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同時也有73部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,美人ライダー HONDA CB400FOUR Suzuki SV400 スズキ・ ボルティー Suzuki Volty 日本初のダチョウ料理専門店、 ライダーズカフェMACHⅢ 大阪府堺市美原区北余部469-6 TEL&FAX072-361ー3171
「outlook 2007」的推薦目錄:
outlook 2007 在 國發會 Facebook 的最佳解答
經濟合作暨發展組織(The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,以下稱OECD)每年定期發布「就業展望報告」(Employment Outlook),主要針對各會員國的勞動市場情勢進行觀察分析,並提出重點議題。今年報告內容以青年就業情勢、新興經濟體勞動市場的性別差距、職場技能運用等為關注議題,重點摘述如下:
#國發會 #NDC #國際一點通 #OECD #2016年就業展望報告 #今年勞動市場情勢逐漸改善 #職場競爭力
outlook 2007 在 方志恒 Brian Fong Facebook 的最佳解答
── 剖析港陸之間的利害關係
/ 易汶健(《香港革新論》共同作者)
這些論調,如果不是刻意製造「經濟依賴」(Economic dependence)的新殖民論述,也是禁不起嚴格分析論證的意見。正如《經濟學人》所評論3,只憑GDP就衡量一地之實力,是簡化了現實;因為香港對大陸的重要性,並不完全在GDP數字中反映出來—香港的國際金融中心地位,就是明證。
• 香港是中國大陸最重要的境外直接投資(FDI)來源地,在2009至2014年,佔FDI總數都超過六成;2014年數額高達857.4億美元,佔總額的71.7%(表一)4。香港是中國大陸國企民企的離岸集資中心。截至2014年底,有876家中國大陸企業(包括H股、紅籌和民企)在香港上市,當中有84家是新上市。大陸企業市值佔150,776.2億港元,佔股本市場60%,較2013年底增加10.1%5。
• 香港是中國大陸企業的貸款及融資中心。香港銀行業的中國大陸相關貸款總額顯著,2014年第3季末有30,580億港元6,佔總資產的14.7%,約佔2013年十大銀行62,240億元總貸款的一半7,當中約14,240億港元流入國企,有5,670億港元流入民企。
• 大陸是香港的主要投資來源地,僅次於英屬處女島。截至2013年底,大陸在香港的直接投資存量,達33,416億港元,佔所有來源地約31.9%。大陸也佔該年流入的境外直接投資的第二名,達466億港元8。
• 在人民幣自由兌換的漫長路途中,香港擔當無可代替的角色,例如推動「合資格境內機構投資者」(QDII)及「境外合格機構投資者」(QFII),躍居世界最大人民幣離岸中心。前者舒緩內地資金過剩及人民幣升值的壓力,後者擴大資本市場對外開放,刺激境內的證券市場。去年和預計今年推出的滬港通和深港通,原意是加速陸港兩地資金流通,並促使國內改善監管制度及公司治理。
表一:中國大陸的境外直接投資(FDI) 首十個來源地(2009 – 2014)
年份 香港 其餘地區 首十位總額 總額 香港比重
2014 857.4 268.5 1125.9 1195.6 71.7%
2013 783.02 312.26 1095.28 1175.86 66.6%
2012 712.89 308.22 1021.11 1117.16 63.8%
2011 770.11 292.64 1062.75 1160.11 66.4%
2010 674.74 281.11 955.85 1057.35 63.8%
2009 539.93 255 794.93 900.33 60.0%
表二:中國大陸企業在香港股巿的集資額(2009 – 2014)
年份 數額(億港元) 比率(%)
2014 1951 86
2013 1543 91
2012 814 90
2011 953 37
2010 2244 50
2009 2056 83
智庫暨市場研究機構Z/Yen今年3月發表的「全球金融中心指數」(Global Financial Centres Index),分析82個金融中心的特質(例如營商環境、稅制、金融巿場發展、基建、人力資本)及3,500多份專家問卷內容14。香港排名僅次於紐約及倫敦,是全球第三大金融中心;而上海排名第十六,深圳則排名第二十二。
國際顧問公司A.T. Kearney去年發表「2014年全球城市指數」(Global City Index 2014),香港排名第五,領先北京(第八)、新加坡(第九)和上海(第十八),尤其在人力資本和資訊傳播方面遠遠領先中國其他城市。15
「經濟學人智庫」(Economist Intelligence Unit)在2013年發表一份名為「聚焦2025:全球城市未來競爭力評比」(Hot Spots 2025: Benchmarking the Future Competitiveness of Cities),分析到2025年,全世界最有競爭力的城巿中,紐約排名全球第一、倫敦第二、新加坡第三、香港第四;沒有一個大陸城巿排名進入前三十,上海排名第三十八、北京排名第四十九、深圳排名第六十九16。
世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)去年發表的「全球競爭力排名報告2014-2015」(The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015)中,香港全球排名第7,中國大陸排名28,香港競爭力遙遙領先全國,在制度、基建、勞工巿場效率及金融巿場等方面更加站於全球領先地位。17
The McKinsey Global Institute在去年四月公布2012年「聯繫指數」(Connectedness Index),統計並排列各經濟體跨境資源流動的程度18。研究顯示德國排名全球第一,香港排名第二,美國和新加坡分別排第三及第四,中國排名第二十五。報告指在香港進出的貨物額佔全球份額最多,服務業金額排第四,金融資本排第三。報告特別提到掌握資訊科技,大大促進各類資源流動及全球化。
表四:香港的基金管理業務合計資產總值(2005 – 2013)
資產管理業務 其他業務 基金管理業務合計資產
2013 14640 5880 20520
2012 10640 5600 16240
2011 7420 4220 11640
2010 8800 4180 12980
2009 7510 3460 10970
2008 4780 2770 7550
2007 8350 4000 12350
2006 5320 2600 7920
2005 4180 1660 5840
當然,擔當國際金融中心並非有利無弊。金融中心的代價,例如貧富不均,精英主義心態,或者吸走科學及工程人才,窒礙其他行業成長30。同時間,一些會傷害國際金融中心的政策,例如大幅調高稅收,資本管制,或者匯率自由浮動,則未能實施。這些問題,都需要政府介入以社會經濟政策補償,例如一、把金融業人士和公司的巨額利潤,適當地透過稅收轉為社會保障;二、推廣社會公益的投資產品,例如替代能源互惠基金,或者「社會影響投資」(Social impact investment);三、提供地方和資助給民眾,容許他們創業和小本經營。
1 王卓祺:〈香港大勢已去嗎?—香港內地的不對稱融合〉,《明報》,2014年8月20日。
2 〈董建華指泛民「賭一舖」憂損中港互信〉,《蘋果日報》,2015年4月29日。
3 R. S., Why Hong Kong remains vital to China’s economy. The Economist. Retrieved from…/ec…/2014/09/economist-explains-22. (2014, September 30)
