暹羅連體嬰大體老師的解剖課、農曆七月的應景景點:曼谷死亡博物館 💀⚰️🏥
還記得費歐娜之前分享過的佛羅倫斯自然及動物史博物館 “La Specola” 嗎?之前的文章在這裡喔!https://www.facebook.com/fionaworldofgourmet/posts/1789379121077421 La Specola蒐藏了許多精密栩栩如生的人體解剖學蠟像,今天帶大家到的則是曼谷Siriraj Medical Museum,因蒐藏為數驚人連體嬰、成人、食人魔等大體以及臟器、四肢,又被稱為曼谷死亡博物館。
Siriraj Medical Museum 位於曼谷Shiraj醫院,七個展區三大博物館散落在院區大樓內外,如果你跟費歐娜一樣是人魔漢尼拔系列血腥暴力美學迷的話,其中的”Congdon Anatomical Museum 解剖學博物館”是到曼谷絕對不能錯過怪奇景點。
死亡博物館中其中還有一“Songkran Niyomsane Forensic Medicine Museum 法醫病理學博物館”,展出非自然因素死亡的人體及器官,其中泰國上世紀最令人聞之色變的連續食人魔“SI Quey” 木乃伊已在博物館展出了近半世紀。中國汕頭移民Si Quey在泰國50年代殺害了數名兒童,將被害人內臟心臟取出並烹煮來吃,據稱Si Quey認為吃兒童的心臟能強健身體,才多次犯下如此罪行,Si Quey被判死刑後屍體被當時Shiriraj醫院法醫學系主任Songkran Niyomsane要求解剖,並研究食人魔大腦🧠而後將福馬林注射在其血管中,將屍體保持乾燥並每隔兩年上蠟,防止黴菌滋生,成為木乃伊展示,向世人警告犯罪的下場,就是死後不得安寧。
來訪死亡博物館除了要懷有對死亡怪奇景點的好奇心外,更應該帶著尊敬的心來參觀,因爲在傳統的泰國佛教信仰下,逝者若無法保存身體完整,來世是會有身體殘缺的,大體的捐贈者為了醫學系學生能研究人體,就如同其中一具大體老師的展示說明牌上說的 “我生前是老師,希望我死後能繼續當老師。” 而人魔Si Quey的屍體,在展出了近半世紀後因道德輿論譴責,已在今年八月撤除,並聯絡親人安排後事。
如同電影“神鬼傳奇”中說的 “死亡只是開始”曼谷死亡博物館訴說著不只是死亡的故事,而是讓活著的我們對人類、人體、甚至是道德的探討有更深刻的了解。🙏🏼
P.S. 館內禁止攝影,費歐娜去的當天是農曆七月十五中元節👻我就心存敬意的只在館外入口處拍照,裡面太多令我瞠目結舌的解剖後大體尤其是超級多的嬰屍,文字無法交代,只有親自看到才能體會。
曼谷死亡博物館 Siriraj Medical Museum: 位於曼谷Siriraj 醫院,可搭渡輪到Thonburi Railway Station 站,步行四分鐘。
「forensic medicine museum」的推薦目錄:
- 關於forensic medicine museum 在 費歐娜的廚藝之旅- Fiona's world of gourmet Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於forensic medicine museum 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於forensic medicine museum 在 一個平凡醫學生的日常。 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於forensic medicine museum 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於forensic medicine museum 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於forensic medicine museum 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
forensic medicine museum 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最讚貼文
#前輩們常說一代不如一代可是時代是一直在進步的 😜
這次「壽而康:院藏醫藥圖書文物特展」其實很有趣,不但可以發現 #不同的醫學傳統對於身體的敘述及觀看方式大相逕庭,更可以從傳統中醫、日本醫學、佛教、道教、傳統法醫學等不同視角的身體論述,以及傳統中醫和近代日本醫學的穴位理論,發現上下兩千年間人們對身體的認識與不同醫療文化間的交流影響。
附圖是「透視身體」單元中所展出的【玄門脈訣內照圖】Xuanmen Maijue Neizhao Tu (Diagnosing and Treating Diseases through Viscera)
壽而康:院藏醫藥圖書文物特展(2019/03/27 ~ 06/30)
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 103, 104
Traditional Chinese Medical Texts on Life, Health and Longevity in the Collection of the National Palace Museum (27 MARCH 2019 ~ 30 JUNE 2019)
Gallery: 103, 104 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
Website: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/HealthandLongevity/en
会場:北部院区 第一展覧エリア 103,104
◎The Human Body in Perspective
Different medical traditions describe and understand the human body in vastly different ways. Chinese medicine holds that the human body is covered with acupuncture points that are joined in pathways transporting vital energy to the organs and the meridian system. As the acupuncture points correspond to internal organs, disorders of the organs and associated pain can be relieved by stimulating the points through insertion of needles or moxibustion therapy. Medical texts displayed in this section include Xuanmen Maijue Neizhao Tu (Methods of Diagnosing and Treating Diseases through Viscera), Wuzang Cidi Tu(Drawings of the Five Viscera), Qipo Wuzangjing (Jivaka's Five Viscera Classic), the Korean Dongui Bogam(Priceless Book about Medicines of an Eastern Country) and Xiyuanlu (Records of the Washing Away of Wrongs). Not only do they provide an overview of how traditional practitioners of Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist, Taoist and forensic medicine looked at the human body, but also set forth acupuncture theories from traditional Chinese medicine and modern Japanese medicine. Visitors to this section will get a glimpse into how people over the last two millennia have understood the human body, and how different medical cultures have cross-pollinated.
forensic medicine museum 在 一個平凡醫學生的日常。 Facebook 的最佳解答
30. Thus spoke the cadaver
某天在facebook看見有人轉載這篇詩。用字很美麗,可惜我找不到誰是作者。有寫此詩取自一本解剖書《BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy 6th edition》,我無從考證,姑且當是吧。
Handle me with little love and care
As I had missed it in my life affair
Was too poor for cremation or burial
That is why am lying in dissection hall
You dissect me, cut me, section me
But your learning anatomy should be precise
Worry not, you would not be taken to court
As I am happy to be with the bright lot
Couldn't dream of a fridge for cold water
Now my body parts are kept in refrigerator
Young students sit around me with friends
A few dissect, rest talk, about food, family and movies
How I enjoy the dissection periods
Don't you? Unless you're interrogated by a teacher
When my parts are buried post dissection
Bones are taken out for the skeleton
Skeleton is the crown glory of the museum
Now I'm being looked up by great enthusiasm
If not as skeletons as loose bones
I am in their bags and in their hostel rooms
At times, I am on their beds as well
Oh what a promotion to heaven from hell
I won't leave you, even if you pass anatomy
Would follow you in forensic medicine and pathology
Would be with you even in clinical teachings
Medicine line is one where dead teach the living
One humble request I'd make
Be sympathetic to persons with disease
Don't panic, you'll have enough money
And I bet, you'd be singularly happy
Body Donation Programme, The University of Hong Kong