1. 咩公司來?明顯特登我唔畀英文名你睇,如果見到個中文譯名嘅,大約估到。速匯金嘛,怕且都係匯款公司。睇埋英文士篤曲,MGI,應該有機會估到係Money Gram
2. 實情我都匯過錢(匯去台灣咪試過),但只經銀行。我連街邊啲乜氏兄弟都冇幫襯過(唱人仔現水就有嘅)。完全唔知Money Gram點玩
3. 對了,無啦啦咁升,首先你都估到,畀人收購啦。買佢嘅,正係更大嘅Western Union,西聯匯款。曾經去旅行周圍都見。傳聞啫,未有細節
4. 我畀呢張圖你睇,就梗係靚啦。破晒頂喎。不過叻嘅,留意下時間軸。如果我拉一年,已經唔同,隻嘢舊年9月有6蚊
5. 但呢度都未係最精彩,睇長少少?2017年,18蚊。
6. 再睇長啲?金融海嘯前,隻嘢係……300蚊!而家得返3蚊。醫返都嘥藥費,or not?(話時話,招緊股隻網易,2000年上市係3蚊,而家係400蚊美金)
7. 但凡呢啲畸屎,都唔使講。梗係賺唔到錢。股票反唔反映盈利或基本因素,睇你點理解,但長期個圖斜上去嘅,絶大多數都係越賺越多。好似Money Gram咁,300跌到3蚊嘅,唔使審都知係蝕錢多過賺。但我當然有睇過,近年的確蝕錢居多。原因?科技先進吧。呢啲以前因為匯款又難又煩,收你好重手續費。而家好多網上搞嘅,都相當簡單了。仲唔使養住一班人或租個舖位。
8. 仲有多個重點,睇下個市值?2億美金。仲係升咗之後。未升前係億幾美金。「殼價」都唔值。
9. 但即係,就算一張廁紙、一條底褲,都有佢本身嘅用處。其實原本Money Gram有人買。但買家係大陸公司,螞蟻金服,阿里巴巴嘅東西。當然就唔批了,說好了的自由市場。
10. 而家買嘅,正係Western Union西聯。其實係一哥吞二哥,又睇下有冇人出嚟話反競爭先。喂,你計正常孖劇些呀,一哥食二哥,點會唔反競爭?但你計埋啲 Fintech firm,又唔同嘅計法。所以之前寫文都講過,呢啲反競爭法,只係益咗啲官,顧問公司(前官),同埋律師。係rent seeking嘅完美示範.Market segment根本任你劃
11. 講返,最大嘅,Western Union西聯。你見一出呢單傳聞,西聯股價都升10%!「咁就已經證明係反競爭」。
12. Western Union,市值當然就大好多,近100億美金。近年都賺到錢,浮浮沉沉咁,好景時咪十億八億美金,差嗰時兩三億甚至輸錢都試過。股價,都係差不多咁,浮浮沉沉。
13. 對於呢類刁,分析員有個名詞,就叫做兩個醉酒佬互相扶持。實情成個行業仲有冇得做架呢?係咪應該會畀科技淘汰?
課程編號填: CC01
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同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過114萬的網紅YEWON TV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,준법감시 심사필 제 2021-10154-01호 "동영상 내 송금상품 수수료는 2020년12월말 기준으로 변동될 수 있습니다" Ngân hàng shinhan bank tại Việt Nam https://www.facebook.com/112206900128567/ C...
money gram 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最讚貼文
Sedikit ilmu tentang emas
Sebenarnya ramai lagi yang masih cetek tentang hukum hakam dalam jual beli emas.
Tau tak apa hukum Trade in Emas dengan Emas??
...Continue ReadingA little knowledge about gold
Actually there are many people who are still shallow about the law of hakam in selling gold.
Do you know what is the law of trade in gold with gold??
Do you notice when we want to trade in at the shop,
We will give our gold,
Staff weigh and give that price.
Then the staff asked us to choose the new gold that we want. Then need to add money.
Do you know, the extra money we add is a lap?
Yes lap friends. The way to trade in that does not follow the law is illegal in the side of Islam.
How is the legal trade in the side of Islam?
The way,
We have to sell our jewelry first, then after getting money, after akad like, then we will buy new.
The transaction must be taqabud fil the thing is happening at a time.
The condition we must hold first the money we sell / reject the jewelry.
Unless the weight and value of gold with gold just now are the same.
Without having to happen the addition of money and others.
Then the law is legal.
But how could it be??
The Price of gold is also different day to day.
So the most safe way to avoid usury is to sell first,
Hold the money and then buy the new gold.
In fun we sell and buy gold,
There are laws that need to be taken care of.
Have to be careful in selling gold.
