1. 搵工第一件事,執CV
基本嘢英文文法唔好錯,最重要簡單整潔,大約一頁CV 就足夠,過長太boring。
關鍵字亦好重要。一般大公司都係CV 做關鍵字screening 先,之後才有HR review 你的CV。例如,你apply bank finance team,banking return. FRR 之類的關鍵字要見到,你先可以pass 到system 呢關。
即使你pass 到system 呢個關卡,但HR 都要review 好多CV,到底如何stand out 呢?
網上有CV 生成器,我用開cake resume 的CV 生成器,最少令你CV 比其他applicant 有d唔用嘅地方,增加成功機會。
2. Apply 工同send CV
宜家呢個時勢,如果你失業,就千萬不要挑剔,點為之挑剔呢? 就係你無興趣又睇唔起嘅工,你唔去apply。 你第一個反應問:「就算佢請我,我都唔會做,間公司咁細,人工又唔好,咁做咩要apply,浪費時間呢? 」
Interview 要practice,practice makes perfect。In 得多你慢慢知道interviewer 會問咩問題,佢要嘅係咩人。至少你成日interview,你唔會好似第一次咁口震震呀。
更重要係如果你interview manager or assistant manager position,其實in 你嘅都係Financial controller or senior manager,佢地嘅時間就係金錢,但佢地竟然浪費時間去interview 你,即使係幾細嘅公司,每一次interview 都係一個學習嘅過程,它都令你下一次interview 做得更加好。
都係果句,盡可能send 更多CV 出去,即使不是你嘅專業,即使你只係做audit 狗,但都可以send CV 去apply investment manager,credit control,compliance或者其他financial service position。如果你連機會都唔俾自己,你點會搵到工。
當然send CV website 有LinkedIn, cpjobs, ctgoodjobs, jobsdb, efinancial。我最常用LinkedIn, ctgoodjobs 同jobsdb。
Jobsdb d job 係無咁好paid,但勝左apply 完真係有人review 你嘅cv,唔會好似其他website 咁次次apply 都石沉大海。 我朋友話一個job ads 係jobsdb 兩個鐘就有200 個applicants apply,簡單來說就係手快有,手慢連interview 機會都無。
我平時就下午12:30-14:00 搵工,去不同的website send CV,大約apply 10 份工先,到下午3-4 點去個coffee break,再apply 3 份工,之後放工再apply 多十幾份工。apply 工又無成本,都係1 click apply,點解唔俾個機會自己呢?
3. Interview preparation
「點解對我地position 有興趣?」
「你個experience 唔夠,你覺得我地公司點解要㨂你?」
「做manager 你覺得最重要係咩skills?」
「你career path 係咩?Short term 同long term goal 係咩?」
呢啲基本question 自然要諗好點答,點樣可以用你過去experience 去貢獻到間公司。
In case 你真係轉field,又真係對新position 一啲認識都無,你show 到一個can do attitude 又係另一個致勝關鍵。畢竟要學識又唔係難事,難就難在佢唔俾機會你。當然,就算你demonstrate 到你有can do attitude,你都要有一定soft skills (eg. people management skills, project management skills, communication skill等等) 的配合,唔係都無用。
4. 如果interview 又失敗,點算好呢
每一次失敗,都要反醒你interview 失敗的原因,唔好成日歸咎於你係呢行唔夠經驗。因為佢地係scan 過你CV先interview 你,但就算佢知你唔夠經驗都肯in 你,代表佢都肯俾個機會你。當然宜家疫市,經驗充足一定佔優,但interview 得總係有機會嘅。
Interview 係一個market 自己嘅過程, 就係包裝自己再將自己賣出去。如果你都唔相信自己做得到,interviewer 又點會相信你呢?
我會建議每次interview 前對住塊鏡催眠一下自己:
「我有信心即使我經歷唔夠,但我可以憑住我的soft skills 同can do attitude 好快學識。」
「我有信心,係咁多applicant 入面,我係最適合的一個。」
不要取笑這個催眠過程,如果你連自己都唔信自己,難道你要求你interviewer 要相信你有能力去帶領佢地嘅部門嗎?
