sustainably 中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
「Train like a Human」 To move and live sustainably , we... ... tw/course_info/145/1/160 ( 中文 頁面) Or https://functionalpatterns. ... <看更多>
sustainably 翻譯:可持續地,能保持地,能維持地, (對環境不造成損害或損害極小因而)可持續地。了解更多。
#2. 在中文中翻译"sustainably" - 例句英语 - Reverso Context
在中文中翻译"sustainably". 副词. 可持续地 持续 可持续性. 持续性地.
#3. sustainably - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"sustainably" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#4. sustainably 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典, ...
sustainably中文 意思:adv. 支撐得住;能保持住地…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋sustainably的中文翻譯,sustainably的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#6. sustainable - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
adj. 能維持的; 可持續發展的;可持續性的. 牛津中文字典 ...
#7. 語詞的藝術與影響:永續?可持續? - 我們只有一個地球
Sustainable 在中文的翻譯中,最常出現的有兩種:「可持續」以及「永續」。普遍認為有不同的翻譯,只是單純因為使用中文的兩大區域—中國大陸與台灣之間, ...
#8. 可持續性 - 维基百科
#9. SUSTAINABLY 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
SUSTAINABLY ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“SUSTAINABLY” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#10. 可持續發展迷思: 牛皮是副產品? 素皮是Sustainable Vegan ...
【可持續發展皮革: Sustainable Leather?】 ... 他們口裡總是掛著「sustainable」這個字, 覺得一有sustainable這個字會生金雞蛋, 自己就是對地球, ...
#11. Sustainably 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Sustainably 释义: from an environmentally sustainable point of view | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#12. 永續森林管理(Sustainable forest management) - 科學Online
2007年為止,全球超過7%的用材林是由FSC認證的,FSC已被納入到許多國家的綠色採購政策中。 參考資料: 1. 中文維基百科:森林(http://zh.wikipedia.org/ ...
#13. LGT以可持續發展的方式經營業務
... our values and who make a long-term commitment to our clients, our company and society and the environment. LGT in Asia - Doing business sustainably.
#14. Fubon Insurance-ESG
Sustainability Reports Implementing ideas of sustainable management while complying with international standards. Principles for Sustainable Insurance, PSI. In ...
#15. Living Sustainably: What Intentional Communities Can Teach ...
In Living Sustainably, A. Whitney Sanford reveals the solutions that such communities have devised for sustainable living while highlighting the specific ...
#16. Sustainability Science & Management Program
Students of Sustainability Science & Engineering will gain a hands-on education through projects and laboratories as well as English-taught courses in chemistry ...
#17. Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations (GSTC‐D)
Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations (GSTC‐D). 全球永續旅遊目的地準則(GSTC-D) version 1.0 1 November 2013. 1.0 版2013 年11 月1 日.
#18. sustainable的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
sustainable 的中文意思翻譯:adj. 可持續的; 可以忍受的; 可支撐的。sustainable的中文翻譯、sustainable的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、sustainable的近義詞、反義詞和 ...
#19. ""sustainably sourced paper""是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國 ...
it means paper that was obtained without causing irreparable damage to the environment or depletion of the source. it may mean they plant ...
#20. Sustainable development goals (SDGs) : Goal 14
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western Pacific. (2016). Sustainable development goals (SDGs) : Goal 14 : Conserve and sustainably ...
#21. Press Release-FSC launches "Transition Strategies of ...
The Financial Supervisory Commission (“FSC”) has announced "Transition Strategies of Sustainable Development for Securities and Futures ...
#22. 關於永續創新(Innovation for sustainability), 你可以怎麼想
為了瞭解更多關於永續議題的討論,我逛了逛MIT Sloan Sustainability ... (這邊alignment有點難翻譯,且讓我維持原形) 就算講完中文,是不是依然滿頭 ...
#23. "sustain"在汉语中的翻译是什么? - 词典
sustain [sustained|sustained] {动词} · sustained {形容词} · sustainable development {名词} · sustained efforts {名词} · environmental sustainability {名词}.
#24. 我們的可持續發展之旅:介紹蘭精™ 環生纖™黏膠纖維
LENZING™ ECOVERO™ is a well recognized viscose fibers brand that practises eco responsible production for a cleaner and sustainable environment. Learn more.
