話時話,呢排記得keep 住like and share,主動入嚟睇,同埋設定做see first.真係搵食艱難。但感激大家,Keep住做,呢排啲Reach係好返好多的,但唔好鬆懈。一個都不能少呀
TLDR:明月裝飾了你的窗子, 你裝飾了别人的夢。微軟買抖音,你買微軟。你站在橋上看風景,看風景的人在樓上看你。今日你笑我窮,他日我同你一齊笑其他人窮。
1. 每個人有佢嘅「時代教主」。唔止一次提過蘋果教主Steve Jobs,我年代嘅必定係佢,愛佢恨佢都好,戲都拍埋。但畢竟教主香咗十年,新一代唔識唔奇。而家繼任人,到底邊個?可能唔係Facebook嘅小朱(都有套戲),而係Tesla 嘅 Elon Musk。
2. 但Steve Jobs之前,仲數漏咗個人。
3. 我人生第一個教主,真正嘅科技奇才,當然係—標基。可惜嗰個年代未有Facebook(!),資訊又冇咁流通。但,不礙佢成為最早嘅一個nerd,最早一個睇樣就知毒撚(教主中後期執返正好多架),但又好勁好有錢嘅,標基。有佢咁毒冇佢咁富貴,有佢咁富貴又冇佢咁毒。
4. 標基有幾有錢?冇乜特別,世界第二有錢之嘛。佢要嘅,佢真係可以做首富。微軟市值同亞馬遜叮噹馬頭,但標基早就無心搵錢做慈善,自己亦渣得唔多,亦都肯派畀佢嘅手足(陣間講)。
5. 我細個(小學嗰陣,1984-90年間)嗰時當然未有咩Windows,隔離屋個同學有部IBM(好似係),本人有部蘋果!好似係Apple IIe,證明屋企對我幾好,當然當年拎舊錢買股票更好(不投資向下流!)。但不重要。總之嗰時只係知IBM同蘋果。標基微軟等等,唔知乜水。當時識買股票,應該都係買IBM。
6. 轉眼去到中學,我繼續係電腦盲。未到上網年代,就忽然去咗微軟標基嘅年代。就係佢賣Windows賺咗好多錢。
7. 標基,就係我認知中,第一個科技奇才變富豪。再講一次,亦都係極nerd 極geek極毒撚極有錢嘅始祖。幾多毒撚以佢為偶像。
8. 標基勁到一個點,連中午貼《新戀愛世紀》(https://fbook.cc/3DMn)(*),黎明個角色都叫Bill姬。勁到一個點,我成日貼嘅德國股神科斯托蘭尼本書入面話,窮人發達呢,三個方法:第一,同有錢人結婚。第三,投機(佢書嘅主題)。第二,係「商業點子致富」,但佢話,除咗標基外,佢都諗唔到第二個(科氏99年死咗,冇見到後來光頭佬)
9. 講咁多,想講,所謂嘅FAAMG,微軟,我認為微軟係特別唔同嘅。唔係講業務上(業務上蘋果幾唔同,賣硬件為主),係講歷史上。微軟係最老嘅—雖然你講公司本身,微軟唔係老過蘋果好多。但都話,當年《新戀愛世紀》已經有Bill姬,當年佢已經係超級富豪。SJ時代教主,係十年八年後嘅事,況且SJ根本唔富有(同標基比)。
10. 對,雖然標基其實仲後生過SJ(估唔到呢!),但佢就好似再上一代嘅人咁。佢發達最早,交棒亦都最早。冒犯講句,教主如果唔係身體唔好,可能今日都仲出嚟玩緊。但你諗下,標基早早已經退下,教主未死標基已經全退。其他嗰幾間?仲係創辧人玩緊。
11. 所以在傳承角度,微軟係唔同的。Windows好賣,Office好賣,但係咪就印銀紙?我寫過幾次,可以再重覆。微軟咁多年就3個CEO,標基不用多講,但2000年佢已經退下,繼任嘅係Steve Ballmer,標基嘅大學同學(讀名校幾緊要!),微軟第一個非技術人員。
