因為美國眼科醫學會AAO提到的文章中,Claudia Núñez-Álvarez等人的團隊研究的主題(參考4)和其他篇不太相同,多了一個「藍光」這個滿多人一看到就會緊張起來的主題,所以我們另外拉出來看。
研究中分成照射藍光組(465–475 nm, 800 lux, 26 W/m2)、紅光組(625–635 nm, 950 lux, 6.5 W/m2)、藍-紅光混合組,照射期為6周。實際上分組包含控制組,共有5或6組,論文裡記錄的很詳細,包含培養時各種物質的濃度,有需要了解更多的話還是建議閱讀原文,這個不是8眼編的專業,所以就不多述了。
1. Reena Mukamal, 《Does Red Light Protect Aging Eyes?》
2. Ivayla I. Geneva, 《Photobiomodulation for the treatment of retinal diseases: a review》, Int J Ophthalmol, Vol. 9, No. 1 Jan. 18, 2016.
3. Chrishne Sivapathasuntharam, Sobha Sivaprasad , Christopher Hogg , Glen Jeffery ,《Aging retinal function is improved by near infrared light (670 nm) that is associated with corrected mitochondrial decline》, Neurobiology of Aging 52 (2017) 66-70.
4. Claudia Núñez-Álvarez , Carlota Suárez-Barrio , Susana Del Olmo Aguado , Neville N Osborne, 《Blue light negatively affects the survival of ARPE19 cells through an action on their mitochondria and blunted by red light, Acta Ophthalmol》. 2019 Feb;97(1):e103-e115.
5. Harpreet Shinhmar, Manjot Grewal, Sobha Sivaprasad, Chris Hogg, Victor Chong, Magella Neveu, and Glen Jeffery, 《Optically Improved Mitochondrial Function Redeems Aged Human Visual Decline》, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2020, Vol. 75, No. 9.
6. Eells J. T.. 《Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Aging Retina》. 2019 May. Biology, 8(2), 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology8020031
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紅外線治療、低劑量雷射治療low level laser therapy,或是光生物調節Photobiomodulation (PBM),美國眼科醫學會引用的4篇論文所討論的紅光或近紅外線波長為625nm~1000nm(nanometers,奈米),所以這次只會就文章中的資料討論,不會討論到波長更長的紅外線。
其實紅光的運用歷史悠久,1903諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎的得主芬森N. R. Finsen使用紅光治療普通狼瘡,可以說是為紅光的醫療利用開啟新局。有趣的是,真正可實用的研究是在1960年代出現的,研究者想要用雷射在實驗鼠身上誘發皮膚癌,但卻發現使用的694奈米波長的雷射反而使實驗鼠身上被剃掉的毛快速生長,因為實驗設計有「不照射雷射」的對照組,正好比較兩者之間的差異。
可以從參考2的回顧中了解,紅光/近紅外光對眼睛細胞層面的作用,主要發生在粒線體中如細胞色素C氧化酶Cytochrome C oxidase、一氧化氮NO的變化,使細胞內的代謝速率增加(文獻3,5的內容也是在論述關於如何改善粒線體功能降低老化的發炎反應與增加ATP的供應)。另外也會抑制穆勒氏細胞Müller’s cells產生會影響感光細胞代謝的自由基。以上由細胞或動物實驗-老鼠來驗證。
因此,回顧中眼科的紅光/近紅外光(以下稱FR/NIR)主要研究的適用症就是與RPE相關的眼底疾病,例如:年齡/老年相關性黃斑部病變(Age-related Macular Degeneration, AMD)、糖尿病視網膜病變(Diabetic Retinopathy, DR)、早產兒視網膜變性(Retinopathy of prematurity, ROP)、視網膜色素變性/色素性視網膜炎(Retinitis Pigmentosa, RP)、還有視網膜的甲醛毒性問題(Methanol toxicity in the retina),這些都與RPE是否健康有活力來維持感光細胞正常代謝有關。當然可能還有其他未提及的視網膜病症或是眼部其他病症。
另外,參考2中也提及,年齡相關性黃斑部病變、糖尿病視網膜病變、弱視Amblyopia (包含屈光不正Ametropia或斜視Strabismus造成的)、視網膜色素變性Retinitis Pigmantosa已經有臨床研究。根據論文分享的內容,在多數的結果中,都是呈現改善的傾向。但除了,糖尿病視網膜病變的研究有說明是「閉眼」情況下照射治療,其他研究並沒有提及照射光線時是閉眼或張眼。(再次提醒,雖然已經有臨床實驗,但這樣的治療是還沒有被任何主管單位批准為常態性治療使用,目前甚至沒有標準的照射時間、照射劑量、甚至光線波長。請勿在他人或自己身上執行照射。)
1. Reena Mukamal, 《Does Red Light Protect Aging Eyes?》
2. Ivayla I. Geneva, 《Photobiomodulation for the treatment of retinal diseases: a review》, Int J Ophthalmol, Vol. 9, No. 1 Jan. 18, 2016.
3. Chrishne Sivapathasuntharam, Sobha Sivaprasad , Christopher Hogg , Glen Jeffery ,《Aging retinal function is improved by near infrared light (670 nm) that is associated with corrected mitochondrial decline》, Neurobiology of Aging 52 (2017) 66-70.
4. Claudia Núñez-Álvarez , Carlota Suárez-Barrio , Susana Del Olmo Aguado , Neville N Osborne, 《Blue light negatively affects the survival of ARPE19 cells through an action on their mitochondria and blunted by red light, Acta Ophthalmol》. 2019 Feb;97(1):e103-e115.
5. Harpreet Shinhmar, Manjot Grewal, Sobha Sivaprasad, Chris Hogg, Victor Chong, Magella Neveu, and Glen Jeffery, 《Optically Improved Mitochondrial Function Redeems Aged Human Visual Decline》, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2020, Vol. 75, No. 9.
6. Eells J. T.. 《Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Aging Retina》. 2019 May. Biology, 8(2), 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology8020031
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Understanding clinical signs of poor tissue perfusion during septic shock
Acute circulatory failure associated with infection, referred to as septic shock, is characterized by an inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation relative to metabolic requirements. This imbalance between delivery and tissue uptake is mainly due to altered microvascular blood flow regulation as a result of dysregulated and/or injured endothelial cells. Endothelial dysfunction is presumably induced by pathogenic bacterial products, inflammatory mediators, and reactive oxygen species produced by activated leukocytes [1]. Cellular and in fine tissue damages are related to ischemia and also to additional mechanisms that are out of the scope of this review such as mitochondria dysfunction. Direct microcirculation visualization using capillaroscopy has highlighted the heterogeneity of organ perfusion and the discrepancy between the overall hemodynamic status and local blood flow during sepsis [2]. In other words, in the presence of normal macro-hemodynamic, there may be regions of inadequate perfusion, underscoring the assessment of regional perfusion and oxygen delivery at the organ level [3]. Regional tissue perfusion has been investigated in different compartments such as the sublingual area or gastric mucosa using different devices, but in this mini-review, we will focus on skin peripheral perfusion, immediately available at the bedside.