體育外交,是一個能夠連結台灣與世界的作法;由紐西蘭澳洲商會秘書長Alex Matos介紹的摩爾先生,針對引進紐西蘭橄欖球產業進入台灣,擴大兩國運動參與一事來訪,事實上與我們幾天前的太平洋合作倡議,就後疫情時代多面向的合作,也不謀而合。
SportDiplomacy is a great way to build bridges across cultures.
It was great to meet the ambassadors of Kiwi #rugby to discuss their plans to increase their presence in Taiwan.
Just a few days ago, my team and I held a videoconference on the idea of an Asia-Pacific bubble of #COVID19-free nations. #Taiwan 🇹🇼 and #NewZealand 🇳🇿 have both made great strides in combating the spread of the novel coronavirus, and thus we seek to make the most out of the newly-emerged windows of opportunity to deepen our bilateral ties. People-to-people exchanges, and specifically, promotion of sports, constitute an important means to this end.
Bringing #rugby to Taipei can promote healthy lifestyles, cultural understanding, and tourism. Additionally, international sport events bring capital, so this potential cooperation between New Zealand and Taiwan to promote rugby is also important for our city's economic development. I will work diligently to connect our Kiwi partners with the relevant departments in Taipei City Govt., to make sure our authorities provide them with all the necessary support.
newly emerged sports 在 黃梓謙 Gary Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
#嚟挑戰下體能 #記住買埋本體育革命 #帶埋家人朋友嚟 #慈善 #體育 #健康生活
凝動香港體育基金 InspiringHK Sports Foundation
香港書展及運動消閒博覽明天(7月18日)開鑼。凝動首次參展運動消閒博覽,希望籍此鼓勵公眾,特別是5-17歲的年青人及家長每天抽出一小時 SportsHour 以達至健康生活。攤位引入各式各樣的運動項目供大眾試玩,包括室內單車競賽,新興運動及體能測試等,更設豐富獎品以及凝動運動員支持者台上分享講座。歡迎大家到攤位5E-E02 參觀,展期至7月24日下午5時。
本會同時推出新書《體育革命:誰能定我富或貧》於運動消閒博覽攤位出售,並同時於書展會場香港01 攤位(1C-C37)售賣。我們誠意邀請您前來參與活動及購買新書 ! 《香港亞洲之友》 為本書獨家慈善夥伴。本書每售出一冊,《香港亞洲之友》將配對捐助相對金額,以支持本會持續開辦長期體育培訓課程予本地基層學生,以體育造就更多青年!
The Hong Kong Book Fair and Sports and Leisure Expo opens tomorrow (18 July!). By participating in the Sports and Leisure Expo, IHKSports hopes to encourage the public, especially youths between 5-17, to “SportsHour” daily to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Our booth introduces a wide range of sports to the public, including indoor cycling competitions, newly emerged sports and physical fitness tests, with fascinating prizes. You are most welcome to visit us at 5E-E02, The Expo lasts till 5pm on 24th July. We have also invited our Athlete Supporters to join us on stage to share their experience in Cantonese.
At the same time, we have published a new book “Level Playing Field: No One is Privileged in Sports”. The book is also at the Expo booth as well as at the HK01 booth (1C-C37) at the Book Fair. For every book sold, Friends of Asia Hong Kong would match the amount with reference to the proceeds generated by the book sale to support our long-term sports training programme for the under-resourced kids.
#IHKSports #凝動香港體育基金 #SportsCharity #體育慈善 #SportsHour #香港運動消閒博覽2018