【 點先睇到第93屆奧斯卡?】
造圖,諗落咩字,腦海中想到甚麼便打出來,一看,就連自己也忍不住笑 ── 「點先睇到第93屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮」,乜料?繼而想起,每年奧斯卡舉行前夕,總會分享「奧斯卡神婆」畢明的預測文章,再例牌寫一句:「一年容易奧斯卡」!來到今年,同一句話,要再加多句:「一年容易奧斯卡之其實過去一年已經好不容易」。怎會估到,自中學時代開始,總會倒搭咁早打開電視看明珠台直播奧斯卡/夜晚一邊睇字幕一邊學英文的習慣,來到2021年竟然冇得繼續,更要翻牆收睇?
身處網絡世代,閱後即焚,看直播的重點不是直播的過程,而是知道結果、得獎者在台上說些甚麼,或者留意唱歌環節,帶起話題,跟友儕討論,僅此而已,反正近年的主持及講稿質素已大不如前,收視每況愈下,去年甚至不再有主持,想起那些年親眼見證Billy Crystal,或Whoopi Goldberg,或Steven Martin,或如今已經變成乞人憎代表的Ellen DeGeneres,他們於頒獎典禮開始一刻,站在台上講一大輪,或播放惡搞短片,大放笑彈,笑到台下全部人收唔到聲,夜深偶爾也會在YouTube上找來重溫。我相信,就算大家今早不看直播,賽果也會如叫外賣般透過社交平台直接送到眼前,然而香港與國際社會脫鉤,真真正正成為中國大陸的一個沿海城市,折射政治現實和虛偽,這才是最教人痛苦吧。
記得那天(29/3)一覺醒來看見《英文虎報》(The Standard)率先爆的料,指香港將會自1969年以來,首次不轉播奧斯卡頒獎典禮,霎時間有種嘔吐的感覺,連帶暈眩的反應一併襲來,我實在接受不來,這個世界真的名副其實的「黐L綫」!原本以為,HBO會是看直播的「最後機會」,可惜早幾日再向有關人士打聽,得到的答案是:「香港嘅HBO唔播!」查實台灣那邊的HBO也沒有直播,所以死心,決定買VPN算數。聽薯伯伯(Pazu)的建議,花了數十美元,買下ProtonVPN來翻牆看台視直播,作為媒體工作者,這些錢不得不花。
假如讀者不急於一時,可以密切留意twitter更新,或者鎖定幾大美國娛樂網站:《Hollywood Reporter》、《Variety》、《Entertainment Weekly》或者《Vox》等社交平台,一定能夠知道誰人獲獎,更有耐性的話,Oscars的YouTube頻道也很大機會會上載得獎者領獎片段。如果大家有興趣,亦可以在早上八時開始,留意影視評論人:月巴氏、方俊傑、紅眼和小雨於Clubhouse的直播,今時今日,從事媒體或者娛樂事業的人,應該互相幫忙,搞旺個場,而不是分黨分派,各不相干。至於賽果,老實講,今年入圍,看了的很少,想看的又未上畫/未有時間看,故無意亂說,多等一回,便知分曉。
【 第93屆奧斯卡足本提名名單 】
《爸爸可否不要老》(The Father)
《Judas And The Black Messiah》
《超犀女王》(Promising Young Woman)
《寂靜的鼓手》(Sound of Metal)
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》(The Trial of the Chicago 7)
Thomas Vinterberg《醉美的一課》 (Another Round)
大衛芬查(David Fincher)(《曼克》
Lee Isaac Chung《農情家園》
Emerald Fennell《超犀女王》
Riz Ahmed《寂靜的鼓手》
查特域克保斯曼(Chadwick Boseman)《藍調天后》
安東尼鶴健士(Anthony Hopkins)《爸爸可否不要老》
加利奧文(Gary Oldman)《曼克》
Steven Yuen《農情家園》
Viola Davis《藍調天后》(Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)
Andra Day《The United States vs. Billie Holiday》
雲妮莎卻比(Vanessa Kirby)《心碎的女人》(Pieces of a Woman)
法蘭絲麥杜曼(Frances McDormand)《浪跡天地》
嘉莉慕萊根(Carey Mulligan)《超犀女王》
沙查巴朗高漢(Sacha Baron Cohen)《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Daniel Kaluuya《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Leslie Odom Jr.《One Night in Miami》
Paul Raci《寂靜的鼓手》
Lakeith Stanfield《Judas and the Black Messiah》
Maria Bakalova《波叔出城2》(Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan)
格蓮高絲(Glenn Close)《Hillbilly Elegy》
奧莉花高雯(Olivia Colman)《爸爸可否不要老》
雅曼達施菲(Amanda Seyfried)《曼克》
Will Berson、Shaka King、Keith Lucas、Kenny Lucas《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Lee Isaac Chung《農情家園》
Emerald Fennell《超犀女王》
Abraham Marder、Darius Marder、Derek Cianfrance、D. Marder《寂靜的鼓手》
Aaron Sorkin《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
沙查巴朗高漢、Peter Baynham、Jena Friedman、Anthony Hines、Lee Kern、Dan Mazer、Erica Rivinoja、Dan Swimer、Nina Pedrad《波叔出城2》
Christopher Hampton、Florian Zeller《爸爸可否不要老》
Kemp Powers《One Night in Miami》
Ramin Bahrani《白老虎》(The White Tiger)
《Fight For You》《Judas And The Black Messiah》
《Hear My Voice》《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
《Io Sì (Seen)》《前路有你》
《Speak Now》《One Night in Miami》
Terence Blanchard《誓血五人組》(Da 5 Bloods)
Tent Reznor、Atticus Ross《曼克》
Emile Mosseri《Minari》
James Newton Howard《結叛同行》(News of the World)
Trent Reznor、Atticus Ross、Jon Batiste《靈魂奇遇記》(Soul)
