🎉 狂賀來自屏東的「滯留島舞蹈劇場」及台北「雙子二重奏」獲選參與美國國務院第六季Center Stage計畫!這兩組表藝團隊將於2022-2023年度受邀至美國巡迴演出一個月。誠摯恭喜!
Center Stage 暨美國國務院教育文化事務局交流專案計畫 Exchange Programs - U.S. Department of State,與美國在台協會、美國駐阿根廷大使館及美國駐亞美尼亞大使館,很榮幸在此共同宣布入選第六季Center Stage計畫、來自台灣、阿根廷與亞美尼亞的六組團體:
⭐ 滯留島舞蹈劇場 Resident Island Dance Theatre – 台灣 屏東
⭐ Twincussion Duo 雙子二重奏 – 台灣 台北
⭐ Cachitas Now! 樂團 Cachitas Now! - 阿根廷 拉普拉塔
⭐ Fémina 樂團 Fémina- 阿根廷 布宜諾斯艾利斯
⭐ MVF Band 樂團 MVF Band - 亞美尼亞 葉里溫
⭐ The Naghash Ensemble 樂團 The Naghash Ensemble - 亞美尼亞 葉里溫
更多關於入選團隊的介紹: https://bit.ly/3ipFbxr
本資訊新聞稿請見美國在台協會網站: https://bit.ly/3im17JI
Congratulations to Taiwan’s Resident Island Dance Theatre from Pingtung County, and the Twincussion musical ensemble from Taipei for being chosen to participate in the 6th Season of Center Stage. These two groups will tour the United States during the 2022-2023 performance season!
Center Stage and State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in partnership with AIT, Embajada de Estados Unidos en Argentina, and U.S. Embassy Yerevan, are thrilled to announce the Center Stage Season 6 ensembles from Taiwan, Argentina and Armenia.
⭐滯留島舞蹈劇場 Resident Island Dance Theatre - Pingtung County, Taiwan
⭐Twincussion Duo 雙子二重奏 – Taipei, Taiwan
⭐Cachitas Now! - La Plata, Argentina
⭐Fémina - Buenos Aires, Argentina
⭐MVF Band - Yerevan, Armenia
⭐The Naghash Ensemble - Yerevan, Armenia
#CenterStageUS #ExchangeOurWorld
Read more information: https://bit.ly/3ipFbxr
Read the press release: https://bit.ly/3im17JI