pteropod 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

far as we know, feed solely upon the shelled pteropods. These carnivorous pteropods have sets of curved hooks and suckers or sticky tentacles ... ... <看更多>
Pteropoda (common name pteropods, from the Greek meaning "wing-foot") are specialized free-swimming pelagic sea snails and sea slugs, marine opisthobranch ...
#2. Pteropod | mollusk - Encyclopedia Britannica
pteropod, also called sea butterfly, small marine gastropods of the subclass Opisthobranchia (phylum Mollusca) characterized by a foot modified to form a ...
n. 翼足類動物. Dr.eye 譯典通.
#4. Creature feature: Pteropod - The Ocean Twilight Zone
In the weird and wonderful menagerie of the twilight zone, the pteropod stands out for its delicate grace. Fluttering through the water column on ...
#5. Pteropods: Swimming snails of the sea - YouTube
The pteropods are a fascinating group of snails that spend their entire lives swimming or drifting in the ocean and never touching the ...
#6. Evolution and biomineralization of pteropod shells
Introduction. Shelled pteropods, known as sea butterflies, are considered vulnerable to ocean acidification (OA) (Bednaršek et al., 2012b, ...
#7. Pteropod definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Pteropod definition: any small marine gastropod mollusc of the group or order Pteropoda, in which the foot is... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
#8. What are Pteropods? Radiocarbon Dating Sea Slugs
Pteropods are sea slugs which originated about 133 million years ago. Currently, they can be found in most major oceans across all ...
#9. Pteropods | Chroniques du Plancton - Plankton Chronicles
Pteropod mollusks have two wings on either side of a soft body, sometimes protected by a shell. Some pteropod mollusks are voracious predators that go as far as ...
#10. Pteropods - Alaska Ocean Acidification Network
Pteropods are planktonic marine snails (gastropods) with a foot that has been modified into a pair of wings used to swim through the ocean. In fact, their name ...
#11. Pteropod Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PTEROPOD is any of the opisthobranch mollusks comprising two orders (Thecosomata and Gymnosomata) and having the anterior lobes of the foot ...
#12. The origin and diversification of pteropods precede ... - PNAS
Pteropods are abundant aragonitic calcifiers, contributing up to 89% of total pelagic calcification. Because of their delicate shells, ...
#13. Pteropods at risk | One shared ocean
Pteropods – or sea butterflies – are tiny sea snails which play a critical role in various ocean ecosystems. Because of this critical role there is great ...
#14. Aragonitic Pteropod Flux to the Interior of the East Sea (Sea of ...
Monthly aragonite fluxes of cosomatous pteropods in the deep Japan Basin in the East Sea (Japan Sea) were estimated using a bottom tethered time-serie...
#15. Oligocene pteropods (Gastropoda - SciELO México
Oligocene pteropods (Gastropoda: Thecosomata) from the Kishima Formation, ... These species constitute the first Oligocene pteropod record from Japan.
#16. The pteropod species Heliconoides inflatus as an archive ...
In addition, the calcification depth of the pteropods was estimated based on oxygen isotope values (δ 18 O) of pteropod shells and seawater. Our ...
#17. pteropods - Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry
(a) Limacina helicina antarctica (shelled pteropod), (b) Gymnosomes – nonshelled pteropods that prey on shelled pteropods (p = 0.007, r 2 = 0.27), and (c) Clio ...
#18. Sea butterfly/pteropod - Center for Biological Diversity
SEA BUTTERFLY/pteropod( Limacina helicina). RANGE: Arctic and Southern oceans. The pteropod Limacina helicina is a tiny shelled marine snail that swims ...
#19. Pteropod shell experiment - NOAA/PMEL
Time sequence of shell dissolution of the Antarctic pteropod Limacina helicina in waters simulating the saturation state of surface seawater with respect to ...
#20. Pteropod Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Pteropod definition, belonging or pertaining to the Pteropoda, a group of mollusks having the lateral portions of the foot expanded into winglike lobes used ...
