value 價值、價格、重要性 (n.) 給...估價、珍惜 (v.)
E.g. Those gift stores are known to set a high value on good presentation.
appreciate / cherish / thank / treasure / value 感激、珍惜 (v.)
E.g. They really cherished this opportunity to cooperate with us.
affluent / forehanded / moneyed / prosperous / wealthy 富有的、有財富的 (a.)
E.g. Now Andrew is affluent with the month’s wages.
現在Andrew 口袋有這個月的薪水,手頭寬裕許多。
costly / expensive / invaluable / precious / priceless / valuable 貴重的、珍貴的、無價的 (a.)
E.g. Cathy’s advice has been invaluable to the success of the project.
Cathy 的建議對這個工程的成功起了無價的作用。
abundant / bounteous / fertile / opulent / prolific / productive 多產的、豐饒的 (a.)
E.g. During the most productive time in my career, I wrote ten novels.
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put / lay / place importance on 強調、重視
E.g. You should put more importance on your academic performance due to the upcoming examination.
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The Secret Power Of Chinese Metaphysics
(English version below)
文 / 李佳勵 女士 Written By: Mdm Lee Jia Li
除了瘦身,我也是一個沒有偏財運的人。從小到大買過無數次的馬票,可是只中過一次$10。通過請玳瑚師父幫我看流年運程,我了解到我在近兩個禮拜會有中馬票的運。師父也指明我需要找一位某年份屬雞的朋友幫我買馬票,中獎的機會才會比較高。于是,我找了適合的朋友幫我買,而且真的在一個禮拜內,連續中了兩次多多博彩,這是從來沒有發生過的。師父有教導過,他不提倡賭博可是如果有這個運勢時不妨試試看, 中了獎後可以捐出一部分來積善德,也回饋於社會。因此我也聽師父的話,把一部分的獎金捐給慈善。
I have been skeptical about the effectiveness of Chinese Metaphysics since young, as my parents had never had a Feng Shui audit done and showed no interest in Chinese Metaphysics. However, after getting married and moving into our new house, my husband and I decided to engage a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner, due to the obvious decline of our family members' health and luck. However, the results were not satisfactory, which further added onto my doubts about Feng Shui and Metaphysics. This all changed after we met Master Dai Hu since 31st July this year.
My weight increased from 55kg to 64kg, within close to two years of marriage life. No matter what method I used to slim down, be it dieting, eating salad, no carbs during dinners and exercise etc, I was still unable to slim down. This made me very upset and demoralised. After engaging Master Dai Hu to help me with name change and bazi reading, I finally understood more about my own elements. From there, I also realised that based on an individual’s element, everyone have their best fit of food, fruits, drinks, exercise, down to microscopic details like whether one should have more/less intake of sweet, salty, bitter or spicy food.
According to Master Dai Hu, my Bazi reflects that I’d even gain weight just by drinking water. So consuming veggies and salads everyday will not help me to slim down at all. Eating the wrong food or doing the wrong exercise will also have a counter effect on my weight loss plan. With Master Dai Hu’s recommendations in mind, I changed my entire diet and exercise regime. With NO dieting, and maintaining 3 regular meals (with CARBS) a day, I was able to miraculously lose 4kg within 1 and a half month! Colleagues and friends noticed my loss in weight and complimented me, which made me very happy and even more motivated to continue following Master Dai Hu’s recommendation in my slimming journey.
I am also someone who doesn’t have any luck in lottery. Despite buying lottery since young, I have only won $10 in my entire life. However, after Master Dai Hu’s analysis of my yearly Bazi reading, he analysed that I will have luck in lottery within a specific 2-week period. He also further commented that I should seek the help of someone born in the year of rooster (a specific year especially), as that will boost my winning luck tremendously. I heeded his advice and within the week, I won Toto twice which is something that had never happened before. Master Dai Hu does not advocate gambling, but he feels that if one is destined to win, it’s okay to give it a try and to donate a portion of the winnings to charity to build good karma, and contribute back to the society. Hence I listened to him, and donated a portion of my winnings to charity.
I really appreciate Master Dai Hu for his help and teaching and also thank him for always spending his precious time teaching me, allowing me to understand myself more, knowing how to help myself improve my luck and at the same time build my understanding towards Chinese Metaphysics. I hope that for the readers reading my testimonial now, if you wish to understand or improve your fortune and luck, or maybe even if you wish to slim down by eating the right food, do not hesitate to engage Master Dai Hu for his services.
If fate permits, I am certain that you will be like me, being impressed with Master Dai Hu’s accuracy in his analysis and at the same time, grateful and respectful towards his magnanimous love and care to everyone.
i really appreciate your precious advice 在 夢想騎士 Facebook 的最佳解答
100 days, is a period of long time.
Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania.
We have been through expectation, excitement, frustration, depression, furiousness, sadness, happiness, satisfaction and various emotions during this period. Each abundant day let us feel that things happened in the morning is as happened yesterday; a month passed feels like it's been few months already.
I was born in an common family and would have hardly imagined to have such experience like this. Surpassing frame working method, seeing value beyond money and so on are really rare and precious. Compare with crossing national border, seeing the process of these changing lives is much more extensive which is always happen here.
I'm a little bit stubborn, so I work hard to this day; willing to strive on important values, so I became one of the Dream Lighters.
Still learning, still in need of self inspection, still here, face challenges and forward movement.
感謝我的父母,包容著在離開學生時代後才找到生命方向的我,謝謝你們陪著我一起成長;楊仁豪,以行動鼓勵我,讓我在這幾年能更加成熟;張添智,同為工作夥伴的你全力支持,讓我在每次困難時都能再站起來,是個好戰友;陳佳賢,謝謝你的訊息與卡片,真實的感受到支持;吳皇圻,謝謝你總是協助我成為接線生,讓我能聯繫重要的電話;賴小賴,謝謝妳的訊息關心,讓我感到溫暖與充電;黃怡媜,每每想起每年妳來教課,都感動這樣的彼此相愛;Chan Cheng,喜歡一起討論未來的方向,以及共同成長的感覺;林俊宏,知道你一直都在,讓我更願意去支持他人與付出。
Appreciate my parents, tolerant my late of finding the right direction. Thank you for accompanying me growing up. 楊仁豪 has been encouraging me being mature all these years; 張添智, as a partner and companion, your full support pulls myself together; 陳佳賢, thank you for the messages and cards which truly support me; 吳皇圻, thank you for always being my operator to help me get important calls; 小賴, thank you for your consideration which warms me and gives me energy; 黃怡媜, every time I think of you teaching for us in every year, I am always moved by our love for each other; 展展, I like our discussion for the future and we move forward together; 俊宏哥, I know you are always here which encourage me to give out myself and support others more.
We have postponed a little time from the world, carrying our backpacks, walking behind Taiwan. In the near future, we will be back from Europe 8000km away and proceed with Taiwan. Special thanks for 全人發展與性別平等協會 of being our backing between jet lag, providing honest and appropriate advice which strengthen our steps and light our hope in darkness.
騎士到我家第十一集 >>
主辦單位:夢想騎士計畫 / 社團法人I-LIFE國際行動協會
協辦單位:財團法人勵馨事業福利基金會 / 社團法人台灣全人發展與性別平等協會