//Hong Kong sat atop the Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Economic Freedom for 25 years. When the 27th edition of the index is released Thursday, Hong Kong won’t be found.
In explaining the decision to remove Hong Kong (and Macau) from the index, the editors noted that while both special administrative regions “offer their citizens more economic freedom than is available to the average citizen of China . . . developments in recent years have demonstrated unambiguously that those policies are ultimately controlled from Beijing.”
Indeed, the loss of political freedom and autonomy suffered by Hong Kong over the past two years has made that city almost indistinguishable in many respects from other major Chinese commercial centers like Shanghai and Beijing//
China resides in 107th place in the ranking, sandwiched between Uganda and Uzbekistan among economies rated as “mostly unfree.” (烏干達、烏茲別克啲Friend)
A year ago, Hong Kong was dethroned by Singapore in the annual Heritage Foundation ranking of the world’s freest economies.
//不必摧毀大城市的建築物,不必殺害大城市的任何一個居民,甚至在表面上看來,這個大城市和以前一樣,但只要令城市原來的優點消失,就可以令它毀滅死亡。 // - 倪匡《追龍》
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,China's most iconic gaming console is the "Red White Machine" otherwise known as a famiclone (knockoff NES or knockoff Famicom) the company that has b...
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two special administrative regions of china 在 許文昌 Man-cheong Facebook 的最佳貼文
日經報導內地徵港漂稅引發不滿,或爆逃港潮。住宅租盤有壓力? #愛國 #義務
Mainland professionals living and working in Hong Kong and Macao have been asked to pay additional Chinese income tax starting this year, a move some say risks triggering an exodus of talent in the two special administrative regions.
Several employees at state-owned banks told the Nikkei Asian Review they had been urged by management to file tax returns to mainland authorities by June.
"I think a lot of people will move back to China," the analyst said. "It doesn't make sense to live in such an expensive place when you have to pay high mainland tax at the same time."
To cushion the financial impact to mainland employees, the man said his bank is now offering no-interest loans to people affected by the new policy as well as considering reimbursing the additional payments.
"Previously, the collection of taxes derived from overseas incomes of Chinese nationals was not easy because of the difficulties in tracing the overseas information," said Rebecca Wong, a China tax partner at PwC. But the application of a 2017 international agreement among 100 some governments -- including both Hong Kong and China -- that established a common reporting standard for sharing information on the financial accounts of foreign individuals and companies has given mainland authorities more to work with.
"To spend on the aid for Africa? To buy expensive petroleum in Russia, or to provide loans to India? Is the government really ours?" he asked.
two special administrative regions of china 在 方志恒 Brian Fong Facebook 的最佳貼文
/王慧麟 《香港革新論》共同作者
中國沒修英公約限制條文 堵死港自決權
「 2. In accordance with the official notes addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by the Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations on 20 June 1997 and 2 December 1999 respectively, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights shall be applicable to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and shall, pursuant to the provisions of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, be implemented through the respective laws of the two special administrative regions.」