#21. Morphology and field behavior of pteropod molluscs: feeding ...
From 1983 to 1985 we studied the in-situ feeding behavior of fourteen species belonging to nine genera of thecosomatous pteropods, one in the family Limaci.
#22. Pteropod - Zooplankton - University of Tasmania, Australia
The foot has two very large parapodia or wings, hence the name pteropod or wing-foot. Note that pteropod is not a formal taxonomic term.
#23. pteropod - Wiktionary
pteropod (plural pteropods). Any of free-swimming pelagic sea snails and sea slugs, of the suborder Thecosomata, that have winglike lobes on the feet; ...
#24. Taxonomy of pteropods. - ResearchGate
species identified per station, we also provided sum- mary statistics of total pteropod biomass per station (n = 14 136). The database included both Gymnosomata ...
#25. Pteropod shell condition, locomotion, and long-term ...
Thecosome pteropods are planktonic mollusks that form aragonite shells and that may experience increased dissolution and other adverse effects due to ocean ...
#26. Shell growth rates of pteropod and heteropod molluscs and ...
Shell calcification rates of four species of euthecosomatous pteropods and two species of shelled heteropods were measured in short-term 45Ca uptake ...
#27. Aragonitic+Pteropod+Flux+to+the+Interior+of+the+East+Sea+ ...
Monthly aragonite fluxes of cosomatous pteropods in the deep Japan Basin in the East Sea (Japan Sea) were estimated using a bottom tethered time-series ...
#28. Pelagic Snails: The Biology of Holoplanktonic Gastropod Mollusks
Stepien ( 1980 ) , for example , used the known depth ranges of certain species of pteropods , chaetognaths , and euphausiids to analyze the vertical ...
#29. Using the Stable Isotopic Composition of Heliconoides inflatus ...
Pteropods contribute substantially to carbon cycling and carbonate biomass (Hunt et al., 2008; Bednaršek et al., 2012), with pteropod shells ...
#30. Acidification eating away at tiny sea snails - The Seattle Times
These translucent sea butterflies known as pteropods, which provide food ... A healthy pteropod: Tiny, translucent snails, also known as sea ...
#31. #pteropod hashtag on Instagram • Photos and videos
639 posts. Turns out fairies do exist, and they go by pteropoda! ♂️ · Creseis acicula, a thecosome pteropod mollusk from Mediterranean Sea.
#32. The origin and diversification of pteropods precede ... - PubMed
Pteropods are a group of planktonic gastropods that are widely regarded as biological indicators for assessing the impacts of ocean ...
#33. Determination of weights of pteropod shells in samples ... - EPIC
Pteropods are marine pelagic snails that form shells out of aragonite, a form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). When CaCO3 precipitates, CO2 is set free and ...
#34. effect of elevated carbon dioxide on the sinking and swimming ...
Shelled pteropods are planktonic molluscs that may be affected by ocean ... The shells of many species of pteropod are transparent, but turn darker and more ...
#35. Amazing Sea Butterflies Are the Ocean's Canary in the Coal ...
But some pteropod species are proving to do just fine in more acidic water, while others have shells that dissolve quickly.
#36. Pteropods: Very Small & Very Important | PBS LearningMedia
Pteropods are very small free-floating marine snails that play a very big part in oceanic ecosystems. Although tiny, these creatures are extremely important ...
#37. Pteropods and Climate Change
These images enable them to compare shell thickness of pteropods from different areas of the oceans around the world. Pteropod shells are ...
#38. Pteropod - SoundCloud
Play Pteropod on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
#39. Pteropod time series from the North Western Mediterranean ...
Pteropod populations are influenced by inter-annual changes in summer tempera- tures. Spectral analysis identified a ~14 yr periodic oscillation ...
#40. Pteropods - Swimming Mollusks on Vimeo
Pteropods - Swimming Mollusks. Not Yet Rated ... Planktonic snails known as sea butterflies build fragile shells. Will they survive an acidifying ...
