Metal Slug/SNK/1996
《越南大戰》(日語:メタルスラッグ,英語:Metal Slug,中國大陸譯作「合金彈頭」,香港SNK官方譯作「鋼鐵蟲師」)是一款橫向捲軸動作射擊遊戲系列,最初由Nazca在1996年於街機MVS基板上推出。1997年SNK收購Nazca後,遊戲製作轉入SNK旗下,接連推出續作。
「Metal Slug」一名在遊戲中是指主角可搭乘的一種單人座小型多功能超級坦克。

Metal Slug/SNK/1996
《越南大戰》(日語:メタルスラッグ,英語:Metal Slug,中國大陸譯作「合金彈頭」,香港SNK官方譯作「鋼鐵蟲師」)是一款橫向捲軸動作射擊遊戲系列,最初由Nazca在1996年於街機MVS基板上推出。1997年SNK收購Nazca後,遊戲製作轉入SNK旗下,接連推出續作。
「Metal Slug」一名在遊戲中是指主角可搭乘的一種單人座小型多功能超級坦克。
Metal Slug XX 越南大戰XX
(影片說明)使用角色: Ralf Jones 拉爾夫(難度:普通),角色特色可以承受兩次攻擊,但是落坑一樣一擊殺,持彈量只有正常人一半
越南大戰:Metal Slug是Nazca於1996年在SNK的MVS(Multi Video System)街機基板開發的越南大戰系列第一作。在當時便以其滑稽搞笑的場面及精細的手繪場景而聞名。
故事發生在2028年,由前正規軍海軍陸戰隊中將Donald Morden組織的反叛軍勢力與正規軍的戰爭正如火如荼地進行著。
遭到打擊的正規軍並不甘心失敗,他們秘密開發了代號為「Super Vehicle-001」的新型戰車「Metal Slug」,意圖對反叛軍進行反擊。
為了奪回樣車,正規軍特種部隊「Peregrine Falcons」成員Marco Rossi中尉和Tarma Roving少尉受命潛入敵後。故事就此展開。
Mar 14, 2017 - metal slug super vehicle 001 game developed by nazca corporation snk.this game is about war .i play this game and end with 3 parts.this is ... ... <看更多>
#1. Nazca Corporation - Wikipedia
SNK, impressed by the success of Nazca's titles, formally acquired the developer, and would make the second and third Metal Slug games.
Nazca (ナスカ), was one of the third-party developers for the Neo-Geo console. It was composed of former Irem empoyees, who were unsatisfied with the ...
During this time, Nazca began to work on Metal Slug for SNK's Neo-Geo, with a playtest version debuting in Osaka in August 1995 (more on that later).
#4. Metal Slug | Nazca - Okini Land
Metal Slug is a Japanese video game on Neo Geo (SNK) by Nazca. Buy Now on Okini Land, we export worldwide.
而是一家叫做Nazca的製作小組所開發的而上述這款Gunforce 2 Nazca小組也曾 ... 代也在出了之後Nazca小組跟越戰版權才被SNK納入自己旗下開發越戰續作.
This is also one of the first two titles by Nazca, the other being the popular Metal Slug before & between being acquired by SNK.
#7. 越南大戰系列
《鋼鐵蟲師》(日語:メタルスラッグ,英語:Metal Slug,中國大陸譯作「合金彈頭」,台灣譯作「越南大戰」)是一款橫向捲軸動作射擊遊戲系列,最初由Nazca在1996年於 ...
#8. New York is on Facebook. To connect with Barcade
NEW GAME! Metal Slug, 1996, by Nazca. Find it in our Neo-Geo cabinet!
最初由Nazca在MVS平台推出的遊戲,SNK收購Nazca後由SNK推出其續作。 事實上Nazca這家公司也是從Irem公司離開的人組建的,所以美術風格(尤其是一些佈景)跟Irem出品 ...
#10. SNK NEO GEO AES "Metal Slug" (Nazca, 1996)... - Lot 85
SNK NEO GEO AES "Metal Slug" (Nazca, 1996) Version AES japonaise - NGH-201. Exemplaire 100% legit original NEUF rarissime scellé.