你要令佢地無猶豫咁請你,靠嘅並唔係你有幾多經驗,而係靠你market 自己的能力。
當然搵工係靠運氣,但就算你有運氣又有機會,你又可唔可以把握到個機會呢? 呢個就睇你market 自己嘅能力。
IG: Fakemanching1607
short-term financial goal 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[教育時評] 成長心態的十大必知 10 Must-Knows for a Growth Mindset
每一個人完成探索目標的時間當然不同,過程中我們的目標也會不停的變動,甚至許多人可能一輩子也未必能覺察自己的人生目標。然而透過一個彈性的成長心態 (a flexible growth mindset)和他人指導,我們可以更有效率輔助自己建立和完成目標。
以下是我透過自身經驗,並參考近代教育理論與心理學,幫同學寫的「成長心態的10個必知 / 10 Must Knows」,以便更進一步的探討如何建立和達成自己的目標:
1. Know what you want in life. While short-term goals may be ever-changing, you can start by having an overall sense of purpose or change that you want to make. For me, it was initially to have financial stability but eventually transformed to contributing to educational leadership. Having an overall purpose can help you align your short-term objectives with long-term goals, making accomplishing them far more efficient and motivating.
知道自己的目的。儘管短期目標可能會發生變化,但你應該對目標或要做出的改變有全面的認知。 對我來說,最初的目標是財務穩定,但最終轉變為對教育領導的貢獻。有一個總體目標可以幫助自己保持短期目標與長期目標的一致,從而更有效、更有動力地實現這些目標。
2. Know that you can solve your problems and make changes in your life. While we all have different problems, and there is no guarantee we can resolve all issues, working towards a positive change will benefit you regardless of the outcome. You must know that you have the capacity for positive change.
3. Know that you can develop the skills and abilities you need to make changes through consistent effort and the development of your unique strengths. Everyone is talented in different ways but persistence is what develops talents into invaluable skills you can use to empower yourself and achieve your goals. We do not all need to be as talented as Olympic athletes to achieve the success we need in life.
4. Know that consistently meeting small and realistic objectives that align with your bigger goals and purpose is the most efficient way to achievement. Do not try to accomplish too many things at once or your might not accomplish anything at all in the end. Set realistic goals that you can adjust and achieve a step at a time.
5. Know that achieving your goals take time and consistent effort. You must make plans and keep schedules to keep yourself from procrastinating. Do not think you can reach your end goal in a week and then be disappointed by your failure. Taking a small step each day will enable you to make great strides in life. You must also prioritize which objectives to meet first and have a plan for doing so. Consult your mentors, parents, and peers, have a discussion, and come up with your own plan.
6. Know that you may fail along the way, but every failure can bring you closer to achievement. However, know that failing only brings growth when you self-reflect and make changes. Do not just keep repeating mistakes.
7. Know that role models, mentors, and teachers can take you to the next level. Actively seek out your role models and mentors and learn from your competitors and peers. Actively seek out talented and experienced individuals to guide you and work to earn their trust and guidance. Do not expect everyone to come to you and help you for no reason. Why should they? Be humble and be grateful.
8. Know that collaboration will enable you to accomplish success on a much larger scale. Every successful person has a partner or a team behind them. There is only so much you can learn and do on your own, and you must work with talented and trustworthy people from every domain.
9. Know that opportunities are created, not given. By actively seeking, learning, planning, and pursuing ways to accomplish your goals, you are creating new opportunities every day. Listen to advice but do not be limited by boundaries set by others. Take calculated risks and walk your own unique path.
10. Know that helping others help yourself. When we aid those less disadvantaged, we are building a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous community. Such a supportive community leads to the exchange of diverse ideas, collaboration, innovation and positive changes, all of which will help yourself. Medical studies have also revealed that helping others enhances our own emotional-well beings. By helping others, you are helping yourself.
Educational Equity (教育公平): http://bit.ly/2NvyQR3
Eric's English Lounge 的宗旨與目標: https://goo.gl/fFUBWe
Motivation to Learn 學習的動力: http://bit.ly/2RjscPb
How to Set & Achieve Goals 如何制定短期目標: http://bit.ly/2Rdi0aU
Growth mindset poster: https://www.openrecruitmentlimited.co.uk/fixed-mindset-v-gr…
Image source: https://www.openrecruitmentlimited.co.uk/fixed-mindset-v-gr…
喜歡我這一系列的文章, 也麻煩按個讚留言「 I want to have a growth mindset!」越多分享我就越有motivation寫下一篇文章!