4 全國利用外資情況統計,《中華人民共和國商務部》。
5 〈2014年市場統計數據〉,香港交易所,2015年1月8日。…/h…/2015/Documents/150108news_c.pdf
6 〈香港金融管理局季報〉,香港金融管理局,2014年12月。…/quarterly-bulletin/qb201412/ra1.pdf
7 KPMG, Hong Kong Banking Survey 2014. Hong Kong: Author. Retrieved from…/Hong-Kong-Banking-Survey-2014-201407.… (2014).
8 〈國際收支平衡〉,政府統計處,2014年。…
9 〈李克強:一國兩制、港人治港是中國政府的基本國策〉,《中國人大網》,2015年3月15日。…/xinw…/2015-03/15/content_1930000.htm
10 全國利用外資情況統計,中華人民共和國商務部。
11 〈市場統計數據〉(2009至2014年),香港交易所,2015年1月8日。…/h…/2015/Documents/150108news_c.pdf
12 曾澍基,〈香港經濟第一元的發展策略〉,2003年3月。
13 本港港口運量近年被上海、新加坡和深圳趕上,在2013年只排第四。見International Association of Ports and Harbors. (2014). World Container Traffic Data 2014. Retrieved from…
14 The Z/Yen Group, The Global Financial Centres Index 17. Retrieved from (2015)
15 A.T. Kearney, 2014 Global Cities Index and Emerging Cities Outlook. Retrieved from…/3628fd7d-70be-41bf-99d6-4c8eaf98…. (2015)
16 Economist Intelligence Unit (2013).Hot Spots 2025 Benchmarking the futurecompetitiveness of cities. Retrieved from…/citiforcit…/pdfs/hotspots2025.pdf
17 World Economic Forum. (2014). The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015. Retrieved from…/WEF_GlobalCompetitivenessReport_2…
18 Manyika, J., Bughin, J., Lund, S., Nottebohm, O., Poulter, D., Jauch, S., & Ramaswamy, S. (2014). Global flows in a digital age: How trade, finance, people, and data connect the world economy. McKinsey Global Institute. Retrieved from…/Global_flows_in_a_digital_age_Ful…
19 孔誥烽:〈龍獅旗下的臨界點〉,收錄在孔誥烽:《少年香港》(香港:圓桌精英,2014)。
20 張宏任:《人民幣國際化與香港未來》(香港:和平圖書有限公司,2012),頁21。
21 香港的「離岸金融中心」優勢,除了可成為北京推動金融改革的最佳場地,也必然是大陸權貴最理想的資產集散地。全球金融誠信機構(Global Financial Integrity)的研究就指出,2003至2012年間中國大陸非法外流的資金估計合共高達12,524億美元,而香港相信是大陸權貴洗黑錢、漂白資金及轉移資產的主要場地。《文匯報》2013年2月刊登專題報導,引述復旦大學中國反洗錢研究中心秘書長嚴立新指,中國大陸經香港洗錢的資金規模,相信至少達到每年2000億港元,方式主要有六種,即現金挾帶走私、地下錢莊、國際貿易、投資、使用空殼公司和銀行賬戶、賭博乃至巨額信用卡消費。見:Kar, Dev & Spanjers, Joseph. (2014). Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2003-2012. Global Financial Integrity. Washington, DC. Retrieved from…/Illicit-Financial-Flows-from-D…。〈內地每年借道香港洗錢2000億〉,《文匯報》,2013年2月28日。
22 〈財政預算案演辭〉,2014年。…/general/201402/26/P201402260281.htm。
23 〈香港經濟的四個主要行業及其他選定行業〉,政府統計處。
24 香港金融發展局,〈鞏固香港作為全球主要國際金融中心的地位〉(2013年)。 Strengthening Hong Kong As Leading(Chinese).pdf
25 R. S., Why Hong Kong remains vital to China's economy. The Economist. Retrieved from…/ec…/2014/09/economist-explains-22. (2014, September 30)
26 政府統計處:〈香港統計月刊:香港的資產管理業〉,2013年10月。
27 27 證券及期貨事務監察委員會,〈基金管理業務在2013年持續增長〉,2014年7月8日。…/gat…/TC/news-and-announcements/news/doc…
28 香港金融發展局:〈香港:中國的全球金融中心〉,2013年11月。…/Pitchbook%20Brochure%28TC%29%28Fin…
29 貿易發展局,〈香港基金管理業概況〉,2014年。
30 Davies, Howard, Does London's financial centre boost or harm the UK economy? The Guardian (2014, February 25).
#香港革新論 #香港政治 #新書 #書展 #政改 #本土派 #本土 #香港人 #身份認同 #方志恒 #王慧麟 #田方澤 #何俊霆 #何偉倫 #吳凱宇 #李耀基 #周日東 #房吉祥 #易汶健 #林立志 #施家潤 #柯衍健 #袁彌昌 #區諾軒 #陳智傑 #黃冠能 #楊庭輝 #雷浩昌 #鄺健銘 #鄺英豪
outlook 2007 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
美人ライダー HONDA CB400FOUR Suzuki SV400 スズキ・ ボルティー Suzuki Volty
今週の車両はKAWASAKI 500SS MACH3 "H1"
The sea bass and SV (Esbi) are motorcycles of the sports type that the sea bass is doing the manufacturing sales. Numerical models are being produced as a series model now.