12. Steve Ballmer有嘅幾個巴仙微軟股票,令佢有錢過畢菲特(震驚未?),做埋NBA快艇班主。但此人任內表現認真麻麻,亦可以話標基信錯人—其實好合理,邊個話大學同學就會掂啲?此人由2000做CEO到2014,佢走人時股價狂升,擺明市場向佢竪中指。
13. 話佢唔掂,點唔掂?我地講上市公司CEO,唔係諾貝爾獎。我地只講一樣嘢,股價。冇錯佢接手時係科網爆煲前,但即使唔計個頂位,佢任內微軟股價,十幾年都只係原地踏步(https://bit.ly/31g0O9s)。死未。公平地講,其實佢任內收入同純利都升幾倍嘅,但股價就係唔生性。
14. 所以,並唔係話標基打落個江山後人就享福咁。科企再勁,一樣每日面對競爭(標基正係同SJ鬥到火紅火綠)
15. 更大對比嘅係,2014 Steve Ballmer起身後,而家嘅CEO Satya Nadella接手。微軟股價當時40蚊,而家200。Steve Ballmer就14年原地踏步,Satya Nadella就6年股價升5倍,你話邊個做得好?固然同大環境都有關(但,14年夠晒長啦),但你計相對指數,結論都係一樣,亦唔係好多隻股票過去6年升5倍。所以抵Satya Nadella拎咁高人工(但遠不及Steve Ballmer富貴),你估真係你啲網友咁,以為「CEO冇嘢做開下會吹下水我去做都得」咩.你睇麥當勞亦都係咁,咪又係賣包,但上任CEO(搞同事起身嗰位)任內就係叻過再上手好多。
16. 講到呢度,就要講Satya Nadella最新嘅搞作 —Tik Tok美國!抖音海外版
17. 背後政治云云不多講,唔係就咁禁晒唔出奇,要賣畀美國公司都唔係好奇怪(即係委內瑞拉啲外資油廠收歸國有咁)。但,點解係益微軟?
18. 唔想太過陰謀論,但我覺得呢,微軟係同政府關係特好嘅(**)。至少同侵侵政府係。
19. 證據一:上星期美國科技巨頭在聽證會(好彩只係視像)被議員搞足幾粒鐘。但嚟嚟去去只見四大天王(https://fbook.cc/3DMp),FAAG,就係爭咗M。固然你可以話微軟N咁多年前已經畀人搞過—又畀你見到微軟歷史真係唔同!你地未發蹟,微軟已經被人針對拆骨。
20. 證據二:眾所周知,其實咁多科企,同侵侵最大仇口只得一間。就係亞馬遜。光頭佬旗下嘅華盛頓郵報,日日鬧侵侵,好似東方功夫茶咁,鬧足咁多年。而又咁啱,美國國防部嘅合約,就唔畀亞馬遜,畀咗微軟。
21. 證據三:當然係今次Tik Tok。固然,如果個玩法係被美國公司沒收,似乎益微軟幾合理。畀Facebook買埋仲得了?聽證會先話佢反競爭,買埋instagram 仲買Tik Tok?然後,更加唔會益光頭佬。微軟似乎係比較正路嘅。
22. 本人唔玩抖音,但偶然睇下朋友傳嚟嘅嘢,有啲都幾好睇(唔止睇女)。用家說明一切,你香港人點鬧低智無聊都好,大把人玩—而唔係講大陸人。係講日本妹,鬼妹,印度人,美國人。呢個東西成功到不得了
23. 而家微軟咩都唔使做,就可以賤價(斷估Tik Tok冇乜異價能力)買返嚟。雖然可能只買美國業務,但,實在係十分之筍。
24. 況且,四眼定六眼聯盟嘛。今日美國封得,聽日英國點解唔封得?到時就都係益晒盟主架啦,唔通英國又畀你搵間公司買?
