Vừa rồi có bạn Minh gửi cho page một số vị trí PhD cực xịn xò nên mình sẽ tổng hợp một số vị trí khác đang mở luôn nhé ;)
1. Fully-funded PhD positions tại University of Oxford, UK và University of Colorado, USA vào năm 2021-2022.
Trong đó, 3 suất dành cho University of Oxford, 3 suất dành cho University of Colorado. Các bạn có thể làm ở cả 2 nơi.
📌 Thông tin GS: Dr. Tam Vu (http://mnslab.org/tamvu/) leads a multidisciplinary research group in the Computer Science Department at the 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐱𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 and 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨.
📌 Project topics:
(1) Embedded System Machine Learning, (2) Mobile Healthcare, (3) Brain-Computer Interface, (4) Mobile Sensing and Wireless Sensing Systems, (5) Medical Device and System, (6) Quantum Computing.
+ Chuyên ngành Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Bioengineering.
+ Hands-on experience with coding, system design, and implementation.
+ Có kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu.
+ Well prepared for 3-5 years of concentrated work.
CV should be submitted via email to Dr. Tam Vu ([email protected]) with the subject heading “𝐏𝐡𝐃 𝐎𝐱𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝-𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐”. Positions will remain open until filled, but the preferred start date is 09/2021 or Early 2022.
2. Thông tin PhD tại IPVF (Viện quang điện của vùng Ile-de-France).
Đây là một trong cơ hội rất tốt cho anh em vật liệu, được làm việc với giáo sư của trường Ecole Polytechnique (trường xịn nhất nước Pháp). Giáo có hơn 707 bài báo, indice-h 58 indice-i10 301.
📌 Topic: Fabrication of III-V Materials by PECVD
- Starting date: 10/2021
- Education: Master 2/Engineer
📌 CHI TIẾT: https://www.ipvf.fr/emploi/ipvf-phd-thesis-fabrication-of-iii-v-materials-by-pecvd
📌 DEALINE: 30/9. Nhưng các bạn nên mail giáo sư cho chắc chắn ;)
3. Liên kết nghiên cứu tùy theo trình độ cá nhân, người lao động được trả lương theo nhóm lương E 13 TV-L)
Các vị trí được tài trợ bởi Quỹ Alexander-von-Humboldt
📌 Yêu cầu:
- Có bằng ĐH và tiến sĩ về sinh học hoặc các lĩnh vực liên quan, có chuyên môn về ít nhất một trong các lĩnh vực sau:
+ tạo ra các mô hình động vật di truyền;
+ hình ảnh in vivo và kính hiển vi tua nhanh thời gian;
+ genomics và bioinformatics
+ điện sinh lý in-vivo;
+ giải phẫu thần kinh và mô học.
- Nói và viết Tiếng Anh thành thạo.
- Ứng viên có động lực cao Quen thuộc với mô hình thí nghiệm, cá ngựa vằn, là một lợi thế.
Vui lòng gửi đơn đăng ký của bạn bao gồm CV, statement of motivationvaf tên của ít nhất 2 academic referees qua Cổng thông tin TU Dresden SecureMail https://securemail.tu-dresden.de bằng cách gửi nó dưới dạng một tài liệu PDF duy nhất tới [email protected] hoặc qua thư đến: TU Dresden, CRTD, GSur für Neuronale Entwicklung und Regeneration, Frau GS Catherina Becker, Fetscherstraße 105, 01307 Dresden. Vui lòng chỉ gửi bản sao vì đơn đăng ký của bạn sẽ không được trả lại cho bạn. Các chi phí phát sinh khi tham dự phỏng vấn không được hoàn trả.
📌 Chi tiết: https://securemail.tu-dresden.de/web.app
📌 DEADLINE: 13/08/2021
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#HannahEd #duhoc #hocbong #sanhocbong #scholarshipforVietnamesestudents
bioinformatics machine learning 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答
[台灣創業家 矽谷創業沙龍聚會] 最年輕創業家才21歲!手機控制的隨身攜帶針灸、跟著你跑的自拍機器人、區塊鏈的搜尋引擎、測全身尺寸虛擬實境試衣服技術、攝影師作品國外圖庫變現平台
數位時代 數位時代 創業小聚 Meet Startup
BiiLabs | Provide DLT/Blockchain-as-a-Service solutions to enable the IoT-based data marketplace. 使用區塊鏈的互聯網平台
TG3D Studio| Scanatic for Fashion /Provide one-stop 3D digitization tools and data analytics service to empower fashion brands & industry achieve the vision of "Fashion on demand". 讓服飾零售的顧客掃描全身尺寸,推薦什麼牌子買什麼尺寸的科技 TG3D Studio
Heimavista| Live broadcast robot - Core Chip Module, device that requires the phone to release hands: Selfie, live broadcast, self-recording, video conference. 跟著你轉動的自拍旋轉器
ATGENOMIX | Atgenomix is changing bioinformatics and data analysis market by providing machine learning-powered sequencing, cloud and open source computing, and AI genomics into an enterprise and scalable Bio-IT platform. 人工智慧生物科技數據平台
xMight| xMight is an energy aggregator; provide renewable energy, energy storage and EV charging integration management service. 讓電動車充電站更省錢更安全
LUFTQI|Solutions for Allergy Sufferers. Luft Cube Personal Air purifier helps decomposing VOCs, orders, bacterial, virus, and mold. Luft Cube just need no filters, powered by USB, 2 USD/year electricity bill. 隨身帶的空氣清新器(阿雅:是不是可以不用再怕身邊的人偷放屁?哈)
KryptoGo|KryptoGO organizes blockchain information, to make blockchain more accessible to everyone and helps SMEs comply with regulations. KryptoGO provides enterprise-level blockchain solutions.
