#1. 原來雷神都係skip leg day 既人來 | LIHKG 討論區
原來雷神都係skip leg day 既人來. 港毒之父. 8 回覆. 0 Like 4 Dislike. 第1 頁. 港毒之父 2022-01-13 16:22:06. 我都粗過佢啦. 港毒之父 2022-01-13 16:23:46.
#2. (正視聽)做gym skip leg day先係正路 | LIHKG 討論區
隻腳啲肌肉咁勁到時行得太快kick親咪好撚傷得不償失利伸成年無做過leg day.
#3. 警世:skip leg day既Ching 唔好戴n95 | LIHKG 討論區
頭先望到有位巨Ching 虎背熊腰,手瓜起展頭戴n95,遠睇有個猛字刻喺額頭諗住行開少少以免被處刑誰不知一望落少少見到一對港女腳即刻霸氣盡失上重下輕 ...
可以skip leg day. 老衲~ 2021-10-30 11:53:59. skip leg forever. 彩興苑業主牙古路 2021-10-30 11:54:26. 講真佢幾靚仔.
#5. 點解我明明操到勁bulk 街啲gym佬都仲問我想唔想練大隻 - LIHKG
你skip leg day嘛. 約書亞·黃 2021-04-28 14:45:27. Skip leg day. 約書亞·黃 2021-04-28 14:45:52. 被你快咗50秒. 天天奇遇記 2021-04-28 14:45:58. Skip leg day.
#7. 一諗到sarah練對腳有幾辛苦就好佩服佢 | LIHKG 討論區
啲人做占就skip leg day sarah分分鐘每日都係leg day 操足十幾年真係好佩服.
#8. 好心你地唔好skip leg day啦 | LIHKG 討論區
好心你地唔好skip leg day啦. 我偷左女朋友AC. 6 回覆. 8 Like 1 Dislike. 第1 頁. 我偷左女朋友AC 2019-06-23 01:11:33. 橾到咁撚核突都有.
#9. 香港男仔健身硬拉正常應該拉到幾重 | LIHKG 討論區
Don't skip leg day bro. 有容 2021-07-08 09:43:36. 傷過膝依家先蹲得返. 倉爸 2021-07-08 09:43:47. 呢啲post唔講自己體重唔講訓練年資真係無乜意義.
#10. 其實skip leg day嘅人好偉大, 騰空咗個位畀我做squat - LIHKG
其實skip leg day嘅人好偉大, 騰空咗個位畀我做squat. Billy仔. 6 回覆. 0 Like 1 Dislike. 第1 頁. Billy仔 2018-10-25 02:09:14.
#11. 做gym兩個月由51km變61kg 你問我答 | LIHKG 討論區
Skip leg days 係咪做得唔夠多 我都想快d有身形. 睇Jeff channel啦 skip leg不如唔好操. 其實大把人skip leg day都大隻所以就算佢操唔操腳都唔會分別 ...
#12. leg day痛不欲生 | LIHKG 討論區
我試過做squat抖唔到氣 不過legday很重要,不敢skip. 18002738255 2018-06-19 15:25:06. Dirty boy. 18002738255 2018-06-19 15:25:33. 潮流興做gym.
#13. 原來今季牙朗入少咗波係因為佢skip leg day | LIHKG 討論區
原來今季牙朗入少咗波係因為佢skip leg day. D_Alaba. 10 回覆. 1 Like 6 Dislike. 第1 頁. D_Alaba 2021-12-19 08:23:42. 因為輕足難siuuu. Vini_Jr.
#14. 新手做gym問答大會(2) | LIHKG 討論區
單純操上半身+有氧做單車機會唔會好d 唔太想有dont skip leg day果d相既情況出現. BCAA 2018-07-12 02:31:41. leg day係痛苦嘅源頭但係never skip leg ...
#15. 【Skip Leg Day?】雷神IG貼相晒麒麟臂但被人笑下身好幼
「雷神」演員Chris Hemsworth一向型仔Fit到爆,係唔少男士及女士心目中嘅男神。最近佢喺Instagram分享咗張拖住阿仔嘅相,晒出麒麟臂並表示阿仔想做DC ...
#16. 健身迷思丨操腳好定唔操腳好? - Esquire HK
#17. IELTS學術戓通用模式: 改期與退考政策 - 英國文化協會
Skip to main content ... Consent Leg.Interest. All Consent Allowed. Select All Vendors. Select All Vendors. All Consent Allowed ...
#18. Burning threads - Rest of World
Looking at LIHKG that day, a casual reader would notice that the protests ... Beneath an image of the wounded leg on LIHKG, users engaged in ...
