《尋找真文青》(岩岩全數被認領哂啦... 多謝各位接手)
電影《小親親》入面,kelly飾演一個專欄作者,佢要移民,於是問做古董店嘅毛舜筠打探,有冇識人收二手書,毛舜筠話「冇人要架,一係拎去做廢紙回收啦...」,當時kelly 就話好心痛。
今日我執屋,執左好多書出來,我都想D 書搵到人接手。我知冇咩可能,而家二手書以斤砰來賣,書店都企唔住腳嘅時候,冇人睇書嘅呢個年代又點會有人接手?
但講到尾我都係唔捨得就咁dump左佢地,咁我hold 兩個星期啦,如果兩個星期內有人要,就PM 我啦,冇人要,就命中注定回收架啦。
雖然好多人都以為我係讀中文嘅,其實我大學係讀英文嘅(雖然讀得好差,無論係linguistics 同literature 都差)。以下係送出去嘅書嘅book list,有好多英文專用書(grammar, linguistics, literature, phonetics),仲有英文小說。當中Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 同埋Peter Pan,我讀書個時有貼哂貼紙做textual analysis架。
Obasan By Joy Kogawa(有人要了這本)
Disappearing Moon Cafe By Sky Lee(有人要了這本)
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan(有人要了這本)
M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang (有人要了這本)
Fifth Chinese Daughter By Jade Snow Wong(有人要了這本)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon(有人要了這本)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll(有人要了這本)
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie(有人要了這本)
The Woman Warrior: A Casebook by Maxine Hong Kingston(有人要了這本)
● The Study of Language (3rd Ed) - George Yule(有人要了這本)
● Classroom Management: Creating a Positive Learning Environment - Ming-tak Hue, Wai-shing Li(有人要了這本)
● English Words for Chinese Learners - Monica Hill(有人要了這本)
● Contemporary Educational Assessment: Practices, Principles, and Policies - Gavin T. L. Brown, Ming Yan Ngan (有人要了這本)
● An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Janet Holmes, Nick Wilson (有人要了這本)
● The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer (有人要了這本)
● how languages are learned by Patsy Lightbown, Nina Spada(有人要了這本)
● A Practical Guide to a Task-based Curriculum: Planning, Grammar Teaching and Assessment by Icy LEE, Anne MA, May PANG(有人要了這本)
● English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course by Peter Roach (有人要了這本)
● The Norton Introduction to Literature- Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays(有人要了這本)
● How Children Develop by Robert S. Siegler, Judy S. DeLoache, Nancy Eisenberg (有人要了這本)
the joy luck club book 在 英文易開罐 Facebook 的精選貼文
breadth (廣) > depth (深)
Western Classics (西方經典)
1. The Odyssey 塞德修斯
2. A Tale Of Two Cities 雙城計
3. Pride & Prejudice 傲慢與偏見
4. Anna Karenina 安娜 卡列尼娜
Dystopia (反烏托邦)
1. Nineteen- Eighty-Four 1984
2. Brave New World 美麗新世界
3. The Handmaid's Tale 使女德故事
Science Fiction & Fantasy (科幻)
1, Lord Of the Rings series 魔戒系列
2. The Foundation series 艾希莫夫的 基地 系列
3. Neuromancer 神經喚術士
Great American Novels (美國小說)
1. The Great Gatsby 大亨小傳
2. Bonfire of Vanities 虛榮的篝火
3. The Grapes of Wrath 憤怒德葡萄
Literary Heavy Hitters ( 屌文學)
大家會露出或說出:幹你好屌 的書)
1. Ulysses 尤利西斯
2. Infinite Jest 無盡的玩笑
3. Gravity's Rainbow 萬有引力之虹
Popular Fiction (熱門小說)
1. A Song of Ice and Fire Series 冰與火之歌系列
2. The Hunger Games 飢餓遊戲系列
3. Fifty Shades of Grey 格雷的50道陰影
Immigrant Experience (移民文學)
1. Interpreter of Maladies 醫生的翻譯員
2. Joy Luck Club 喜福會
3. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
Non-Western Classics(非西方經典文學)
1. Ramayana 羅摩衍那
2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國志
3. One Hundred Years Of Solitude 百年孤獨
4. To Live 活者
5. Things Fall Apart 生命中不可承受之重
Read more
2. 真的假的?【#MagaZone】14個不可思議的心理學
#reading #book
the joy luck club book 在 The Joy Luck Club: A Novel: Tan, Amy - Amazon.com 的相關結果
Joy Luck Club was the best-selling book by Amy Tan. It epitomized the theme which has dominated Asian American writing for decades and still does to this day: ... ... <看更多>
the joy luck club book 在 博客來-The Joy Luck Club 的相關結果
Amy Tan is the author of The Joy Luck Club, The Kitchen God's Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetter's Daughter, The Opposite of Fate: Memories of a ... ... <看更多>
the joy luck club book 在 The Joy Luck Club (novel) - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Joy Luck Club is a 1989 novel written by Amy Tan. It focuses on four Chinese immigrant families in San Francisco who start a club known as The Joy Luck ... ... <看更多>