#25. Challenges - Ocean Decade
Generate knowledge, support innovation, and develop solutions for equitable and sustainable development of the ocean economy under changing environmental, ...
#26. Oceans - United Nations Sustainable Development
Goal 14 is about conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources. Healthy oceans and seas are essential to human existence and life ...
#27. 最權威聯合國官方影片:SDGs 17 項目標中文字幕版
聯合國推出地表最強計畫,預定在2030年前,達到 SDGs 17項可持續發展中文目標(Sustainable Development Goals campaign , SDGs 17 Goals).
#28. 咖啡的可持續性 - Starbucks Coffee
無論何時何地,為客人沖煮咖啡都是個好主意。為朋友、家人或同事沖泡您最喜歡的星巴克咖啡。 starbucks. 探索我們的咖啡; 在家沖調; 了解更多; 哪裡購買; 繁體中文.
#29. Sustainability | Hamburg Süd
Shared commitment towards a sustainable future. Acting sustainably is of central importance to Hamburg Süd. Our goal is to decarbonise the world's supply chains ...
#30. 名詞解釋-綠色飲食sustainable food - 焦點要聞- 中國時報
#31. Collections - FJCU 2030 SDGs
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources · All · 2022 · 2021 · 2020 · 2019.
#32. Sustainability - Mandarin Oriental
At Mandarin Oriental Jumeira, Dubai we have initiatives to make sure we play our part in making your stay more sustainable.
#33. 一次搞懂永續、永續發展、永續轉型:問永續轉型為何物?(上)
過去十年來,「永續轉型」(sustainability transitions) 不時出現在政策文件、倡議文宣、和學術研究中。為什麼這個詞彙突然暴紅?永續(性)、永續 ...
#34. Janice Hwang - 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司 - LinkedIn
Professional summary More than 10 years of experience in the area of sustainability, now a manager leading the Deloitte Taiwan Sustainability Team with more ...
#35. Ecodesign for sustainable products - European Commission
The new regulation will improve EU products' circularity, energy performance and other environmental sustainability aspects.
#36. Six Qualities of Sustainable Infrastructure in Action
The power of infrastructure to shape economies and societies is enormous. Infrastructure underpins commercial life, provides vital social ...
#37. Social Sustainability Strategy | City of Burnaby
Social sustainability is about people–individuals and the community working together to meet their needs, realize their potential and prosper in a healthy ...
#38. Performance Standard 6 - International Finance Corporation
Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable ... Español | Português | русский | 简体中文 | عربي (last updated June 27, 2019) ...
#39. Why a circular economy is key to long-term sustainability for ...
Why a circular economy is key to long-term sustainability for ... and offer a sustainable alternative to fossil-based synthetic fibers.
#40. Sustainable Product Packaging Design Solutions for CPG
This eBook explores the benefits and actionable steps packaging experts can take to optimize sustainability and meet consumer demands. Consumers want ...
#41. Community Team Builds: Sustainability - Minecraft
We got on the topic of environmental sustainability, which is a focus on ... But how can we live more sustainably in the world of Minecraft?
#42. ESG 系列之「可持續銀行與金融」ESG Series:Sustainable ...
ESG Series:Sustainable Banking and Finance ... 完成課程及出席率達到70%的學員可以有資格申請由香港中文大學專業進修學院(CUSCS)頒發的出席證明。#
#43. 了解綠色債券、社會責任債券與永續發展債券 - PIMCO
什麼是綠色債券呢?它跟社會責任債券(social bond)、永續發展債券(sustainability bond) 與永續發展連結債券(sustainability-linked bond) ...
#44. From Ambition to Action for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
The First Progress Report from The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy In 2020, the Ocean Panel released the Transformations, an ambitious.
#45. 100% sustainably sourced down and feathers ... - Uniqlo
UNIQLO only uses sustainably sourced down and feathers from farms that seek to minimize their impact on wildfowl. All of our partner garment factories ...
#46. Sustainability - Nokian Tyres
At Nokian Tyres, we work to bring you home safe. Sustainability is an essential part of our business: we aim for safety and eco-friendliness throughout the ...