#41. pteropod 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
Pteropod \Pter"o*pod\, n. [Gr. ? wing-footed; ? a feather, wing + ?, ?, foot: cf. F. pt['e]ropode.] (Zool.) One of the Pteropoda. [1913 Webster]
#42. Everyone knows what a pteropod is, right? - No Bones
Oral view of a new species of pseudothecosome pteropod from the North Pacific. It's ok though, since even the scientists studying pteropods don' ...
#43. Meet the Pteropod | Saltwater Science - Nature
Pteropod : We're also called "sea butterflies" if you prefer. But pteropod translates to "wing-foot", which is also pretty cool.
#44. Gulf of Maine Pteropods - BCO-DMO
Limacina retroversa is a particularly abundant thecosome pteropod in the North Atlantic, where it is prey for a number of fisheries species and other top ...
#45. Pteropod Biology - BIOS | Arizona State University
Although pteropods have become the focus of much public and research interest, due to their sensitivity to ocean acidification, much of their basic biology ...
#46. pteropods — SeaDoc Society Blog
Pteropods are an indicator species for the ecosystem as a whole. “The Salish Sea is one big ocean acidification hotspot,” said Bednaršek. “It's corrosive from ...
#47. Bednaršek, N et al. (2012): Global distributions of pteropods ...
The aim of this study was to collect and synthesize existing pteropod (Gymnosomata, Thecosomata and Pseudothecosomata) abundance and biomass data, ...
#48. First record of straight-needle pteropod Rang, 1828 bloom in ...
Pteropods, one of the common members of marine zooplankton assemblages, are pelagic holoplanktic mollusks that spend their entire life cycle in the water ...
#49. The panda bear pteropod is the cutest swimming snail in the ...
far as we know, feed solely upon the shelled pteropods. These carnivorous pteropods have sets of curved hooks and suckers or sticky tentacles ...
#50. Twitter 上的Scientific American:"These pteropod mollusks ...
These pteropod mollusks called sea angels are at risk because of ocean acidification. More photos by Tim Flach: http://bit.ly/2llqeAP. 翻譯推文.
#51. Spring distribution of shelled pteropods across the ... - BG
Results show that pteropod abundance is significantly higher in the eastern Mediterranean Sea where there is a higher aragonite saturation state (Ωar), showing ...
#52. Pteropods, Arctic Ocean biodiversity
Pteropods - sea angels & sea butterflies. Main image. Pteropod means "wing footed", referring to modification of this pelagic snail's foot ...
#53. B-134 Pteropods - Shaun O'Boyle Photography
I visited them in their lab and out on the sea ice where they are studying pteropods, free swimming pelagic sea snails that live in the open water of ...
#54. Shelled Pteropod | Smithsonian Ocean
A translucent pteropod swims freely in the open ocean with a black background. ©Brian Skerry. Changes in ocean chemistry destroy the shelled pteropods that this ...
#55. pteropod - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
pteropod /ˈtɛrəˌpɒd/ n. any small marine gastropod mollusc of the group or order Pteropoda, in which the foot is expanded into two winglike lobes for ...
#56. "Shelled pteropods in peril: Assessing vulnerability in a high ...
Euthecosomatous pteropods (holoplanktonic gastropods) represent an excellent ... and understanding of euthecosomatous pteropod biology and ecology of these ...
#57. Global biogeography and evolution of Cuvierina pteropods
Shelled pteropods are planktonic gastropods that are potentially good indicators of the effects of ocean acidification.
#58. The Shells of Wild Sea Butterflies Are Already Dissolving
Bednarsek's latest field observations show dissolving pteropod shells ... Since pteropods build thin shells from the most soluble form of ...
#59. Search - Digital Taiwan - Culture & Nature
(Matching tags: mollusk,Cuvierina columnella,Pteropod). Cuvierina columnnella, or Cigar Pteropod, is also known as the "Turtle Head Pteropod" because the ...