25. 所以,買微軟啦。「如果買唔成Tik Tok呢?」。咪買唔成咯,意外之財嚟之嘛,唔通你估會跌兩成?
(*)《新戀愛世紀》(https://ggle.io/3I1l),呢套片真係爛到不能。黎明,雷頌德,王晶。你完全估到係乜,回歸前後嘅香港文化,就係咁。當然食住日劇條水,英文名就咁叫Love Generation Hong Kong,仲有水晶蘋果,死未。劇本其實就《甜蜜蜜》,外景居然係同王晶套《龍在江湖》一樣,明顯佢兩套戲一齊拍。唯一可取嘅,呢套應該係最後一套在啟德拍嘅戲。仲有,Lee Ann(唔係Ang Lee).
報完名交咗錢,呢度log in:https://bit.ly/3gYXu9e
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nba number 18 在 Jersey Heard Me 球衣藏家 Facebook 的精選貼文
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nba number 18 在 eVonne 許慧欣 Facebook 的最讚貼文
eVonne許慧欣二手電影DVD愛心義賣, 幫助艾碧兒.
歌手(以及AT長期支持者)eVonne許慧欣捐贈私人DVD收藏給台灣動物協會! 每片DVD40元起,共有192張熱門影片!eVonne也很熱心的提供她的親筆簽名照給購買200元以上的朋友們!
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eVonne許慧欣二手電影DVD愛心義賣, 幫助艾碧兒.
歌手(以及AT長期支持者)eVonne許慧欣捐贈私人DVD收藏給台灣動物協會! 每片DVD40元起,共有192張熱門影片!eVonne也很熱心的提供她的親筆簽名照給購買200元以上的朋友們!
完整DVD片名清單,請往下看! (謹限於線上義賣)
運送方式: 您可以選擇郵寄(郵費另外付)或您可以到台灣動物協會救援中心去自取。 每星期謹出貨一次, 所以您的訂單可能需7至10天的時間送達.
付款方式: 您可以選擇以下三種方式付款: 銀行或ATM轉帳, 郵政劃撥, 或線上信用卡刷卡.
退換貨: 我們恕不接受退換DVD.
如何購買DVD: 請寫信至 shopping@animalstaiwan.org, 提供您想購買的DVD清單,您的姓名,聯絡電話,郵寄地址,您選擇的付款方式,以及您希望的運送方式。我們將會回覆並提供付款資訊以及確認總金額(以及郵費,如果您選擇郵寄為運送方式)。
Second Hand DVD Charity Sale. Fundraiser for Abigail.
Singer (and long-time supporter) eVonne Hsu has donated her personal DVD collection to Animals Taiwan! Each DVD is priced at NT$40 and up with a total of 192 different DVDs! eVonne has also kindly offered her autographed photos to those who purchase NT$200 or more!
ALL money raised from this DVD sale will be going towards Abigail’s medical bills. (To read Abigail’s full story, click here: http://www.animalstaiwan.org/rescue_en.html)
PLEASE SCROLL DOWN for the complete list of DVDs on sale. (Online Sale Only).
Delivery: The DVDs can be mailed to you (with additional postage fees) OR you can pick up your order at the Animals Taiwan rescue center. Orders will be mailed once per week only, so please allow 7 to 10 days for your DVDs to arrive.
Payment: You may choose one of the following three payment methods: Bank/ATM transfer, Post office funds transfer OR Online credit card system (Taiwan-issued cards only).
Returns/Exchange: We will not be accepting returns or exchanges.
How to order your DVDs: To order, please email shopping@animalstaiwan.org with your list of DVD titles, your full name, contact number, mailing address, your chosen method of payment and your chosen delivery method. We will provide you with payment details and confirm total cost (and postage fee if you choose mailing as method of delivery).