Sean Bobitt《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Erik Messerschmidt《曼克》
Dariusz Wolski《結叛同行》
Joshua James Richards《浪跡天地》
Phedon Papamichael《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Alexandra Byrne《EMMA:上流貴族》(Emma)
Ann Roth《藍調天后》
Trish Summerville《曼克》
Bina Daigeler《花木蘭》(Mulan)
Massimo Cantini Parrini《木偶奇遇記》(Pinocchio)
《Hillbilly Elegy》
《Love and Monsters》
《The One and Only Ivan》
《The Man Who Sold His Skin》(突尼西亞)
《Quo Vadis, Aida?》(波斯尼亞)
《飛奔去月球》(Over the Moon)
《超級無敵羊咩咩大電影之天外飛咩》(A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon)
《希望之夏:身心障礙革命》(Crip Camp)
《The Mole Agent》
《我的八爪魚老師》(My Octopus Teacher)
《A Concerto Is a Conversation》
《Do Not Split不割席》
《Hunger Ward》
《A Love Song for Latasha》
《Genius Loci》
《無論如何我愛你》(If Anything Happens I Love You)
《Feeling Through》
《The Letter Room》
《The Present》
《Two Distant Strangers》
《White Eye》
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #奧斯卡 #第93屆奧斯卡 #OSCARS2021
月巴氏 / Work Super Guy 紅眼 方俊傑 小雨 快樂的 做乜膠睇電視 我睇咗啲乜嘢 港人講電視 葉一知 Pazu 薯伯伯 潘小濤 午夜翻牆 電影潭 The Tarnished Angels
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,不少人都說港產漫畫已死,確實,連載廿多年的漫畫《古惑仔》完結,《新著龍虎門》轉手,每周推出港漫越來越少。不過,有一些人認為香港漫畫仍然有生存空間,三個漫畫人自資出版漫畫集《火伙Plus》,他們認為只要是高質素的好作品,總會有人支持。 前漫畫人張君豪和設計師Derek Woo成立了公司螢點,張君豪已...
derek guy 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答
1) Down to earth
You are really down to earth.
I like her because she is down to earth.
I like someone that's down to earth and kind.
2) Laid-back
→「のんびりした人 / おおらかな人」
My dad is laid-back. He's really easy to talk to.
Eric is my favorite teacher because he is so laid-back.
He's an easygoing guy. I'm sure you'll get along with him.
3) Go-getter
→「やり手 / なんでも進んでやる人 / 野心家」
Go-getterは「Go and get it(取りに行く)」から派生した表現で、自ら取りに行く人、つまり「やり手」を意味します。また、何かが起こるまで待つのではなく、自発的に仕事をする野心家を表します。
My boss is a real go-getter.
She's a real go-getter full of ambition.
Don't count her out. She's a hustler.
4) Happy-go-lucky
→「のんきな人 / 楽天的」
✔のんきな人は「Happy-go-lucky person」と表現するが、日常会話では「Happy-go-lucky kind of person」や「Happy-go-lucky sort of person」と言うことが多い。
He is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy.
My sister has always been a happy-go-lucky sort of person.
She has a happy-go-lucky attitude.
5) Class act
→「一流の人 / 立派な人」
✔Top notchとも表現できる。
Derek Jeter from the Yankees is a real class act.
I really respect coach Jones. He’s a real class act.
I’ll introduce you to a top-notch lawyer.
derek guy 在 范國威 Gary Fan Facebook 的精選貼文
「千古罪人」同Sir Malcolm Rifkind嘅國際級文宣!
由前港督Lord Patten of Barnes同前英國外交大臣Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind發起嘅國際聯署聲明,一個星期內由廿幾個國家嘅201個議員,依家聯署議員人數去到50國家728個議會政界人士!最壯觀不外乎係日本,不過唔該留意下嗰啲小國,例如科索沃、阿爾巴尼亞、立陶宛、斯洛伐克、緬甸等等小國,哪怕佢地得一兩個代表支持,但係以前人地國家出現問題,自問大家何曾理會過?睇完新聞下一秒就已經「哦,邊度黎㗎?」,然後食買玩揾錢唔記得...依家人地反而出黎支持...喂!簽個名有政治代價㗎,唔係應份!(本人自己都覺得有些少羞恥)
"The statement shows growing and widespread international outrage at the decision by the Chinese government to unilaterally impose national security legislation in Hong Kong. The breadth of support, which spans all political parties and four continents, reflects both the severity of the situation and ongoing unified international support for the principle of one-country, two-systems."