Science VR|The future of learning STEM is experiencing it. ScienceVR host virtual scientists and interactive labs. 區塊鏈的搜尋引擎 KryptoGO
Timeless-economy|Matching People’s Time for Services. Actuating Service Economy by Building a Service Marketplace on Calendar. 時間與服務媒合平台
Dcard|The biggest anonymous social network for young generation in Taiwan. 台灣最大匿名社群網站 Dcard
Melten|Melten is a data-driven solution provider. It facilitates medical institutions to collect patient data via connected devices and bio sensors, including EHR, vitals, behaviors, images, and sounds, with ONE platform. 給中小型電商的數據分析工具
Meet.Jobs| leveraging on social referral and community endorsement, is a headhunting platform focusing on international and professional talents. Meet.Jobs currently has talents, employer users and job opportunities in 17 countries. 獵頭平台 Meet.jobs
MH GoPower| an innovator and manufacturer of high performance Si-based Vertical Multi-Junction PV cells that enable laser power transmission for power over fiber (PoF) and power beaming applications using 9xx nm~1070 nm lasers. (阿雅有看沒有懂,某個厲害的新創)
Glossika|Glossika sorts spoken languages by structure and difficulty, delivering memory, pronunciation and fluency skills to learners between any two languages. 語言學習平台 Glossika
Construct Studio| a San Francisco based VR & AR creative production agency. As an industry leader in immersive interactive content, they have worked with healthcare, airlines, the automotive industry, marketing agencies and Hollywood studios to set the standard for visually stunning and emotionally engaging VR & AR content. 虛擬增廣實境公司 @Construct Studio
手機控制的隨身攜帶針灸器 OHA
生物科技領域加速器 Biohub
讓攝影師把作品放到國外圖庫網站變現的平台 Amplframe
基因數據分析工具 Atgenomix
幫醫生細胞分析精準的數據分析工具 五甫科技 Wolf Dataware
籃球球友社群平台與智慧籃球場 PICKUPS
太陽能募資平台 Kiwi Power
個人化大麻 Margen(美國合法州限定)
bioinformatics machine learning 在 InnoVEX Facebook 的最佳解答
Partnering with GLORIA of MOST, InnoVEX Forum will focus on #Biotech in the afternoon session at on May 29, 15:45-16:30. Titled “AI and Biomedical Innovations are Transforming Healthcare,” Doctors and Professors from NTU are invited to share their views on AI applications in Biotech and medical services. Featured speakers of the session include:
Professor Pan-Chyr Yang, Chair Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine and Former President of National Taiwan University. His research group successfully established new platforms of theranostic applications of aptamer, lung cancer stem cell and tumor microenvironment directed therapy that may be beneficial and improve treatment of lung cancer patients.
Professor Feipei Lai, secretary in medical affairs, National Taiwan University Hospital. He was a vice superintendent of National Taiwan University Hospital. He was the chairman of Taiwan Network Information Center. His current research interest is Medical Informatics.
Professor Chien-Yu, Chen, Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Taiwan University. She has expertise in Bioinformatics, machine learning, and gene regulatory networks. She mainly focuses on designing machine learning methods for solving problems of molecular biology.
Professor Paul Hwu, Department of Pediatrics at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) in Taiwan. He set up the Newborn Screening Program for Pompe Disease in Taiwan, one of the first in the world, and has dedicated much of his research and clinical effort in the diagnosis, management, and gene therapy for patients with rare genetic diseases.
Bor-Sheng (Kevin) Ko is currently an attending physician and Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University Hospital, the president of Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant, and the president of Taiwan Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research. He is the co-founder for the NTUH IRB approved AHEAD project and responsible for clinical validation for the algorithm and development for related clinical application.
More information on the InnoVEX Forum and more speakers will be introduced on our social media and website.
Follow us for the most up-to-date information!
The #InnoVEXForum lasts for the entire #InnoVEX2019: May 29 - 31.
Visit our website for the full program agenda:
Save your seat in the InnoVEX Forum here: