When I went for my first gynae check in Feb, I saw the flyers of @cordlifesg in the clinic. I knew then, that this was something I was going to enroll for.
My late brother was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was 12. Had @cordlifesg existed then, things might have turned out very differently as umbilical cord stem cells have been used to successfully treat leukaemia.
@deon.woo and I chose to store #babyWooLaLa’s umbilical cord stem cells with @cordlifesg as they are the most established family cord blood bank in Singapore that specialises in the processing and storage of umbilical cord blood and cord lining stem cells. As umbilical cord stem cells are life-saving in nature, we felt that it was important to store it with a reputable and trustable company, knowing that #babyWooLala’s stem cells are in the safest of hands.
#36weeks into my pregnancy and doing my last minute packs. @cordlifesg collection kit is definitely coming along with me!
#SSpregnancyjourney #36weeks #sheilaloveherlife #sheilalovesherlovenest
#cordblood #stemcells #cordlifesg #fightforlifesg
「cord blood storage」的推薦目錄:
cord blood storage 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 的最佳解答
在產科門診,很多媽媽都會問臍帶血的功用和臍帶血到底值不值得投資。今日就讓我們一起從醫學角度探討臍帶血移植(Cord Blood Transplant, CBT)
1. 造血幹細胞移植(Hematopoietic stems cell transplantation, HSCT)
2. 再生性細胞治療(Regenerative cell therapy)
3. 免疫調節(Immune regulation)
世界第一宗的臍帶血移植是在1988年由研究員Gluckman及其團隊進行,用作治療范可尼氏貧血 (Faconi Anemia),病人移植臍帶血後能夠正常穩定地製造紅白血球和血少板而且沒有復發的問題[1]。其後,臍帶血被研究用於其他血液科的疾病,當中以治療血癌和骨髓癌最多研究證據支持,例如急性白血病(Acute Leukemia,為血癌的一種)和多發性骨髓瘤(Multiple Myeloma,為骨髓癌的一種)。
研究更發現臍帶血移植有以下好處 [2]
1. 允許免疫系統不完全吻合(HLA disparity)的病人接受移植
2. 較低的排斥風險,如移植物對抗宿主疾病(Graft vs Host Disease, GVHD),令整體安全性較高
這些特性令到臍帶血成為新世代再生醫學研究的對象。然而,由於初生嬰兒的臍帶血並不多,大約為50毫升,一般只夠移植於兒童,而且帶有更高的延遲植入(Delayed Engraftment)的風險。
近年較新的研究發現移植時使用以下方法可提高移植成功率和用於成人治療 [2]
1. 兩倍臍帶血的劑量(Double Cord Blood Transplantation)
2. 臍帶血擴展(Cord Blood Expansion)技術
3. 臍帶血細胞導航強化(Cord Blood Homing Enhancement)技術
更加重要的是,研究發現臍帶血庫的儲存質素直接影響臍帶血裡幹細胞的數量和質素和移植的成功率。由於臍帶血近30年才開始發展,很多臍帶血庫並沒有完善的儲存系統和本地移植紀錄。參差的臍帶血庫儲存可減少可用的幹細胞數量(Viable CD34+ cells),令移植成功率降低[3][4]
事實上,臍帶血的運送、儲存和處理有著嚴謹的要求,有研究對比於24小時、48小時和72小時後臍帶血內含的幹細胞數量(Nucleated Cells, Viable Cells & CD34+ Cells),發現臍帶血內含的幹細胞數量隨著時間下降,影響移植效果[5]。因此近年國際間便開始制定處理臍帶血的標準,目前主要的國際標準為NetCord-FACT(Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy),不過坊間的臍帶血庫並非全部都擁有此認證。
孕婦生產後獲得的臍帶血會被運送到臍帶血庫裡進行冷凍儲存(Cryopreservation),這個程序利用冷凍保護劑(Cryoprotectant)以持續平均的速度(Controlled rate freezing, CRF)把臍帶血冷凍至零下196度[7]。
有趣的是,研究發現移動臍帶血時如接觸外界的室溫,超過200度的溫差會令臍帶血的細胞的viability降低。我們不得不配服科學家的頭腦,為解決這個問題,新型的電腦系統將冷凍單位(Freezing Unit)加入CRF中以達至恆溫,減少因運送的溫差導致viability減低的問題。紐約捐血中心的研究對比1,400多名白血病病人的臍帶血幹細胞移植紀錄,發現使用新型全自動儲存系統如BioArchive®的臍帶血進行移植,比起使用傳統儲存方法,除了有更高的幹細胞viability外,移植後能更快回復造血功能,包括總嗜中性白血球數(Total Neutrophil Counts)、絕對嗜中性白血球數(Absolute Neutrophil Count)、血小版等,更快的植入(Engraftment)令使用新型技術儲存臍帶血的病人移植後一年的存活率提高10%(從40%提升至50%)[8]。
到底要不要儲存臍帶血,讀者宜自行根據財政狀況作informed decision。如果決定儲存的話,記得選擇帶有FACT認證、有適合的儲存和運送技術、有成功移植個案、財政穩健且大型和可信的臍帶血庫,同時諮詢專家或醫生意見選擇最適合的臍帶血血庫。
