10/10 - Free islandwide delivery @wearetwiceyoung on 10/10!
Celebrating a smol milestone of 1000 pints and 2000 cookies 🥳
It’s been 9 months since the inception of Twice Young and it certainly hasn’t been an easy journey. There were lots to figure out along the way, and I’m still learning and improving. But I’m beyond grateful for the immense support that Twice Young has received - all the positive reviews and feedback that were sent our way, local businesses who have worked with us, loyal customers etc. And I’m extremely thankful for friends and family who have been spreading the word and sharing about my smol biz.
It really isn’t easy working out of my small apartment, and I really struggle with the space constraints(not being able to buy ingredients/goods in bulk, not enough space in my freezer etc) and there were times when I got really frustrated with the lack of space to even bake. I probably take 3-4 times the amount of time that others would take to churn out the same products. Eg : it took me 11 hours to bake and pack 330 cookies.
You probably hear this a lot - running a biz is like a rollercoaster ride and it’s not easy. Well, it’s true, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So to say thank you for keeping me going, on 10/10, Twice Young will be offering free islandwide delivery on all orders above $35
Place an order on www.wearetwiceyoung.com, key in 10/10 in “delivery date” box and transfer the stated amount without the shipping fee! Or simply place an order via DM. Orders have to be placed by 6th October 2359 (because I need to make the ice cream and cookie dough!!)
Drop me a DM if you have any questions okay! 🥳 Thank you for being part of my journey ❤️
📷 : Miss Tam Chiak
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[吼~~~~] 你今日整咗光刻機未?
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
仲爭4個勇士!邁向2000人訂!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).搵人填埋佢,下一個目標當然係3000!
1. 雖然所謂美股跌300點,但我個美股倉係升嘅。(上星期六篇文公開咗持倉的,當然冇講埋買咗幾多,但你當equal weight都大約計到,事實我都冇任何一隻特多)
2. 不過當然,絶對唔難。首先所謂跌300點,扯,0.8%之嘛。另外,道指之嘛,而講咗N次道指唔科學,人人都知(你唔知我幫你唔到),咁睇標普指數只係跌0.3%,況且Nasdaq仲升少少添
3. (但最好笑,都係個垃圾倉,跑贏晒三大指數,過去一個月都係,真係買到懷疑人生,可惜只係每隻3000港紙,升20%都冇用。想睇名單Patreon有,幾錢買幾多全部有貼的)
4. 但講返,ASML不停新高唔奇(兩年250%呀,「瞓咗身家而家發達了」),極高技術門檻嘛(人地呢啲就真係識tech啦,唔係你啲網友),晶片荒持續,絶對可以加價(當然總有個譜,留意隻嘢都3500億市值,半間Tesla,世界排名頭二十架啦,好Q誇張)。
5. 蘋果不停新高都唔奇,話晒之前都幾落後,況且出新iPhone嘛,新呢部聽聞幾令人期待,況且大家都餓瘋多年,又大把錢(冇得去旅行,政府又派錢,炒股票又贏—咁嘅市都輸錢就更加要訂我Patreon),肯定賣到貴一貴,食水肥一肥—你可以諗下佢啲成本可能只係多咗幾舊水,但可以賣貴幾千。
6. 最神奇頂級超卓嘅,係NetFlix,遲下我會貼個圖。我知,你去Google都得,進軍遊戲業務嘛,最緊要有憧憬。但之前兩次(定三次?)業績後都狂插,而啲數又真係唔得,真係飽和。(我到而家都覺得 Amazon嘅廣告收入多過 NetFlix成間公司係好mind blowing的)(雖然,蘋果齋賣Airpod嘅收入都差不多等於NetFlix成間公司!)
7. 但大佬呀,講咗N次。雖然左翼(膠?)冒起,但美國始終都係Meritocracy,資本主義
8. America doesn't bail out the losers. America was built by bailing out winners. By rigging a nation of the winners, for the winners, by the winners
9. 以前嘅工業家又好,卡耐基 (知係一個人嚟架可?唔止係間演奏廳),JP Morgan(知係一個人嚟架可?唔止係間輪商),洛克斐勒(知係一個人嚟架可?唔止係棟寫字樓),後來投資銀行家,到而家甚麼標基,Steve Jobs,甚至Jeff Bezos Elon Musk
10. 背後,都係同一樣嘢,亦係我買股票最終極嘅理念:
11. 「你咁叻,自己整間公司出嚟丫?」
12. 好多人以為我好串,但天地良心,認識我內嘅人,知道我係李天命講嗰種「寫文串串貢但閂埋門苦讀」嘅人。正因為我勁(!),所以更加知道自己不足。咁總好過啲人,表面就謙卑,內心實在非常自大(*)
13. There are many guys like you all over the world!我本書有講,我去完Warwick,已經立志唔會去做quant!因為更多肯捱苦嘅勁人(大陸仔,印度仔),完全冇edge的 —而天地良心,Warwick嘅quant都已經唔係頂級啦。
14. 我嗰刻就真係好似高普踢波咁呀!冇錯係嗰個高普(**)
15. 咁你買股票,好簡單一個問題?啲錢我用得叻啲,定人地用得叻啲?咁梗係人地勁過我啦。所以咪打本畀人做生意(請笑,但technically 係咁,你可以買一股匯豐然後落分行同條女講我係你老細,雖然老細有大老細細老細,正如社會上嘅零件有大有細)
16. 股市,就係咁回事。我夾錢人地份生意,當然最後佢分大份我分細份,但冇所謂。我坐順風車,亦唔係free ride(***)。
17. 我嘅終極目標,就係成為一個普通有錢人(上級中產定低級富人之類),然後同你地一齊去仇視啲超級富豪!
