提供潛艦國造關鍵技術 源起陳水扁與普廷!
插播最新台灣軍事發展消息!看來這又是一頁塵封已久的國防交流歷史,卻也證明:不論是『潛艦國造』之源起或是20年前遭藍營『反軍購之亂』亂封殺69次預算而破局的對美八艘潛艦軍購案、可說確實都在民進黨陳水扁政府時期逐步奠定基礎。 有資深媒體人指出國造潛艦關鍵、最外層「壓力殼」技術最初來自俄國的製造技術,是因為前總統陳水扁1995年任台北市長時訪問俄國與時任聖彼得堡副市長的普廷建立良好友誼。
摘錄:『黃創夏透露,以前俄羅斯就想賣「基洛級潛艦」給台灣,只是被美國阻止,但後來俄羅斯還是有特別派人來台指導壓力殼技術。至於為何台俄之間有這樣的關係,黃創夏表示,其實早在1995年,時任台北市長的陳水扁到俄羅斯訪問時,負責接待他的正是時任聖彼得堡副市長的普廷(Vladimir Putin),兩人那時便建立良好情誼,日後陳水扁當總統時,台灣才有機會得到俄羅斯的協助。』
#專業軍事評析 #關心台灣國防
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2019年9月6日電美國中央情報局(CIA)前分析專家喬治·比比(George Beebee)在出版的新書中爆料,稱俄羅斯總統普丁在2001年9月11日恐攻的2天前,曾親自致電時任美國總統小布希,稱俄方獲悉有人可能會對美國發動恐怖襲擊。除了俄羅斯之外,英國的情報機構也曾告知美國,而CIA和FBI也曾多次報告國內即將發生襲擊的危險。
911陰謀論提出相當多疑點,但美國國家標準技術研究所(NIST)和科學研究雜誌《Popular Mechanics》均對陰謀論觀點進行了調查,認為陰謀論不成立。關於911恐攻最著名的陰謀論是由迪倫·埃弗里(Dylan Avery)執導《脆弱的變化》(Loose Change)是一部探討911事件的紀錄片,影片宣稱恐怖攻擊是由美國政府內部人員策劃並實行的。
飛機燃油主要成分碳氫化合物完全燃燒溫度最高攝氏800度,根據美國國家標準與技術研究院NIST的調查報告,世貿大樓中的鋼結構沒有一根在600℃下暴露時間超過15分鐘,並且只有3根溫度超過了250℃。 這樣的溫度根本不足以熔化雙塔的鋼鐵。美國保險商實驗所為世貿中心的鋼鐵進行過鑑定,其職員Kevin Ryan在給國家標準技術協會的Frank Gayle的一封信中提到:鋼材的成分經鑑定達到美國實驗材料協會E119標準,這個標準時間溫度曲線要求樣品可以在2000℉(1093℃)左右高溫下堅持幾個小時。我們一致同意,世貿大廈的鋼鐵符合這些標準。另外,我認為我們也一致同意即使是沒有經過耐火驗證的鋼材在接近3000℉(1649℃)的高溫時才開始融化。
2008年2月26日,俄羅斯《共青團真理報》及其他媒體報導,義大利著名政治學家朱利葉托-基耶薩(Giulietto Chiesa)出版的書《 零 Zero》稱已找到鐵證,證實911是美國當局自己一手策劃的。我們找到了非常重要的證人,例如美國駐沙烏地阿拉伯前任領事。據他講述,領事館曾根據中情局的要求給許多被懷疑參與恐怖活動的人發放了簽證,使他們能夠暢通無阻地進入美國。……他們當中就包括被指控策劃和實施911恐怖襲擊的人。
從2002年12月至2016年7月,911事件調查報告書中有28頁一直處於美國政府保密之下。共和黨眾議員托馬斯·馬斯(Thomas Massie)讀後聲稱:「這是令人震驚的,我需要每讀兩三頁後停下來重新調整歷史認知。他另外在接受媒體訪問時說:「所有美國人必須閱讀這28頁報告,然後弄清楚911事件發生的真正原因、誰才是我們的朋友和誰才是我們的敵人。
911恐攻主謀基地組織領袖賓·拉登最初否認與911恐怖攻擊有關,但於2004年承認其責任。然而FBI發言人Rex Tomb在2006年表示沒有確實證據證明賓拉登涉及911事件。因此始終沒有就911事件正式起訴賓·拉登。2011年賓·拉登被殺後,FBI在其官方網站表示賓·拉登是911襲擊的主謀。
下圖 911 Memorial
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เราค้นหาข้อมูลจาก Google...