#60. Key to Principal Pteropod Species - 第 2 頁 - Google 圖書結果
KEY TO PRINCIPAL PTEROPOD SPECIES Figure 1 is a generalized key intended to facilitate rapid identification of the Pteropod families and genera ...
#61. Timing and preservation mechanism of deglacial pteropod ...
The aragonite compensation depth (ACD) fluctuated considerably during the last glacial until the Holocene with a dominant pteropod ...
#62. Condition of pteropod shells near a volcanic CO2 vent region
Here we document the in situ impact of. 16 submarine CO2 volcanic emissions (CO2 vents) on live shelled-pteropods (planktonic. 17 gastropods) species Creseis ...
#63. Peter the Pteropod - Google 圖書結果
Donna Joannou-Kunzig. Peter the Pteropod Donna Joannou - Kunzig Peter the Pteropod was a snail - like little fish.
#64. The “Bipolar” Pteropod Species Limacina helicina Is ... - PLOS
The shelled pteropod (sea butterfly) Limacina helicina is currently recognised as a species complex comprising two sub-species and at least ...
#65. Pteropod abundance and shell dissolution in the Canadian ...
Pteropods ; Amundsen Gulf; Oceanography; Field Surveys; Oceans; Arctic Ocean; Beaufort Sea; Arctic ecosystems. Subject: Nature and Environment; Science ...
#66. Ocean acidity dissolving tiny snails' protective shell
The top photo shows a healthy pteropod with a transparent shell and ... found a high percentage of pteropods with dissolving shells.
#67. Shelled pteropod abundance and distribution across the ...
Thecosome pteropods are a dominant group of calcifying pelagic molluscs and ... In this study, we characterise spring pteropod distribution ...
#68. Reassessment of the life cycle of the pteropod Limacina ...
Keywords: life cycle, Limacina helicina, North Pacific, population dynamics, pteropod, seasonal growth. Introduction. Thecosome pteropods comprise a group of ...
#69. Life cycle and early development of the thecosomatous ...
Thecosome pteropods are pelagic molluscs with aragonitic shells. ... Limacina retroversa is a temperate and boreal pteropod that was chosen for this study ...
#70. QUEST | Pteropods: Very Small and Very Important - PBS
Pteropods are free-floating marine snails that play a very big part in oceanic ecosystems. Although they are very small, these creatures are ...
#71. The shelled pteropods of the northeast Pacific Ocean (Mollusca
& Tolimieri, N. (2017b) New ocean, new needs: application of pteropod shell dissolution as a biological indicator for marine resource management ...
#72. Peter the Pteropod: Joannou-Kunzig, Donna - Amazon.com
Peter the Pteropod is happily traveling the world to see his friends Hans Peter and Pete Skeeter. They realize something very bad is happening to our oceans ...
#73. Swimming in the Pteropod Mollusc, Clione Limacina
Two classes of pedal neurones display firing patterns in phase with swimming movements. One class, swim motor neurones, are further divided ...
#74. Exposure history determines pteropod ... - Pacific Data Hub
The pteropod Limacina helicina frequently experiences seasonal exposure to corrosive conditions ($Ømega$ar \textless 1) along the US West ...
#75. Pteropod Experiments in a Mobile Laboratory
My hypothesis is that pteropods will be significantly affected by the combined effects of ocean acidification and warming. We are studying ...
#76. The origin and diversification of pteropods precede past ...
timescales. plankton | ocean acidification | phylogenomics | fossil record | calcification. Pteropods are marine gastropods that spend their ...
#77. Seasonal dynamics of planktonic pteropods in the Taiwan ...
Pteropod abundance and species diversity were higher in summer than in winter, while species richness showed no difference between seasons.
#78. Multimedia Gallery - Pteropod (Image 2) | NSF
Pteropod (Image 2). Two shell-less pteropods (from the Greek word meaning "wing-foot") of the species Clione limacina mate in a glass dish.
#79. The Pteropod Creseis acicula Forms Its Shell through a ...