#47. We are moved by sustainability | KION GROUP AG
We stand for sustainable business. All of our actions are guided by environmental, social and commercial aspects.
#48. Sustainability | Aptiv
Sustainability Supports Our Mission. For a safer, greener and more connected world. Aptiv's success is rooted in a strategy that is sustainable by design.
#49. Kynd Sustainably Sourced Fish Oil Double Strength 50 ...
Kynd Sustainably Sourced Fish Oil Double Strength - sustainable and traceable fish oil that helps support brain, eye, heart, skin and general health.
#50. SDGs 目標14|保育及永續利用海洋生態系,以確保生物多樣性 ...
為了迎戰貧富差距、氣候變遷、性別平權等議題,2015年,聯合國啟動「2030永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),提出17項全球政府與 ...
#51. 3 Facts About Sustainably Sourced Ingredients that Will Make ...
When you choose sustainably sourced ingredients, you are choosing a better future. While sustainable agriculture and farming methods may be a growing trend in ...
#52. Sustainability reports - STMicroelectronics
Sustainability reports ; 2004, Our Sustainable Development report 2004, based on our 2003 performance, View ; 2003, Our Corporate Social & Environmental report ...
#53. Sustainable Solutions for Design and Architecture | Altair
Altair enables customers to design better sustainable solutions for architecture and products by applying simulation, machine learning, and optimization ...
#54. Ronaldo Munck discusses the need for developing ...
Ronaldo Munck discusses the need for developing populations to grow sustainably. 由IPSP12:00 上午Video Spotlight0 条评论. Ronaldo Munck is a sociologist at ...
#55. Opinion | 3 ways to feed the world sustainably - Incotec
Feeding the world in a sustainable way has never been more crucial and major ... microplastic-free seed coatings offer a chance to improve sustainability in ...
#56. Back to Basics: What is Debt Sustainability? – IMF F&D
A country's public debt is considered sustainable if the government is able to ... Assessments of debt sustainability carried out by the IMF and World Bank ...
#57. Sustainability | Banyan Tree
Sustainability Certifications. EarthCheck GOLD: EarthCheck, the world's leading scientific benchmarking and certification group for sustainable tourism, awarded ...
#58. Sustainability in hotels - Travel Help
Learn about eco certifications. Eco certifications are granted to hotels who meet sustainability criteria designated by a third party certification agency. When ...
#59. 超七成中国消费者具有“可持续消费”意识 - 英语点津
More than 70 percent of Chinese consumers understand the idea of sustainable consumption, according to a report released by the China Chain ...
#60. Sustainable business | Global Commercial Banking | HSBC
Our Navigator: Made for the Future research found that sustainability can help your business to… · Keep up with the competition. 34%. see being sustainable as a ...
#61. Sustainable Energy Access Planning: A Framework
Sustainable energy access planning is aimed at developing a socially inclusive energy supply system that gives both the poor and the nonpoor sustainable ...
#62. [討論] Sustainable Food - 看板NTU_4H_Club - 批踢踢實業坊
Sustainable Food可譯為永續飲食,也有人認為華人社會所講的「綠色飲食」實際上接近永續飲食的概念,但英文中並無「green food」一字,故予以代之。
#63. Sustainability | Avery Dennison | LPM
Sustainable solutions designed to help converters and brand owners increase circularity, cut carbon emissions, divert landfill and meet sustainability ...
#64. The shortcut to procuring more sustainable IT products
Learn why IT products should be a prioritized product category and how sustainable procurement can be made both easier and more effective.
#65. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations
All 193 United Nations Member States agreed on these 17 goals to end poverty, ensure prosperity, and protect the planet. For the 2023 Solution Challenge, your ...
#66. 永續時尚終極指南!時尚永續發展重要資訊和迷思破解全收錄
簡而言之,這是指所有以永續方式製造和消費,同時能保護環境和製衣工人的衣服。因此,減少二氧化碳排放量、解決過度生產問題、減少污染和浪費、支持生物 ...
#67. Canva's sustainability practices and goals
Designing a more sustainable future · We're proud of what we've achieved and excited about our big goals · Be a force for good with bold climate action · Beyond ...
