[138991] 7791. 齊木楠雄的災難:天才魔術師!?蝶野雨綠"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Genius Magician?! Uryoku Chouno (2016)★★★
[138992] 7792. 齊木楠雄的災難:在電視中再會!蝶野雨綠"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (on TV)! Uryoku Chouno (2016)★★
[138993] 7793. 齊木楠雄的災難:超級可疑!Dark Reunion"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." How Shady! Dark Reunion! (2016)★★╍
[138994] 7794. 齊木楠雄的災難:海灘 夏日物語"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Beachside Summer Story (2016)★★
[138995] 7795. 齊木楠雄的災難:學校再開!燃堂的憂鬱"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A New School Term Starts! The Melancholy of Nendou (2016)★★
[138996] 7796. 齊木楠雄的災難:請您收我為弟子"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Please Make Me Your Apprentice! (2016)★★
[138997] 7797. 齊木楠雄的災難:隔壁班級的靈能力者"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Psychic Medium in the Class Next Door (2016)★★
[138998] 7798. 齊木楠雄的災難:灰呂杵志尋找木材之旅"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kineshi Hairo, in Search of Lumber (2016)★★
[138999] 7799. 齊木楠雄的災難:留下看家的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Home Alone Disaster (2016)★
[139000] 7800. 齊木楠雄的災難:交往了三個月的危機"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crisis in Three-Month Relationship (2016)★★
[139001] 7801. 齊木楠雄的災難:穿上無敵的迷彩服逃命吧!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Escape Using an Invincible Suit of Camouflage! (2016)★★
[139002] 7802. 齊木楠雄的災難:燃燒吧!PK學園體育祭(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Get Fired Up! PK Academy Sports Day (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139003] 7803. 齊木楠雄的災難:燃燒吧!PK學園體育祭(中篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Get Fired Up! PK Academy Sports Day (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139004] 7804. 齊木楠雄的災難:燃燒吧!PK學園體育祭(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Get Fired Up! PK Academy Sports Day (Part 3) (2016)★★
[139005] 7805. 齊木楠雄的災難:別燃燒啊!防災訓練!!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Don’t Catch Fire! Safety Drill! (2016)★★
[139006] 7806. 齊木楠雄的災難:魅惑的高級咖啡果凍"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Enticing Premium Quality Coffee Jello (2016)★★
[139007] 7807. 齊木楠雄的災難:為了不遇到災難就只好…"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." In Order to Avoid Misfortune... (2016)★★
[139008] 7808. 齊木楠雄的災難:照橋同學的最大試煉"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Teruhashi's Biggest Trial... (2016)★★
[139009] 7809. 齊木楠雄的災難:靈能力者鳥束零太的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Disatrous Life of Psychic Medium Reita Toritsuka (2016)★★
[139010] 7810. 齊木楠雄的災難:快點關掉它!毀滅開關"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Stop the Killer Domino Effect! (2016)★★
[139011] 7811. 齊木楠雄的災難:小小國王君臨"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reign of the Small King (2016)★★
[139012] 7812. 齊木楠雄的災難:鬧起來吧!聖誕前夜"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Frolic! Silent Night (2016)★★
[139013] 7813. 齊木楠雄的災難:煩人的正月(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Noisy New Year's (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139014] 7814. 齊木楠雄的災難:煩人的正月(中篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Noisy New Year's (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139015] 7815. 齊木楠雄的災難:煩人的正月(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Noisy New Year's (Part 3) (2016)★★
[139016] 7816. 齊木楠雄的災難:恐怖!松崎老師"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Scariest! Mr. Matsuzaki (2016)★★
[139017] 7817. 齊木楠雄的災難:巧克力盛典"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Chocolate Festival (2016)★★
[139018] 7818. 齊木楠雄的災難:世上最惡!?燃堂爸爸"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Absolutely the Worst!? Nendou's Father (2016)★★
[139019] 7819. 齊木楠雄的災難:毫無疑心!齊木久留美"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Totally Trusting! Kurumi Saiki (2016)★★✚
[139020] 7820. 齊木楠雄的災難:心靈感應消音器"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Telepathy Silencer (2016)★★★
[139021] 7821. 齊木楠雄的災難:超級巨星登場"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Superstar Returns (2016)★★
[139022] 7822. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!混亂的期末考試"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Cast the Die! An Upset in the Finals (2016)★★
[139023] 7823. 齊木楠雄的災難:這次一定要再會!蝶野雨綠(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (For Real This Time)! Uryoku Chouno (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139024] 7824. 齊木楠雄的災難:這次一定要再會!蝶野雨綠(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (For Real This Time)! Uryoku Chouno (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139025] 7825. 齊木楠雄的災難:目良同學的錢包小故事"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Mera's Money Situation (2016)★★
[139026] 7826. 齊木楠雄的災難:最燃!體育測試"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reignited! Physical Fitness Test (2016)★★
[139027] 7827. 齊木楠雄的災難:小小的戀愛物語"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Little Love Story (2016)★★
[139028] 7828. 齊木楠雄的災難:新款垃圾遊戲!奧爾法納斯故事"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Latest Crappy Game! Olfana's Story (2016)★★