Debbie Abrahams MP, former Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Gareth Bacon MP
Andrew Bowie MP
Andrew Bridgen MP
Anthony Browne MP
Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission
Chris Bryant MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Alistair Carmichael MP, Liberal Democrats Foreign Affairs Spokesman
Wendy Chamberlain MP
Sarah Champion MP, Chair of the International Development Committee
Daisy Cooper MP
Neil Coyle MP, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Rt. Hon Ed Davey MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Geraint Davies MP
Dr James Davies MP
Dehenna Davison MP
Martyn Day MP
Dave Doogan MP
Peter Dowd MP, former Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Tim Farron MP, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Simon Fell MP
Marion Fellows, MP
Rt. Hon Liam Fox MP, former Defence Secretary and International Trade Secretary
Rt. Hon Damian Green MP, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Cabinet Office
Jonathan Gullis MP
Andrew Gwynne MP, former Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Antony Higginbotham MP
Wera Hobhouse MP
Kevin Hollinrake MP
Christine Jardine MP
Imran Khan MP
Daniel Kawczynski MP
Chris Law MP, SNP Spokesperson for International Development
Caroline Lucas MP
Craig Mackinlay MP
Paul Maynard MP
Jason McCartney MP
Stewart M McDonald MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Anne McLaughlin MP
Gagan Mohindra MP
Carol Monaghan MP
Layla Moran MP
Kieran Mullen MP
Caroline Nokes MP
Sarah Olney MP
Tom Randall MP
Rob Roberts MP
Andrew Rosindell MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Bob Seely MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Andrew Selous MP
Virendra Sharma MP
Henry Smith MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Rt.Hon Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, former Secretary of State for Work andPensions and Leader of the Conservative Party
Alyn Smith MP, SNP spokesman for International Affairs
Jamie Stone MP
Rt. Hon Stephen Timms MP, Chair of the Work and Pensions Select Committee
Tom Tugendhat MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee
Jamie Wallis MP
James Wild MP
Craig Williams MP
Munira Wilson MP
Rt. Hon Lord Addington
Rt. Hon Lord Alderdice, former President of Liberal International
Lord Alton of Liverpool
Rt. Hon. Lord Adonis
Rt. Hon Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom
Rt. Revd Nicholas Baines, Bishop of Leeds
Baroness Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville
Rt. Hon Lord Balfe
Rt. Hon Baroness Barker
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle, former Leader of the Green Party
Lord Blackheath
Rt. Hon Baroness Blackstone
Rt. Hon Baroness Boothroyd of Sandwell, former Speaker of the House of Commons
Baroness Bonham-Carter of Yarnbury
Lord Bowness
Rt. Hon Lord Boyle, Earl of Cork and Orrery
Baroness Burt of Solihull
Rt. Hon. Lord Campbell of Pittenweem QC, former leader of the Liberal Democrats
Rt. Hon Baroness Chalker of Wallasey
Lord Craig of Radley, former Chief of the Defence Staff
The Lord Bishop of Coventry
Baroness Cox of Queensbury
Rt. Hon Baroness D’Souza, former Lord Speaker
Rt. Hon Lord Dholakia OBE
Rt. Hon Lord Dubs
Lord Foster of Bath
Rt. Hon Baroness Falkner of Margravine
Rt. Hon Lord Fox
Rt. Hon Baroness Garden of Frognal
Lord German
Lord Gilbert of Panteg
The Earl of Glasgow
Rt. Hon Lord Goldsmith of Allerton, former Attorney General
Rt. Hon Lord Hain of Neath, former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Northern Ireland
Baroness Hamwee
Lord Hannay of Chiswick, former UK Ambassador to the United Nations
Baroness Harris of Richmond, Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords
Lord Hogan-Howe of Sheffield, former Metropolitan Police Commissioner
Rt. Hon Lord Howard of Lympne, former Home Secretary and Leader of the Conservative Party
Baroness Humphreys
Rt. Hon Lord Hunt of Kings Heath
Rt. Hon Lord Hylton
Baroness Janke
Rt Hon. Baroness Jolly
Lord Jones of Cheltenham
Baroness Kennedy QC of the Shaws
Rt. Hon Lord King of Bridgewater, former Defence Secretary and Northern Ireland Secretary
Rt. Hon Lord Kinnock, former Leader of the Labour Party and Vice-President of the European Commission
Lord Kirkharle of Curry
Rt Hon. Baroness Kramer
Rt. Hon. Lord Levy, former special envoy to the Middle East
Rt. Hon Baroness Lister of Burtersett
Lord Lucas
Baroness Ludford
Lord Marks of Henley-on-Thames
Rt. Hon Lord Murphy of Torfaen
Lord Newby, Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords
Rt Hon. Baroness Northover
Lord Oates
Lord Palmer of Childs Hill
Baroness Pinnock
Lord Pendry of Stalybridge, Middleweight Colonial boxing champion, Hong Kong 1957
Lord Purvis of Tweed
Lord Razzall
Lord Rennard
Lord Ricketts, former Permanent Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and former Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee
Lord Scriven
Lord Sharkey
Lord Shipley
Rt. Hon Lord Shutt of Greetland
Baroness Smith of Newnham
Rt. Hon Baroness Stern
Lord Strasburger
Baroness Stroud
Rt. Hon Baroness Suttie
Rt. Hon Lord Swinfen
Baroness Thomas of Winchester
Baroness Thornhill MBE
Lord Tope
Lord Trees
Rt. Hon Viscount Trenchard