Thank you!
*All DVDs NT$40, unless specified otherwise
*全部DVD 40元, 除非另外標明
English DVDs/英文片:
30 Days of Night (惡夜30)
7 Dwarves (7矮人)
Around The World In 80 Days (環球世界80天)
Art School Confidential (校園祕密檔案)
Assault On Precinct 13 (殲滅13區)
Bed of Roses (玫瑰花床)
Bedtime Stories (天方夜談)
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Big Stan (猛男姦獄)
Blonde and Blonder (波霸與波神)
Bordertown (亡命殺鎮)
Bug (恐怖幻象)
Capote (柯波帝: 冷血告白)
Cashmere Mafia (Season 1, 7 episodes), *NT$80
Cellular (玩命手機)
Changeling (陌生的孩子)
Chasing Papi (劈腿4人行)
Christmas with the Kranks (蹺家大作戰)
City of Ember (微光城市)
Daddy Day Camp (奶爸集中營)
Dark Water (鬼水)
Date Movie (正宗約會電影)
Dodgeball (鐵男躲避球)
Dunks! Volume one (NBA 灌籃高手)
Edison (驚爆頭條內幕)
Evan Almighty (王牌天神續集)
Everyone's Hero (洋基英雄)
Fat Albert (擺大肚王搖)
Firewall (防火牆)
Freedomland (自由過度)
Friends with Money (我的好野女友)
Full frontal (正面全裸)
Good Boy! (我愛一嘴毛)
Good Night, And Good Luck (晚安, 祝你好運)
Gun Shy (愛情搶手)
Hannibal Rising (人魔崛起)
Happy Endings (完美結局)
Happy Texas (一籠傻島)
Hardwood Classics Series Double Header (NBA經典復刻版 超級灌籃)
High Crimes (案藏玄機)
Insanitarium (恐怖食人院)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Seasons 1 & 2 (踢球叫練), *NT$150
Kicking & Screaming
Knowing (末日預言)
Lady in the Water
Las Vegas - Season 4 (慾望之都 - 第四季), NT$300
Las Vegas - Season 5 (慾望之都 - 第五季), NT$300
Little Children
Mindstorm (超能戰將)
Monster (女魔頭)
Munich (慕尼黑)
My Mom's New Boyfriend (我媽的新男友)
National Treasure 2 (國家寶藏: 古籍祕辛)
No Vacancy (針孔旅社)
Ocean's Thirteen (瞞天過海: 13王牌)
Passengers (靈異航班)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (百貨戰警)
Paula Abdul Cardio Dance, *NT$20
Poseidon (海神號)
Pride and Glory (非法警戒)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (惡靈古堡II:啓示錄)
Rogue Assassin (玩命對戰)
Rules of Engagement (火線衝突)
Running with scissors
Saw II
Scary Movie 4 (驚聲尖笑4)
Scoop (遇上塔羅牌情人)
Semi-Pro (灌藍大帝)
Shark Attack (噬人鯊)
Shoot 'Em Up (史密斯先生)
Skinned Alive (人皮活剝)
Sleep Cell - 3 Disc Set, *NT$150
Sleep Walking (失控旅程)
Snakes on a Plane (飛機上有蛇)
Spy Game (間諜遊戲)
Stealth (機戰未來)
The 4400 - 3rd season, *NT$300
The 6th day (魔鬼複製人)
The Bounty Hunter (賞金獵手)
The Closer - first season, *NT300
The Contract (死亡契約)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (驅魔)
The Eye (異度見鬼)
The Flock (屍蹤現場)
The Hillside Strangler (L.A. 殺人狂)
The Ice Harvest (老大凍未條)
The Indian in the Cupboard (魔櫃小奇兵)
The International (黑暗金控)
The Kingdom (反恐戰場)
The Last Sign (惡靈夢魘)
The Living and the Dead (分裂幻象)
The Omen
The Orphanage (靈異孤兒院)
The Producers (金牌製作人)
The Spirit (閃靈俠)
The Taking of Pelham 123 (亡命快劫)
The Third Wheel
The Wendell Baker Story (愛情奧客)
TMNT (忍者龜:炫風再起)
Transamerica (窈窕老爸)
Tropic Thunder (開麥拉驚魂)
Twilight (吸血新世紀)
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (決戰異世界前傳: 鬼哭狼毫)
United 93
Untraceable (Live殺人網站)
Vantage Point (刺殺據點)
Waking Ned Devine (樂透天)
Wanted (刺客聯盟)
We Own The Night (萬惡夜總會)
What a girl wants
What Just Happened
Chinese DVDs/中國片:
宅變 (The Heirloom)
嫁個有錢人 ( Marry a Rich Man)
夢幻廚房 (Magic Kitchen)
長江7號 (CJ7)
Other Foreign Language DVDs / 其他外語片:
Spanish(西班牙): Di quie Si (真情一路發)
Japanese(日語) – Infection (感染)