[139029] 7829. 齊木楠雄的災難:歡迎你回來!真魔(媽媽)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Welcome Home! Mama (2016)★★
[139030] 7830. 齊木楠雄的災難:最適合告白的!?招魂之術"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Best Way of Confessing Love?! Spirit-Summoning Technique (2016)★★
[139031] 7831. 齊木楠雄的災難:起飛吧!改造人汽水超人2號"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Jump! Cyborg Cider-man No. 2 (2016)★★
[139032] 7832. 齊木楠雄的災難:超大型一流企業!?父親的工作"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Industry-leading, Top-ranking Company?! Father's Job (2016)★★
[139033] 7833. 齊木楠雄的災難:改造人汽水超人2號VS怪人檸檬水"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Ciderman No. 2 Vs. The Lemonade Fiend (2016)★★
[139034] 7834. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的祭典日"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kusuo Saiki's Holiday (2016)★★
[139035] 7835. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的♀(女)難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kusuo Saiki's Woman Troubles (2016)★★
[139036] 7836. 齊木楠雄的災難:到底誰能勝出!?命運的小組抽籤"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Who'll Win?! Fateful Grouping (2016)★★
[139037] 7837. 齊木楠雄的災難:旅途必有的阻擋"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Trips and Disasters Go Together (2016)★★
[139038] 7838. 齊木楠雄的災難:載著超能力者的客機GO!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go On a Plane! With a Psychic On Board! (2016)★★
[139039] 7839. 齊木楠雄的災難:抱歉打擾一下!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." We're Here! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139040] 7840. 齊木楠雄的災難:你好!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hello! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139041] 7841. 齊木楠雄的災難:抱歉!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." I'm Sorry! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139042] 7842. 齊木楠雄的災難:最糟糕的夜晚遭遇in沖繩 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Night-Time Incident in Okinawa (2016)★★
[139043] 7843. 齊木楠雄的災難:呀吼!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Yah! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139044] 7844. 齊木楠雄的災難:明天見!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See You Again! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139045] 7845. 齊木楠雄的災難:再一次再見!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See You Again, Again! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139046] 7846. 齊木楠雄的災難:夜露死苦!! 特殊分子"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Sup Homies!! Outsider (2016)★★
[139047] 7847. 齊木楠雄的災難:轉校生~最初的邂逅~"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Transfer Student! The First Encounters (2016)★★
[139048] 7848. 齊木楠雄的災難:集合!燃堂一家"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Mr. and Mrs. Nendou Together! (2016)★★
[139049] 7849. 齊木楠雄的災難:經營重啟!純咖啡店魔美"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reviving Café Mami! (2016)★★
[139050] 7850. 齊木楠雄的災難:有罪無罪!?偷竊事件"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Guilty or Not Guilty?! Theft Case (2016)★★
[139051] 7851. 齊木楠雄的災難:要不要採用呢!?班級節目研討會"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Which Idea Will Be Picked?! School Festival Planning (2016)★★
[139052] 7852. 齊木楠雄的災難:高歌吧!REITA演唱會!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Sing! Reita's Recital (2016)★★
[139053] 7853. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!PK學園文化祭(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Go Wild! PK Academy School Festival Part 1 (2016)★★
[139054] 7854. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!PK學園文化祭(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Go Wild! PK Academy School Festival Part 2 (2016)★★
[139055] 7855. 齊木楠雄的災難:去參加文化祭的慶功宴咯"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go to the School Festival Wrap-up Party (2016)★★
[139056] 7856. 齊木楠雄的災難:最強美少女VS絕對不會心動的男人(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Perfect Pretty Girl vs. the Super Stubborn Guy (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139057] 7857. 齊木楠雄的災難:最強美少女VS絕對不會心動的男人(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Perfect Pretty Girl vs. the Super Stubborn Guy (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139058] 7858. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能力·聖誕老人"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Psychic Santa Claus (2016)★★
[139059] 7859. 齊木楠雄的災難:去買新家電!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go Buy the Latest Electronics! (2016)★★
[139060] 7860. 齊木楠雄的災難:新年伊始的CYCLE "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." New Year's Cycle (2016)★★
[139061] 7861. 齊木楠雄的災難:海藤的猜疑心(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kaidou's Suspicion (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139062] 7862. 齊木楠雄的災難:海藤的猜疑心(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kaidou's Suspicion (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139063] 7863. 齊木楠雄的災難:無法調節!?燃堂VS海藤!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." No Intervention Needed?! Nendou Vs. Kaidou (2016)★★
[139064] 7864. 齊木楠雄的災難:最恐怖的打工仔"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Part-Timer (2016)★★
[139065] 7865. 齊木楠雄的災難:疾奔!跑者們!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Fierce Run! Runners Psi! (2016)★★
