✨January 2020✨
We’re very pleased to share exciting news. Hsin-Chein Huang, Taiwan new media artist who also the Fulbright grantee of 2020 is bring a touring exhibition from North America to Taiwan, Singapore and Austria. It includes the Best Virtual Reality Experience award-winning work, Chalk room and the latest creation, Bodyless and To the Moon recently presented at the American Museum of Natural History. For full details of his international tour of the exhibition, please visit his website: www.storynest.com.
[登月 To the Moon]
📍皇家安大略博物館 (Royal Ontario Museum)
地點🔎100 Queen’s Park, Toronto,
ON M5S 2C6
[登月 To the Moon]
📍MASS MoCA (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art)
展覽時間🔎從12/21 10am~17pm,每週二休館
地點🔎1040 MASS MoCA Way North Adams,MA 01247
[登月 To the Moon]
特展Under The Radar Festival
📍 紐約曼哈頓公共劇院The Public Theater
地點🔎425 Lafayette Street(at Astor Place)New York, NY 10003
[失身記 Bodyless]
特展Cadavre exquis
📍 PHI centre
地點🔎407 Rue Saint-Pierre, Montréal, QC H2Y 2M3, Canada.
[失身記 Bodyless]
📍高雄電影節 *VR 體感劇院
地點🔎VR體感劇院 — 360影廳(高雄市鹽埕區大義街駁二大義區C9倉庫)
地點🔎 106台北市大安區麗水街33巷21-1號
新加坡雙年展 Every Step in the Right Direction
📍 SMU de Suantio Gallery
地點🔎 Administration Building
Singapore Management University
81 Victoria Street
[登月To the Moon]
特展 Our Moon. Longing, Art and Science
📍 奧地利維也納自然史博物館 (NHM)
地點🔎Burgring 7, 1010 Wien, Austria
「international art museum of america」的推薦目錄:
international art museum of america 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的精選貼文
OHNY Weekend 活動名單已經出爐,NYDeTour就按照需要預約和不需要預約兩個類別來推薦一些我個人覺得還不錯的活動。當然還是看大家自己的興趣囉~ :)
今年參觀私人公司的項目變少了,共用廚房,都市農場概念的選項增多。還有Google Inc應該會秒殺!XD
*Reservation Required (10/07 Wed, 11am開始)*
-Arup Mobile SoundLab at the Architecture & Design Film Festival @ Bow Tie Chelsea Cinemas (三度空間聲光視覺體驗)
-Brooklyn Brewery (紐約最具規模的精釀啤酒廠)
-Food Factory Friday (一系列在星期五舉行食品工廠參觀活動)
-Google Inc. — Design & Workplace Tour (Google!!! Enough said!)
-Kings County Distillery (紐約最老的釀酒廠)
-Mercedes House (S-形階梯式建築)
-New York by Gehry (Frank Gehry紐約代表作)
-Roof Explorer's Guide (FiDi建築探索)
-Time Hotel (時報廣場今年重新裝修過的旅館)
-Urban Post-Disaster Housing Prototype (重大災難後臨時組合屋介紹)
-Whitney Museum of American Art (可以順便看惠特尼美術館新展覽)
*Open Access*
-Bronx CookSpace at Urban Horizons. (Co-working space的概念)
-Brooklyn Army Terminal (貓王當年從軍搭船到德國的出發地)
-Brooklyn Glass (傳統玻璃工廠)
-Brooklyn Grange (全世界最大土栽屋頂農場)
-Brooklyn Historical Society (小而精美的圖書館和建築)
-Brooklyn Navy Yard Center at BLDG 92 (許多很棒的studios都在這裡)
-City Hall
-Eldridge Street Synagogue (藏身在Chinatown美麗的猶太教堂)
-Entrepreneur Space Kitchen Incubator (Co-working space的概念)
-Hana Kitchens (co-working kitchen似乎是個new trend!)
-Jefferson Market Library (Greenwich Village地標。人多)
-LIC Community Boathouse (可以在East River上划船)
-Nord Anglia International School (有趣的教室是內設計)
-Textile Arts Center, Brooklyn (紡織工作室)
-TWA Flight Center (最後一次可以參觀的機會
-Ukrainian Institute of America (烏克蘭大使館,富麗堂皇的建築與室內)