#11. Metal Slug by SNK / Nazca - USA from Retrogames
Metal Slug by SNK / Nazca - USA - 1996 Super Rare Usa / English Issue Of This Classic Arcade Shooting Game. Complete In Excellent Condition.
#12. Metal Slug, Nazca Corporation (1996) Neo Geo - Games ...
Gameplay Well, it Super Vehicle-001: Metal Slug is a run and gun, so you run from left to ... Metal Slug, Nazca Corporation (1996) Neo Geo.
#13. 用"nazca corporation"造句
... company under the name Nazca Corporation, which became best known for developing SNK's " Metal Slug " franchise. 點擊查看更多nazca corporation的造句...
#14. Metal Slug(Dev: Nazca Corporation, Neo Geo, 1996)
Title: Metal Slug. Developer: Nazca Corporation. Year: 1996. Platform: Neo Geo. Genre: Shoot 'em up, Run and Gun.
#15. Nazca Corporation - CULTURA NEO GEO
Metal Slug, junto con Neo Turf Masters, son los dos únicos juegos en los que aparece el nombre de Nazca en las artes. Después del lanzamiento de estos dos ...
#16. Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 [Model NGM-201] - Arcade ...
Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 © 1996 Nazca. A scrolling 'run-and-gun' platform game for one or two players, Metal Slug is a humorous parody of war and ...
#17. Checklist Metal Slug - Nazca - Coleka
Video Game Franchise. 2 items to collect. Good deals corner. Your current filters. Nazca. Categories. 1 NEO-GEO AES · 1 Neo Geo CD.
#18. Metal Slug 5 Bootleg Para Neo Geo Mvs Ou Consolized Nazca
METAL SLUG 5 USADO PARA NEO GEO MVS OU CONSOLIZED Bootleg. Compre qualidade. Produto limpo, testado, 100% funcionando. Esse é um jogo de arcade, ...
#19. Nazca Corporation - Orange Campus Africa
Their final game for Irem was GunForce II, after which they left and created Nazca, creating Neo Turf Masters and Metal Slug; the latter shares many stylistic ...
#20. 越南大戰 - 時事百科
Metal Slug Super Vehicle-001. Mslug000.png. 製作:, Nazca. 發行:, Nazca(街機) SNK(家用機). 設計:. 發行日期:, 街機:1996年4月19日
#21. Imágenes : Metal Slug Super Vehicle Nazca Corporation
Large Image de Metal Slug Super Vehicle Nazca Corporation en 1440x1061 added by eilis42. 17038542. ... 6/6 Fotos Compartidas: Metal Slug Anthology Galería.
#22. metal slug - BXRXS
Metal Slug (Japanese: メタルスラッグ, Hepburn: Metaru Suraggu) is a series of run and gun video games originally created by Nazca Corporation before merging ...
#23. nazca corporation metal slug 2 gif | WiffleGif
WiffleGif has the awesome gifs on the internets. nazca corporation metal slug 2 gifs, reaction gifs, cat gifs, and so much more.
#24. DaVinci and Sweet Valley's 'Cheap Thrills' sample of Nazca ...
"Cheap Thrills" by DaVinci and Sweet Valley sampled Nazca Corporation's "Metal Slug Sound Effects". Listen to both songs on WhoSampled, the ultimate ...
#25. ชุมชน Steam :: METAL SLUG
两年后基于NEO GEO平台的《Metal Slug》诞生。《Metal Slug》游戏风格和游戏内容几乎与《GEOSTORM》如出一辙,并且Nazca也是Metal Slug2代3代以及移动端的制作主力。
#26. 合金彈頭1_百度百科
合金彈頭是一款由Nazca公司於1996年推出的橫版2D射擊類遊戲,是合金彈頭系列的第1作。 中文名. 合金彈頭1. 外文名. Metal Slug. 遊戲類型. 街機遊戲. 製作發行. Nazca.
#27. 合金彈頭:超級戰車001 - 中文百科知識
《合金彈頭:超級戰車001》(Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001)是Nazca於1996年在SNK的MVS街機基板開發的合金彈頭系列第一作。在當時便以其滑稽搞笑的場面及精細的手繪 ...