18. 成件事係咪好正呢!
19. 我識唔識tech?正如因為我唔識,我咪信啲真係識嘅人,而唔係你啲網友咯。CEO收你咁多錢,就係幫你過關斬將,日日爆鑊日日補鑊架啦。然後大股東食大份,你食餅碎。但你在公司涼冷氣睇Patreon時,人地幫你資產增值,不知幾好。
(**)利迷應該知呢個故事,高普後生時去法蘭克福試腳跟操,當時仲有同佢同年,都係19歲嘅慕拿。對,嗰個慕拿。高普見完慕拿踢波後心諗,嘩,人地呢啲就world class,我no class呀。好早就知道自己唔會係個極成功嘅職業球員,早早已經學做教練。當然高普都謙虛,咁在緬恩斯都入唔少波嘅,唔失禮,但當然同慕拿比爭好遠。而慕拿同真係最優秀嘅球星比,又爭一班啦。後生嘅唔會識佢。
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
仲爭4個勇士!邁向2000人訂!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).搵人填埋佢,下一個目標當然係3000!
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Độ Full cổ tăng và Pô Akrapovic R3 cho EXCITER 155 VVA zin - HauLee
►Các bạn xem video nhớ like và share, đăng ký kênh ủng hộ mình nhé! Hau cảm ơn mọi người rất nhiều! hãy bấm chuông theo dõi để không bỏ lỡ những clip mới nhất.
More video: https://www.youtube.com/c/HauLeeStunt
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/haule.RLFR
Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/HauLee.stuntrider
▶ Kênh Bub VLogs : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBah8IFX2BiQXD89JxRL6YQ/featured
▶ Kênh anh Vũ : 2MOTOVP
▶ Camera : IPHONE XR + GOPRO HERO 2018
▶ Nhạc : Free Youtube
Liên Hệ Tài Trợ / Quảng Cáo : https://www.facebook.com/haule.RLFR
► I really respect creators so If you have any wonders related to the COPYRIGHT, please send email to me, we will find out the suitable solution. Thanks so much for your co-operation.
► Tôi luôn tôn trọng người làm video nên bạn có bất kì vấn đề nào liên quan đến bản quyền âm thanh hình ảnh, vui lòng liên hệ mình qua email để cùng nhau thống nhất cách giải quyết. Thanks
#HauLee #exciter155vva #yamahaexciter155 #ex155vva #vva2021 #homemade #exhaust
© Copyright by HauLee ⚠ Do not Reup ⚠

ride free 11 在 HauLee Youtube 的最佳貼文
EXCITER 155 VVA thay lò xo côn sau 6000km - HauLee
►Các bạn xem video nhớ like và share, đăng ký kênh ủng hộ mình nhé! Hau cảm ơn mọi người rất nhiều! hãy bấm chuông theo dõi để không bỏ lỡ những clip mới nhất.
More video: https://www.youtube.com/c/HauLeeStunt
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/haule.RLFR
Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/HauLee.stuntrider
▶ Kênh Bub VLogs : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBah8IFX2BiQXD89JxRL6YQ/featured
▶ Kênh anh Vũ : 2MOTOVP
▶ Camera : IPHONE XR + GOPRO HERO 2018
▶ Nhạc : Free Youtube
Liên Hệ Tài Trợ / Quảng Cáo : https://www.facebook.com/haule.RLFR
► I really respect creators so If you have any wonders related to the COPYRIGHT, please send email to me, we will find out the suitable solution. Thanks so much for your co-operation.
► Tôi luôn tôn trọng người làm video nên bạn có bất kì vấn đề nào liên quan đến bản quyền âm thanh hình ảnh, vui lòng liên hệ mình qua email để cùng nhau thống nhất cách giải quyết. Thanks
#HauLee #exciter155vva #yamahaexciter155 #ex155vva #vva2021 #homemade #exhaust
© Copyright by HauLee ⚠ Do not Reup ⚠