In order for the law to be maintained, savings are preserved
The same situation we trade in gold online also need to transfer pay first then then deal back to buy another gold
More answers to the old gold 'trade in' with new gold.
Clearly according to the law debate that the ' trade in ' old gold with the new one or the old gold jewelry with the new one must follow the law discussed above, which is according to the majority of ulama every jewelry is still considered gold and not shil ' ah, then when someone wants it Change it with another gold jewelry. It must have two conditions without khilaf (can refer to various books between al-Muamalat Al-Maliah Al-MU ' Asiroh by Prof Dr Ali Salus, PP 180; Al-BUYU ' Al-SYA ' Iah by Dr Tawfiq Al-good And others), that is:
I) mutamathilan - must be as heavy as scale. While the gold standard (' iyar) 20 or 21 or 24 doesn't give any effect. It is based on the hadith that mentioned about the Tamar Khaybar (which is bad or bad) which is transformed with the Tamar Hadith (which is good) which it must follow the same weight despite the different quality. This Hadith High Al-Bukhari in the book of al-Kahf ', no. 4553. If not the lap of al-Kahf will happen.
II) MUST 'taqabud fil matters aw fil ceremony' (given and accept in a time) - because it is subject to the law of sarf (currency exchange with currency), then it is not allowed to to the time of submission. Thus, we must give up the old gold, and then the seller gave up the same new gold that was heavy at that time too. If not, nasiah's lap will happen.
Maybe some will ask, so if we want to do 'trade in' with a new gold that is more expensive?? How do we pay extra that price?
Answer: it's the same as the case in Hadith Tamar Khaybar and hadith just now. The answer given by Rasulullah saw is: "Perfect, take the price and then buy it again with your money just now"
Clearly, the way: must be someone who wants to do 'trade in'. Selling first to the gold shopkeeper, then it must take the price of the old chain price, for example the price of our old gold chain is RM 2000 and the weight is 200 Gram, when we want to trade in with the precious chain of rm2500, then we must sell it first , after we hold the money money then we choose a new chain and then add with rm 500, then the buyer pays to the shopkeeper then pick up the new chain.
It is possible if this kind of transaction is made in Malaysia, it will look strange. That's how it's safe from the lap.
From Abu Sa 'id Al Khudri, Prophet shallallahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
Gold in gold and silver in silver and land with barley with barley and dates and salt with salt, for example with hand in hand, whoever increased or increased, he raised the take and given in it whether
" if gold is sold with gold, silver is sold with silver, wheat is sold with wheat, I 'IR ( one of the types of wheat ) sold with sya' IR, dates sold with dates, and salt sold with salt, then amount (measure or scale) Must be the same and paid cash (cash). Whoever adds or asks for additional, then he has done usury. The person who took the addition and the one who gave him together was in sin " (hr. Muslim no. 1584).
In the hadith above, we can understand two things:
1. If a kind of item is exchanged, like gold for gold or grain with wheat, then there are two conditions that must be filled with cash and like in measure or scales.
2. If the item is still one ' illah or one group is exchanged, then one condition that must be filled with cash, although in measure or scales one of them is excessive.
Credit: Mrs Tengku Mila
Want to make your business viral? Now opening the lowest package ad only rm30. Ads can choose your own date and time. Whatsapp Admin: http://bit.ly/2FFyZuGTranslated
money gram 在 Wander With Ola Facebook 的最佳貼文
(20-secs read | English translation below)
Dikatakan bahwa millenial gegabah dalam mengatur keuangan, dan cenderung memiliki mentalitas "memanjakan diri", bahkan saat hal tersebut menjadikan mereka harus berhutang, yang - berdasarkan banyak laporan - membuat mereka 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐦 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧.😢🙈
Menurut kamu bener nggak?
Sedih banget saat melihat orang yang merasa perlu menghabiskan semua uang mereka (atau bahkan uang yang nggak mereka miliki) untuk membeli barang-barang atau perjalanan yang sebenarnya nggak mampu mereka bayar, hanya untuk status sosial.
Bukankah lebih baik kita menginvestasikan uang pada instrumen yang dapat membawa kita lebih dekat ke tujuan finansial kita, seperti 𝐒𝐁𝐑 (𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥) 𝟎𝟎𝟗?
Bukan hanya aman (karena dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah), berinvestasi dalam SBR 009 berarti kita mengambil bagian aktif dalam pembangunan nasional loh!👍🏻
Wujudkan resolusi, hal baik menanti.😊
It was said that millenials are reckless with their money. They tend to have “treat themselves” mentality, even when it means taking on debts, which - based on lots of reports - making them 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. 😢🙈
Can you relate?
It’s heartbreaking to see some people feel the need to spend all of their money (or even the money they don’t have) to buy things or travel they actually can’t afford, just for the “gram” or social status.
