在妹妹大力推薦下跟她一起買了R&B巡茶的 brown sugar boba milk with cheese~
這次喝到的好有層次感~整杯純鮮奶加黑糖,綜合了那個甜味~不會死甜~珍珠已經是蜜過的黑糖珍珠,大小恰到好處、甜度也非常剛好,而且煮得好Q彈~(warm and soft pearl)嚼起來會想一顆接著一顆~最上面一層可以喝到起司鹹鹹甜甜的奶蓋(cheese cream)和一層烤布雷(caramelised brown sugar)才會有的脆焦糖!不一會兒功夫我就整杯喝完!喝完意猶未盡~過兩個小時還一直沈浸在那杯的幸福裡~~難怪他們的slogan寫說 #給顧客一杯幸福的茶 是認真的有感受到❤️
再來是當地人(不是觀光客)很愛吃的sotong head (lightly battered squid karage) 一串串的炸物!你們一定要去試~其實比起走觀光客行程,我更愛深入了解當地的文化~他們都吃什麼、逛什麼、買什麼!
#新加坡 #牛車水 #brownsugarbobamilkwithcheese #老虎出巡 #oldchangkee #老曾記 #sotonghead #masjidjamae #清真寺 #srimariammantemple #印度寺廟
squid 化學 在 &dear Facebook 的最讚貼文
eggs laid by sea birds in a remote area in the high arctic contains chemicals that are added to plastic. it is believed these seabirds receive these chemicals from plastic debris from hunting for fish, squid and shrimp, and then passed to the eggs. more research is needed to find out how these chemical will affect the bird, but these chemicals could disrupt hormones and the endocrine system, and could lead to birth defects; these chemicals have been banned in children toys.
squid 化學 在 Macaueat 澳門美食 Facebook 的最讚貼文
鮨野村 Sushi Nomura 🇹🇼 | 店長野村先生於11年前來到台灣,其製作江戶前壽司的手藝,即使店舖位置隱蔽,但仍然在台北人氣相當高,其餐廳更於去年獲得米芝連一星的肯定。
壽司的重點經常都被客人放在在魚材本身,魚的級數、刀工如何、魚的鮮度等,醋飯似乎只是配角,是承載食材的容器,「然而壽司料與醋飯並非只是A+B的組合,他們是一體的。」- 野村先生說道。
在圖1花枝握下的水針魚握壽司,其入口時細膩的肉質和彈性令它成為當日omakase menu內我的最愛之一;處理來自東京灣的水針魚工序費時,師傅需要慢慢夾出魚刺,配上薑末和蔥花也是一種常見的食法。
鮨野村 Sushi Nomura 🇹🇼 | Mr. Nomura came to Taiwan 11 years ago, as a craftsman of the edo’s style sushi, his talent is aware by the public despite his restaurant is more like a hidden gem set up. Last year, Sushi Nomura awarded a well-deserved Michelin one- star ⭐️.
We often overlooked how rice 🍚 plays its significant role in making sushi. By focusing on the fish mostly. "However, sushi and rice are not just an A+B, they are a well-connected combination” Mr. Nomura said.
Under the premise of maximizing the chemistry between the rice and fish, he used five different red vinegar and white vinegar to cook the rice with alternative acidity and aroma. The vinegar rice was made with Hokkaido seven-star rice and Fuji Mountain spring water. For example, the o-toro matches with the vinegar rice with higher acidic and aroma to neutralize its oil and highlight the character of the fish itself.
Under the squid sushi, the Japanese halfbeak sushi from Tokyo Bay is one of my favourites of the omakase menu thanks to It’s delicate texture like a lobster; it’s time -consuming for preparing the fish especially the deboning part. It goes well with the ginger and green onions as well.
#lamjaeat #instafood #foodblogger #taiwan #taipei #taipeifood #taipeifoodie #台湾 #古早味 #台北 #food #foodie #yum #omakase #sushi #halfbeak #鮨野村 #鮨 #水針魚