[139066] 7866. 齊木楠雄的災難:照橋同學的齊木家之行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Teruhashi's Second Visit to the Saiki Residence (2016)★★
[139067] 7867. 齊木楠雄的災難:輕輕鬆鬆!稻草變富翁"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." It's a Piece of Cake! The Straw Millionaire (2016)★★
[139068] 7868. 齊木楠雄的災難:變形!超級尺寸"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Transformation! Super Size (2016)★★
[139069] 7869. 齊木楠雄的災難:再教育的建議"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." He Should Repeat the Grade (2016)★★
[139070] 7870. 齊木楠雄的災難:氣氛最高潮!卡拉OK聚會"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Max Excitement! Karaoke Party (2016)★★
[139071] 7871. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬歲!傲嬌爺爺"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hurray! Tsundere Grandpa (2016)★★
[139072] 7872. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬萬歲!傲嬌爺爺 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hip, Hip, Hurray! Tsundere Grandpa (2016)★★
[139073] 7873. 齊木楠雄的災難:歡迎您來到史上最破遊樂園! "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Welcome to the Farthest Amusement Park! (2016)★★
[139074] 7874. 齊木楠雄的災難:再見!與外公婆告別"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See you again! Saying Goodbye to the Grandparents (2016)★★
[139075] 7875. 齊木楠雄的災難:慶祝遊戲化!齊藤邦夫的怪談"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Congratulations on the Video Game Release! Kunio Saito's Horror Stories (2016)★★★
[139076] 7876. 齊木楠雄的災難:活用你的才能吧!鳥束受歡迎計劃"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Take Advantage of the Talent! Toritsuka's Plan to Get Popular (2016)★★
[139077] 7877. 齊木楠雄的災難:發揮你的聰明才智吧!PK超自然部"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Use Your Smarts! The PK Occult Club (2016)★★
[139078] 7878. 齊木楠雄的災難:最爛的廚師"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Cooks (2016)★★
[139079] 7879. 齊木楠雄的災難:開庭!心美美會大審判!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Court is in Session! Kokomins Trial! (2016)★★
[139080] 7880. 齊木楠雄的災難:恐怖!動畫第○話的詛咒"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Horror! The Disastrous ___th Episode of the Anime (2016)★★
[139081] 7881. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139082] 7882. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(中篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139083] 7883. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 3) (2016)★★
[139084] 7884. 齊木楠雄的災難:激走!超能大戰"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Run For It! A Battle of Wits (2016)★★
[139085] 7885. 齊木楠雄的災難:美術館必須盡量保持安靜"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Please at Least Be Quiet in the Art Museum (2016)★★
[139086] 7886. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假前的災難——暑假來嘍!超自然部合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Disaster Before Summer Break: Summer Break! The Occult Club Training Camp (2016)★★
[139087] 7887. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!網球部合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! The Tennis Club Training Camp (2016)★★
[139088] 7888. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!治驗打工篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! Clinical Testing Job (2016)★★
[139089] 7889. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!駕照合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! License training camp (2016)★★
[139090] 7890. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!照橋約會篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! A Date with Teruhashi (2016)★★
[139091] 7891. 齊木楠雄的災難:財團富二代來了!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Heir to A Conglomerate Makes His Appearance (2016)★★
[139092] 7892. 齊木楠雄的災難:打敗壓倒性的財力!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Break through the Overwhelming Financial Power! (2016)★★
[139093] 7893. 齊木楠雄的災難:捲土重來!傲嬌外公"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Tsundere Grandpa Returns! (2016)★★
[139094] 7894. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬聖節Party來咯"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Holding a Halloween Party (2016)★★
[139095] 7895. 齊木楠雄的災難:才虎一族無敵的財力"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Saiko Family's Unbeatable Financial Power (2016)★★
[139096] 7896. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能開花!?人氣魔術師的憂鬱"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Talent Blossoms?! Melancholy of A Popular Magician (2016)★★
[139097] 7897. 齊木楠雄的災難:暴走妄想鍛煉"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." An Exercise in Runaway Delusion (2016)★★
[139098] 7898. 齊木楠雄的災難:課間休息的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Break-time Disaster (2016)★★
[139099] 7899. 齊木楠雄的災難:粉碎!驚喜生日派對(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crushed! Surprise Party (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139100] 7900. 齊木楠雄的災難:粉碎!驚喜生日派對(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crushed! Surprise Party (Part 2) (2016)★★
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mr timer 1 在 Bonnie Loo 羅美儀 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Hello from Beijing!