英文呢!大意是說,此公約將在香港及澳門繼續適用。中文呢,我會參考香港政府的相關解釋,即「關於《經濟、社會及文化權利的國際公約》(以下簡稱《公約》)適用於中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(以下簡稱『香港特區』)問題,中華人民共和國政府於一九九七年六月二十日通知聯合國秘書長《公約》適用於香港的規定自一九九七年七月一日起將繼續有效。」那麼,在1997年6月20日,中國向聯合國提交了什麼的「 照會」呢?當時中國提交的是﹕
換言之,中國在2001年確認《 經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約 》時,也沒有修改英帝對自決權的限制條文,那麼中國也把香港的自決權給堵死了。當然,你也會問,為何在2001年中華人民共和國政府在確認有關公約時,沒有諮詢香港市民,是否有需要取消這些限制,以及其他在殖民地時候遺留下來的保留條文呢?15年前的事,香港人沒有力陳,沒有爭取,現在要埋怨也沒有辦法。當時大部分人對於香港一國兩制的進程,仍然相當有信心。假如中國真的同意香港有雙普選,上述限制權利行使的條文存廢,可能只是學術討論的範疇,市民根本不會有爭議。
所以,我會說,九七年後,香港依照《經濟、社會及文化權利的國際公約》下的自決權利,同樣給中國政府大幅度限制了。究竟中國政府如何在國際社會報告有關自決權的實施情况呢?在2004年,中國對聯合國經濟及社會理事會(即 《經濟、社會及文化權利的國際公約》締約國提交公約實施情况報告的委員會)如是說﹕
「中華人民共和國成立後,始終致力於建立和健全人民民主的政治制度,保障人民當家作主的民主權利。1954年9月,第一屆全國人民代表大會第一次會議在充分體現人民民主的基礎上,通過了《中華人民共和國憲法》,規定了國家的性質和國家機構的職能,規定了公民的權利和義務,奠定了中國民主與法制建設的基礎。1982年,第五屆全國人民代表大會第五次會議通過了現行憲法。《中華人民共和國 憲法》明確規定﹕中華人民共和國的一切權力屬於人民,人民行使權力的機關是全國人民代表大會和地方各級人民代表大會。人民代表大會制度是中國的根本政治制度。這是中國人民根據本國國情,在爭取獨立和解放的長期艱苦鬥爭中所作出的必然選擇。」 (見CESCR, E/1990/5/Add.59,第七段,原文為簡體字)
「中國在首次履約報告中闡明,中華人民共和國成立後,國家的一切權力屬於人民,中國人民成為國家的主人,通過全國範圍的土地改革和其他各項民主改革成為生產資料和社會財富的享有者;中國實行人民代表大會制度,中國人民通過全國人大和地方人大行使權力。中國人民能夠自主決定國家政治、經濟、社會和 文化領域的重大事項,充分享有自決權。相關《憲法》規定和制度安排已納入首次報告,在此不再贅述。」(CESCR, E/C.12/CHN/2,第四頁)
剩餘自決權 第一個關鍵詞﹕人民
學者Milena Sterio認為,「人民」一詞,包含兩個原則﹕第一,以客觀驗證,審視該區人民是有一個共同的種族背景、族群、語言、宗教、歷史及文化傳承,以及該地區的群組,有沒有擁有該地區土地的完整性;第二是主觀驗證,即該地區的每一個人,有幾自覺地認為自己是一班人,是一群與別不同或獨特(distinct)的「人民」,以及他們有沒有能力可以組成一個政治實體。這裏,國際法學者Antonio Cassese說到,「人民」是在一個地區(territory)內的人民,而不應只是民族。問題是,假如這個地區內有不同種族,是否這地區內的每個種族都有自決權呢?這裏,國際法學者的說法是,人民之意,不是用種族來區分,大抵是用地區來區分。因為一個地區如果有幾個不同種族,而地區內不同種族都有自決權的話,那麼地區就難以有效管治,亦不能分清疆界。因此,就有國際法上的uti possidetis原則, 即是殖民地獨立之後,即使該殖民地有不同種族,就不會因此把殖民地的地方界線隨便割裂。這就是尊重原有疆界之意。
所以,國際法學者都指出,有些人誤會,以為有自決權只是指涉「民族」,甚至是少數族裔的群體才可享有,亦是不確。因為「人民」的定義不是少數族裔,不可能把peoples與少數族裔畫上等號。其次,在過往實踐之中,亦不是只要是少數族裔,就可以自動享有自決權。因為部分少數族裔的訴求,可透過保護少數族裔的憲法條文來保障其政治社會及經濟權利,例如加拿大魁北克人,則因為其歷史原因及政治發展之因素,這些訴求,形成了內部自決權(internal self-determination)的爭議。
至於內部自決權與外部自決權的分野,以及為何某些地區只有內部自決權又或者只有外部自決權,何時有內部自決權,何時有外部自決權,往往存在爭議。學者Susanna Macini指出,假如有國家為了穩住大局,又或者以尊重多元文化為理由,對某些地區承認其內部自決權,在自治權力上不斷削弱中央政府權力,最終國家會被內部自決權的討論吞噬,讓步到最後,就會讓這些地區獨立出去。學者Joshua Castellino認為,當一個地區的人民一直得不到應有的自治權,例如其民主體制發展不斷遭到壓迫,到時該地區人民之內部自決權長期得不到應有之尊重,就應擁有外部自決權,尋求新政治地位之可能。
學者Milena Sterio亦提過,此說法其實與過往二三十年的自決權的實踐相悖。因為過往二三十年的新獨立國家,例如遭前蘇聯吞併的波羅的海3個小國,不是用自決權的說法而離開前蘇聯,而是指出其在1940年後一直被蘇聯非法侵佔,1991年他們3國的「獨立」只是撥亂反正,回歸1940年前之狀態。至於南斯拉夫瓦解之後的新國家,其說法是dissolution,以避免以所謂自決權來形容其國家分家的情况。科索沃的例子更特殊,因為其獨立的過程全是由西方國家所操作,也沒有用自決權作為科索沃獨立之理據。2010年國際法庭有關科索沃的單方面獨立的結論是,這樣做沒有違反國際法,其判辭內沒有提過自決權的字眼。所以,她指出,西方國家的取態,又或者是國際間的政治角力,才是外部自決權能夠體現的關鍵。而且,過往這些比較矚目的案例可見,西方國家亦避免用外部自決權去處理領土或種族紛爭(至於部分學者如吾師戴耀廷則認為,自決權內的內部及外部自決權,不存在孰先孰後的情况,何時用內部自決或外部自決,擁有自決權的主體應可決定。此涉及比較複雜的法律討論,已遠越本文之範圍,容後有機會再探討)。
最後一點,除了內部自決權的限制下,其他由英國殖民地遺下的人權限制,例如政治參與權利的限制,也應一併取消。國際法學者、亦是國際法庭法官的Rosalyn Higgins提過,在《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》內,第一條的自決權,必須與第25條的民主參與權利放在一起討論,因為一俟人民擁有自決權來決定政治地位之後,下一步就必然要有民主參與權利。有關英國如何閹割香港人原應享有第25條的民主參與權利的問題,again,本文太長,將來有時間再談了。
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#香港革新論 #自決權 #外部自決 #內部自決 #中英聯合聲明 #公民權利和政治權利國際公約 #經濟社會交化權利國際公約 #聯合國憲章
two special administrative regions of china 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳解答
China's most iconic gaming console is the "Red White Machine" otherwise known as a famiclone (knockoff NES or knockoff Famicom) the company that has been producing them in China non-stop for 30 years has just released the 30th Anniversary version of their "Red White Machine", I got my hands on one and decided to talk about how gaming in China has always had a bit of a difficult history.
