1) Neither + 単数名詞
単数名詞の前に“Neither”を用いることで、「両方とも〜ない」を意味します。例えば、二つのジャケットを試着し、どちらともサイズが合わない場合は「Neither shirt fits me.」と言います。
✔「Neither」の発音は「Nee / thur(ニーザー)」と「Nigh / thur(ナイザー)」両方OK。
Neither answer is correct.
Neither parent showed up to the party.
Neither time works for me.
2) Neither of + 複数形
複数形の前に用いる場合は“Neither of”となり、複数形の代名詞が後に続きます。例えば、「私の妹は二人とも漢字が書けません」は「Neither of my sisters can write kanji.」になります。
✔フォーマルな書き方・言い方をする場合は、動詞を単数形にし、インフォーマルな会話では動詞を複数形にする。(例:「私の妹は両方とも結婚をしていない」 → Neither of my sisters is married. [ファーマル] / Neither of my sisters are married. [インフォーマル])
Neither of us has/have been to China.
Neither of these computers is/are working.
Neither of them graduated from college.
3) Neither
2つの選択肢がある質問をされたものの、「どちらでもない」と言いたい場合は“Neither”だけで返答することが出来ます。例えば、「ビールと焼酎どちらが好きですか?」と聞かれた場合「Neither. I don't drink.(どちらも好きではありません。お酒は飲まないもので。)」という具合になります。
A: Do you like the red dress or the black dress?
B: Neither. I like the white one.
A: Would you like paper or plastic?
B: Neither. I brought my own bag.
4) Neither A nor B
このフレーズは「Both A and B(AもBも)」の逆の意味と考えたら分かりやすいでしょう。例えば、「私はお酒も飲まないし、タバコも吸わない」と言いたい場合は「I neither drink nor smoke.」になります。また、「I neither eat beef, pork nor chicken.(私は牛肉も、豚肉も、鶏肉も食べない)」のように、対象が2つ以上の場合にも使えます。
✔このフレーズはフォーマルな響きがある。例えば、上記の例文の場合「I don't drink or smoke」のほうがナチュラル。
Neither my brother nor I can play the guitar.
She neither likes dogs nor cats.
Neither Brian nor Jason is coming to dinner tonight.
5) Me neither
相手が言った否定文に対して「私も〜ない」と同調する状況で使います。「Me too」の逆と考えたら分かりやすいでしょう。例えば、「I like sushi.」に対する返事は「Me too.(私も)」になりますが、「I don't like sushi.」に対する返事は「Me neither.(私も)」になります。ただし、「me too」は肯定文・否定文の両方の状況で使えるのに対し、「me neither」が使えるのは否定文の場合に限られます。
✔フォーマルな言い方は「Neither can I」や「Neither do I」。
A: I didn't eat lunch today.
B: Me neither / Neither did I.
A: I can't speak French.
B: Me neither / Neither can I.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅大麻煩翻譯組JackO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#HazbinHotel #PILOT 我並不擁有此影片 影片所有權歸屬於Vivziepop I do NOT own this video, all rights goes to Vivziepop 贊助影片原作者,幫助她製作更多精彩的動畫! 贊助 HAZBIN HOTEL 的 PATREON...
dress up 名詞 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
【吉娜單字教室】更新單字【bargain n. 便宜貨 v. 討價還價】。口說時常用名詞便宜貨,比較少用動詞。例句裡有一個句型,這是習慣用法 "get more than you bargain for" (沒有預期會這樣),參考例句四和五。
n. 便宜貨 v. 討價還價
1. You got two shirts for five dollars? What a bargain!
2. I couldn't pass up the dress. It was such a bargain at ten dollars.
3. He bargained for the secondhand car. He managed to get it for just $2,000.
4. She got more than she bargained for with her daughter. The little girl is a wild child.
5. The boss got more than he bargained for by taking on the project. It cost a lot of time and money.
dress up 名詞 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文
1) Neither + 単数名詞
単数名詞の前に“Neither”を用いることで、「両方とも〜ない」を意味します。例えば、二つのジャケットを試着し、どちらともサイズが合わない場合は「Neither shirt fits me.」と言います。
✔「Neither」の発音は「Nee / thur(ニーザー)」と「Nigh / thur(ナイザー)」両方OK。
Neither answer is correct.
Neither parent showed up to the party.
Neither time works for me.
2) Neither of + 複数形
複数形の前に用いる場合は“Neither of”となり、複数形の代名詞が後に続きます。例えば、「私の妹は二人とも漢字が書けません」は「Neither of my sisters can write kanji.」になります。
✔フォーマルな書き方・言い方をする場合は、動詞を単数形にし、インフォーマルな会話では動詞を複数形にする。(例:「私の妹は両方とも結婚をしていない」 → Neither of my sisters is married. [ファーマル] / Neither of my sisters are married. [インフォーマル])
Neither of us has/have been to China.
Neither of these computers is/are working.
Neither of them graduated from college.
3) Neither
2つの選択肢がある質問をされたものの、「どちらでもない」と言いたい場合は“Neither”だけで返答することが出来ます。例えば、「ビールと焼酎どちらが好きですか?」と聞かれた場合「Neither. I don't drink.(どちらも好きではありません。お酒は飲まないもので。)」という具合になります。
A: Do you like the red dress or the black dress?
B: Neither. I like the white one.
A: Would you like paper or plastic?
B: Neither. I brought my own bag.
4) Neither A nor B
このフレーズは「Both A and B(AもBも)」の逆の意味と考えたら分かりやすいでしょう。例えば、「私はお酒も飲まないし、タバコも吸わない」と言いたい場合は「I neither drink nor smoke.」になります。また、「I neither eat beef, pork nor chicken.(私は牛肉も、豚肉も、鶏肉も食べない)」のように、対象が2つ以上の場合にも使えます。
✔このフレーズはフォーマルな響きがある。例えば、上記の例文の場合「I don't drink or smoke」のほうがナチュラル。
Neither my brother nor I can play the guitar.
She neither likes dogs nor cats.
Neither Brian nor Jason is coming to dinner tonight.
5) Me neither
相手が言った否定文に対して「私も〜ない」と同調する状況で使います。「Me too」の逆と考えたら分かりやすいでしょう。例えば、「I like sushi.」に対する返事は「Me too.(私も)」になりますが、「I don't like sushi.」に対する返事は「Me neither.(私も)」になります。ただし、「me too」は肯定文・否定文の両方の状況で使えるのに対し、「me neither」が使えるのは否定文の場合に限られます。
✔フォーマルな言い方は「Neither can I」や「Neither do I」。
A: I didn't eat lunch today.
B: Me neither / Neither did I.
A: I can't speak French.
B: Me neither / Neither can I.
dress up 名詞 在 大麻煩翻譯組JackO Youtube 的精選貼文
#HazbinHotel #PILOT
我並不擁有此影片 影片所有權歸屬於Vivziepop
I do NOT own this video, all rights goes to Vivziepop
贊助 HAZBIN HOTEL 的 PATREON 網址: https://www.patreon.com/VivienneMedrano
原影片網址(Original Video Link):
突然忘記自己同時也是老師要去改考卷跟上班 (拍額頭)
1:14 Angel開頭說"To be fair..."
fair這個字是「公平」的意思, 所以這裡Angel的意思其實是「我們不管他是誰, 公平地說」「妳相信過任何男人嗎?」
但因為中文我們開頭不會說「公平地說...」所以我們改成「憑心而論」來傳遞Angel的這句「不管他是什麼鬼神怪物, 反正妳就不相信男人啊~」
1:16 Any man? man?
其實man也可以指「人類」, 這裡連續問下去的部分也是Angel想表達「妳就誰都不信啊, 男人妳又不信, 其他普通人勒?」
以前大概國中附近會學到"As long as" = 只要...(成立)
但這裡Charlie是說"for as long as you desire."
承接上一句「我命令你協助這間旅館」for (+時間) as long as (如同...一樣長)
因此必須被解讀成「我命令你協助這間旅館」「時間長度 就如同 你想要的 一樣長」
她並不是真的想用公主的名義強迫(也強迫不來XD) Alastor幫她忙
所以後面那句就是一個給尊重「那... 你就幫到不想幫為止, 想離開也沒關係」的感覺
Alastor為什麼這麼在乎微笑, 可以參考我們頻道社群頁面以前的情報翻譯喔
「一個有關Alastor的有趣事實! 他一直掛在臉上的微笑其實是種強烈強化自己自尊心的型態表現。他認為那些不能把真實情緒藏在微笑底下的人都是非常懦弱的,無論那些人有多強大,Alastor都鄙視他們。他可不喜歡那些常常皺眉頭的人! 他覺得發脾氣是件很可笑的事。」
其實我之前就很掙扎到底Husk是想說four(四張)什麼, 還是full house (葫蘆)
我本來想翻葫蘆, 但他的手牌又不像打葫蘆, 所以後來還是翻四張
感謝熱心觀眾「黃紅」在底下留言點出他應該是想說full house
這裡的"If you wish"涵義上應該要是直翻的「如果你想要的話」
因為Alastor的意思其實是「你希望(我把這工作變得更吸引你)的話, 我可以變喔~」(變出酒給他)
但一樣的問題, 承接上句「我可以讓這份工作看起來更吸引你」「如果你想要的話」(會變成Alastor很像在說「如果你想接下這份工作的話」, 但不是, 他是說「如果你想要我讓這份工作更吸引你的話」
我最後推測出來的, 最可能的應該是"Nail, waffle, men cave"
nail可以說「有犯罪傾向的事物」, waffle可以是「胡扯胡鬧」, 而這兩個剛好搭上最後的"man cave"
"Man cave"除了字面解讀成「男人洞窟(意指男人聚集的秘密基地)」以外, 它還可以被延伸來指那種「一群男人在裡面喝酒鬧事, 圖謀不軌的秘密基地」(這稍微有點性別刻板印象吧XD 就是對一群男人聚集在一起感到不信任)
「我個人」覺得這裡的belle應該不僅代表著美人, 也有想致敬童話的感覺
我對"lost cause"本來的認知是「注定沒機會成功的事物」
不過在觀眾提出「死性不改」之後, 我去查了一下, 好像死性不改會比較接近的感覺?