Right after her short break, Bonnie flew to Beijing Film Academy for lessons and training by Mr Feng Yuan Zheng. Thank you for the love, other than her nomination for Best Supporting Actress as Guan Mei Mei in #Hero8, she is also a first timer in Most Popular Female Artiste Top 24 #sa2017sg this year! ❤️
罗美仪赴北京电影学院进修, 为首次担任女一作准备! 刚刚休完假,立刻独自飞往北京参与中国资深演员兼导演冯远征老师的课程。谢谢大家对美仪的支持,除了在「红星大奖」凭《大英雄》里的关美美入围「最佳女配角」,也首次入围了「最受欢迎女艺人24大」#bonnieloo #罗美仪 #thecelebrityagency #tca
mr timer 1 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LjUOH9T9j21GiX8jzytu6
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8vabPSRIBpwSJEMAPCnzVQ?sub_confirmation=1
我最高觀看次數的影片 (我為何不再拍暗網? 只說一次): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbihKaqEEQw&t=127s
首支單曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASHWB6Ai9Y
我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
這位才是真正的網絡垃圾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJYDx1GP-U&t=263s
Billie Eilish出賣靈魂的方法: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfB1S2uy5Po&t=115s
日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s
Professor pow pow
大家好! 又是我暗網仔. 不知道大家有沒有發現:這1,2年間Youtube hing起了多個以陰謀論, 神秘東西作為主題的頻道.
像現有3百萬訂閲的老高如果不是做台灣Joeman的訪問, 他跟老婆相識相愛過程不會有人知道.
老高為tum他老婆睡覺, 訓練說出天方夜譚故事的能力. 而因為他需要床前Live的表演做這件事, 他沒辦法看goh, 寫底重點或多加剪接. 他本身要非常sook sik內容到入心的程度. 即使他影片沒過份剪接, gan dan如坐在同一個shot講 (timer) 這麼多分jung 也會真的被他sip住, 因為”he knows his shit” 看得出來是用多年愛好者的.
不像我, 好多時拍某一個題材才會做research. 同老gong wu比可能還差一點點.
不是說像professor pow pow 做深入資料收集是不好.
老高和powpow是完全相反: 像是一個能令你覺得好 ‘magic’ 的講故佬同一個案件調查員.
*有時候也挺難找到自己的位置. 説熱sing又不及老高, 資訊fook koy程度又不及pow pow. 因為始終自己長大wan ging不同, 唯有能offer是另一角度的觀點.
. 評老高最多人居功他频道的成功在他老婆身上. 可能初時會因爲 ‘美女效應’ 被吸引到去看. 但由他長期高view數看得出, 是他本人主dou與ah so的互動令chun chun的小mok變到這麼吸引.
講到內容令人變吸引馬臉姐最dung選擇fu合大眾口味的題材. 好多時創作者會有uy suet家的堅持, 我hey fuen帶出折學, 老高有深層意義的道理想fuw yeen. 馬臉姐好像外型拍片計算也真心像做廣告公司的. 從不加chap太多私人情suey, 只gue內容.
可能這樣的神秘感, 令有關她的個人影片也同樣有好多關注.
太常pey lo自己的我可能him kuet神秘感. 但可能缺陷是大家記得我的原因
想拍這條影片很久了啦, 只是之前不敢. Bye
我如何評價老高? | 評價3個比我紅的YouTuber
老高有什麼好? | 評價3個比我紅的YouTuber
老高有什麼好? | 評價3個比我紅的陰謀YouTuber

mr timer 1 在 Party Kitchen - パーティーキッチン Youtube 的精選貼文
Please subscribe to my channnel! And if you like it, please thumbs up!