#臍帶血 #臍帶血儲存 #臍帶血研究
[1] Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation. From https://www.hematologyandoncology.net/files/2013/10/ho1110_Shpall1.pdf
[2] The Role of HLA in Cord Blood Transplantation From https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmr/2012/485160/
[3] Quality rather than quantity: the cord blood bank dilemma. Bone Marrow Transplantation. Nature. From https://www.nature.com/articles/bmt20107
[4] Cord Blood Units with Low CD34+ Cell Viability Have a Low Probability of Engraftment after Double Unit Transplantation. Biology of Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation. From https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1083879109005308?via%3Dihub
[5] Does the Time Between Collecting and Processing Umbilical Cord Blood Samples Affect the Quality of the Sample? From https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26760817/
[6] Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy. From http://www.factwebsite.org/cbstandards/
[7]Cord blood banking for clinical transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation. From https://www.nature.com/articles/bmt2009281
[8] Clinical Outcome of Unrelated Cord Blood Transplants: An Analysis of Processing Method and Freezer Storage on Transplants from New York Blood Center National Cord Blood Program
cord blood storage 在 吴天瑜 Debbie Goh Facebook 的最佳解答
《Cord Blood storage》
It’s another new thing and knowledge i learned along my pregnancy journey .
What’s is cord blood ?
Cord blood is the blood that remains in the veins of newborn’s umbilical cord following birth. It contains valuable stem cells, predominantly Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) which has the potential to generate blood cells and cells of the human immune system.
Cord blood has been used to treat nearly 80 types of diseases with over 35,000 transplants worldwide including treatment of blood related disorders, such as leukaemia, sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemia and immune system disorders.
There is only once in a lifetime opportunity to collect the baby’s stem cells, which is at the time of birth. Otherwise, these valuable stem cells are discarded as medical waste.
I will store mine , what about u ?
#cryocord #cordblood #cordmscs #stemcells
cord blood storage 在 Should You Bank Your Baby's Cord Blood? - WebMD 的相關結果
Cord blood banking is a process of collecting potentially life-saving stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta and storing them for ... ... <看更多>
cord blood storage 在 Cord Blood Banking - ACOG 的相關結果
Cord blood can be frozen and stored. It is ready for anyone who needs it. Bone marrow must be used soon after it is collected. Stem cells in cord blood can be ... ... <看更多>
cord blood storage 在 Cord Blood Registry: America's Largest Family Cord Blood Bank 的相關結果
* Offer details: Plus annual storage fees (which are subject to change): Current cord blood annual storage fee of $195 or cord blood and cord tissue annual ... ... <看更多>