即學10個「商業計劃書」的術語 - Zephyr Yeung
學習撰寫商業計劃書(Business Plan)是創業者進入資本市場前必修的第一門課。一份優秀的Business Plan可以成功引起投資人的關注,進而獲得深入溝通的機會。剛開始創業,或計劃創業的你,是否對Business Plan一知半解?快學會以下10大術語,為自己打好根基,增長一下自己對商業計劃書的基本概念吧!
1)Vision Statement 願景聲明
願景聲明(Vision Statement)陳述你的企業希望在未來幾年之後變成甚麼樣子,用來展示其夢想以及從長遠來看它想要的位置。
Example 1:
Our vision is to help everyone enjoy amazing technology.
Example 2:
Our vision is to be the trusted partner for companies looking to grow their business in Asia.
2)Action Plan 行動方案;行動計劃
* Tips: 你可以創建一個粗略的模板(a rough template)以列出所有要執行的任務(all the tasks to be performed)、到期日(due dates)和負責人:
3)Management Team 管理團隊
你需要在Business Plan中包含一個關於你的管理團隊的說明,以便投資者知道誰在指導公司的營運。
e.g. 誰是首席執行官(Chief Executive Officer ;CEO)?誰是總裁(President)?誰是首席財務官(Chief Financial Officer ;CFO)?
4)Organizational Structure 組織結構
組織結構的部份應清楚地顯示員工職位(position )和等級。通常以圖表的形式顯示員工的照片以及他們的職位和管理階層。
5)Executive Summary 執行摘要
Executive Summary 是商業計劃書的極爲重要部份。這是你的潛在投資者(potential investors)很著重的一部分,通常一到兩頁。一般來説,潛在投資者閱讀第一頁之後將會決定是否繼續閱讀你的計劃書,並認真考慮是否投資你的公司。
6)Target Market 目標市場
Target Market=企業的銷售對象
Example 1:
Our target market is women aged 18-60 almost every generation, who love fashionable and trendy look also concerned about high-end quality(高端品質).
Example 2:
Our target market is men aged 30 and under who buy whey protein to get bigger muscles.
7)Market Analysis 市場分析
Market Analysis應包括對行業的概述(an overview of your industry)、對目標市場的了解(a look at your target market),對競爭的分析(an analysis of your competition),對業務的預測(your own projections for your business)以及需要遵守的任何法規(any regulations you’ll need to comply with)。
8)Market Share 市場佔有率
Business Plan的市場分析中,一定要描述您希望獲得多大的市場佔有率。
9)Competitive Advantage 競爭優勢
在市場分析的部份,你還需要談談你的競爭優勢(competitive advantage)。意思是你的企業提供的產品或服務的優勢。是甚麼讓你的產品比競爭對手更勝一籌?為甚麼客戶會選擇你的產品而不是其他公司的產品?
10)Sales and Marketing Strategy 銷售和行銷策略
Example 1:
We differentiate ourselves from our peers through our integrated business model(綜合業務模式), financial strength(財務實力) and strong track record(良好的業績記錄).
Example 2:
At L&Y Collection Ltd., we offer a personalized service (個性化服務)to everyone, no matter the size or scale (規模) of your business. We take the time to listen and develop an asset management solution (資產管理解決方案)that meets your business needs(業務需求).
#商業 #商業
「business action plan example」的推薦目錄:
business action plan example 在 โปรแกรมเมอร์ไทย Thai programmer Facebook 的最佳解答
ในวิชา "วิทยาการคำนวณ" ระดับชั้น ม. 5
ได้ดึงวิชา data science (วิทยาศาสตร์ข้อมูล)
มาปูพื้นฐานให้เด็กๆ ได้เรียนกันแล้ว นับว่าเป็นโชคดี
เพราะวิชาพวกนี้เป็นของสูง กว่าจะสัมผัสก็คงตอนป.ตรี โท เอก
...Continue ReadingIn the subject of ′′ Calculation Theology ′′ class. 5
Pulled data science (data science)
Let's master the foundation for kids to learn. It's considered lucky.
Because these subjects are high to touch. It's probably in the middle of the year. Tri To Aek
Which I will review the content to read roughly. The content is divided into 4 chapters.
👉 ++++ Chapter 1-Information is valuable +++++
Data science in the textbook. Used by Thai name as ′′ Information Science ′′
This chapter will mention Big Data or big data with lots of valuable information.
And so much role in this 4.0 s both public and private sector.
If you can't imagine when you played Google search network, you'll find a lot of information that you can use in our business. This is why data science plays a very important role.
It's not surprising that it makes the Data Scientist s' career (British name data scientist) play the most important role and charming and interesting profession of the 21th century.