對Growth Mindset有興趣的同學也可以參考Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文的粉絲團喔!
教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9
short-term financial goal 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[教育時評] 成長心態的十大必知 10 Must-Knows for a Growth Mindset
每一個人完成探索目標的時間當然不同,過程中我們的目標也會不停的變動,甚至許多人可能一輩子也未必能覺察自己的人生目標。然而透過一個彈性的成長心態 (a flexible growth mindset)和他人指導,我們可以更有效率輔助自己建立和完成目標。
以下是我透過自身經驗,並參考近代教育理論與心理學,幫同學寫的「成長心態的10個必知 / 10 Must Knows」,以便更進一步的探討如何建立和達成自己的目標:
1. Know what you want in life. While short-term goals may be ever-changing, you can start by having an overall sense of purpose or change that you want to make. For me, it was initially to have financial stability but eventually transformed to contributing to educational leadership. Having an overall purpose can help you align your short-term objectives with long-term goals, making accomplishing them far more efficient and motivating.
知道自己的目的。儘管短期目標可能會發生變化,但你應該對目標或要做出的改變有全面的認知。 對我來說,最初的目標是財務穩定,但最終轉變為對教育領導的貢獻。有一個總體目標可以幫助自己保持短期目標與長期目標的一致,從而更有效、更有動力地實現這些目標。
2. Know that you can solve your problems and make changes in your life. While we all have different problems, and there is no guarantee we can resolve all issues, working towards a positive change will benefit you regardless of the outcome. You must know that you have the capacity for positive change.
3. Know that you can develop the skills and abilities you need to make changes through consistent effort and the development of your unique strengths. Everyone is talented in different ways but persistence is what develops talents into invaluable skills you can use to empower yourself and achieve your goals. We do not all need to be as talented as Olympic athletes to achieve the success we need in life.
4. Know that consistently meeting small and realistic objectives that align with your bigger goals and purpose is the most efficient way to achievement. Do not try to accomplish too many things at once or your might not accomplish anything at all in the end. Set realistic goals that you can adjust and achieve a step at a time.
5. Know that achieving your goals take time and consistent effort. You must make plans and keep schedules to keep yourself from procrastinating. Do not think you can reach your end goal in a week and then be disappointed by your failure. Taking a small step each day will enable you to make great strides in life. You must also prioritize which objectives to meet first and have a plan for doing so. Consult your mentors, parents, and peers, have a discussion, and come up with your own plan.
6. Know that you may fail along the way, but every failure can bring you closer to achievement. However, know that failing only brings growth when you self-reflect and make changes. Do not just keep repeating mistakes.
7. Know that role models, mentors, and teachers can take you to the next level. Actively seek out your role models and mentors and learn from your competitors and peers. Actively seek out talented and experienced individuals to guide you and work to earn their trust and guidance. Do not expect everyone to come to you and help you for no reason. Why should they? Be humble and be grateful.
8. Know that collaboration will enable you to accomplish success on a much larger scale. Every successful person has a partner or a team behind them. There is only so much you can learn and do on your own, and you must work with talented and trustworthy people from every domain.
9. Know that opportunities are created, not given. By actively seeking, learning, planning, and pursuing ways to accomplish your goals, you are creating new opportunities every day. Listen to advice but do not be limited by boundaries set by others. Take calculated risks and walk your own unique path.
10. Know that helping others help yourself. When we aid those who are disadvantaged, we are building a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous community. Such a supportive community leads to the exchange of diverse ideas, collaboration, innovation and positive changes, all of which will help yourself. Medical studies have also revealed that helping others enhances our own emotional-well beings. By helping others, you are helping yourself.
Educational Equity (教育公平): http://bit.ly/2NvyQR3
Eric's English Lounge 的宗旨與目標: https://goo.gl/fFUBWe
Motivation to Learn 學習的動力: http://bit.ly/2RjscPb
How to Set & Achieve Goals 如何制定短期目標: http://bit.ly/2Rdi0aU
Growth mindset poster: https://www.openrecruitmentlimited.co.uk/fixed-mindset-v-growth-mindset
Image source: https://www.openrecruitmentlimited.co.uk/fixed-mindset-v-growth-mindset
喜歡我這一系列的文章, 也麻煩按個讚留言「 I want to have a growth mindset!」越多分享我就越有motivation寫下一篇文章!
教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9
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