"dress them up" 就是「幫他們打扮」盛裝打扮等等
(但他的動作確實在打扮Vaggie, 所以是雙關字面涵義跟真正的意思XD)
"Dress them up with a smile"「先用微笑來打扮他們」→「先讓他們微笑, 來做好表面, 以此開始救贖的第一步」
然後又去弄Vaggie (因為Vaggie在他面前最常臭臉)
7:54 "I am on a roll" 意思是「我手氣正旺」或「正好運不斷」的意思喔
8:01"The game is set" 意思是「勝負已定」
我猜想, Alastor的意思應該是「那些罪人不會得到救贖, 但我會得到娛樂」的勝負已定
從他告訴Charlie他不相信醉人可以得到救贖的地方 + 他唱歌時說的"lost cause"
因此把這件事當成一種遊戲, 但因為他堅信這救贖注定沒用, 一定是那些罪人又會自己跌入深淵的鬧劇罷了, 所以最終勝負(大局)已定, 的意思
關於我們翻譯組: https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4035888
我們的Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWeed
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dress up 名詞 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
今週の車両はKAWASAKI 500SS MACH3 "H1"
The series model in which the single cylinder engine is chiefly installed is indicated with the motorcycle that YAMAHA MOTOR is selling with Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. and SR (Esarl).
SR400 is a long seller that keeps putting on the market in 1978, changing neither a basic design nor the design up to the present time in 2008 since then, and selling it. Only this SR400 is manufactured and being sold now.
Details to sale
It is the beginning as the April Fool ..motorcycle magazine "Motoraidar".. project in 1977 to have published the car that doesn't exist as "Shortly new car Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. loading Bonn bar of the sale (Road Bomber)". This loading Bonn bar was a loading sports motorcycle installed in an original, double Cradle frame by the Gemaei design with an engine of dirt bike XT500 of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.. Because it was a quite complete motorcycle when seeing in the photograph in space, the order from the reader surely poured in instinctively with the new car of fictitious of the April Fool project. The SR series was born by details like the joke of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.'s that was the manufacturer of XT500 becoming serious from turning out the market there, designing, and having started producing. The first SR was a dress of the motocross style like the improvement steering wheel and the engine guard, etc. like motocross because it had been made from such details at that time in halfway.
Initial SR : to the motorcycle it and the long seller car of the dimension at all in the quality improvement etc. in now and old times though making is also sweet, and the engine trouble etc. were frequent.
The chassis etc. of the body have received the change in several-time by
As the sports motorcycle of Japan, it is a long seller. Moreover, it is typical as the base car of the cafe racer custom, and variously customized Toraccarcastam etc. in addition in recent years.
The aluminum Cast wheel and the specification were changed and numbers of sales decreased sharply to the sale rapidly at first though it was a wire spoke wheel (The specification was in haste changed to the spoke wheel by the demand from the user and get off the hook). The journalist is talking that SR will not be produced after this if this specification change doesn't exist.
Afterwards, sales of SR for a certain period of time gets depressed, and it passes out of print or, however, the racer replica boom is an end retro trendiness where the time talked about in the manufacturer exists in the age. As for the motorcycle of the retro style, there is only SR, and numbers of sales will expand rapidly here at that time, too.
There is the direction thought to have related this retro trendiness to the
long seller of SR today.
A very exceptional, at that time degenerated restyling of changing the reception desk brake from the disk into the drum was done in 1985. SR seems it is because of popular as the retro motorcycle in this as the custom of making to the drum exists in the after market. Moreover, SRX400/600 of the brother car that aimed at a higher performance appeared in the same year, and seeming the differentiation with it. There seems to have been a layer where negative eyes were turned to restyling that changed the brake daring old-fashioned though the drum brake making was popular among the layer where SR was seen as a base of the classic motorcycle style custom, too. The manufacturer purely became a cafe racer style a little at the same time as the height of the steering wheel lowered a little, and the step position retreated.
Various security standards are strengthened in 2001 it seems that it misappropriated it from seeming (The reception desk spoke wheel was crossed by 250 it and 400 the single disc brake though was 250?400 in the number of reception desk disk brakes) that drug star's front wheel had been used though SR made the reception desk brake a disk again for the correspondence. Parts of SR come to be going to misappropriate parts of another car from this next term for the cost cutting.