#28. 合金彈頭:超級戰車001 - 中文百科全書
《合金彈頭:超級戰車001》(Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001)是Nazca於1996年在SNK的MVS街機基板開發的合金彈頭系列第一作。在當時便以其滑稽搞笑的場面及精細的手繪 ...
#29. With Nazca (Sorted by Popularity Ascending) - IMDb
1. Metal Slug (1996 Video Game) ... When general Morden, a corrupt and powerful army general, has staged a coup d'etat, Marco Rossi and Tarma Roving, members of ...
#30. #nazca corporation on Tumblr
Metal Slug : Switch Retro Shorties. Image. SNK/Nazca, 1996. Nintendo Switch version published by HAMSTER. SNK threw an awful lot of mud at the wall during ...
#31. Metal Slug - Developer Interviews -
Nazca : Our basic concept was an action game with a good sense of speed, with somewhat comical characters. I say comical, but for the mechs and effects, we aimed ...
#32. 20 Best Nazca Corporation Games -
Metal Slug is a 1996 run and gun arcade video game originally developed by Nazca Corporation and released by SNK for the Neo Geo MVS.
#33. Neo Geo / NGCD - Metal Slug - Nazca Logo - The Spriters ...
Neo Geo / NGCD - Metal Slug - Nazca Logo - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet!
#34. @mikko on Twitter: "«Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001» was ...
«Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001» was developed by Nazca Corporation for SNK and ran on Neo-Geo systems. Note that the '193 MEGS' text on the ...
#35. Metal Slug Nazca 1996 vintage arcade videogame ... - Alamy
Download this stock image: Metal Slug Nazca 1996 vintage arcade videogame screenshot EDITORIAL USE ONLY - A3PC2K from Alamy's library of millions of high ...
#36. TAKARA TOMY - 越南大戰全集』轉蛋收藏組 - 玩具人
『NEOGEO 機械模型收藏組:越南大戰全集』(METAL SLUG;メタルスラッグ;大陸譯: ... 「越南大戰」是一款橫向捲軸動作射擊遊戲系列,最初由Nazca在1996年於街機MVS ...
#37. 《合金弹头》(Metal Slug)里面有什么有趣的地方? - 知乎
另,Metal Slug 官方的中译是《钢铁虫师》,第一代叫Super Vehicle-001: Metal Slug (万能战车001:钢铁虫师),这部开篇作品是一些前Irem 员工离职后创建的Nazca ...
#38. Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 : Nazca - Internet Archive
Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 by Nazca (1996)Developed byNazca CorporationReleased1996Also ForAndroid, iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, ...
#39. [beta] Metal Slug / メタルスラッグ (MVS, Neo-Geo - Nazca...
[beta] Metal Slug / メタルスラッグ (MVS, Neo-Geo - Nazca - 1996) 1995 AM show version, AKA the “tank only version” Sources: ...
#40. Each and every single unit designed by Nazca legend Max-D
4.3K subscribers in the MetalSlugAttack community. This is a subreddit for Metal Slug Attack, the 2016 sequel to Metal Slug Defense.
#41. Metal Slug: relembre a trajetória da clássica franquia da SNK
Metal Slug foi concebido pela já exinta Nazca Corporation, que contava em sua equipe com ex-funcionários da Irem (de jogos como R-Type e ...
#42. Lista de Jogos da Nazca Corporation | 株式会社ナスカ
Nazca Corporation é uma publisher e desenvolvedora japonesa fundada em 1994. É responsável por jogos como Metal Slug: Super Vehicle - 001 e Neo Turf ...
#43. Metal Slug 1 - Nazca Logo? | Neo-Geo Forums
There is this Nazca Logo sound including a spoken "Nazca" sample on the Metal Slug Complete Sound Box and now also on the sound test of the ...
#44. 46 Words Related to "Metal Slug"
So for example, you could enter "nazca corporation" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to metal slug and nazca corporation. You can ...