#68. sustainability 中文意思是什麼
sustainability 中文 意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. sustainability 解釋 ... ecosystem is one of the most essential factors for agricultural sustainability.
#69. What does it mean to use a resource sustainably? - Quizlet
Using a resource sustainably means that you are accumulating or obtaining resources without abusing it meaning that even though you are using resources, ...
#70. Overview | Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda offers a vision for food and agriculture as key to sustainable development. FAO possesses experience and expertise in supporting policymaking, ...
#71. Sustainability - for ourselves, our environment and our company.
RENOLIT logo - Rely On It. 中文. 公司; 产品; 行业; 新闻; 职业 ...
#72. United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable ...
Discover the latest news about the UN Decade For Ocean Sciences (2021-2030), sign up as a #OceanDecade Partner, or explore our events and resources – all right ...
#73. Sustainability at Aruba – innovating today for a better tomorrow
Designing for IT efficiency is synonymous with designing for sustainability. A well-designed network using intelligent solutions and lifecycle management ...
#74. ISCC Certification for sustainable biomass | DQS
With ISCC certification you confirm the sustainability of your products. ... Important certificate for sustainable bio-energy and biofuels.
#75. Sustainability | Google Cloud
Google Cloud reduces the environmental impact of cloud computing through innovative renewable energy purchasing and commitment.
#76. Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (SLBP) » ICMA
Arabic اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ Bahasa Malay Bahasa Melayu Baku Chinese 中文 Danish da... German Deutsch Greek Ελληνικά Hausa (Nigeria) ḥawsa Italian itali... Polish polski Portuguese português Romanian limba română Russian Р...
#77. Sustainable Lithium Mining: The Technology Behind ...
Sustainable Lithium Mining: The Technology Behind Improving Yields and Reducing Waste. John Peichel. | October 18, 2021 |. Water Treatment.
#78. Championing a Sustainable Future - Christchurch Airport
Dr Piers Locke, a sustainability consultant and researcher, recently completed a deep dive into, and assessment of, our sustainability claims and programmes, to ...
#79. EP&L: environmental measurement tool for sustainable Luxury
Sustainability. Our EP&L. Kering has developed an innovative tool for measuring and quantifying the environmental impact of its activities.
#80. Developments in sustainable finance: EU Commission action ...
On 8 March 2018, the EU Commission proposed a suite of far-reaching near-term reforms aimed at the promotion and regulation of “sustainable ...
#81. TFS Initiative: Home
Together for Sustainability (TfS) is a member-driven initiative, raising CSR standards throughout the chemical industry. Our members are chemical companies ...
#82. Make sustainability accessible to the consumer | EY - Global
The EY Future Consumer Index finds more people want to make sustainable choices, if they can. Five strategies will help CEOs meet the demand ...
#83. 就必須訓練得像個人類。 學習如何跑步、投擲,是保持動作 ...
「Train like a Human」 To move and live sustainably , we... ... tw/course_info/145/1/160 ( 中文 頁面) Or https://functionalpatterns.
#84. 讓世界變得美好| 可持續時尚| Levi's® 香港官方網上商店
http://www.levi.com.hk/zh/sustainability / /zh/sustainability / /zh/sustainability. 登記會員即享首張訂單85折,無最低消費! ... EN | 中文.
#85. Sustainable Seafood | Jax Fish House & Oyster Bar in CO & MO
繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文. 日本語. Polski. Türk. Accessibility StatementCompliance status. We firmly believe that the internet ...
#86. What is sustainable cotton? - Cotton UP Guide
Sustainability standards and certification schemes aim to address the issues associated with unsustainable cotton production. They provide guidance to farmers ...
#87. Sustainably produced sawn timber | Metsä Fibre - Metsa Group
The sustainability of the sawn timber produced by Metsä Fibre is based on sustainably managed forests, certified and traceable wood raw ...
#88. Top sustainable shopping - Tory Street - WellingtonNZ.com
Top sustainable shopping. Shop sustainably for you, your home or a special someone, at these top eco stores around Tory Street ...
