"Milk tea and scone" 2015/10/10
In UK, most people like having a cup of milk tea, you can enjoy it anytime anywhere just you want. Otherwise, you may have a dessert, like muffin, cup cake or scone.
The milk is quite cheap here, only 1 pound could buy 2 littre generally. In addition, dessert is easy to get and bargain , you can find in Tesco, M&S and the other market or food shop. I bought in Tesco, 8 for 1 pound. TWINGS would be a good choice when you need the tea bag, I bought this with envelopes for only 2 pounds but have discount. On the other hand, you can choose cheaper one, 100 tea bag for only 4.75 pounds without envelopes.
Many people can bake a little here, even they don't know cooking, but they can make some biscuits or simple cake. When the weather is nice, people may have a picnic on green grass, like we did today.
在英國,大部分的人都很喜歡喝茶,尤其是鮮奶茶,因為鮮奶很便宜,所以一般的奶茶都不是用奶精,鮮奶2000ml左右只要1磅,在各大超市都是差不多的價錢,但根據不同品質也會有價格的不同。茶包也是相當便宜,以英國的經典品牌Twings 來說,若裸包茶包,100包大約5磅不到,50包只要3磅,若是要買有包裝的會稍微貴一點,但沒特價也不會超過3磅,因此在這裡喝鮮奶茶真的是一大享受,喜歡喝鮮奶茶的人來這裡就對了!