Korean(韓文) - My boyfriend is type-B (我的B型男友)
Korean(韓文) - Love, So Divine (緣份的天梯)
Korean(韓文) – Happy Nake Christmas (愛在繽紛季節)
Fuerzabruta World Opening Buenos Aires 2005 (Documentary)
nba number 18 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳貼文
Once the Toronto Raptors started running, the Philadelphia 76ers could not slow them down.
Alvin Williams and a host of reserves led a second-quarter assault and the Raptors rarely relented in a 100-85 over the Philadelphia 76ers, who suffered their fifth straight road loss.
Williams had 14 points and 13 assists and did a credible job on NBA scoring leader Allen Iverson, who managed just 18 points on 7-of-23 shooting before sitting down for good midway through the third quarter.
Williams handed out 11 assists in the first half, when Toronto raced to a 63-39 lead and made the 76ers look like the Eastern Conference's worst team rather than its best. He scored eight points in a 29-3 second-quarter run during which the Raptors repeatedly beat the defensive-minded Sixers downcourt for dunks and layups.
"We've wanted to push the ball more and more by controlling the ball," Raptors coach Lenny Wilkens said. "It allowed us to push the ball upcourt and we hit our shots."
"I haven't been in a game where a team had 35 points on the fast break in the first half, plus they had 22 assists and only one turnover," Sixers coach Larry Brown said. "They manhandled us. We took bad shots and we didn't guard. Everybody on their team made a significant contribution."
Reserves Keon Clark and Chris Childs scored 11 points apiece and also were in the middle of the explosion in the second quarter that gave Toronto a 59-33 lead. The Raptors also got a spark from backup forward Jerome Williams, who scored six points in the period.
"Alvin distributed the ball really well and I thought Chris and Alvin played well together," Wilkens said. "When you run and push the ball, you get into a rhythm. Guys were catching the ball and making shots."
"Everyone had energy tonight," Clark added. "It wasn't just myself or Jerome coming off the bench. ... Tonight was the smoothest offense we had all year. Nobody was forcing or rushing anything. We still need to be consistent."
Vince Carter scored 26 points for the Raptors, who never trailed and defeated the Sixers for the third consecutive time, becoming the only team thus far to take the season series from Philadelphia.
"They hit shots and we just did a bad job," Iverson said. "They outhustled us, and we rarely get outhustled."
The Raptors (41-33) won for the fifth time in six games and moved one game ahead of Orlando for sixth place in the East.
The Sixers (51-23) have lost seven of their last 10 games and fell one game behind San Antonio for the league's best record. The magic number for clinching their first Atlantic Division title since 1990 remained three.
Iverson's layup gave Philadelphia a 30-30 tie with 9:46 left in the second quarter before Toronto's onslaught began with consecutive fast-break dunks by Carter and Antonio Davis.
