高第Antoni Gaudí把聖家堂 La Sagrada Família 設計成『加泰隆尼亞現代主義風格』聖經故事雕刻在教堂外觀上。而內殿樸實宛如一座白色森林🌲柱子是樹幹,拱頂為樹葉,藉著開枝散葉的樹枝撐起整座空間,中間穿插著花朵的圖案。核心空間設計貫徹「大自然即是結構」的原理。
陽光穿透彩繪玻璃,將五彩的光影投映在乳白大理石牆上,光線讓整個巨大的建築富有生命力!完全符合聖經『神就是愛,神就是光』的理念。教堂的設計象徵『光線&大自然&生命』緊密結合❤️如此壯觀的景象攘我覺得人類好渺小,教堂裡當時Ave Maria(聖母頌)悠揚響起,令人沈醉其中!樸實與華麗同時出現在這幢巨作裡~除了震撼仍是震撼啊!
The Sagrada Familia church was designed by Antoni Gaudí. He was inspired by nature, light and colours. Outside of the building, the various architectural sculptures are originally Christian symbols, taken from the Holy Bible. Each of the 18 towers has a special meaning. The 12 towers on the 3 façades represent the 12 Apostles, the middle tower is the symbol for Jesus Christ, and around it are four towers representing the Gospels. Finally, the lower tower is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Inside the church, Gaudí planned a harmonious lighting for the visitors to self-contemplate. All the columns are symbolising wood and forest. When daylight comes through the colourful glasses into the church, it creates a wonderful atmosphere for introspection. Gaudí was a genius - his church is such a breathtaking architecture! #西班牙 #巴賽隆納 #加泰隆尼亞 #伊比利亞半島 #旅遊日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Spain #Barcelona #Catalonia #IberianPeninsula #trip #KaidongWithKat