明初冒起的中亞霸主帖木兒 | 知史現場
鄭和下西洋的故事可說是家傳戶曉,不過對於明成祖為何花巨大人才物力下令鄭和七下西洋,後世也有不同的解讀。有指明成祖為了找尋建文帝的下落,有意見認為明成祖希望通過鄭和出使宣揚國威,也有意見認為明成祖聯合其他國家圍堵中亞的帖木兒帝國(Timurid Empire)。
帖木兒帝國由突厥化的蒙古人帖木兒(Timur或Tamerlane)所創立,出生於西察合台汗國(Chagatai Khanate)的他,為巴魯剌氏部貴族。他處死了西察合台汗國大汗,建立帖木兒汗國,繼而征服東伊朗、花剌子模(Khwarazm)等國,令帖木兒成為當時中亞地區的霸主。
帖木兒建立汗國初期,與明朝關係友好,曾多次遣使進貢,在《明史》、《明實錄》等史籍均有記載。不過,後來帖木兒對明朝帝國的態度變差,更多次禁錮明朝特使。據《明史稿‧傅安傳》所載,帖木兒曾經扣押過明朝的使臣傅安。然而,當時的帖木兒除了對明朝存有敵意外,對西方的鄂圖曼帝國也同樣處於敵對狀態。雖然鄂圖曼帝國為中東以至小亞細亞地區的一大勢力,但仍不敵帖木兒帝國的軍隊,其中在1402年安卡拉戰役中俘虜有「閃電」之稱的蘇丹巴耶塞特一世(Sultan Bayezit I)。
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明初冒起的中亞霸主帖木兒 | 知史現場
鄭和下西洋的故事可說是家傳戶曉,不過對於明成祖為何花巨大人才物力下令鄭和七下西洋,後世也有不同的解讀。有指明成祖為了找尋建文帝的下落,有意見認為明成祖希望通過鄭和出使宣揚國威,也有意見認為明成祖聯合其他國家圍堵中亞的帖木兒帝國(Timurid Empire)。
帖木兒帝國由突厥化的蒙古人帖木兒(Timur或Tamerlane)所創立,出生於西察合台汗國(Chagatai Khanate)的他,為巴魯剌氏部貴族。他處死了西察合台汗國大汗,建立帖木兒汗國,繼而征服東伊朗、花剌子模(Khwarazm)等國,令帖木兒成為當時中亞地區的霸主。
帖木兒建立汗國初期,與明朝關係友好,曾多次遣使進貢,在《明史》、《明實錄》等史籍均有記載。不過,後來帖木兒對明朝帝國的態度變差,更多次禁錮明朝特使。據《明史稿‧傅安傳》所載,帖木兒曾經扣押過明朝的使臣傅安。然而,當時的帖木兒除了對明朝存有敵意外,對西方的鄂圖曼帝國也同樣處於敵對狀態。雖然鄂圖曼帝國為中東以至小亞細亞地區的一大勢力,但仍不敵帖木兒帝國的軍隊,其中在1402年安卡拉戰役中俘虜有「閃電」之稱的蘇丹巴耶塞特一世(Sultan Bayezit I)。
timurid empire 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
哇!撒馬爾罕 Samarkand! 第一座我覺得值得來烏茲別克的城市😻 不然我真的搞不懂為什麼這個國家會在 2018年被 Lonely Planet 票選為最佳旅行地點...🤔
撒馬爾罕建立於公元前3世紀。由於此地是絲綢之路上中國和中東的交界處🐪 當地成為兩地貨物的交流地,並促使當地經濟繁盛👀 雖然這裡的建築物都被大量修復,但還是很壯觀😍
不過這裡最有名的應該是十四世紀時生於蒙古部落的帖木兒👑 他一直希望能跟成吉思汗一樣統治世界各地 🐎 他一路打到現代的伊朗、中亞,並把撒馬爾罕當成帖木兒帝國首都👑
帖木兒作戰沿習蒙古帝國習風,對於不投降者,破城之後大多屠城😖 歷史學家估計他大約屠殺了一千七百萬人,是當時地球百分之五的人口🙀
帖木兒的陵墓就在撒馬爾罕 。當時流傳著如果他的遺骸若遭移動,將使天下遭遇大兵災😱 結果在二戰時期,蘇聯考古學家發掘了帖木兒的墓葬☠️
在棺槨被打開的第2天,納粹德國突然入侵蘇聯,蘇德戰爭爆發😲 德軍輕易攻入蘇聯腹地,蘇軍損失空前,令帖木兒的詛咒亦在整個蘇聯流傳😶
不過除了帖木兒的陵墓,也有許多陵墓值得拜訪。例如建於十四世紀的陵墓群 Shah I Zinda 就是我最愛的地方❤️ 就是這裡聽說走過一座墳墓山就可以從後門省 USD$2 門票錢😛 事實證明還是要跨過一個小圍牆。當地人都這麼做了,我們就跟著了😂
其實一進來這個城市也不是很順😑 從火車站到市中心,我們計程車殺價 USD$1.5 變成 USD$1.2 🚖 虧他們還一直跟我們說公車沒開(才下午五點好嗎?)🙄
司機在車上一直要給我他的號碼,我們只好不情願地把號碼記下來😑 結果 York 居然把他的帽子留在車上!還好有司機的號碼,不然這裡賣的帽子根本不太實用也不適合他...😐 最後又花了兩美金把帽子載回來... 👀
幾天後他又在雪中把手套掉在地上... 結果我們在一公里的街道上來來回回三次,才發現一個店家早已經撿起來放在桌上... 😑 總而言之,是一個充滿掉東掉西的地方... 🙄
Ps. 由於這邊拍太多網美照了,記得要跟蹤 IG!照片整理好將會放在那邊唷 ↪ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 😘
Pss. 想環遊世界嗎? Winny 的環遊世界書在博客來打七折唷 👉 http://goo.gl/RYPSTp 📚
超大本,超划算的😍 只怕你看不完唷🤣
#烏茲別克 #撒馬爾罕 #世界遺產
Wow! Samarkand- The first city in Uzbekistan that actually impressed me 😛 Otherwise I began to wonder why this country became “Lonely Planet’s Best in Asia 2018” 🤨
This city is centrally positioned along the Silk Road between China & the West 🐫 Despite being heavily restored, the large madrassas are certainly impressive😍