A jumper by Childs made it 40-30 with 7:46 remaining before a free throw by Philadelphia's Tyrone Hill only briefly slowed the deluge.
For the next five minutes, Williams thwarted Iverson at one end and scored or set up teammates at the other. Dunks by Clark and Jerome Williams preceded a 3-pointer by Childs that capped the explosion at 59-33 with 2:33 to go. Philadelphia called three timeouts during the burst.
"I thought we played good team defense, especially on Iverson," Alvin Williams said. "The guys were making shots and as a point guard, it made my job easier. They asked me to stick him (Iverson) and I did my best to make his shots difficult."
Any chance the Sixers had of getting back into the game ended when the Raptors scored the first 11 points of the third quarter, opening their largest lead at 74-39 on a tip-in by former Sixer Eric Montross with 8:39 left. Brown emptied his bench shortly thereafter.
Montross was a surprise starter for Charles Oakley, who was suspended one game by the NBA for hitting Sixers forward Tyrone Hill with a thrown basketball during Tuesday's shootaround. Montross had season highs of six points and 11 rebounds.

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Another 50-point game by Allen Iverson wasn't enough for the Philadelphia 76ers.
Iverson became only the seventh player in NBA history to score at least 50 points in consecutive games, but he fouled out with 4.5 seconds left, putting Mehmet Okur on the line for the winning free throws in Utah's 103-101 victory over the 76ers on Monday night.
"I had a hot hand and Coach (Jim O'Brien) called my number," Iverson said. "That's with anybody, though. If a guy's going well, you milk it. You just keep running the same play over and over until they stop it."
Iverson followed up his 54-point game in Milwaukee with 51 this time, becoming the first Sixers player to score 50 in back-to-back games and the first Philadelphia player to accomplish the feat since Wilt Chamberlain for the Warriors in 1962.
The last NBA player to score 50 points in consecutive games was Antawn Jamison in December 2000 with the Golden State Warriors. Iverson joined Rick Barry, Elgin Baylor, Chamberlain, Bernard King, Michael Jordan and Jamison as the only players to accomplish the feat.
Iverson scored 21 in the third quarter to help the Sixers overcome a 16-point halftime deficit, only to watch the comeback fall short from the bench. After Okur hit his foul shots, a running layup attempt by Willie Green clanged off the back of the rim, and the Jazz snapped a seven-game road losing streak and a three-game skid overall.
Okur finished with 20 points and Carlos Boozer led Utah with 28 as four Jazz players finished in double figures.
After blowing their big halftime lead, the Jazz used a 15-4 run in the fourth quarter keyed by Boozer and Carlos Arroyo, who finished with 11 assists.
"We started feeling sorry for ourselves a little bit in the second half," Jazz coach Jerry Sloan said. "But fortunately they stuck together and a couple guys made real hard, hustle plays."
Iverson hit a running layup and Kyle Korver, who had 16 points, drained his fifth 3-pointer to tie it at 101 in the final minute.
Iverson single-handedly turned around a game that, for the first half, was sloppy.
Trailing 57-41 at halftime, the Sixers scored 38 points in the third quarter using runs of 16-6 and 20-10 to erase Utah's lead in less than 12 minutes.
Iverson scored on a variety of shots, hitting 3-pointers, off-balance drives and a reverse left-handed layup that brought the crowd to its feet. He went 18-for-31 from the field, including 4-of-6 from 3-point range, and 11-of-17 from the line. He also had six assists.
"He puts up 50 points two nights in a row and he's still looking for us," Korver said. "A lot of guys are capable of putting up 50 points back-to-back nights, but they (think), this is my show. He wasn't like that. It's pretty amazing."
The teams combined for 30 fouls and 27 turnovers in the first 24 minutes, and the game was marred by five technical fouls, including an ugly altercation early in the third quarter.