Rt. Hon Lord Tugendhat, Former Vice-President of the European Commission
Baroness Tyler of Enfield
Lord Wallace of Saltaire
Lord Wallace of Tankerness, former Deputy First Minister of Scotland
Baroness Walmsley
Rt. Hon and Rt. Revd Lord Williams of Oystermouth, former Archbishop of Canterbury
Lord Willoughby de Broke
Lord Wood of Anfield
Lord Wrigglesworth
Ruth Davidson MSP, former leader of the Scottish Conservative Party
Ross Greer MSP, Scottish Green External Affairs Spokesperson
Angela Burns MS
Andrew RT Davies MS
Paul Davies MS
Mark Isherwood MS
Caroline Jones MS
Mandy Jones MS
Darren Millar MS
Mark Reckless MS
David Rowlands MS
Bill Browder
Rt. Hon John Bercow, former Speaker of the House of Commons and former MP
Rt. Hon David Miliband, former Foreign Secretary and MP
Rt. Hon Rory Stewart, former Secretary of State for International Development and former MP
Rt. Hon Jack Straw, former Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary, and Justice Secretary and former MP
Sir David Manning, former UK Ambassador to the United States of America
Dr Desmond Biddulph CBE, President The Buddhist Society
Fr Timothy Radcliffe, former Master of the Dominican Order Worldwide
Senator Benjamin L Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee
Senator Ted Cruz, Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senator Josh Hawley
Senator Edward J Markey, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy
Senator Robert Menendez, Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senator Marco Rubio, Acting Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
Congressman Robert B Aderholt
Congressman Ami Bera, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-proliferation, House Foreign Affairs Committee
Congressman Eliot L Engel, Chairman of US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
Congressman Mike Gallagher
Congressman Vicky Hartzler
Congressman Michael T McCaul, ranking member of US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
Congressman James McGovern, co-chair of the Congressional Executive Commission on China
Congressman Adam B Schiff, Chairman of the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Congressman Adam Smith, Chairman of US House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services
Congressman Christopher Smith, former Chair of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee
Congressman Tom Suozzi
Congressman Ted Yoho, ranking member of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-proliferation, US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
Frank Wolf, Member of Congress 1981-2014 (retired)
Derek Mitchell, President of the National Democratic Institute and former Ambassador to Burma
Samantha Power, former USA Ambassador to the United Nations
Grover Joseph Rees, former USA Ambassador to East Timor
Professor Jerome A. Cohen, Professor of law at New York University School of Law, founding director of its US-Asia Law Institute and adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
Garry Kasparov, Chairman of Human Rights Foundation
Daniel Twining, President of the International Republican Institute
Alviina Alamesta MEP (Greens, Finland)
Francois Alfonsi MEP (Greens, Germany)
Gerolf Annemans MEP (Identity and Democracy Group, Belgium)
Margrete Auken MEP (Greens, Denmark)
Petras Austrevicuis MEP (Renew Europe, Lithuania)
Malik Azmani MEP, (Renew Europe, Netherlands), First-Vice Chair of Renew Europe Group
Jose Ramon Bauza Diaz MEP (Renew Europe, Spain)
Francois-Xavier Bellamy MEP (European People’s Party, France)
Vladimír Bilčík MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Benoit Biteau MEP (Greens, France)
Malin Björk MEP (European United Left - Nordic Green Left, Sweden)
Michael Bloss MEP (Greens, Germany)
Damian Boeselager MEP (Greens, Germany)
Geert Bourgeois MEP (European Conservatives and Reformists, Belgium)
Reinhard Buetikofer MEP (Greens, Germany)
Damien Careme MEP (Greens, France)
Anna Cavazzini MEP (Greens, Germany)
Olivier Chastel MEP (Renew Europe, Belgium)
David Cormand MEP (Greens, France)
Katalin Cseh MEP (Renew Europe, Hungary)
Ciaran Cuffe MEP (Greens, Ireland)
Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield MEP (Greens, France)
Karima Delli MEP (Greens, France)
Pascal Durand MEP (Renew Europe, France)
Bas Eickhout MEP (Vice-Chair Greens, Netherlands)
Engin Eroglu MEP (Renew Europe, Germany)
Anna Fotyga MEP, (European Conservatives & Reformists) Poland former Foreign Secretary of Poland
Daniel Freund MEP (Greens, Germany)
Michael Gahler MEP (European People’s Party, Germany)
Evelyne Gebhardt MEP (Socialists & Democrats, Germany)
Sven Giegold MEP (Greens, Germany)
Raphaël Glucksmann MEP (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, France)
Markéta Gregorová MEP (Greens, Czech Republic)
Bart Groothuis MEP (Renew, Netherlands)
Claude Gruffat MEP (Greens, France)
Francisco Guerreiro MEP (Greens, Portugal)
Bernard Guetta MEP (Renew Europe, France)
Heidi Hautala MEP, Vice President of the European Parliament (Greens/European Free Alliance, Finland)
Yannick Jadot MEP (Greens, France)
Rasa Jukneviciene MEP, (European People’s Party, Lithuania) former Minister of Defence of Lithuania and former President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Eugen Jurzyca MEP (European Conservatives & Reformists, Slovakia)
Assista Kanko MEP (Vice Chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists, Belgium)
Karin Karlsbro MEP (Renew Europe, Sweden)
Moritz Körner MEP (Renew Europe, Germany)
Andrius Kibilius MEP (European People’s Party, Lithuania), former Prime Minister of Lithuania
Ilhan Kyuchyuk, MEP (Renew Europe, Bulgaria), Vice President of the ALDE
Philippe Lamberts MEP (Co-President Greens, Belgium)
David Lega MEP (European People's Party, Sweden)
Miriam Lexmann MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Erik Marquardt MEP (Greens, Germany)
Javier Nart MEP (Renew Europe, Spain)
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová MEP (European Conservatives & Reformists, Slovakia)
Niklas Nienaß MEP (Greens, Germany), Coordinator in the Committee on Regional Development, Member of the Committee on Culture and Education
Urmas Paet MEP (Renew Europe, Estonia), former Foreign Secretary of Estonia
Mikulas Peksa MEP (Greens, Czechia)
Kira Peter-Hansen MEP (Greens, Denmark)
Kati Piri MEP (Vice-President of the group of Socialists and Democrats, Netherlands)
Guliano Pisapia MEP (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Italy)
Peter Pollák MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Terry Reintke MEP (Vice-Chair Greens, Germany)
Diana Riba I Giner MEP (Greens, Spain)
Michèle Rivasi MEP (Greens, France)
Dorien Rookmaker MEP (GO, Netherlands)
Caroline Roose MEP (Greens, France)
Bert-Jan Ruissen MEP (European Conservatives and Reformists Group, Netherlands)
Mounir Satouri MEP (Greens, France)
Petra de Sutter MEP (Greens, Belgium)
Michaela Šojdrová MEP (European People’s Party, Czech Republic)
Ivan Štefanec MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Tineke Strik MEP (Greens, Netherlands)
Antonio Tajani MEP (European People’s Party, Italy), former President of the European Parliament
Hermann Tertsch MEP, (European Conservatives and Reformists Group, Spain)
Romana Tomc MEP (European People’s Party, Slovenia)
Marie Toussaint MEP (Greens, France)
Ernest Urtasun MEP (Greens, Spain)
Hilde Vautmans MEP (Renew Europe, Belgium)
Guy Verhofstadt MEP (Renew Europe, Belgium), former Prime Minister of Belgium
Thomas Waitz MEP (Greens, Austria)
Lara Wolters MEP (Socialists and Democrats, Netherlands)
Salima Yenbou MEP (Greens, France)
John Cushnahan (Ireland), European Parliament Rapporteur on Hong Kong from 1997 -2004, member of the Northern Ireland Assembly 1982-86 and leader of the Alliance Party
Jan Figel, former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia and EU Special Envoy for Promotion Freedom of Religion or Belief outside of the EU
Sen. Shigeharu Aoyama
Sen. Haruko Arimura
Sen. Tadayoshi Ichida
Sen. Taiga Ishikawa
Sen. Yoshiko Kira
Sen. Yukihito Koga
Sen. Akira Koike
Sen. Takashi Koyari
Sen. Akiko Kurabayashi
Sen. Yuichi Mayama
Sen. Tamayo Marukawa
Sen. Teruhiko Mashiko
Sen. Junko Mihara
Sen. Shingo Miyake
Sen. Satoshi Nakanishi
Sen. Katsumi Ogawa
Sen. Kimi Onoda
Sen. Masahisa Sato
Sen. Hideya Sugio
Sen. Katsunori Takahashi
Sen. Ryosuke Takeda
Sen. Hirofumi Takinami
Sen. Hiroshi Yamada
Sen. Eriko Yamatani
Sen. Taku Yamazoe
Rep. Yukihiko Akutsu
Rep. Akira Amari
Rep. Yoichi Anami
Rep. Hiroshi Andou
Rep. Akinori Eto
Rep. Yasufumi Fujino
Rep. Keiji Furuya
Rep. Kentaro Gemma
Rep. Yoshiaki Harada
Rep. Hiroshi Hase
Rep. Kaichi Hasegawa
Rep. Kimie Hatano
Rep. Yasushi Hosaka
Rep. Kenichi Hosoda
Rep. Maki Ikeda
Rep. Shinji Inoue
Rep. Masatoshi Ishida
Rep. Akimasa Ishikawa
Rep. Kaori Ishikawa
Rep. Tohru Ishizaki
Rep. Takeshi Iwaya
Rep. Mito Kakizawa
Rep. Akiko Kamei
Rep. Yasushi Kaneko
Rep. Akira Kasai
Rep. Hitoshi Kikawada
Rep. Tetsuya Kimura
Rep. Shuhei Kishimoto
Rep. Minoru Kiuchi
Rep. Keiji Kokuta
Rep. Seiichi Kushida
Rep. Jin Matsubara
Rep. Koichi Matsudaira
Rep. Hidehiro Mitani
Rep. Hiromi Mitsubayashi
Rep. Shin Miyakawa
Rep. Tooru Miyamoto
Rep. Hiroyuki Miyazawa
Rep. Nobuko Motomura
Rep. Fumiyoshi Murakami
Rep. Shunsuke Mutai
Rep. Youji Muto
Rep. Takashi Nagao
Rep. Keiko Nagaoka
Rep. Akihisa Nagashima
Rep. Hiroyuki Nakamura
Rep. Kishiro Nakamura
Rep. Yasutaka Nakasone
Rep. Gen Nakatani
Rep. Kazuma Nakatani
Rep. Hideki Niwa
Rep. Kazuhide Okuma
Rep. Makoto Oniki
Rep. Hiroyuki Onishi
Rep. Kensuke Onishi
Rep. Hiroaki Saitoh
Rep. Yoshitaka Sakurada
Rep. Shu Sakurai
Rep. Hiroyoshi Sasakawa
Rep. Akio Sato
Rep. Masahiko Shibayama
Rep. Tadashi Shimizu
Rep. Ryu Shionoya
Rep. Mio Sugita
Rep. Junji Suzuki
Rep. Kaname Tajima
Rep. Kei Takagi
Rep. Takashi Takai
Rep. Tom Tanigawa
Rep. Kiyoto Tsuji
Rep. Hiroshi Ueno
Rep. Yoshiaki Wada
Rep. Kenji Yamada
Rep. Miki Yamada
Rep. Shunichi Yamaguchi
Rep. Shiori Yamao
Rep. Takashi Yamashita
Hon. Jim Abbott P.C., Parl. Sec. to the Minister of International Cooperation
Honourable Diane Ablonczy P.C.
The Hon David Anderson, P.C., O.C., Former Senior Federal Minister for British Columbia and Former Minister of Environment
Hon. W. David Angus, QC, Ad. E.
Iain Angus
Ann Atamanenko
The Honourable Eleni Bakopanos, P.C.
Leon Benoit
Tyrone Benskin
David Berger
Maxime Bernier, former Foreign Affaires Minister and now leader of the People’s Party of Canada
L’honorable Jean-Pierre Blackburn
Jean Jacques Blais, P.C., Q.C.
Rod Blaker
Peter Braid
Honorable Herb Breau P.C.
Hon. Pauline Browes, Former Minister of Indian Affairs
Dr. Jan Brown
Lois Brown
Robert Carrier
Hon. Sharon Carstairs PC CM, Former Government Leader Senate of Canada
Corneliu Chisu
Roger Clinch
Irwin Colter, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General
George Cooper
Paul Crete
Hon. Roy Cullen, P.C.
Libby Davies
Nicole Demers
Gilles Duceppe
Leo Duguay
Hon. Art Eggleton P.C.
John English
Ken Epp
Hon. Steven Fletcher
Joan Fraser
Gordon Gilchrist
The Honourable Shelly Glover P.C., Former Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister for Official Languages for Canada as well as Regional Minister for Manitoba
The Hon. Jerry S. Grafstein
Hon. Bill Graham, P.C., C.M., Q.C., Former Foreign Minister and Minister of Defence
Richard Grisé
Sadia Groguhé
Gary M Gurbin
Jim Hart
Ross Harvey
Loyola Hearn, Former Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Former Canadian Ambassador to Ireland
Ted Hsu
Lynn Hunter
Hon. David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific and former MP
MPP Daryl Kramp
Hon Walt Lastewka
Derek Lee
Pierre Lemieux
Wendy Lill
Hon. Peter Mackay, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada
Hon. Gurbax Singh Malhi
Arnold Malone
Peter Mancini
Richard Marceau
Inky Mark
Philip Mayfield
Murray McBride
Hon. John McDermid P.C.
Lynn McDoanld
Joe McGuire
Audrey McLaughlin
Hon. Tom McMillan P.C.
Isabelle Morin
Eva Nassif
Con Di Nino
Patrick W. O’Brien
John Oliver
Pierre A. Paquette
LaVar Payne
Jean-Claude Poissant
Hon. David Pratt, former Minister of National Defence
Hon. David W Price P.C.
Bob Rae, former Premier of Ontario and Federal MP
Nelson Riis
Svend Robinson
Bob Runciman
Terence J Sargeant
Rathika Sitsabaiesan
Hon Carol Skelton P.C.
Robert D. Sopuck
Thierry St-Cyr
Peter Stoffer
Mike Sullivan
Anna Terrana
Nycole Turmel
Barry Turner
Frank Valeriote
Angela Vautour
Ian G Waddell Q.C
John Weston
Nick Whalen
Rev. Lois M Wilson C.C.
Borys Wrzesnewskyj, Former Chair Canadian Nato Parliamentary Association
Wai Young
Kevin Andrews MP, Former Australian Defence Minister, Chairman of the Human Rights sub-committee of the Australian Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
George Christensen MP, Chair, Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth
Andrew Hastie MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee for Intelligence and Security, Australia
Ian Goodenough MP
Peter Khalil MP, Member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
Dr Daniel Mulino MP, Member for Fraser
Hon. Edward O’Donohue MP, Victorian Shadow Attorney-General
Dave Sharma MP
Phillip Thompson MP, Member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Tim Wilson MP
Senator Eric Abetz, former Leader of the Government in the Senate
Senator Alex Antic
Senator Slade Brockman
Senator Matthew Canavan, former Minister for Resources
Senator Claire Chandler
Senator Raff Ciccone, Deputy Opposition Whip in the Senate
Senator David Fawcett, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade, former Assistant Minister for Defence
Senator the Honourable Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Chair of the Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation and former Minister for International Development and the Pacific
Senator Kimberley Kitching, Shadow Assistant Minister for Government Accountability and member of the Joint Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
Senator Jim Molan
Senator Matthew O’Sullivan
Senator James Paterson
Senator Tony Sheldon
Senator Amanda Stoker
Vicki Dunne, Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly for Australian Capital Territory
Bernie Finn MLC, member of the Victorian Legislative Council (upper house)
Janelle Saffin
Hon Michael Danby, former member for Melbourne Ports, former Chair of the Joint Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Simeon Brown MP
Marama Davidson MP, co-leader of the Green Party
Simon O’Connor MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Committee
Louisa Wall MP, Deputy Chair of PNND New Zealand and Co-Chair Cross Party Women Parliamentarians
Margarete Bause MdB, Green Party Spokeswoman for the Human Rights and Humanitarian AidCommittee
Dr. Danyal Bayaz MdB
Michael Brand MdB, CDU / CSU Spokesman for the Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee
Peter Heidt MdB
Frank Heinrich MdB
Dr. Anton Hofreiter MdB
Eckhard Gnodtke MdB
Gyde Jensen MdB, the Chair of the Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee
Frank Müller-Rosentritt MdB
Omid Nouripour MdB
Martin Patzelt MdB, member of the Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee
Claudia Roth MdB, Vice President of German Bundestag
Dr. Frithjof Schmidt MdB
Jürgen Trittin MdB, former leader of the Greens and former Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety
Dr. Volker Stanzel, former German ambassador to China and Japan
Alex Bazzaro MP
Matteo Luigi Bianchi MP
Enrico Borghi MP
Paolo Formentini MP, Vice-President Foreign Affairs Committee
Alessandro Giglio Vigna MP
Eugenio Zoffili MP
Senator Alessandro Alfieri
Senator Lucio Malan
Senator Roberto Rampi
Senator Adolfo Urso, former Deputy Minister of Productive Activities with delegation to foreign trade
Marco Beltrandi, former MP
Rita Bernardini, former MP
Sergio D’Elia, former MP
Amb. Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, former Minister of Foreign Affairs (President of the Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella”)
Elisabetta Zamparutti, former MP
Joar Forssell MP