In 14th century the great Amir Timur who founded the Timurid Empire in & around modern day Iran & Central Asia made this city its capital😮
Since he assumed the title of “The Great Khan” in 1369, he tried to make the Mongol Empire as great as during the reign of Genghis Khan 🐎
Scholars estimated that his militaries caused deaths of 17 million ppl which was around 5% of the world’s population at that time🙀
Apparently his tomb was cursed ☠️ In 1941 his body was removed from the grave by Soviet anthropologist and 3 days later, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, the largest military invasion of all time, upon the Soviet Union😯
There were many mausoleums in Samarkand, not just Timur’s 😌 One we even had to walk pass a whole graveyard just so that we can skip USD$2 entry fee😛
Ps. Our trip in Samarkand wasn’t that smooth😑 We originally haggled a taxi ride from USD$1.5 to USD$1.2 from train station to hotel🚕 The driver insisted we keep his number in case we need his service, which we reluctantly noted down...
Who would’ve know that York ended up leaving his only beanie in the cab😦 Mind you, hats here are all old Soviet Wool hat, no high tech fleece shit 🧢
So we spent USD$2 to ask the driver to deliver the beanie back to us😒
The next day York dropped one of his gloves on the ground🧤 Since he never zip up his jacket pocket like when I asked him to😕
It’s one of the best gloves he’s owned from Uniqlo and we haven’t even made it to the coldest region yet🥶
So we walked down the streets like 3 times searching for his gloves in the blizzard!!! ❄️ After 3KM of extra walking and just about him giving up, he spotted his glove on one of the tables. It was picked up by a shop vendor!
And during this time all we’ve been doing was looking on the ground!!! Happy days for him as he hasn’t actually LOST anything yet (our passport, beanie, glove so far)🙄
#Uzbekistan #UNESCO #Samarkand
timurid empire 在 Timurid-Mughal Archives - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Rather, I see the outcome of this victory as the expansion of the Timurid Empire into Northern India. It should be noted that before Babur set ... ... <看更多>
timurid empire 在 Top 10 timurid empire ideas and inspiration - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Find and save ideas about timurid empire on Pinterest. ... Timurid Empire, Imperio Mongol, Golden Horde, Mughal Empire, Diplo, Medieval Period. ... <看更多>