#1. Hairpin ribozyme - Wikipedia
The hairpin ribozyme is a small section of RNA that can act as a ribozyme. Like the hammerhead ribozyme it is found in RNA satellites of plant viruses.
#2. Structure and function of the hairpin ribozyme - PubMed
由 MJ Fedor 著作 · 2000 · 被引用 290 次 — The hairpin ribozyme belongs to the family of small catalytic RNAs that cleave RNA substrates in a reversible reaction that generates 2' ...
#4. Pressure modulates the self-cleavage step of the hairpin ...
由 C Schuabb 著作 · 2017 · 被引用 18 次 — The hairpin ribozyme (HpRz) is one of the small nucleolytic ribozymes able to catalyse reversible sequence-specific cleavage by ...
#5. Active Site Labeling of G8 in the Hairpin Ribozyme - ACS ...
The hairpin ribozyme catalyzes sequence-specific cleavage of RNA through transesterification of the scissile phosphate. Vanadate has previously ...
#6. Identification of over 200-fold more hairpin ribozymes than ...
The hairpin ribozyme is generally represented as a large hairpin with internal loops that lack helices (Figure 1A).
#7. The Hairpin Ribozyme | SpringerLink
The minimum catalytic center of (-)s TRSV was identified, biochemically characterized and named the hairpin ribozyme (1, 2).
#8. A four-way junction accelerates hairpin ribozyme folding ...
The hairpin ribozyme is one of the nucleolytic ribozymes that bring about a site-specific cleavage of the RNA backbone by means of a transesterification ...
#9. Specificity of the Hairpin Ribozyme - Journal of Biological ...
Substrate sequence requirements of the hairpin ribozyme have been partially defined by both mutational and in vitro selection experiments.
#10. Hairpin Ribozyme - Proteopedia, life in 3D
The hairpin ribozyme is a member of a small family of RNA endonucleases that includes hammerhead, hepatitis delta, and Neurospora VS.
#11. Hairpin ribozyme mediated RNA recombination - RSC ...
We have engineered a hairpin ribozyme that in a two-step reaction supports RNA recombination by catalysing the cleavage of two non-functional RNA precursors ...
#12. 2P7D: A Minimal, 'Hinged' Hairpin Ribozyme Construct Solved ...
A Minimal, 'Hinged' Hairpin Ribozyme Construct Solved with Mimics of the Product Strands at 2.25 Angstroms Resolution.
#13. Characterization of Hairpin Ribozyme Reactions - Springer ...
Hairpin ribozymes are small RNA catalytic motifs naturally found in the satellite RNAs of tobacco ringspot virus (TRsV), chicory yellow mottle virus (CYMoV) ...
#14. The catalytic mechanism of the hairpin ribozyme - Portland ...
Evidence that hairpin ribozymes function in the absence of bivalent cation cofactors suggests that active site nucleobases might participate ...
#15. Tertiary structure formation in the hairpin ribozyme monitored ...
The complex formed by the hairpin ribozyme and its substrate consists of two independently folding domains which interact to form a catalytic structure.
#16. Intermolecular domain docking in the hairpin ribozyme
The hairpin ribozyme is a prototype small, self-cleaving RNA motif. It exists naturally as a four-way RNA junction containing two internal loops on ...
#17. The hairpin ribozyme: structure, assembly and catalysis Nils G ...
Recent studies of the hairpin ribozyme have revealed a distinct catalytic mechanism for this small RNA motif. Inner-sphere coordinated metal ions are not ...
#18. The hairpin ribozyme. The sequence of the ... - ResearchGate
Self-cleaving ribozymes are catalytic RNAs that cut themselves at a specific inter-nucleotide linkage. They serve as a model of RNA catalysis, and as an ...
#19. Nucleobase catalysis in the hairpin ribozyme - RNA Journal
Catalysis by the nucleolytic ribozymes · Do the hairpin and VS ribozymes share a common catalytic mechanism based on general acid-base catalysis? · Nucleobase- ...
#20. Mg2+-independent hairpin ribozyme catalysis in hydrated ...
The hairpin ribozyme catalyzes RNA cleavage in partially hydrated RNA films in the absence of added divalent cations. This reaction exhibits the ...
#21. QM/MM Studies of Hairpin Ribozyme Self-Cleavage Suggest ...
QM/MM Studies of Hairpin Ribozyme Self-Cleavage Suggest the Feasibility of Multiple Competing Reaction Mechanisms. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B.
#22. Active site labeling of G8 in the hairpin ribozyme - UBC ...
There is mounting evidence that suggests that general acid/base catalysis is operative in the hairpin ribozyme, with analogy to the protein enzyme RNaseA.
#23. Inhibition of Tissue Factor Gene Induction and Activity Using a ...
Hairpin ribozymes possess a secondary structure consisting of 4 helices and 5 loop ... Construction of the Hairpin Ribozyme and Optimization of Length.
#24. Investigation of the pK a of the nucleophilic O2' of the hairpin ...
Small ribozymes cleave their RNA phosphodiester backbone by catalyzing a transphosphorylation reaction wherein a specific O2' functions as ...
#25. Montmorillonite protection of an UV-irradiated hairpin ribozyme
Montmorillonite protection of an UV-irradiated hairpin ribozyme: evolution of the RNA world in a mineral environment.
#26. Kinetic Mechanism of the Hairpin Ribozyme
demonstrating that the hairpin ribozyme is an efficient. RNA ligase. On the other hand, substrate binding is very rapid (kon.