#19. [hehe] txb前主播葉昇瓚原來好大波!!! - 娛樂台- 香港高登討論區
Skip legday :). 目晶失女 Male 2015-10-30 06:29:41. 前主播? 佢離開左cctvb? 十八歲破石柱 Male 2015-10-30 06:37:44. 好想大大力啜佢個波 :P.
#20. Psychosocial Correlates of Reactive and Proactive ... - NCBI
Leg. Psychol. 1995;24:42–44. [Google Scholar] ... Day D.M., Bream L.A., Pal A. Proactive and reactive aggression: An analysis of subtypes ...
#21. Affordances, movement dynamics, and a centralized digital ...
Based on such premises, this article examines how the online forum LIHKG became the central communication platform in the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement in ...
#22. 【如果一早知…系列】Why don't we skip leg day?
主頁 » 健身Fitness » 【如果一早知…系列】Why don't we skip leg day? 下載Sportsroad App.
#23. 尖沙咀銅鑼灣美食攻略泰國菜船麵泰濃麵Siam Noodles 海南雞 ...
尖沙咀銅鑼灣美食攻略泰國菜船麵泰濃麵Siam Noodles 海南雞飯黃藍下午茶尖沙咀 LIHKG 老闆蘭芳道15號冬蔭功湯麵牛肉炸雞翼小吃火鍋OPENRICE 船湯.
#24. Writing a History of Hong Kong with Tears | Frieze
Twitter posts and local forums like LIHKG tell day-to-day narratives about people living through this moment, forcing the question: what ...
#25. CHI 2020 Free Proceedings
We present a set of challenges for HInt research, formulated over the course of a five-day workshop consisting of 29 experts who have designed, deployed and ...
#26. 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests - Wikipedia
On 16 June, just one day after the Hong Kong government suspended the bill, a larger protest took place to push for its complete withdrawal.
#27. Hong Kong Protestors on LeBron James: “He Supports ...
The online platform LIHKG, the forum favored by Hong Kong's ... To End The Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter- #ThankYouMLK50.
#28. Hong Kong Timeline 2019-2022: Anti-Extradition Protests ...
In the first of four days of planned consecutive mass protests, ... A police officer is burned on the legs after being hit by a petrol bomb inside Tsim Sha ...
#29. mtr delay news - Lnkr
The MTR was hit by service disruption on three lines in just one day ... A schoolgirl got her leg trapped between an MTR train and the platform this ...
#30. Flamma - Salesian English School
wide leg pants in school uniform. ... Remember never skip leg day ... which is believed to appear first on a popular Internet forum - LIHKG.
#31. Full article: The Making of 'Violent' Hong Kong: A Centennial ...
The movement lasted for 79 days, and was followed by various forms ... especially a digital platform called LIHKG, which is instrumental in ...
#32. sitemap_tech.xml - South China Morning Post
... /3156511/loreal-china-apologises-after-complicated-singles-day-deal-angers ... ...
#33. 【 DSE 2017 】Writing Q6 【5**答案】 - Spencer Lam
It fell on the last day of the month and I was so thrilled 4 to be able to go ... like Hkdiscuss and Lihkg, we can understand more about the ...
#34. Custom Report Excerpts - State Department
The woman sustained a fractured leg injury during the incident, ... The law permits provisional detention for up to five days under specified conditions ...
#35. sitemap-articles-day~2019-12-25.xml - Daily Mail
They were seen together (above) in Miami on the Florida leg of her tour ... He later shared a story, writing: 'Tiffy we all miss you so much and wish you ...
#36. 20beauty分期– 20laser - Sichere
旅行團– DAY 2 十份. WeShare. 1 post published by Miss Muimui on September 24, 2013 每到夏天,小妹就會為身上的毛髮煩惱, 注重儀容的小妹當然會都要購入一些脫毛.
#37. Hong Kong protest: Another day on the front lines - The ...
The Washington Post follows a Hong Kong protester as she tries to elude surveillance and join massive rallies.
#38. Seeing Like a Finite State Machine - Crooked Timber
For example selling a large block of shares, say 10000 on one day ... the security state in China is human beings doing boring leg work.
#39. How Hong Kong's Protests Turned Into a "Mad Max" Tableau
Jimmy, who is 24, had rushed to the campus two days earlier on Sunday, ... Oftentimes it is used in tandem with LIHKG, a local forum that ...
#40. Wiish derma - Daddy's New Leg
Wiish derma 係價錢平,但係最多負評既一間,甚至好多評論Lihkg和過高登講Wiish ... In June 1992, the drug was resumed at 1 mg/lcg/day for 2 months and then ...