Video games in China is a massive industry and pastime that includes the production, sale, import/export, and playing of video games. China is the largest and highest grossing (revenues) video game market in the world, since 2015. The landscape of the topic is strongly shaped by China's average income level, rampant software piracy, and governmental measures to control game content and playing times. In 2011, China's PC game sector was worth $6 billion, the largest in the world. Arcade games are also a thriving industry in China. Console games were banned from the country in 2000, but the ban was lifted in July 2015.
In eSports, China has been the top country in terms of tournament winnings, possessing some of the world's best talents across video games.
The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau have unique legal and cultural environments, thus the information below does not apply in these two regions.
As with almost all mass media in the country, video games in China are subject to the policies of censorship in China.
Violating basic principles of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Threatening national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity
Divulging state secrets
Threatening state security
Damaging national sovereignty
Disturbing social order
Infringing upon others' rights
On July 2015, the ban on video game consoles within the country was lifted. According to a statement from the country's Ministry of Culture, companies like Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft — among others — will now be allowed to manufacture and sell video game consoles anywhere in the country.
Game consoles were first banned in 2000 due to fears that the devices — and the 3D worlds produced by them — had a negative effect on the mental and physical development of children. In 2015, China eased those restrictions by letting game console-makers operate in an experimental 11-square-mile area in Shanghai, known as the free trade zone.
The State General Administration of Press and Publication and anti-porn and illegal publication offices have also played a role in screening games.
Examples of banned games have included:
Hearts of Iron (for "distorting history and damaging China's sovereignty and territorial integrity")
I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike (for "intentionally blackening China and the Chinese army's image")
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour (for "smearing the image of China and the Chinese army")
Battlefield 4 (for "smearing the image of China and endangering national security")
In addition to banning games completely, several games have had their content screened to remove certain imagery deemed offensive or unfavorable. Common examples include skeletons or skulls being either fleshed out or removed entirely. Cases of which can be seen in Chinese versions of popular video games such as DOTA 2 and World of Warcraft.
⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringsouthernchina
⚫ Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
Twitter: @serpentza
Instagram: serpent_za
My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina
Music used: Virtual Vice - Sanctuary Run
Artist's bandcamp: https://virtual-vice.bandcamp.com/releases
two special administrative regions of china 在 serpentza Youtube 的精選貼文
Chinese citizens are forbidden to own firearms, so my Chinese wife was really excited to shoot a gun for the first time! How well did she handle a massive 357 Magnum as her first shooting experiences
Gun ownership in the People's Republic of China is heavily regulated by law. Generally, private citizens are not allowed to possess guns and penalties for arms trafficking include life imprisonment.
Guns can be used by law enforcement, the military and paramilitary, and security personnel protecting property of state importance (including the arms industry, financial institutions, storage of resources, and scientific research institutions).
Civilian ownership of guns is largely restricted to authorized, non-individual entities, including sporting organizations, authorized hunting reserves and wildlife protection, management and research organizations. The chief exception to the general ban on individual gun ownership is for the purpose of hunting.
Illegal possession or sale of firearms may result in a minimum punishment of 3 years in prison.
However, gun ownership in the PRC's special administrative regions, Hong Kong and Macau is tightly controlled and possession is mainly in the hands of law enforcement, military, and private security firms (providing protection for jewelers and banks). Still, possessing, manufacturing and import/exporting airsoft guns with a muzzle energy not above two joules of kinetic energy is legal to citizens in PRC's SARs. Under the Section 13 of Cap 238 Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance of the Hong Kong law, unrestricted firearms and ammunition requires a licence, and those found in possession without a licence could be fined HKD$100,000 and imprisonment for up to 14 years.
A license is issued to people who aren't mentally ill or a felon after a rigorous process. Explosives and fully automatics are the only firearms that appear prohibited. Other firearms may be stored at home in a locked box, but ammunition must be kept on different premises.
⚫ C-milk's videos about 5 guys: https://youtu.be/wpKST9qPOdQ
⚫ If you want to see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringsouthernchina
⚫ Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
Twitter: @serpentza
Instagram: serpent_za
Music used: Miami Nights 1984 - Accelerated
My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina