✨✨All about My Pistachio Kitchenaid✨✨
其實由資料搜集直至購買KA,我也做了不少功課才決定入手。要和每個人單獨詳談這個決定的背後心路歷程,簡直是mission impossible。所以暗暗決定考完試後,慢慢地寫一篇關於它的小文章,將大家問過我的問題都集合起來,好讓有興趣的大家多一個參考。
因為超濃厚的情意結(笑)我從留學時期已在David Jones摸了Kitchenaid好幾年,可惜一直未能擁有。所以到我真的需要購買廚師機的時候,已經不作他選。所以,我沒有做過市面上的廚師機比較的。
我比較建議烘焙新手先買一架電動hand mixer,比較好用的Bosch也是幾百元便買到,和動輒幾千元的廚師機比較,感覺比較不肉痛。做到真正有興趣,而且感受到hand mixer的局限才升級買stand mixer,到時你會比較知道自己的烘焙習慣,做的選擇會比較明智。
而且不用擔心hand mixer會因為將來升級至廚師機而被淘汰。因為有時打發極少份量的材料,stand mixer反而是做不到的,還是要用回hand mixer。我考試的時候,為了能夠加速和安心,反而要帶私伙hand mixer回校應考。
我不是焗麵包達人,所以答案可能不太準確,只能從我有限的經驗回答了。打250g麵粉的麵團,用低速(speed 2)揉打的話,Kitchenaid其實也頗勝任,而且不會有坊間的跳樓問題發生。
由於在學校學習時,即使有大馬力的Kenwood廚師機, Chef都是要求要用低速慢慢揉打麵團,用中速已經會捱罵。所以我從沒試過用中高速打麵團,不知情況如何了。
Kitchenaid廚師機有兩款設計的,計有抬頭式(tilt head)和抬碗式(bowl lift)兩類。bowl lift的一類是比較大部和更大馬力,最少的打發量也非常非常多,是屬於專業級別。而我們最常見的Artisan和mini,都是屬於tilt head類別,比較適合一般家庭使用,於是我是集中研究tilt head的model。
機身摩打是250watt,跟機的mixing bowl容量是3.3L。跟機配件有wire whisk, Flat beater和dough hook。機身雖然細小,但所有artisan 的延伸attachments都可以使用。合共有11種顏色選擇。
🌿Artisan 150:
這是香港行貨的型號。機身摩打是325W,跟機的mixing bowl容量是4.8L。跟機配件和mini一樣,有wire whisk, Flat beater和dough hook,更多了一個pouring shield。
🌿Artisan 175:
這是Kitchenaid新推出的型號,是用來慢慢replace Artisan 150的,不過香港行貨還沒出現。雖然機身摩打是300W,不過跟機配件則齊全好多。計有wire whisk, dough hook, Flat beater, flex edge beater和pouring shield外,跟機更有4.8L mixing bowl和3L mixing bowl兩個。
🍄至於買mini還是artisan,我當日也做了一番掙扎。因為我做的份量不多,但又怕買了mini最後不夠用而要換機就極浪費金錢。後來發現最新型號的Artisan 175有一大一小mixing bowl附送,就等於一部機除了打發正常份量,亦可同時打發mini版的小份量,於是毫無懸念選擇它了。
香港的零售點,可在Citysuper/豐澤/J select找到Kitchenaid。不過顏色選擇和價錢要個別去查詢。
其實我的cooking school - towngas也有向供應商代訂kitchenaid服務,同學說有四個顏色選擇。不過不知道不是學生的話能不能代訂,有興趣的話可向職員查詢一下。
我的Pistachio Kitchenaid,其實是從Harrods訂回來的英國水貨。不用火牛不用轉插就可直接使用,只是沒有了行貨的五年保養。
雖然Kitchenaid如此重疊疊,但到harrods購買的話,除了可扣減UK Tax約HKD$1000外,直接寄到香港家中只需hkd$272。我的廚師機最後入手價大約HKD$5700。不是最便宜的選擇,但勝在有我朝思暮想的顏色,還有超齊全的配件,加上不用周圍找香港零售商訂貨,在網上按幾下按鈕就買到,方便得叫人無法抗拒。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過92萬的網紅ochikeron,也在其Youtube影片中提到,♥My COOKBOOK available WORLDWIDE レシピ本もよろしくね♥ http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4046014822/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=247&creative=7399&creativeASIN...
「lift stand mixer」的推薦目錄:
lift stand mixer 在 ochikeron Youtube 的最佳解答
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A macaron is a sweet meringue-based French confectionery. It is crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside.
This is the basic macaron recipe with the basic buttercream filling ;) You can customize with any color and flavor.
I hope you like my panda idea ;)
How to Make Panda Macaron
Difficulty: Patience
Time: 3hours
Number of servings: 10 large macarons
Necessary Equipment:
electric mixer
pastry bag with a 3/8-inch round tip
((Macaron Shells))
55g (2oz.) egg whites
50g (1.8oz.) granulated sugar
60g (2.1oz.) ground almonds (without skin)
80g (2.8oz.) powdered sugar (confectioner's sugar)
((Buttercream Filling))
2 egg yolks
40g (1.4oz.) granulated sugar
100g (3.5oz.) unsalted butter *room temperature
vanilla extract
brown and pink chocolate pens
((Macaron Shells))
1. To draw panda face, you want to make large macarons. So, draw about an inch and a half wide circles (leaving about 2 inches between) on a piece of paper. To make perfect uniform circles, you wanted to place it under the parchment paper to trace. You can search for the template online.
2. Measure the egg whites in a large bowl, and keep in the fridge (to make them easier to whip). Sift in ground almonds and powdered sugar in a large bowl, then keep in the fridge (to let them stay dry).
3. Meringue: Whip egg whites with an electric mixer until foamy. Gradually add granulated sugar 1/3 at a time, then continue to whip until stiff glossy peaks form when you lift the beaters.
4. Add the meringue into the dry ingredients, and mix with a silicone spatula until just incorporated.
5. Macaronnage: Punch down the spatula into the batter, then scrape batter from the sides to the center, and punch again. Repeat this for 10 or more times (depending on your arm strength) until the batter slowly and continuously drips back into the bowl like a ribbon when you scoop it up with the spatula.
6. Line baking sheets with parchment paper, place the template under the parchment paper. Fit a pastry bag with a 3/8-inch round tip, and fill with batter. Pipe out the batter in the circles (the batter will spread a little, so keep it smaller). Tap bottom of each baking sheet (or slam on the counter) to release any air bubbles in macarons.
7. Let stand at room temperature until dry, and a skin forms on the tops, for about 30 minutes or more. Make sure the batter will not stick to your finger.
8. Preheat the oven to 150C (302F). Bake for 14-15 minutes. Let the macarons cool completely on the baking sheet.
((Buttercream Filling))
1. Beat the egg yolks and sugar until they turn a lemon-yellow color and thick.
2. Add the butter and mix well. Then add vanilla extract to taste.
3. Pour the buttercream into a pastry bag.
1. Pipe about 1 teaspoon buttercream on to the middle of one shell, then gently place another shell on top.
2. Set the chocolate pens in a cup of hot water for a few minutes. Cut the tip of the chocolate pens and draw panda faces on the macarons.
Rest the filled macarons for a day before eating them. You can store them in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Music by
Josh Woodward
The Gloaming
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