SV400 was put on the market in 1998. Two V type of water-cooled four stroke 90 degrees cylinder engine is installed, and there are two kinds of SV400 of a naked model to whom it gives priority to SV400S and the town youth who is the half caul model to emphasize sports.
At first, SV400 was changed to a double disk in 2002 in 2000 SV400S though the nose-wheel brake was a single disc. S of the fixed price was 90,000 yen or more higher. It is a catalog fall of both in September, the production end and 2007 in December, 2006.
Bolte (Volty) is a motorcycle to which the sea bass was doing the
manufacturing sales.
Bolte was put on the market in 1994. It was a naked type of 250cc with the outlook on ..retro-style.. Haz, and a curve part took charge and Every Good Boy Deserves Favour took charge of the body design with a lot of features that were.
It got into the news as "Price busting of the motorcycle" because of pricing that was under 300,000 yen that greatly fell below the market price of 250cc at that time. It is possible to visit production though the minor change is continued from release to 2004 for ten years, and suiting demand enough though it might be called an unpopular car.
This class was popular among the woman in a diminutive body and weight from the thing that the taking turning is easy. Bolte was used instead of Cab in the post office in the region part probably because of ..very good durability and fuel cost in addition... It often sees as a vehicle of delivery service by motorcycles now.
Motorcycle CB400FOUR (Shebe Foix) that Honda Motor Co., Ltd. put on the market in 1997.
Outline of edit
A big body that adopted the spoke wheel before and behind the putting out muffler four that gave the chrome plating appeared as new naked sports that followed the image of not the reprint of dream CB400FOUR that was a great car before but dream CB750FOUR.
The cooling fin is added based on four water-cooled series cylinders of CB400SF and the engine is installed in a vertical feeling. The setting was assumed an inside low-speed valuing on the assumption of the use in daily life while maintaining 53 horsepower of 400cc class upper bound. As for the color, three colors of candy ocean green, Italian red, and a pure black were prepared.
outlook 2007 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
ちょうど北摂のライダーズカフェ CoRのママも居たので紹介しました、
* The formal nomenclature is "Hornet", and the name that puts "250" is an alias used to distinguish hornet 600 and hornet 900 that was born from the back for convenience' sake. 250cc model is often indicated in many cases if it is only said the hornet in Japan. Announcement in January, 1996.
* As for the feature on externals, this size wheel and tire, etc. are enumerated before and behind putting out improvement muffler and this company CBR900RR installed right under the seat caul the right side one.
* The power band in low and the inside rotation region is strengthened for flexibility under a wide running condition and four valve cylinder of four water-cooled strokes DOHC4 engine that has been succeeded since CBR250FOUR of the announcement in 1987 is installed.
* The feature is a cam gear train that drives the cam with the gear, and driving sound of the cam gear is suitable and plays a peculiar sound to with other sound sources. It originally has the origin as the engine for the racer replica, and Red Zone is a super-high rotation type power unit named 16000rpm-20000rpm. Therefore, the torque is comparatively thin excluding the factor by the displacement and the number of cylinders, and it can be said to the getting on digestion by the scene with a lot of addition and subtraction velocities that the crossing ratio making is a fault even if the point that skill becomes a necessary vehicle is a merit for the owner.
* It doesn't leak to multi Ki of the HONDA naked and the link mechanics is not given though Riyasaspention is a mono-suspension.
* Hornet DX (deluxe) addition in September, 2005. The first two-tone (It is red or yellow in the black) is adopted. The change is none in the performance parameters etc. other than the price.