#27. Selection of targets and the most efficient hairpin ribozymes ...
within an mRNA and the most proficient hairpin ribozymes for cleaving them. ... combinatorial library of hairpin ribozyme sequences that.
#28. Mutagenesis of the hairpin ribozyme - Berkeley
performed on the hairpin ribozyme and substrate in an ... selection of active hairpin ribozymes by sequential RNA-catalyzed cleavage and ligation reactions ...
#29. Design of hairpin ribozyme variants with improved activity for ...
Application of ribozymes for knockdown of RNA targets requires the identification of suitable target sites according to the consensus sequence.
#30. Articles The Solvent-Protected Core of the Hairpin Ribozyme ...
the catalytic core of the active hairpin ribozyme-substrate complex. RNA molecules that serve important structural or catalytic.
#31. Short Technical Reports - Future Science
Hairpin Ribozyme by In. Vitro Selection for. Cleavage. BioTechniques 24:278-284 (February 1998). ABSTRACT. Random mutagenesis followed by an in.
#32. Evidence for the Role of Active Site Residues in the Hairpin ...
ABSTRACT: The hairpin ribozyme accelerates a phos- phoryl transfer reaction without catalytic participation of divalent metal ions.
#33. DNA aptamer-mediated regulation of the hairpin ribozyme by ...
Here we have generated hairpin ribozymes that can be regulated by a short DNA aptamer specific for human α-thrombin. This was.
#34. Design of the hairpin ribozyme for targeting specific RNA ...
The following steps should be taken when designing the hairpin ribozyme to cleave a specific target sequence: 1. Select a target sequence containing BN*GUC ...
#35. Ribozyme Chemistry: to be or not to be under high pressure
In this review, the chemistry of ribozymes and the in- fluence of pressure is described. In the case of the hairpin ribozyme, ...
#36. RNA Molecules: Hairpin Ribozyme
Description, Image, Downloads. Hairpin Ribozyme Front view. PDB · Document · Image · PyMOL Script. Hairpin Ribozyme Back view.
#37. Combinatorial Screening and Intracellular Antiviral Activity of ...
ABSTRACT A combinatorial screening method has been used to identify hairpin ribozymes that inhibit hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication in ...
#38. Biophysics of RNA Folding - 第 120 頁 - Google 圖書結果
7.2 Two-way junction hairpin ribozyme. (a) Secondary structure of the two-helix junction ribozyme. Orange: Substrate sequence. Orange arrow: cleavage site.
#39. File:Hairpin ribozyme.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
wikipedia. 2007-10-28 05:19 Mditzler 359×445× (43136 bytes) Diagram of the Hairpin ribozyme ...
#40. Ribozymes - YouTube
... 4) RNAse P – involved in tRNA processing 5) Hairpin ribozyme 6) Hammerhead ribozyme Follow my facebook page: Biochemistry with Karthi.
#41. RNA and DNA Diagnostics - 第 316 頁 - Google 圖書結果
All these small ribozymes perform a self-cleaving transesterification reaction, ... Here, we will focus on a detailed description of the hairpin ribozyme ...
#42. Biotechnology Annual Review - 第 227 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Secondary structure of a hairpin ribozyme. ... However, engineered hairpin ribozymes are often less active than the wild-type ribozyme [106,107], ...
#43. The Dictionary of Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics, ...
Hairpin ribozyme : occurring or synthetic self-splicing → A small, naturally ribozyme about 50–70 nucleotides in length that binds and cleaves a 14–18 ...
#44. Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis - 第 74 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Figure 5.6 Parallel-eye stereo view of the structure of the active site of the hairpin ribozyme site observed in the crystal structure of a ...
#45. RNA Structure and Folding: Biophysical Techniques and ...
5.7 The 4H junctions of the U1 snRNA and the hairpin ribozyme Comparative gel electrophoresis analysis of the 4H junction of U1 snRNA showed this junction ...
#46. RNA - 第 159 頁 - Google 圖書結果
A secondary structure had been proposed for the hairpin ribozyme (Figure 3). However, initial attempts at confirming this structure were limited by the ...
#47. Catalytic RNA - 第 322 頁 - Google 圖書結果
2.7 Multiple Anti-HIV Hairpin Ribozymes Given the plasticity of the HIV genome, however, most would agree that relying on only one ribozyme for protection, ...
#48. Ribozymes - Slideshare
The hairpin ribozyme is an RNA motif that catalyzes RNA processing reactions essential for replication of the satellite RNA molecules in which it is ...
#49. Gene and Cell Therapy: Therapeutic Mechanisms and ...
... blood and which were stably transduced with a hairpin ribozyme targeted at the 5′ leader sequence, resisted infection by a macrophage-tropic virus (90).
#50. Ribozymes RNA molecules that act as enzymes are called ...
33 Hairpin ribozyme The hairpin ribozyme of plant viruses is 50 nucleotides long, and can cleave itself internally, or, can cleave other RNA strands in a ...
#51. Ribozymes and Ribonuclease P | Cell Biology | JoVE
They are found in many pathogenic plant viruses and the hepatitis delta virus (HDV), a human pathogen. Hammerhead, hairpin, HDV and Varkud ...
#52. Figure 5 from Ribozyme structures and mechanisms.
Figure 5 Secondary structure of a minimal hairpin ribozyme construct. Conserved nucleotides within domains A and B are lettered.
hairpin ribozyme 在 Ribozymes - YouTube 的推薦與評價
... 4) RNAse P – involved in tRNA processing 5) Hairpin ribozyme 6) Hammerhead ribozyme Follow my facebook page: Biochemistry with Karthi. ... <看更多>