Shelled pteropods are holoplanktonic mollusks that build lightweight shells containing aragonite crystals. The complex shell architecture is ...
#80. The World According to Pteropod by Liz Cunningham
Maas studies how climate change impacts biochemical cycles in the ocean, especially how pteropods respond to ocean acidification. Maas was ...
#81. [PDF] Observations on the Gymnosomatous Pteropod Clione ...
Observations on the Gymnosomatous Pteropod Clione Limacina (Phipps) · J. Morton · Published 1 June 1958 · Biology · Journal of the Marine Biological Association of ...
#82. Op-Ed: What ailing pteropods tell us about climate change
The dissolving shells of the sea snails known as pteropods could be an ominous sign of another mass extinction.
#83. Early Pliocene heteropods and pteropods (Mollusca ...
Early Pliocene heteropods and pteropods (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from SantaMaria Island (Azores, Portugal): systematics and biostratigraphic implications.
#84. A shell of a ride: Pteropod survival through past ... - Oceanbites
Meet the pteropod (with a silent “p”), or “wing footed” sea snail. These snails are considered pelagic meaning they spend their entire life ...
#85. Key Environmental Factors Controlling Planktonic ... - MDPI
Pteropod fauna during the sapropel deposition were recorded for the first time in the south Aegean Sea, suggesting arid conditions towards the end of S1a.
#86. 41 Pteropods Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find Pteropods stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, ... The Sea angel (Pteropod mollusk Clione limacina) Stock Photo.
#87. Pteropod Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
Pteropod ooze is merely a local variety of globigerina ooze in which the comparatively large but very delicate spindleshaped shells of pteropods happen to ...
#88. Exposure history determines pteropod vulnerability to ocean ...
The pteropod Limacina helicina frequently experiences seasonal exposure to corrosive ... collected pteropods in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) that ...
#89. definition of pteropod by The Free Dictionary
pteropod. (ˈtɛrəˌpɒd). n. (Animals) any small marine gastropod mollusc of the group or order Pteropoda, in which the foot is expanded ...
#90. Pteropod abduction as a chemical defence in a pelagic ...
... that cannot defend itself chemically (an amphipod) increasing its chances of survival by capturing and carrying a species that can (a pteropod).
#91. Ocean Acidification and the Food Web | GlobalChange.gov
Pteropods, or “sea butterflies,” are sea creatures about the size of a small pea. ... The photos above show what happens to a pteropod's shell when it ...
#92. Pteropod - Song - Spotify
Listen to Pteropod on Spotify. Oceans of Dub · Song · 2013.
#93. pteropod - definition and meaning - Wordnik
pteropod : A sea butterfly. ... The shell-bearing pteropods are the Thecosomata; the naked pteropods are the Gymnsomata; spiny pteropods belong to the family ...
PTEROPOD. CLIONE. LIMACINA. (PHIPPS). By J. E. MORTON. Department of Zoology, Queen Mary College, University of London. (Text-figs. 1-3).
#95. Evolution and biomineralization of pteropod ... - UCL Discovery
Shelled pteropods, known as sea butterflies, are considered vulner- able to ocean acidification (OA) (Bednaršek et al., 2012b; Gazeau et al.,.
#96. Observations on the Gymnosomatous Pteropod Clione ...
Some features of the digestive and reproductive systems, as well as the habits and swimming of the pteropod Clione limacina have been studied from specimens ...
#97. Pteropods in Southern Ocean ecosystems - NASA/ADS
To date, little research has been carried out on pelagic gastropod molluscs (pteropods) in Southern Ocean ecosystems. However, recent predictions are that, ...
#98. Shells of pteropods on local beaches - UF/IFAS Blogs
They are actually shells of a group of swimming snails called pteropods, or sea butterflies. Sea butterflies A planktonic pteropod showing the ...
pteropod 在 Pteropods: Swimming snails of the sea - YouTube 的推薦與評價
The pteropods are a fascinating group of snails that spend their entire lives swimming or drifting in the ocean and never touching the ... ... <看更多>