#89. Sustainable Investing - Interactive Brokers LLC
Use Interactive Brokers' suite of environmental, social and governance (ESG) tools to develop your own conscious investing plan.
#90. A case study of the youth financial inclusion in Kenya
Why financial access campaigns fail to promote sustainable livelihoods: A ... and asset building and emphasize sustainable livelihoods (3).
#91. Sustainability - GMA Garnet
GMA's drive toward sustainability involves our ongoing focus on innovation and productivity, while taking active steps to limit our impact on the ...
#92. Sustainability - Huawei
2021 Sustainability Report. This report covers the major achievements Huawei has made over the past year in its four sustainability strategies: digital ...
#93. Does eating more sustainably equal bland and boring?
In November, the UK hosted the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow.
#94. Sustainable Winegrowing - Discover California Wines
Sustainable winegrowing practices protect our soil, air and water – elements that breathe life, and ultimately flavor, into our grapes and wines.
#95. Create an environmentally sustainable home
Guide to environmentally sustainable homes. Find information about passive design to save energy, choosing sustainable materials, water use ...
#96. Choose Sustainable | Mandai Wildlife Reserve
Join us on our sustainability journey by making sustainable consumer choices. Our gift shops offer a dazzling variety of over 400 sustainable merchandises.
sustainably 中文 在 [討論] Sustainable Food - 看板NTU_4H_Club - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
Sustainable Food可譯為永續飲食,也有人認為華人社會所講的「綠色飲食」實際上接近
永續飲食的概念,但英文中並無「green food」一字,故予以代之。
What is sustainable food?
from: Sustainweb
There is no legal definition of ‘sustainable food,’ although some aspects,
such as the terms ‘organic’ or ‘Fairtrade’, are clearly defined. Our
working definition is that sustainable food should be produced, processed and
traded in ways that:
‧ Contribute to thriving local economies and sustainable livelihoods – both
in the UK and, in the case of imported products, in producer countries;
‧ Protect the diversity of both plants and animals (and the welfare of
farmed and wild species), and avoid damaging natural resources and
contributing to climate change;
‧ Provide social benefits, such as good quality food, safe and healthy
products, and educational opportunities.
‧ 對地方經濟和永續生計的興盛有所貢獻─在英國和由其他國家生產並進口的案例都是
‧ 保護地球和動物的多樣性(還有農田與野生物種的福祉),且避免自然資源的破壞並
‧ 提供社會福利,像是優良有品質的食物、安全和健康的產品和教育機會。
7 principles of sustainable food
In our opinion, people and businesses adopting a sustainable approach to food
1) Use local, seasonally available ingredients as standard, to minimise
energy used in food production, transport and storage.
2) Specify food from farming systems that minimise harm to the
environment, such as certified organic produce.
3) Limit foods of animal origin (meat, dairy products and eggs) served, as
livestock farming is one of the most significant contributors to climate
change, and promote meals rich in fruit, vegetables, pulses, wholegrains and
nuts. Ensure that meat, dairy products and eggs are produced to high
environmental and animal welfare standards.
4) Exclude fish species identified as most 'at risk' by the Marine
Conservation Society, and choose fish only from sustainable sources - such as
those accredited by the Marine Stewardship Council.
5) Choose Fairtrade-certified products for foods and drinks imported from
poorer countries, to ensure a fair deal for disadvantaged producers.
6) Avoid bottled water and instead serve plain or filtered tap water in
reusable jugs or bottles, to minimise transport and packaging waste.
7) Promote health and well-being by cooking with generous portions of
vegetables, fruit and starchy staples like wholegrains, cutting down on salt,
fats and oils, and cutting out artificial additives.
The mission of the Sustainable Food Lab is to accelerate the shift of
sustainable food from niche to mainstream.
from: Sustainable Food Laboratory
We define a sustainable food and agriculture system as one in which the
fertility of our soil is maintained and improved; the availability and
quality of water are protected and enhanced; our biodiversity is protected;
farmers, farm workers, and all other actors in value chains have livable
incomes; the food we eat is affordable and promotes our health; sustainable
businesses can thrive; and the flow of energy and the discharge of waste,
including greenhouse gas emissions, are within the capacity of the earth to
absorb forever.
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