給我廣傳!質問Facebook !
【The flawed verification system - An open letter to Facebook】
To Facebook administrators:
In recent days, social media platform Facebook responded to German government officials, who declared that Facebook should be sanctioned for fake news and hate speech, that Facebook will undertake new measures, whereby if anyone finds any news reports questionable, they can report the post as “fake news”, and the article in question would be handed over to Correctiv, a non-profit investigative journalism organisation, for examination. If found to be fake, the article would be flagged as “questionable”, upon which Facebook will downgrade that news report’s priority order, limiting its reach by decreasing the frequency of it appearing on newsfeeds as a way of response to control the fake news epidemic. As an officially registered media organisation, Passion Times welcomes this.
However, Facebook’s effort to curb fake news, in putting an end to the spread of fake reports, is a cause for concern on the outset. On the web there are numerous platforms, commonly referred to as “content farm”, that often use inflammatory headlines to spread false information; and in the Chinese-speaking section of the interweb, Buzzhand is one of the major “content farm” which would spread false news and information online, and yet they received authentication from Facebook. This situation is a cause for wonder. Facebook’s certification, commonly known as “the blue tick”, is an accreditation system for indicating that a page and/or a person is indeed authentic, guaranteeing that the organisation, company, person and such identity would not be stolen or impersonated to spread false information, or profiting from fraud, which may lead to the related organisation, company, person or the public at large suffering from loss of money or damage in reputation. Buzzhand, which often releases “content farm” material, would receive Facebook’s verification is something that inevitably leads one to question their resolution in striking back at the dissemination of false news, whether or not Facebook identifies with these sources of false information, or supports these platforms in continuing to exist and spreading false information, by verifying Buzzhand.
Concurrently, Facebook’s authenticating system seems to neglect certified media organisations that are doing their best in providing truthful, vigorously verified information, by refusing to grant them verification, approving platforms that spread false news instead. This is disappointing to those in the media industry. As an officially registered press agency, Passion Times had operated with all seriousness, producing its own programmes on a daily basis, with different writers supplying their original articles, as well as our editorial team earnestly reporting news, delivering all sorts of rigorously verified information. Passion Times had also applied for Facebook’s “blue tick” authentication in accordance with procedure more than 20 times, and yet to this day have not received the needed authentication.
On the other hand, a host of other similar online media such as Stand News, which had more than 180,000 likes; or HK01, which had 210,000 likes, all received the “blue tick” verification, all except Passion Times which has more audience, more reach and coverage, with close to 420,000 likes, still waiting for its “blue tick” verification. For Passion Times, a media body that had painstakingly operated for years, it begs the question whether or not there is a flaw in Facebook’s authentication system; secondly, with Facebook still not forthcoming with authentication approval, it would mean that Passion Times is in danger of not being able to operate normally at any time, should any pro-government individuals, or those holding opposing political views, launch an assault by abusing the reporting system, in retaliation against our political stance. There had been a similar situation, whereby a site and Facebook page impersonated Passion Times, affecting this company and its viewers. The aim of Passion Timeshaving authentication from Facebook is for Facebook users to be able to determine the impersonators, as well as maintaining the flow of truthful information.
If Facebook sits back and does nothing, should Passion Times suffer from assaults due to our political standpoint, by pro-government individuals, or those with different political positions who would abuse the reporting system, inevitably it begs the question whether or not Facebook, as a social media platform, has a political predisposition in terms of openness and fairness. Passion Times believes that Facebook, as a social media platform, would have an in-depth understanding that a media platform’s transparency and fairness has close ties with the users’ trust and continual patronage, for users hope to disseminate and receive information upon a credible, transparent and fair platform. Should a social media platform unable to maintain its credibility, transparency and fairness, its future development is a cause for concern.
Passion Times hopes that Facebook can directly address the “content farm” issue, as well as platforms such as Buzzhand, which often disseminates “content farm” type of falsified information, damaging the flow of information. Passion Times believes that Facebook understands, that a new media organisation’s information broadcast and the dissemination of information through social media platforms have an intimate, symbiotic relationship; media organisations through releasing different types of truthful information via a credible, open and fair social media platform can bring about mutually beneficial symbiosis. Passion Timeswishes that Facebook could provide a fair treatment in regards to the verification system for media platforms, demonstrating their resolution and ability to strike at “content farm”, ensuring the truthful nature of information online, as well as maintaining the positive development in the relationship between media outlets and social media platforms. Passion Times once had an impersonator with their own website and Facebook page, having the authentication would help Facebook users distinguish the original and the fakes, this is the aim of us having said verification. If Facebook chooses to ignore Passion Times’ application, it would damage Facebook’s corporate image. Facebook should directly address the above issues with haste, giving peace of mind to media platform and Facebook users.
