Glasses are sexy, fun and cute depending on our personality. They can do more than help us see clearly =D. They can also be accessories for our eyes (and face).
I have been short sighted since I was 11 years old. Without glasses/contact lenses; everything is blurry to me. Being in Hong kong, I know so many girls AND guys who don't even need glasses WEAR glasses. Why? Because glasses are incredibly stylish! They are becoming a fashion accessory as well as a functional product. I am definitely a lot more inspired to wear my glasses now.
A lot of you guys feel its pointless wearing makeup since eyes tend to disappear behind the frames. However, its your glasses that make your eyes focal point of your face. A little makeup goes a long way to help them pop from behind the lenses.
To be honest- the type of makeup can depend on the type of frames you have. Actually- you can wear whatever look you want. There shouldn't be a certain rule. There can just be suggestions and guidelines. I wear thicker frames because I find them very arty & stylish. But its the thick frames that really make the eyes hinder/disappear.
Glasses wash out the eyes. But you don't need super amounts of eyeshadow to help your eyes stand out. Neat groomed eyebrows, eyeliner and lip colour is really all you'll need for all of your facial features to stand out equally.
This tutorial doesn't mean this is the only way to wear your makeup. It is just how I like to wear it and perhaps maybe a look you can try out yourself. Makeup has no right or wrong. If you have confidence; you can pull off anything.
I admire the working ladies who pull off their dark frames with their statement lip colours. If you dare- try it out. You will look sophisticated & sexy.
I hope this tutorial motivates you to wear your glasses more often. They are so much fun! I reccommend spending time to pick a pair of glasses because your glasses express who you are.
If you are Long sighted- applying eyeliner on your water line will help even out the eyes making them appear smaller so your eyes won't empower over your face.
Hopefully I can do more of these makeup for glasses tutorials. For now, keep rocking your glasses! ^^
My red glasses were purchased from Boots Opticians 2 years ago. The make is Calvin Klein.
The Black framed glasses with stars on the edges are non branded ones that I purchased from a boutique. I got prescribed lenses altered into these frames.
I'm liking the HD cam but the battery dies down so fast. Any recommendations on a good quality long lasting camcorder?
Stay beautiful...
Much love,
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Awesome Instrumental is made by youtuber "Muzikal7production". Clap your handsss. Sick tune! claps hands*
Chonny has got me SO addicted to the Rainbow song too XD. Ayyy oh oh oh oh ohh. K pop ftw!
Much love,