Data science, if in the book, he defines it
′′ Study of the process, method or technique to process enormous amounts of data to process to obtain knowledge, understand phenomena, or interpret prediction or prediction, find out patterns or trends from information.
and can be analysed to advise the right choice or take decision for maximum benefit
For Data science work, he will have the following steps.
- Questioning my own interest.
- Collect information.
- Data Survey
- Data Analysis (analyze the data)
- Communication and Results Visualization (Communicate and visualize the results)
🤔 Also he talks about design thinking... but what is it?
Must say the job of a data scientist
It doesn't end just taking the data we analyzed.
Let's show people how to understand.
The application design process is still required.
To use data from our analytics
The word design thinking is the idea. The more good designer it is.
Which Data Scientists Should Have To Design Final Applications
Will meet user demand
👉 ++++ Chapter 2 Collection and Exploration +++++
This chapter is just going to base.
2.1 Collection of data
In this chapter, I will talk about information that is a virtual thing.
We need to use this internet.
2.2 Data preparation (data preparation)
Content will be available.
- Data Cleaning (data cleansing)
- Data Transformation (data transformation)
In the university. 5 is not much but if in college level, you will find advanced technique like PCA.
- Info Link (combining data)
2.3 Data Exploration (data exploration)
Speaking of using graphs, let's explore the information e
Histogram graph. Box plot diagram (box plot). Distributed diagram (scatter plot)
With an example of programming, pulls out the plot to graph from csv (or xls) file.
2.4 Personal Information
For this topic, if a data scientist is implementing personal data, it must be kept secret.
Where the issues of personal information are now available. Personal Data Protection is Done
👉 ++++ Chapter 3 Data Analysis ++++
Divided into 2 parts:
3.1 descriptive analysis (descriptive analytics)
Analyzing using the numbers we've studied since
- Proportion or percentage
- Medium measurement of data, average, popular base.
Correlation (Correlation) relationship with programming is easy.
3.2 predictive analysis (predictive analytics)
- numeric prediction is discussed. (numeric prediction)
- Speaking of technique linear regression, a straight line equation that will predict future information.
Including sum of squared errors
Let's see if the straight line graph is fit with the information. (with programming samples)
- Finally mentioned K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbors: K-NN) is the closest way to finding K-N-Neighborhood for classification (Category)
*** Note *****
linear regression กับ K-NN
This is also an algorithm. One of the machine learning (machine learning, one branch of AI)
Kids in the middle of the day, I get to study.
👉 +++ Chapter 4 Making information pictured and communicating with information +++
This chapter doesn't matter much. Think about the scientist after analyzing what data is done. The end is showing it to other people by doing data visualization. (Better summoning)
In contents, it's for example using a stick chart, line chart, circular chart, distribution plan.
The last thing I can't do is tell a story from information (data story telling) with a message. Be careful when you present information.
*** this note ***
😗 Program language which textbooks mentioned and for example.
It's also python and R language
For R language, many people may not be familiar.
The IT graduate may be more familiar with Python.
But anyone from the record line will surely be familiar.
Because R language is very popular in statistical line
And it can be used in data science. Easy and popular. Python
But if people from data science move to another line of AI
It's deep learning (deep learning)
Python will be popular with eating.
😓 Ending. Even I wrote a review myself, I still feel that.
- The university. 5 is it going to be hard? Can a child imagine? What did she do?
- Or was it right that I packed this course into Big Data era?
You can comment.
But for sure, both parents and teachers are tired.
Because it's a new content. It's real.
Keep fighting. Thai kids 4.0
Note in the review section of the university's textbook. 4 There will be 3 chapters. Read at.
Before leaving, let's ask for publicity.
Recommend the book ′′ Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not difficult ′′
It can be understood by the number. End of book 1 (Thai language content)
Best seller ranked
In the MEB computer book category.
The contents will describe Artificial Intelligence (A) in view of the number. The end.
Without a code of dizzy
With colorful illustrations to see, easy to read.
If you are interested, you can order.
👉 https://www.mebmarket.com/web/index.php?action=BookDetails&data=YToyOntzOjc6InVzZXJfaWQiO3M6NzoiMTcyNTQ4MyI7czo3OiJib29rX2lkIjtzOjY6IjEwODI0NiI7fQ&fbclid=IwAR11zxJea0OnJy5tbfIlSxo4UQmsemh_8TuBF0ddjJQzzliMFFoFz1AtTo4
Personal like the book. You can see this link.
👉 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fg8l38hc0k9b0md/chapter_example.pdf?dl=0
Sorry, paper book. I don't have it yet. Sorry.
✍ Written by Thai programmer thai progammerTranslated