【祝祭之笛Shukusai no Fue】(Japanese Flute plays Festival Celebration)
by Kohei NISHIKAWA 西川浩平
日期Date:03/02/2015 (Tue)
地點Venue:【吉安泰祥·鄉音馆】The Classic Accents Art House
@Johor Bahru, Malaysia
支持單位Supported by KAKENHI, Japan
* 文化付費Admission by donation RM15
* 現場將由OHARA MICHI 大原美智以中文翻譯主持
There are many kinds of Japanese traditional flutes, well knowns as Shakuhachi, a vertical bamboo flute. Today, we would like to feature some kinds of transverse flutes, such as, Shinobue, Ryuteki, Noh-kan which has profound tradition and expressions.
1. 《Matsuri 祭り 》
Festival music played by Shinobue. 篠笛による祭り
2.《Miyabi 雅》
Gagaku music played by Ryuteki. 龍笛による雅の音
3.《Yu-gen 幽玄》
Noh music played by Noh-kan 能管による幽玄の世界
4. 《Mystic 神秘》
Mysterious ancient Malaysian music played by nose-flute.マレーシアの神秘的、鼻笛。
“Well-known melodies” Sakura, Akatombo, Itsuki-no Komoriuta, etc.よく知られたメロディーより、さくら、赤とんぼ、五木の子守唄、他。“Okame Hyottoko” お亀、火男Improvisation, music from Kabuki. 歌舞伎音楽より、即興演奏。
西川浩平Kohei NISHIKAWA, born in 1953, is an eminent Japanese flutist, with a long creative career opened to the world, the result of a double training in classical and traditional fields, a rarity in Japan. He is principal flutist at the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra at the start of his musical life, and then starts an important career as a traditional flutist, with the bamboo transverse flutes, to accompany the classical traditional dance Nihon-buyô and Kabuki.
In parallel he orders new pieces to some of the Japanese and foreigner composers in order to open the repertoire of those flutes traditionally compartmentalized in their traditional role at the theater, which he makes recordings of with the CD label “live notes” under the title «Flutist from the East, Kohei Nishikawa».
In order to promote his instruments and the Japanese music to a larger public, from 2003 he starts to teach his instruments in different universities in Tôkyô, publishes several books, is invited, performs and does master-classes abroad including in Canada, in Europe.