* The minor change and the body color were reformed in December, 2006. The
color order plan ends.
o Standard: Black and white
o Deluxe: It is blue, silver or red in the black.
* Production end announcement in December, 2007. The balance of exhaust emissions regulations, the noise regulation, and the development cost or the succession models will not be announced.
Bolte (Volty) is a motorcycle to which the sea bass was doing the manufacturing
Bolte was put on the market in 1994. It was a naked type of 250cc with the outlook on ..retro-style.. Haz, and a curve part took charge and Every Good Boy Deserves Favour took charge of the body design with a lot of features that were.
It got into the news as "Price busting of the motorcycle" because of pricing that was under 300,000 yen that greatly fell below the market price of 250cc at that time. It is possible to visit production though the minor change is continued from release to 2004 for ten years, and suiting demand enough though it might be called an unpopular car.
This class was popular among the woman in a diminutive body and weight from the thing that the taking turning is easy. Bolte was used instead of Cab in the post office in the region part probably because of ..very good durability and fuel cost in addition... It often sees as a vehicle of delivery service by motorcycles now.
outlook 2007 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文
ちょうど北摂のライダーズカフェ CoRのママも居たので紹介しました、
* The formal nomenclature is "Hornet", and the name that puts "250" is an alias used to distinguish hornet 600 and hornet 900 that was born from the back for convenience' sake. 250cc model is often indicated in many cases if it is only said the hornet in Japan. Announcement in January, 1996.
* As for the feature on externals, this size wheel and tire, etc. are enumerated before and behind putting out improvement muffler and this company CBR900RR installed right under the seat caul the right side one.
* The power band in low and the inside rotation region is strengthened for flexibility under a wide running condition and four valve cylinder of four water-cooled strokes DOHC4 engine that has been succeeded since CBR250FOUR of the announcement in 1987 is installed.
* The feature is a cam gear train that drives the cam with the gear, and driving sound of the cam gear is suitable and plays a peculiar sound to with other sound sources. It originally has the origin as the engine for the racer replica, and Red Zone is a super-high rotation type power unit named 16000rpm-20000rpm. Therefore, the torque is comparatively thin excluding the factor by the displacement and the number of cylinders, and it can be said to the getting on digestion by the scene with a lot of addition and subtraction velocities that the crossing ratio making is a fault even if the point that skill becomes a necessary vehicle is a merit for the owner.
* It doesn't leak to multi Ki of the HONDA naked and the link mechanics is not given though Riyasaspention is a mono-suspension.
* Hornet DX (deluxe) addition in September, 2005. The first two-tone (It is red or yellow in the black) is adopted. The change is none in the performance parameters etc. other than the price.
* The minor change and the body color were reformed in December, 2006. The
color order plan ends.
o Standard: Black and white
o Deluxe: It is blue, silver or red in the black.
* Production end announcement in December, 2007. The balance of exhaust emissions regulations, the noise regulation, and the development cost or the succession models will not be announced.
Bolte (Volty) is a motorcycle to which the sea bass was doing the manufacturing
Bolte was put on the market in 1994. It was a naked type of 250cc with the outlook on ..retro-style.. Haz, and a curve part took charge and Every Good Boy Deserves Favour took charge of the body design with a lot of features that were.
It got into the news as "Price busting of the motorcycle" because of pricing that was under 300,000 yen that greatly fell below the market price of 250cc at that time. It is possible to visit production though the minor change is continued from release to 2004 for ten years, and suiting demand enough though it might be called an unpopular car.
This class was popular among the woman in a diminutive body and weight from the thing that the taking turning is easy. Bolte was used instead of Cab in the post office in the region part probably because of ..very good durability and fuel cost in addition... It often sees as a vehicle of delivery service by motorcycles now.
outlook 2007 在 (急)為什麼Outlook 2007 新增Hotmail 電子郵件帳戶失敗 的推薦與評價已經參考這網站的操作方式,但還是無法成功新增收發信件。在設定Outlook 2007 新增Hotmail 電子郵件 ... ... <看更多>