Kind regards,
Passion Times
26 January, 2017
不過,Facebook遏止假新聞的力度,從根本上打杜絕假新聞的傳播的決心實在令人質疑。網絡上有不少平台,常以搧情標題發放虛假資訊,這些資訊俗稱「Content Farm」,而在華文世界,其中一個主要發布「Content Farm」,在網上經常發放假新聞訊息,聲名狼藉的平台 Buzzhand 竟然獲得 Facebook 的認證,這種狀況實在令人費解。俗稱「藍剔」的Facebook 認證資格,是標示該專頁及人士為真確的認可系統,保障該組織、公司、人士等的身分不會被人盜用冒充,進而散播虛假資訊、欺詐獲利,導致相關組織、公司、人士等以及公眾不會因此而冒受金錢、名譽等損失。然而經常發放「Content Farm」的 Buzzhand 竟然獲得 Facebook 的認可,此舉令人質疑Facebook對於打擊假新聞傳播的決心,因為 Facebook 認證 Buzzhand 難免令人懷疑 Facebook 認同發放假新聞訊息的平台,支持相關平台繼續存在以及散播虛假訊息。
同時 Facebook 的認證系統亦似乎對於嚴謹核實、辛苦傳播真確資訊的正式傳媒機構的努力有所忽略,竟然不予認證,反而認證發放虛假訊息的平台,實在令傳媒工作者心寒。《熱血時報》作為正式登記的報業機構,一直認真經營,每日發放自家製作的節目、不同作者提供的原創文章、以及編採團隊認真報導的新聞,發放各式各樣嚴謹認真的資訊,並按照程序申請 Facebook 「藍剔」認證逾20次,至今卻仍未取得認證。
反之,一眾網媒同業,例如18萬多人讚好的立場新聞、21萬多人讚好的香港01等都獲得「藍剔」認證,但唯獨是受眾更多,覆蓋面更廣,近42萬人讚好的《熱血時報》卻一直未能獲得「藍剔」認證,對辛苦經營媒體多年的《熱血時報》懷疑 Facebook 的認證系統是否存在漏洞;二是 Facebook 遲遲未有認證,令《熱血時報》隨時因為立場,被親政府或政治立場不同人士發動舉報攻擊而無法正常運作。而類似情況亦曾經出現。網上曾經出現偽冒《熱血時報》的專頁及網站,對本報以及讀者都造成影響,《熱血時報》獲得認證對於Facebook 用戶分辨真偽,確保真實資訊流通,此為認證計劃之目的。
如果 Facebook 坐視不理,一旦《熱血時報》因為立場,而遭被親政府或政治立場不同人士發動舉報攻擊而無法正常運作,難免令人質疑 Facebook 作為社交媒體平台的公開性、公正性,是否在政治上有所傾側。《熱血時報》相信 Facebook 作為社交媒體平台,深深明白媒體平台的公開性、公正性對於用戶的信心、會否繼續使用有密切關係,因為用戶希望能夠在一個有公信力、公開、公正的平台發放、接受各式資訊,假使一個社交媒體平台未能維持其公信力、公開性、公正性,其未來發展實在值得擔憂。
《熱血時報》希望 Facebook 能夠正視「Content Farm」以及發放「Content Farm」一類虛假資訊的平台,例如 Buzzhand 對於傳訊的禍害 ,《熱血時報》相信 Facebook 明白,新媒體機構的資訊發放與社交媒體平台的傳播,存在互相助益、密不可分的關係,發放多樣且真確資訊的媒體機構,和有公信力、公開、公正的社交媒體平台,能夠促進兩者次間的相互發。《熱血時報》期望 Facebook 在認證系統上對於媒體平台給予公正的處理,表現打擊「Content Farm」,確保網絡資訊的真確性的決心和能力,與及維持媒體和社交媒體平台之間良性發展的關係。《熱血時報》曾經出現偽冒 Page 及網站,認證有助 Facebook 用戶分辨真偽,此為認證計劃之目的。假若無視《熱血時報》的申請,將會有損 Facebook 的企業形象, Facebook 應正視上述問題,盡快處理,令媒體平台和 Facebook 用戶得以安心。
熱血時報 啓
Full Version: http://www.passiontimes.hk/article/01-30-2017/35549