#45. 合金弹头本文重定向自越南大戰 - 万维百科
称呼 本名 身份 Marco〈马尔可〉 Marchrius Dennis Rossi 政府军PF(Peregrine Falcons)队少校 Tarma〈塔尔玛〉 Tarmicle Roving III 政府军PF队上尉 Eri〈英里〉 Eri Kasamoto(笠本英里) 政府军SPARROWS队上士
#46. Does SNK Playmore still retain some Nazca Corporation staff?
For Metal Slug 7 on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does SNK Playmore still retain some Nazca Corporation staff?".
#47. Steam 上的METAL SLUG
2D动作射击游戏巅峰作品[METAL SLUG](万能战车合金弹头)登陆STEAM平台! ... is a run and gun video game developed and originally released by Nazca Corporation.
#48. Video Game Flyers: Metal Slug, Nazca Corp.
Metal Slug. Last Updated: October 25, 2000. Manufacturer: Nazca Corp. Region: EU. Source: DarkskyZ (France); Year: 1996. Flyer Thumbnails; Flyer Page: 1 2 3.
#49. metal slug game part 2 | Slugs, Metal, Holiday decor - Pinterest
Mar 14, 2017 - metal slug super vehicle 001 game developed by nazca corporation snk.this game is about war .i play this game and end with 3 parts.this is ...
#50. Metal Slug - Culga Games
Metal Slug. Have fun with this classic racing and weapon game developed and launched by the Nazca Corporation! Take the position of a war soldier and eliminate ...
#51. Nazca Corporation (Company) - Giant Bomb
Nazca Corporation was a video game company made up of ex-Irem employees. They were responsible for the creation of the Metal Slug and Neo Turf Masters ...
#52. Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 (Nazca/SNK - Are We There Yet?
Metal Slug : Super Vehicle-001 (Nazca/SNK, Playstation, 1997) Bit of a history for this one. The map you see above first appeared as a ...
#53. Nazca Corporation - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The team is notable for developing the GunForce series while being part of Irem, Neo Turf Masters & the acclaimed Metal Slug series of games.
#54. Nazca Corporation png free download - Firefighter Cartoon
Firefighter Cartoon - metal slug sprites png advance, Number 2 - Metal slug, Playstation Logo - Playstation.
#55. Nazca publisher's top games | CQ-Esports
Nazca - is a video game publisher. The studio started its work in 1996 and has publisher 1 games. The best project Nazca has worked on is METAL SLUG.
#56. Timi Studios' Metal Slug Mobile has unveiled its first gameplay ...
The original title is developed by Nazca Corporation, later got merged with SNK. Metal Slug is a run and gun game, first released in April ...
#57. Developer - Nazca Corporation - Games Database
Most viewed Nazca Corporation games: Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (1996) (Arcade) Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf (1996) (Arcade)
#58. SNK/Nazca _ 搜索结果
单机游戏Metal Slug Games Evolution 1996-2019 (Ps, Xbox, Pc, iOS, Android). 油管《合金弹头》(日语:メタルスラッグ,英语:Metal Slug,香港译作“钢铁虫师”, ...
#59. NAZCA | METAL Slug - EUR 13.563,03 | PicClick FR
Condition: Bon état, Genre: Run and gun, Plate-forme: Neo Geo AES, Plateforme: Neo Geo AES, Nom du jeu vidéo: Metal Slug, Marque: Nazca, Code de région: ...
#60. Metal Slug sur SNK Neo•Geo (Nazca Corporation, 1996)
Metal Slug. Nazca Corporation - 1996. Allô, la boucherie Sanzot ? par Hebus San Extras : Musique - Manuel TXT - Manuel PDF.
#61. 那些年的越南战役《合金弹头》20周年系列回顾 - 新浪游戏
《合金弹头》(Metal Slug)1996年5月24日 ... 代表作有《异型战机》)的一部分成员成立的新公司Nazca在SNK的街机基版MVS上开发的一款全新之作。
#62. 合金弹头 1 - 搜狗百科
合金弹头是一款由Nazca公司于1996年推出的横版2D角色射击闯关游戏,是合金弹头系列的第1作。 中文名合金弹头1. 外文名Metal Slug. 游戏类型街机游戏. 制作发行Nazca.