Hampus Hagman MP
David Josefsson MP
Kerstin Lundgren MP
Frederik Malm MP
Niels Paarup-Petersen MP
Lorentz Tovatt MP
Dr. Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic MP
Michel Reimon MP
Joar Forssell MP
Hampus Hagman MP
David Josefsson MP
Kerstin Lundgren MP
Frederik Malm MP
Maria Nilsson MP
Lina Nordquist MP
Niels Paarup-Petersen MP
Yasmine Posio MP, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Jonas Sjöstedt MP, party leader of the Left party
Håkan Svenneling MP, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Lorentz Tovatt MP
Ilona Szatmári Waldau MP, member of the Committee on European Union Affairs
Solveig Zander MP
Uffe Elbæk MP, former Minister of Culture
Viggo Fischer, former member of parliament
Ola Elvestuen MP
Trine Skei Grande MP
Tina Shagufta Munir Kornmo MP
Kathalijne Buitenweg
Femke Merel van Kooten
Henk Krol
Bram van Ojik
Lilianne Ploumen
Sjoerd Sjoerdsma
Boris Dittrich
Ruud Koole
Ria Oomen-Ruijten
Mei Li Vos
Kathleen Ferrier, former Member of Parliament
Rick van der Ploeg, former Secretary of State for Culture and former Member of Parliament
Séverine de Laveleye, Member of the Chamber of Representatives
Senator Ronan Mullen
Hanna Hopko, former member of Parliament and Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Verkhovna Rada (2014-2019), zero Corruption Conference chairwoman, Head of the Board of National Interests advocacy network “ANTS”
Ihor Lutsenko, former member of Parliament (2014-2019), activist of the Revolution of Dignity
Dr. Ulana Suprun, Chairwoman of NGO ArcUA and former Acting Minister of Health (2016-2019)
Mantas Adomenas MP
Arvydas Anusauskas MP
Audronius Azubalis MP, former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Laurynas Kasciunas MP
Gabrielius Landsbergis MP
Radvilė Morkunaite-Mikuleniene MP
Emanuelis Zingeris MP, Chair of the Subcommittee on Transatlantic Relations and Democratic Development
Žygimantas Pavilionis MP, former Ambassador of Lithuania to the United States of America
Alojz Baránik MP
Ján Benčík MP
Peter Cmorej MP
Ondrej Dostál MP
Gábor Grendel MP, Deputy Speaker
Jarmila Halgašová MP
Radovan Kazda MP
Miroslav Kollár MP
Vladimíra Marcinková MP
Peter Osuský MP
Peter Pollák MP
Juraj Šeliga MP, Deputy Speaker
Andrej Stančík MP
Romana Tabák MP
Marián Viskupič MP
Anna Zemanová MP
Miroslav Žiak MP
Jana Žitňanská MP
František Šebej, former MP and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Jan Lipavsky MP
Senton Kaçaniku, President of the Institute for Freedom and Justice
Vladimir Kara-Murza, Vice-President of the Free Russia Foundation
Fatmir Mediu MP, Former Minister of Defense of the Republic of Albania
Andrew Khoo, Advocate and Solicitor, High Court of Malaya in Malaysia, former Co-Chair of the Human Rights Committee, Bar Council Malaysia
The Hon. Senator P. Waytha Moorthy
Charles Santiago MP, Chair of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights
Dr Ahmed Shaheed, former Foreign Minister of the Maldives and Chair, Universal Rights Group, Geneva
U Kyaw Min San, Member of the Bago Regional Parliament and former legal adviser to the International Commission of Jurists Office
His Eminence Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar and President of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences
Jin-Tae Kim, Member of the National Assembly and former Prosecutor (Chief of the Wonju Public Prosecutor's Office)
Jung-Hoon Lee, former Ambassador for Human Rights
Yanghee Lee, former UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar; former Chairperson of UN Committee on the Rights of the Child; Professor at Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
Kyung Won Na, member of the National Assembly and former Chair of the Foreign Relations and Unification Committee and floor leader of the main opposition party
Wonsik Shin, Member-elect of the National Assembly and retired Lieutenant General of the ROK Army
Dr John Dayal, former President of the All India Catholic Union and Member of the National Integration Council
Rafendi Djamin, former Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights
Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights
Senator Risa Hontiveros, Chair of the Senate Women, Family Relations and Equality Committee
Senator Francis N. Pangilinan, former Senate Majority Leader
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前漫畫人張君豪和設計師Derek Woo成立了公司螢點,張君豪已推出過兩本畫香港景的個人作品《景搜》系列,最近他們在社交平台大肆宣傳新作《火伙Plus》,這是一本集他們二人和另一位前漫畫人雞尾的漫畫插畫作品集,除了他們三人的主打作品外,他們更邀來了本地19位漫畫家、插畫師、藝術家等參與,陣容非常鼎盛,亦是香港少有地集合多位漫人和繪師的作品集。
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derek guy 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳解答
The Los Angeles Lakers' team effort trumped Allen Iverson's big night.
Iverson scored a season-high 51 points but the Lakers had three players, led by Kobe Bryant's 25, score 20-plus points to give the Lakers a 111-107 win over the Denver Nuggets on Wednesday night.
Vladimir Radmanovic scored 21 points and Derek Fisher added 20 for the Lakers. Carmelo Anthony had 26 points and eight rebounds and Marcus Camby had 20 rebounds for the Nuggets.
"We absorbed a lot of points from Iverson," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said. "He got our whole team in foul trouble."
Iverson scored 49 points through the first three quarters but was held to a just a layup in the fourth. The Lakers clamped down on the 6-foot guard, forcing the ball out of his hands. The strategy worked. Iverson took only four shots in the last 12 minutes.
