[成長股新聞: Under Armour (UA)]
(對於股票發行知識有限. 還請高手讀者幫忙補遺)
相信不少UA投資人上週五看到股價時可能冒了一下冷汗, 以為UA股價大跳水. 其實這是因為stock split的關係. 這表示, 原來UA投資人若有100張股票, stock split之後, 變成擁有200張---多了100張Class C的紅利股票.
股票代號"UA"是所謂的Class A股票. Class A的股票所有人是可以有投票權的. UA這次發行了新的Classic C的股票給現在擁有Class A 與 Class B 股票的UA投資人--Class C股東是不能投票的, 但Class A與B股東是可以投票的. 新的Class C股票代號是UA.C(可以買賣).
"The Class C stock will be issued through a stock dividend on a one-for-one basis to all existing holders of Under Armour's Class A and Class B common stock, which will have the same effect as a two-for-one stock split."
通常來說, 公司做split, 主要的原因之一, 是讓股價看起來比較便宜, 讓更多的投資人願意買進. 但是其實股票分割後, ROE不變, PE不變, market cap也不會變. 至於這次UA發行新的Class C股票真正目的為何, 待我有時間再好好查証了.
關於讀者的問題: 分割股價,撥了同樣股數至UAC (UA classC),但classA和classC後續是否會有不同的各自股價?YES 股價會有不同.
通常有這樣決定的公司,一是要獨攬大權控制公司,一是恐怕街外人不懂公司內在的核心價值,偏離本身發展方向. 不是為錢,是要dilute街外人控制的能力. 這種分割,並沒有向原股東要錢,所以沒有資金的問題.
Under Armour Announces Class C Stock Dividend
BALTIMORE, March 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Under Armour, Inc. (NYSE: UA) today announced that its Board of Directors has approved the issuance of the Company's new Class C non-voting common stock. The Class C stock will be issued through a stock dividend on a one-for-one basis to all existing holders of Under Armour's Class A and Class B common stock, which will have the same effect as a two-for-one stock split.
The shares of Class C stock will be distributed on or about April 7, 2016, to stockholders of record of Class A and Class B stock on March 28, 2016. Application to the New York Stock Exchange has been made to list the new Class C stock under the ticker symbol "UA.C". Shares of Under Armour's Class A stock will continue to trade under the ticker symbol "UA".