As the sun broke through the clouds
I could finally see
You reached out for my hand
And the moment set me free
There's so much I want to give
But so little to live
Let's make each moment last a lifetime
The joy you've givin me
A love so pure and true
It's making me hold on
There's so much I have to do
And with every breath I take
I will take one more just for you
Let's make each moment
Last a lifetime
Let's go home, to a perfect place in time
Always know, I love you
You and I
Will find our way, underneath the crimson sky
Walk with me
Let's go back to our sweet home
You're growing up so fast
The time slips through my hands
I'm so proud that you're my child
I want to make you understand
That even though life's bittersweet
You know I wouldn't change a thing
Let's make each moment last a lifetime
Let's go home, to a perfect place in time
Always know, I love you
You and I
Will find our way, underneath the crimson sky
Walk with me
Let's go back to our sweet home
And I see myself in you
With everything I do
My mother's smile, my father's eyes
Looking back at me
And now I'm looking back at you
Full circle of my life and I'm so thankful that it's you...
Let's go home, to a perfect place in time
Always know, I love you
You and I
Will find our way, underneath the crimson sky
Walk with me
Let's go back to our sweet home
Walk with me
Let's go back to our sweet home
・レオパレス21 CMシンガー(2013〜1年間)
・TBS「Momm!!」 優勝
・アニメ、劇場版「進撃の巨人 2nd Season」挿入歌
・KWC(カラオケ世界大会)2017 日本代表
・任天堂3DS「Girls Mode4」CV:青紫月子 楽曲担当
・テレビ朝日「音楽チャンプ 特別編 」優勝
Twitter: @rin_gemie
Instagram: @rin_gemie
Youtube: Rin Chan
Official Homepage:https://rin-gemie.amebaownd.com/
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