#63. 黑V馬遜槓!SNK《越南大戰》 讓你不斷投幣的動作射擊經典
這款遊戲的名字,就叫做「Metal Slug」,台灣通常稱為「越南大戰」,中國稱之 ... 越南大戰這款遊戲最早是由「Nazca」這間公司所開發,SNK 發行, ...
#64. Nazca Corporation - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Nazca Corporation staticgiantbombcomuploadsscalesmall6604601. Video games Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug 3, Neo Turf Masters, ...
#65. Metal Slug | 1996 | NAZCA – Neo Geo CD - Video Game Forums
Metal Slug | 1996 | NAZCA. Metal Slug | 1996 | NAZCA. Neo Geo Forum · Neo Geo CD History · Frequently Asked Questions · Master Game List · Game Reviews ...
#66. Nazca - Reviews - Nintendo Life
Nazca. Company. Profile · Games · News · Reviews. October2017. 31. Switch eShop / Neo Geo. Review Metal Slug X. Remixed Vehicle – 001/II.
#67. Who made Metal Slug? - BoardGamesTips
Kazuma Kujo, who worked with Nazca Corporation during the creation of Metal Slug, once remarked in an interview, “At that time, Japanese game companies were ...
#68. Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 (Neo Geo) - The Cutting Room ...
Nazca went back to the drawing board and decided to add human players into the mix as well. This transition wasn't as smooth as it could' ...
#69. Nazca Corporation - Vida Extra
Nazca Corporation:'Metal Slug 3' prepara su asalto a Steam .'Metal Slug' en la vida real. La nostalgia pura en vídeo.
#70. Metal Slug Mobile: First Gameplay Officially Revealed - Game ...
In the year 2020, we learned that the Japanese run and gun video game series originally created by Nazca Corporation, Metal Slug, will be coming to mobile ...
#71. 鋼鐵蟲師系列- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - KFD.ME
《鋼鐵蟲師》(日語:メタルスラッグ,英語:Metal Slug,中國大陸譯作「合金彈頭」,台灣譯作「越南大戰」)是一款橫向捲軸動作射擊遊戲系列,最初由Nazca在1996年於 ...
#72. SNK Neo Geo AES - Metal Slug [Japan] for sale -
Metal Slug (メタルスラッグ) is a Shooter game, developed by Nazca and published by SNK, which was released in Japan in 1996 for the SNK Neo Geo AES.
#73. Metal Slug Retro Review (Neo Geo) - Hey Poor Player
Developed by Nazca Corporation (the company responsible for the superb shooter In The Hunt, who was later acquired by SNK) in 1996 and released ...
#74. Nazca Corporation - MobyGames
Nazca was founded in 1994 with a number of developers from Irem Corp. who left that company following major ... Metal Slug: Super Vehicle - 001, (1996).
#75. 合金弹头- Metal Slug | indienova GameDB 游戏库
合金弹头メタルスラッグ/ Metal Slug 3D Metal Slug. Nazca Corporation. 1996-01-19 ... [METAL SLUG](万能战车合金弹头)登陆STEAM平台!
#76. SNK: Psychotic Reviews: Metal Slug - Why did I play this? - RF ...
Metal Slug is an arcade run and gun shooter developed by Nazca Corporation. The team behind Nazca likely started in the early 1990s, ...
#77. 合金弹头Metal Slug - 街机游戏
合金弹头Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001(c) 1996 Nazca街机模拟器mame支持经典步行射击类mslug.zip街机游戏. mame0.198最新街机模拟器下载地址.
#78. Co-Op Games developed by Nazca - Co-Optimus
Co-Optimus Co-Op Game's Developer Profile - Nazca. ... Co-Op Games developed by Nazca. Metal Slug: Super Vehicle - 001 (Arcade [Classics]).
#79. 五月2015 - 懷念的街機
越南大戰(Metal Slug;メタルスラッグ;大陸譯:合金弹头;台灣譯:越南 ... 系列,最初由Nazca在1996年於街機MVS基板上推出。1997年SNK收購Nazca ...
