person is not wealthy this life, but the above mentioned are the significant ones to note and avoid. If we 'help' others out of selfish motives, it will backfire on us in terms of karma. There is absolutely no kindness in such conduct. Like a round moon with a chip, it can never be full again. A layman will probably never realise but in the ten realms of existence are gods and spirits who are watching our every thought. Every unwholesome thought will lead us down the ill-fated path, further and further away from redemption.
To be able to give unreservedly is what I call doing good. This meant giving yourself to benefit others, without being calculative, and to show perseverance to the end. Doing so would turn the tide in your life and let you make the leap from poverty to wealth! Learn this wisdom well and poverty shall evade you naturally. I wish everyone an early fulfillment of your dreams!