In 2017, astronomers in Maui spotted a mysterious object moving very fast around the sun. They observed it for two months before it disappeared out of sight. They think it came from another star far far away, outside the solar system. So they gave it a poetic Hawaiian name, ‘Oumuamua’, meaning messenger. Some even speculate it might be alien technology!
The likely truth is just as fascinating. A new theory proposes that Oumuamua is a piece of frozen nitrogen ice, originally from an exoplanet in orbit around its star, much like Pluto orbits our sun. A collision of planets ejected this chunk of the exoplanet out of its original solar system. It then spent the last half a billion years or so travelling through space, until it happened to visit our solar system and be spotted by earthlings in 2017.
Isn’t it amazing that from brief observations of a tiny fuzzy blob in telescopes, scientists can work backwards and deduce all these details? Science is fun. :) – LHL
chunk meaning 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#師資培訓 #mydream
「我知道他們的學生將都會是 the luckiest students in the world.」
上個月開始,丟給企業的簡歷上多了一條比出書、檢定考試滿分、還是學歷讓我自己更要感到開心、甚至一點點驕傲的一句話:培訓 18 位專業英語師資 (as of 2020)。
有的是現任師大附中和百齡高中的英文老師們、有的是現任哈佛大學教育學院碩一生、有的是現任師大口筆譯所學生、有的是史丹佛大學化學背景但在近年來發展出對英語教學強烈興趣的老師、有的是教了近 10 年的資深托福老師、也有在新竹教兒美的英文老師。
我們共同有個共識:英文好不見得會教書。懂得教育學跟懂得「教英文」無法劃上等號。講義很會編也不見得會教書。甚至是從很水的 TESOL programs 畢業的學生,也還是不見得會教英文。
每一個禮拜我帶著他們研討 3-5 篇第二語言習得領域極為有影響力的期刊論文,並藉由課堂討論、作業,深入思考他們對教學和實做上的意義。
✔︎ 口說要怎麼教?自動化可能訓練嗎?
✔︎ feedback 要怎樣給才有效?
✔︎ 聽力習得的要件是什麼?(也因此) 可以如何教?
✔︎ 寫作跟文法、字彙習得的關係是什麼?
✔︎ immersion programs 的利與弊是什麼?
✔︎ input-based 教學和 output-based 教學的利弊?
✔︎ rule-based learning 和 chunk-based learning 的利弊?
✔︎ 在台灣英語教學界被奉為圭臬的 Stephen Krashen 說對了什麼、說錯了什麼?
...只是我們討論 all-important topics 的冰山一角。
最終每個人要設計一套教學,裡頭要有至少 3 項科學理論、假說的支撐,解釋「為什麼我會這樣教」。
在最後一堂課時,講到語言 input 這個概念時,聽到他們此起彼落地一個人談 input enhancement、一個人說 frequency、一個人說 salience、還有人提到 form-meaning-function connection。input 不再只是 input。另外還有學生提到,「這樣學生 fluency 雖然上升,但應該多一點 planning time,讓 complexity 也上升,Skehan 會這樣說。」
我知道他們的學生將都會是 the luckiest students in the world.
chunk meaning 在 Cin City Facebook 的最讚貼文
This rose quartz candle-holder is my new obsession. Not only is it pretty, the main reason I chose to place a big chunk of raw crystal right next to my bed is its benefits & meaning. Rose quartz is a crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries soft feminine energy of compassion and peace. Most importantly is its healing comfort. It’s also said to provide a deep sense of personal fulfillment & contentment for one to truly give & receive love from others.