#80. 那些年的越南戰役《合金彈頭》20周年系列回顧 - 壹讀
《合金彈頭》(Metal Slug)1996年5月24日 ... 也引起了SNK的注意,隨即將其和Nazca一起收購,從此為自家在主打的格鬥遊戲之外又多了一個重要品牌。
#81. Post Game Content — Metal Slug: Switch Retro Shorties
Metal Slug : Switch Retro Shorties SNK/Nazca, 1996 Nintendo Switch version published by HAMSTER SNK threw an awful lot of mud at the wall ...
#82. A very detailled look at the history of Metal Slug, In the hunt ...
-Nazca was set up to port SNK's games to he Saturn and Playstation. They inisted to be able to make an original arcade game. SNK allowed them to ...
#83. (分享) [MAME]遊戲越南大戰系列~ @ 威世紀 - 隨意窩
遊戲名稱: 越南大戰1 遊戲公司: NAZCA 發表年份: 1996 遊戲類型: 橫向動作射擊下載空間: MediaFire / MEGA 遊戲載點: 點此下載>>> 備用載點: 點此下載>>> 遊戲附件: ...
#84. Dolphin Blue - PressReader
Everyone loves the Metal Slug series from Nazca and SNK, right? But wouldn't you like it more if, instead of being set in a weird sci-fi ...
#85. 《越南大戰》首本官方授權百科終於來了,8/8開放預購 - T客邦
由英國出版社Bitmap Books所推出的Metal Slug: The Ultimate History, ... 此外編輯團隊還取得原始開發小組Nazca所製作的Metal Slug Zero資訊,那是 ...
#86. Metal Slug X | Autofire Power Hour
Join AFPH as we explore the legacy of arguably the all-time best Run n' Guns ever made, Nazca's Metal Slug! December 1, 2016 in Podcast.
#87. Vente aux enchères SNK NEO GEO AES "Metal Slug" (Nazca ...
"Metal Slug" (Nazca, 1996) Version AES japonaise - NGH-201. Exemplaire 100% legit original NEUF rarissime scellé. Classé VGA 85+ "Near Mint", ...
#88. 'Metal Slug' Is Still An Explosive, Over-The-Top Classic, 25 ...
Many games still used traditional sprites - and Nazca Corporation's Metal Slug, released in April 1996, really went to town with them.
#89. Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 - Glitchwave
Metal Slug : Super Vehicle-001 (game, run and gun, war, arcade). Released 1996. ... Developer / Publisher: Nazca Corporation. 19 April 1996. Metal Slug: ...
#90. شركة نازكا
الأعمال الوحيدة التي يُنسب إليها منذ Metal Slug 3 هي Yuusha 30 ، والمنتج في Dolphin Blue من Sammy Corporation ، وهو ائتمان يشاركه مع زملائه في فريق Nazca ...
#91. 合金彈頭》之父和他的天才團隊:九條一馬歸來記(上 - 每日頭條
這位造型類似《合金彈頭》(Metal Slug)男二號塔爾馬的男人是 ... 高堂一開始只打算讓Nazca把SNK的街機遊戲移植到其他公司的主機上,如索尼PS或世嘉 ...
#92. Nazca | Retro Gamer
The Metal Slug series is now firmly established as one of gaming's greatest run-and-gun franchises – but what did Edge magazine make of the ...
#93. Metal Slug (NEO) review | Neo Geo AES - The Pixel Empire
Publisher: SNK. Developer: Nazca Corporation. Released: April 1996 (Arcade); May 1996 (AES). Genre: Run 'n' Gun. Other versions: NGCD; PS; SAT.
#94. Vintage Games: An Insider Look at the History of Grand Theft ...
Often enough, “run 'n' gun” arcade games like Capcom's Commando (1985), SNK's Ikari Warriors (1986), and Nazca Corporation's Metal Slug (1996) end up in the ...
nazca metal slug 在 New York is on Facebook. To connect with Barcade 的推薦與評價
NEW GAME! Metal Slug, 1996, by Nazca. Find it in our Neo-Geo cabinet! ... <看更多>