Philadelphia's Corliss Williamson was ejected with 6:26 to play in the third after being assessed with a technical foul for grabbing Utah's Matt Harpring by the nape of his neck after the two were battling for position under the basket.
Williamson held onto Harpring for a few seconds before shoving him into the crowd. It was his second technical foul of the game.
Game notes
Sloan is 27-15 against Philadelphia. ... Utah players have already missed 86 games due to injury. ... Kenny Thomas missed his second straight game for Philadelphia with a back strain. John Salmons missed his second straight with bronchitis. ... Philadelphia embarks on a three-week, eight-game road trip Wednesday, starting in Indiana.

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The Denver Nuggets were right on the Los Angeles Lakers' heels when Kobe Bryant suddenly got hot.
Oh, did he get hot.
Bryant scored 19 points in a span of 4:19 of the fourth quarter Wednesday night, and the Lakers beat the Nuggets 122-107 to take a 2-0 lead in their first-round playoff series.
Games 3 and 4 will be in Denver on Saturday and Monday night.
Bryant finished with 49 points and 10 assists -- one shy of his career playoff high in both categories.
"Tonight, the way he was going, we probably could have put 10 people on the court and probably wouldn't have been able to stop him," said Nuggets star Allen Iverson, who wasn't bad himself, getting 31 points and six assists.
"I didn't realize it," Bryant said when told about his scoring spree. "You just get into one of those rhythms. My teammates were looking for me, it just feels like the ball finds you."
The Lakers led 89-79 entering the fourth quarter. The Nuggets drew within five points three times before a three-point play by Bryant with 6:41 remaining made it 101-93.
That was only the beginning.
Two free throws by Bryant in a span of two seconds after technical fouls against Smith and Iverson made it 105-94 with 5:37 left, and Bryant added a 3-pointer 18 seconds later to extend the Los Angeles lead to 14.
Game over.
"The 3-ball he made was the big play," Nuggets coach George Karl said. "I thought that kind of ended the game from the standpoint of our spirit. In a lot of ways, a great player ran us out of gas. The majority of his jump shots that he made tonight are somewhat undefendable."
Bryant kept it going before his hot spell ended with 2:22 left when he made a three-point play, giving the Lakers a 120-101 lead. He came out for good 20 seconds later to a loud ovation and chants of "MVP, MVP" from the capacity crowd of 18,997 at Staples Center.
Bryant was replaced by Coby Karl, the son of the Denver coach. It was the first time in NBA playoff history that a father has coached against his son.
There was some trash talking between Bryant and Kenyon Martin, Denver's 6-foot-9 forward who had the assignment of guarding the Lakers' star in the first two games.
"He's one of those players that you don't really want to make mad," teammate Lamar Odom said. "He can make shots from anywhere with people on him. I was surprised [Martin was talking at him]. You never want to wake a sleeping giant. He can hit shots on anybody, on a number of defenders anywhere on the floor.
"Talking to him is a surprise to me, but guys are competitors too, so sometimes you get caught up in it. Kobe was definitely coming out to prove a point."
Bryant shot just 9-for-26 in scoring 32 points in Game 1. He went 18-for-27 in Game 2.
Pau Gasol added 18 points and 10 rebounds and Luke Walton scored 18 points for the Lakers. Odom, hampered by foul trouble throughout the second half, was held to four points, four rebounds and six assists, but in the end it didn't matter.
Carmelo Anthony added 23 points, J.R. Smith had a career playoff high 21 and Marcus Camby had 17 rebounds and four blocked shots for Denver. Martin, who fouled out with 5:47 remaining, scored 10 points.
Anthony scored seven straight points to trigger an 11-0 run, giving Denver a 68-67 lead midway through the third quarter. With Odom on the bench with four fouls, Los Angeles appeared to be in some trouble. But Walton scored 10 points during a 22-11 spurt to finish the quarter and give the Lakers a 10-point lead. Bryant had four assists during the run.