Isn’t it better to invest the money on the instrument that can take you closer to your financial goals, like 𝐒𝐁𝐑 (𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥) 𝟎𝟎𝟗?
Not only it’s a safe one (issued by the government), investing in SBR 009 means that you take an active part in building the nation. 👍🏻
Let’s make our financial goals come true!🔥
#tipkeuangan #keuangan #finansial #reksadana #beachlife #sandandsea #seabreeze #beachphotohgraphy #wonderfulindonesia #lightroompresets #visitindonesia #pesonaindonesia #kompasnusantara #indotraveller #backpackerindonesia #earthofficial #baliindonesia #thewanderingtou
money gram 在 YEWON TV Youtube 的精選貼文
준법감시 심사필 제 2021-10154-01호
"동영상 내 송금상품 수수료는 2020년12월말 기준으로 변동될 수 있습니다"
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money gram 在 Einstein Majanil Youtube 的精選貼文
This was a lazy project, so there's nothing much to say about it. I released it anyway, so enjoy I guess?
Lyrics :
She don't want no love,
She don't wan no,
She don't want no love,
All she want is the paper,
Watch her stack em up,
She don't care bout no hater,
Hundred dollar bills,
She aint playin with the ones,
Livin for the thrill,
nicotine in her lungs,
Everybody knows what she's up to,
She don't really love you,
Stepping on you with her Jimmy Choo,
Private when she had to flew,
Ya yuh,
Always had a silver spoon,
Never really had to choose,
Never had to choose.
[Pre Verse]
She don't want no love only paper,
She don't care if you're gonna hate her,
[Verse 1]
Got alotta dough,
Spend it on the addy,
Never worry bout the bank,
Got her daddy,
Every day is a dream,
Don't have to fake it,
Lookin' fine,
Well, she a baddy with a fatty,
Make up, Make up,
She don't even need it,
What's a break-up?
Man, she won't even feel it,
Told ya she's not worth it but you never seem to listen,
Wait and see, you'll be cryin', all up in your feelins
Blow a hundred grand,
Every night is a party,
Went to do her nails and now she think the Cardi,
Damn did you really thought that you were something,
Funny cause you're nothin without daddy's Maserati
She don't want no love,
All she want is the paper,
Watch her stack em up,
She don't care bout no hater,
Hundred dollar bills,
She aint playin with the ones,
Livin for the thrill,
nicotine in her lungs,
Everybody knows what she's up to,
She don't really love you,
Stepping on you with her Jimmy Choo,
Private when she had to flew,
Ya yuh,
Always had a silver spoon,
Never really had to choose,
Never had to choose.
[Pre Verse]
She don't want no love only paper,
She don't care if you're gonna hate her,
[Verse 2]
Woah She 5'2 but her money 6'10
She'll hurt you, careful she can take your man,
Aye got her phone out, ready for the Gram,
Flexin' on her curves got everybody goin ham!
Never needed anyone, ridin' solo,
She on top, she the boss, she don't follow,
Like an angel, minus wings and the halo,
You gon miss your shot on this free throw,
Blow a hundred grand,
Every night is a party,
Went to do her nails and now she think the Cardi,
Damn did you really thought that you were something,
Funny cause you're nothin without daddy's Maserati
She don't want no love,
All she want is the paper,
Watch her stack em up,
She don't care bout no hater,
Hundred dollar bills,
She aint playin with the ones,
Livin for the thrill,
nicotine in her lungs,
Everybody knows what she's up to,
She don't really love you,
Stepping on you with her Jimmy Choo,
Private when she had to flew,
Ya yuh,
Always had a silver spoon,
Never really had to choose,
Never had to choose.
Instrumentals/Beats/Written/Mix&Mastering/Arranged : @einsteinmajanil on Instagram.
! Honey !
! Honey !
! Honey !
DIsclaimer :
Lyrics are fictional, not related or inspired by a living nor a dead soul.

money gram 在 Marion St Joan Youtube 的最讚貼文
I love Thai Basil and chicken taste great with it! The typical Pad Gra Prow is spicy but I’m not a big fan of spicy food so this is my version of the recipe (I love using green bell peppers too)
4 Chicken Breast (about 800 gram)
1 Cup of Thai Basil Leaves
Half bulb of Garlic
1/3 Large Yellow Onion or 3 Shallots / Red Onion
2 Bell Peppers (chopped)
2 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
2 Tbsp Light Soy Sauce
Salt & Pepper to taste
My Camera - https://amzn.to/2q8dYmZ
Instagram - @marionstjoan - http://instagram.com/marionstjoan
My Last Video - https://youtu.be/It1fNz58X_4
Website - http://www.mimirello.com
☓ B U S I N E S S E N Q U I R I E S
Email: marion@mimirello.com
My Camera - https://amzn.to/2q8dYmZ
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