Continue ReadingGet to know Yandex, a company that ruled the world online in Russia / by investing man.
Nowadays most people are familiar with using online platforms.
To meet everyday needs.
We searched for information from Google
We order products from Amazon
We called a car and ordered food via Uber, Grab
We follow videos on YouTube
We listen to favorite songs on Spotify
But believe it or not, people can use these services through a single ′′ Yandex ′′ company.
What business does this company do? Why do they rule Russian over other famous platforms?
Investing man will tell you about it.
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There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Yandex is Russia's biggest tech company
Founded in 1997 or 23 years ago by a businessman named Arkady Volozh
Yandex stands for Yet Another Indexer
Because the first business of the company is to make a search website.
In the global Search Engine market, Google is undoubtedly leading up to 92 % while Yandex has 5 % user with a 0.5 % share.
But within the Russian country
Yandex can rule the market share at 58 % to be regarded as Russian Google.
However, this is only part of the Yandex Kingdom because of 70 different types of internet-related businesses.
Let's see some interesting examples.
Yandex. Direct Online Advertising Business is like Google Ads. 61 % Russian market share.
Yandex. Market platform to buy products online like Amazon. Currently, there are 19 million users per month.
Yandex. Taxi platform called Uber, but embraced 60 % of domestic users until the end of 2018, Uber competitors have to sell Russian affairs for 36.6 % of Yandex's shareholders. Taxi instead.
Yandex. Eats food delivery service and Yandex Lavka, the new generation's popular grocery delivery service.
Resulting in quarter 1 2020 Transport business group grew 49 % compared to the same period last year.
Yandex. Music platform listening online like Spotify and Yandex. Video platform. Video watching online. Like YouTube. Latest. Total members of 4.3 million accounts.
There are also many other businesses like
Yandex. Flight Platform to book airfare
Yandex. Messenger Chat Apps
Yandex. Disk storage services on cloud
Yandex. Money Payment System and Online Banking
Alisa Smart Assistant like Amazon Alexa
Even during the COVID-19 incident Russia was one of the severe outbreak centers, the company developed a free virus detection kit to the public.
By the proportion of the company's income every 100 baht.
64 baht from advertisement fee
24 baht from car and delivery business.
12 baht from other businesses such as subscription fee, entertainment media.
If you ask what is the reason Yandex has succeeded in occupying online space?
The answer should be not hesitating to grab opportunities in hand.
The company's strategy is to analyze which businesses have potential and foreigners are starting to market. But it doesn't meet local people. Yandex will compete with simple service models and consistent with consumer behavior.
Because the company has a great advantage that it can design platforms to support the usage of Russian language properly and more accurately.
Improving Yandex's performance continuously following the development of internet technology.
But it's undeniable that the weakness of rubble currency from Russia's case of economic sanctions since mid 2014's after Ukraine Crimea land annexation to be part of itself. Assembled with the Expanding businesses, affecting fairly corporate profits.
Year 2013 (1 rubles equals 1.01 baht)
Income 39,900 million baht
Profit of 13,600 million baht.
Year 2017 (1 rubles equals 0.55 baht)
Income 52,000 million baht
Profit of 4,800 million baht.
Year 2018 (1 rubles equals 0.47 baht)
Income 60,000 million baht
Profit of 20,800 million baht.
This year, there is extra profit from separating Yandex business. Market venture out with another company
Year 2019 (1 rubles equals 0.49 baht)
Income 86,000 million baht
Profit of 5,500 million baht.
Yandex is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange in the USA. Now it's worth 420,000 million baht.
And it is evaluated that Mr Arkady Volozh, who is founder and CEO has private property up to 42,000 million baht.
However, sometimes business-related to a lot of data is often troubled because government concerns about the security of important data that could slip into the hands of dissent countries.
Yandex was recently ordered to restructure the company without a single shareholder over 10 % and limit total expat shareholders to 50 %
Yandex story makes us know
In many countries, strong foreign brands often scare local business owners and dare to do anything.
But really, what those companies can fight with us is understanding the unique characteristics of domestic consumers.
So if you keep opening the door to opportunities.
At the end we may succeed.
Like the case of Yandex that has become everything in Russian life..
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