台灣國防實力沒那麼差!我們要侵略任何國家嗎?還是我們要反攻哪裡?我們只想在這塊土地上安居樂業。台灣的飛彈研發技術, 世界上還是榜上有名的, Taiwan is also engaging in the development of anti-ballistic missile system, based on indigenously developed Tien Kung-II (Sky Bow) SAM system and Patriot-III missiles.
Taiwan is building up a "missile defense shield" in response to Chinese missiles pointed in its direction. The latest addition will be six Patriot III batteries and a long-range early warning radar system. Taiwan needs Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system from the U.S. to defend herself as well. - 維基百科 Missile defense systems by country
我們可以自守, 不需恐懼恫嚇
害怕經濟封鎖?本就過度依賴, 所以才要分散平衡貿易依賴度。
最近常聽到人們談起有些戰鬥機繞台或軍艦繞台, 聲音中透露出不安, 所以我才發這篇文章。有人要秀肌肉就讓它秀, 因為他要秀給很多人看啊!又不是只show我們看!誰又會要一個被炸得稀巴爛而變得毫無價值的地方呢?
有人說, 數量多有何用, 東西太老了, 我說:能用最重要。誰又知道這飛彈總數量裡多少新多少舊?
重點:我們不是都在努力工作生活嗎?努力學習, 為了讓自己更好, 讓家人更好, 讓國家更好。EN只是希望提供些資訊讓不安的人們安心, 不是要討論戰爭跟軍事專業的啦!- EN
early warning radar 在 UEWR: Upgraded Early Warning Radar 的相關結果
The Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR) provides early detection and precise tracking of ballistic missiles. ... <看更多>
early warning radar 在 The most watchful eye - Early Warning Radar is a key ... 的相關結果
Early Warning Radar, or EWR, has been continually modernized to provide early detection and tracking of ballistic missiles, and distinguish ... ... <看更多>
early warning radar 在 Early-warning radar - Wikipedia 的相關結果
An early-warning radar is any radar system used primarily for the long-range detection of its targets, i.e., allowing defences to be alerted as early as ... ... <看更多>