#41. Hong Kong PolyU campus surrounded: police warn live ammo ...
"November 17" police arrow leg Hong Kong Polytechnic University ... An officer was hit with an arrow earlier in the day.
#42. Timeline of the 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests (November ...
Later that day, the police staged a live broadcast on Facebook to express their views on ... business owners and employees to skip work and boycott classes, ...
#43. afterbefore: images and sounds from Hong Kong by ... - Issuu
On one of those stifling days, I welcomed a sweaty handyman into my flat. ... Within a few hours, talks on forums like shifted and ...
#44. Ciro Santilli 六四事件法轮功包卓轩/ china-dictatorship - GitLab
It is very hard to understand why the first day was so different. ... Paywall skip: Terrible copy paste of some ...
#45. Apple pulls app used to track Hong Kong police, Cook ...
“Does the entire world have to suck up to the garbage Communist Party?” one commentator, Yip Lou Jie, said in an online forum, LIHKG, used by ...
#46. The photo had circulated online long before Simon Cheng ...
#47. 'Mulan' faces boycott after Liu Yifei supports Hong Kong police
The campaign against Liu and Disney began on the online discussion forum Lihkg, where many Hong Kong protesters are exchanging ideas and ...
#48. Hong Kong protesters go into creative overdrive - Financial ...
She started out as an idea on the Reddit-like forum LIHKG to build a ... From Action Man-sized models of protesters, complete with leg hair ...
#49. Beijing's loyalists from Fujian province vow to beat up anti ...
... to beat up anti-extradition protesters during protests in the next few days. ... arm and leg by two white-shirted thugs on the sidewalk.
#50. China Dictatorship 中国独裁统治
no free public SaaS yet, but it might come, though they are saying 30 day ... Paywall skip: Terrible copy paste of some Caixin ...
#51. The new battle in Hong Kong isn't on the streets; it's in the apps
Meanwhile, LIHKG, a Reddit-like forum that is limited to local ISPs, provides a ... In the days that followed, she spent her daily commute ...
#52. Do You Hear the People Sing? - The Atavist Magazine
It took ten days for the police to clear the campus. They arrested more than 1,100 people. When Grace hit the pavement, pain shot up her leg and ...
#53. 香港颁布禁蒙面法,违者或面临最长一年监禁 - 华尔街日报
Skip Ad. in 15. You may also like. Created with sketchtool. ... A 14-year-old boy was shot in the leg by police in the northern district of ...
#54. Laos 寮國(Vientiane永珍+Vang Vieng萬榮+Luang Probang龍 ...
萬榮有好多day tour,而我就Plan左去最出名既「Zipline+Cave ... 之前去越南試過一次訓教巴士,但果款係雙層座位,只不過leg room比較長咁解,我果時 ...
#55. On the front lines in Hong Kong | Lifestyle |
Many days, Gigi is among them. ... and on LIHKG, a popular Cantonese-language message board. ... This day, her family stays at home.
#56. #StandWithHongKong - Social Media in the Hong Kong Protests
The movement included a 79-day sit-in inspired by Occupy Wall Street. ... Within Hong Kong, the movement can be found on the chat app Telegram and LIHKG, ...
#57. How Hong Kong fell from peaceful marches to violence ...
They marched for 7½ hours that day, without any incident. ... Hong Kong boy, 14, who suffered gunshot wound in leg arrested.
#58. OPC-Bulletin-SEPTEMBER-2019.pdf - Overseas Press Club
before we were supposed to show up for our final day ... media platform, LIHKG, to launch spontaneous protests or meetings.
#59. China Dictatorship 中国独裁统治 - UNPKG
元旦 (yuan2 dan4, (Chinese) New Year's day); 41.3.33. ... Paywall skip: Terrible copy paste of some Caixin article ...
#60. 【運動訓練】Why Don't We Skip Leg Day? |
【運動訓練】Why Don't We Skip Leg Day? cyrusip. 編輯. 2017-10-04 10:10:05. 你有冇發覺每次去gym,身邊總會有幾個海綿寶寶咁嘅身型嘅人喺附近?
skip leg day lihkg 在 尖沙咀銅鑼灣美食攻略泰國菜船麵泰濃麵Siam Noodles 海南雞 ... 的推薦與評價
尖沙咀銅鑼灣美食攻略泰國菜船麵泰濃麵Siam Noodles 海南雞飯黃藍下午茶尖沙咀 LIHKG 老闆蘭芳道15號冬蔭功湯麵牛肉炸雞翼小吃火鍋OPENRICE 船湯. ... <看更多>