お好みのトッピングでおやつにいかがでしょうか? byざわわ
◆量 3個
◆時間 00:30
絹ごし豆腐 200g
ホットケーキミックス 150g
白玉粉 100g
油 適量
粉糖 適量
シナモンシュガー 適量
チョコペン 1本
1. ボウルに、絹ごし豆腐、ホットケーキミックス、白玉粉を入れて白玉粉のつぶつぶが目立たなくなるまでよくこねる。
2. アルミホイルに油を塗り、その上に①を小さく丸めて好きな数を繋げて円を作る。
3. トースター高温で[timer length = 15]約15分[/timer]焼く。
4. お好みで、シナモンシュガーや粉糖、チョコペンでデコレーションする。
#パーティーキッチン #partykitchen

mr timer 1 在 ochikeron Youtube 的最佳貼文
This tutorial will show you how to make EASY Japanese Baked Cheesecake since I received a lot of request for it. Like New York Cheesecake, people call it "Japanese" Cheesecake!? I hope you love it!!!
I made the crust with vanilla wafers (not the biscuits). It tastes very crispy and delicious, so try it out!!!
My darling is not a sweets person but he loved it! Also, my mom said it was really good :P hehe
Japanese Baked Cheesecake
Difficulty: easy
Time: 40min + 2-3 hours refrigeration time
Number of servings: 12 cheesecake bars
Necessary Equipment:
6-inch square brownie pan
(9-inch square brownie pan makes 18 flatter cheesecake bars)
120g (4.2oz.) vanilla wafers
40g (1.4oz.) butter (softened)
200g (7oz.) cream cheese (softened)
60g (2.1oz.) sugar
2 egg
150cc fresh cream (or whipping cream is okay)
1 tbsp. lemon juice
3 tbsp. flour
20g (0.7oz.) butter
1. Line the brownie pan with waxed paper or parchment paper.
2. Smash vanilla wafers in a Ziploc bag, add butter (softened), and mix well. Press firmly into the brownie pan. Chill until set.
1. Preheat the oven to 180C (350F).
2. Beat cream cheese with wire whisk. Add sugar, beaten eggs (little by little), fresh cream, lemon juice, flour (sift in), and melted butter, and mix until smooth.
3. Pour the cream cheese mixture into the brownie pan and bake at 180C (350F) for 35-40 minutes.
4. Allow to cool to the room temperature and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Cut into bars.
The best way to cut a cheesecake is to use a long knife that has been warmed in hot water. Dip the knife in hot water, wipe, and cut. Repeat this each time you cut!
It's a great recipe for holiday seasons: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's party :D
What is Cake Flour?
Music by
Mr. Untel & Hanna H
I'm Not An Angel
You will want to make this if you watch this ;) hehe
Hot Cake is Japanese pancake but it is bit sweeter and thicker than pancake. Morinaga's Hot Cake Mix is very popular product known for many years. If you follow the directions on its package, you can make gorgeous and fluffy Hot Cake, so I will show you how in this tutorial.
Hot Cake Mix is versatile. You can make cakes, cookies, muffins, or any kind of sweets :D I will show you how to make them someday, so please learn basic Hot Cake recipe first!
How to Make Hot Cake (Japanese Pancake) Recipe
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 20min
Number of servings: 3
1 egg
100cc milk
1 Morinaga Hot Cake Mix (flour)
1 maple syrup
a piece of butter
1. Put egg and milk in a bowl and mix well. *Make sure you mix them together before you add the Hot Cake Mix!
2. Add Hot Cake Mix and gently cut through the mixture until somewhat combined. *Do NOT mix in a circular motion and DO NOT mix too much!
3. Heat a pan over medium heat (if you are using steel pan, oil the pan lightly), and place the pan on a wet towel to cool down the pan a little bit.
4. On low heat, pour 1/3 of the batter from heights of 11 inches (30 cm) onto the pan, and cook for 3 minutes until bubbles appear on the surface. *Use cooking timer to time.
5. Flip with a spatula, cover and cook for 2 minutes until browned on the other side.
6. Place a piece of butter on top and pour some maple syrup.
You can wrap in a plastic wrap and freeze to eat later.
Microwave for a minute and you can enjoy fresh and fluffy pancake :)
Product I used:
Morinaga Hot Cake Mix (森永 ホットケーキミックス)
Marukai (USA)
Pacific Mercantile (USA)
Isetan (Singapore)
Apita Uny (Hong Kong)
Music by
Josh Woodward
Goodbye to Spring (INSTRUMENTAL)
Follow me on social media. If you have recreated any of my food, you can share some pictures #ochikeron. I am always happy to see them.
♥My COOKBOOK available on Amazon Kindle♥
NO MORE hard copies... those who got one are lucky!
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♥My Recipe Posts in Japanese♥
♥and of course PLEASE SUBSCRIBE♥

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