"When somebody gets 49 points in the first three quarters obviously its going to draw attention to the other team," said Iverson, whose career high of 60 came against Orlando on Feb. 12, 2005. "When somebody's got 49 points they want to make sure I get the ball out of my hands, and that's what they did. My responsibly is to give it up and my teammates had to make plays."
They couldn't. Anthony was 4-for-10 from the field in the fourth and the rest of the team made 3 of 9.
While Iverson got cold, Bryant heated up. Bryant picked up his fourth foul 38 seconds into the third quarter and sat the rest of the period, but he played the entire fourth, scoring 12 points. With the game tied at 102, he scored six straight points for the Lakers to give them a 108-104 lead with 35.3 seconds left.
Kenyon Martin hit one of two free throws with 23.2 seconds left, but Fisher hit two foul shots to make it 110-105 with 15.8 seconds left. Anthony missed a 3-pointer and Fisher hit a free throw to seal the win.
Bryant also helped stop Iverson in the fourth quarter.
"I'm not one of these players that believes if a guy gets hot there's nothing you can do about it," he said. "I just don't believe that."
For three quarters, the Lakers couldn't stop Iverson. He was 17-for-23 from the field and scored 16 of Denver's 30 points in the third period to help the Nuggets tie the game at 88.
"I just got in a rhythm. I kept attacking," Iverson said. "Everything that I saw open, I attacked, and I was able to knock down shots. When I got the ball, it seemed like every move that I made, it would throw the defender off."
But Iverson, who played the entire game, had trouble finding any room to shoot in the fourth.
"It was fun seeing him play that well, but shooting the ball and being hit and fouled so often, it wears on you," Nuggets coach George Karl said. "I think he got fatigued a little bit."
Before he tired, Iverson was electric. He single-handedly kept the Nuggets in the game and overcame the Lakers' 3-point shooting in the first 36 minutes. Los Angeles hit nine 3s entering the fourth, five from Radmanovic.
Iverson scored nine straight points late in the third to give Denver a 79-76 lead and push his point total to 49. The Lakers rallied to take an 80-79 lead, but Iverson drove the lane, and when two Lakers collapsed on him, he kicked the ball to Eduardo Najera, who hit a 3-pointer.
Game notes
Iverson's 33 first-half points tied his career high in a first half, which he set at Milwaukee on Dec. 18, 2004. His career-high for a half was 36 at Orlando on Nov. 10, 1999. ... Iverson's 51 points are the most by a Nuggets player since Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf had 51 at Utah on Dec. 7, 1995. ... The Nuggets' franchise record for points in a game is held by David Thompson, who had 73 against Detroit on April 9, 1978. ... Bryant left the game with a hurt left shoulder after he took a hard foul with 2.5 seconds left in the first period. "We went to the locker room, took a look at it and realized it wasn't something that was going to be too serious," Bryant said.

derek guy 在 Imagine Scent Youtube 的最讚貼文
OCTOBER FAVORITE DISCOVERIES: Hey guys this month as been another great month for discovery fragrances so in this video let me share with you guys my October favorite discoveries. I sampled many in the month of October and I’m happy to say that I picked out the absolute best of the best for you all.
Egnaro by Santi Burgas- A niche level orange fragrance that’s very unique. I really enjoyed this scent, it’s one of the few citrus fragrance that works on me. It’s dried orange peel vibe mix with some animalic musk for a deeper more depth defining fragrance.
Mandrake by Parfum Quartana- Juicy, sexy, and powerful. What else do you want? This fragrance to me is almost like the perfect package, the guy who holds all the cards, just try it out guys and tell me that you’re not addicted to this amazing fragrance like I am.
Period of Time by Natural Teller- This fragrance has one of the most unusual fruity appeal I’ve ever came across, its dried fruits with a carbonated vibe. Like dried fruit flavored soda. It smells very nice and interesting, my favorite from this new indie house so far.
Rosuerrier by Pryn Parfum- This one has some similarity to Kazimi from the House of Matriarch. Just a little brighter, a little more daytime. It’s an amazing spicy rose fragrance that is actually more appreciate by the masses than Kazimi, but in terms of exotics and quality Kazimi still wins.
Gucci Pour Homme II by Gucci- A very relaxing tea base fragrance consist of green tea and some dried spices. Pretty linear, pleasing smell, last all day, what else can I say? This is a pretty straight forward scent, not much to say haha. But if you love tea guys definitely check this one out.
Something Wild by Derek Lam- This is a very powdery vanilla scent and to me smells a lot better one clothes than on skin. I really do enjoy this scent, and every time I wear this it gives me a nice vanilla bubble which makes me feel like a walking human vanilla. It’s a very interesting experience, if you like vanilla, try this one.
Turkish Leather by Pryn Parfum- This one needs no introduction on my channel anymore, I love this scent, and it’s everything I ever wanted in a fragrance. Unique, performs, inexpensive, and gourmandy. For me, one of the best gourmand fragrance ever made and one of the most unique leather fragrance on the market.
Just For U by Jordyn Edmonds- https://soundcloud.com/jordynedmonds/just-for-u
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge http://amzn.to/2e1HX9J
Digiant Smartphone Tripod http://amzn.to/2eeC4FH
FLFLK Smartphone Gorilla Pod http://amzn.to/2e9UOdJ
Lavalier Lapel Microphone http://amzn.to/2e6gGCh
Filmora Video Editing Software http://filmora.wondershare.com/
Stay tune each week for more fragrance reviews, house reviews, first impressions, top 10's, and other awesome fragrance related content. Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions, suggestions, or feedback. I have try my best to get back to you in a timely manner. Thanks for watching!