🔺Part 2 :面試前,你所需要的六項準備!
1️⃣ 妥善安排面試細節
收到面試通知後,務必與公司確認日期、時間、地點、面試流程,以及是否有需要特別準備資料或證明文件。若是前往較遠的地方面試,可主動詢問是否有提供車馬費補助,甚至提出用網路面試 先確認彼此的意向。 最後,妥善安排前往面試地點的交通方式,一定要提早到達目的地。
2️⃣ 做好最好的行銷術
面試,其實就是行銷自己及作品。 最好的行銷手法,就是運用你的個人魅力把自己的作品及自己推銷給公司。 在英國面試,除了最基本的著裝禮儀要注意,另外建議你別太謙虛,請盡量把豐功偉 業、最優秀的一面完全展示出來,所以請列下一些你的優點、經驗、價值,那些能擊 敗其他應徵者的能力,不害臊的多次練習!
3️⃣ 知己知彼,互相呼應作品
從公司網站、報導、做過的案子,了解公司文化,以便在面試時,能適時吹捧幾個你欣賞的設計,展現你與公司的理念特別相近!相反地,你可以轉化你作品集的性質, 把作品介紹得更投其所好,以增加作品的討論度。另外也建議事先了解一下你的面試官,查看公司網站或Linked in搜尋其經歷,可以想一想什麼東西會引起他們的注意力。
4️⃣ 投其所好的作品集
5️⃣ 了解職務範圍和該職務酬勞
請再詳讀一遍徵人廣告,徹底了解職務範圍,並聯想這個職務在公司組織裡扮演什麼角色位置? 會有什麼挑戰?若是有工作經驗者,上一份工作有沒有相似的難題,而你如何成功克服?更重要的是:你對這個職務有沒有什麼想法?你的加入可以帶給公司什麼?另外也別忘了普查好類似職缺的酬勞範圍,通常面試最後會問你希望的待遇,建議可以明白且有自信地和他們說你理想的薪水。
6️⃣ 對公司的好奇心
🔍 Stage 5:Interview
🔺 Part 2:6 steps for preparation before an interview
1️⃣ Arranging & confirming interview details.
After receiving the interview notice, be sure to confirm the date, time, venue, interview process with the company and if you need to prepare and bring any specific documents or certifications. If you are traveling to a location that is quite far, you can try to ask if the company is willing to subsidize your transportation fees or if they are comfortable settling for a video interview instead.
Remember to arrange for your transportation in advance to the interview location and always arrive earlier than your expected time.
2️⃣ Deploy your best marketing skills.
An interview is all about selling yourself and your works to the company and for the job position, it is not about bragging how good you are, be careful of the difference!
The best technique is using your personal charm to market yourself. When preparing for an interview in the UK, other than paying attention to basic dressing etiquettes and formalities, do not be too humble as well. Try your best to display your merits, experience and value that can defeat other candidates. Do not be shy and rehearse your interviews often so that you do not get nervous during the real deal!
3️⃣ Resonating your works with the company.
It is crucial that your portfolio resonates with the company’s ethos. Learn and familiarize yourself with these details from the company website, reports and projects that they might have done. This helps you to engage deeper in conversation during the interview.
You could talk about a few of their projects which you admire. How it has influenced or inspired you and how your design beliefs and interest is similar to the company. Alternatively, you could also show a portfolio that is more aligned with what the company does so that you can discuss your works on a deeper level with them.
It is also recommended that you know your interviewers in advance so that you understand what draws their attention and what conversation topics will engage them. Check the company's website, LinkedIn, or even a google search to read up on your interviewers profile, articles they have written before and their experiences.
4️⃣ Portfolio’s target audience.
Other than bringing your portfolio works sent in during application, it is recommended that you bring an additional 1-2 completed works targeted towards the design nature of the company.
5️⃣ Understand the work scope and remunerations of the job.
Read the recruitment advertisement again, understand the scope of works and think of how the job plays a role within the company organisation. What would be the challenges? What are the takeaways from the job? Evaluate and weigh out these elements.
If you have had work experiences, did you meet similar challenges with your previous job? How did you manage to overcome them? More importantly, what are your views and thoughts about the job position. What can you value-add to the company?
In addition, don’t forget to check out the remuneration packages of similar job vacancies. Towards the end of the interview is where you would be asked about your ideal salary range and job package details – overtime pay, travel sick leaves, vacation days, insurances, time flexibility etc.
Consider the package in whole and negotiate clearly and confidently. It is important that you display a balance between your financial concerns and genuine interest and desire for the job. Avoid being too eager and overbearing during these talks.
6️⃣ Your curiosity towards the company.
What else do you want to learn about the company? An interview goes both ways; hence it is recommended that you prepare in advance some questions that you would like to ask the company as well.
This not only shows your deep interest towards the company but also helps to establish a closer connection between both parties. Be confident and enthusiastic, try to engage and extend the conversation topic or even start new ones. Let the company feel your excitement and curiosity!
uk it job market 在 Irene Yap photography Facebook 的最讚貼文
Dear friends,
Those of you who know me are aware that I’m a first generation immigrant who came from a far away land called Malaysia. I moved to London when I was just 14 years old, not quite through choice - after all, my teenage years were awkward enough as it is without having to move to a foreign county with no friends or the ability to speak the language well!
Things did eventually get easier and through a lot of hard work I found myself landing my dream job and being in a good position.
However, I never stopped being homesick. This never got easier, in fact it gets harder and heavier every year as I bid goodbye to my ageing parents after every visit. Time isn’t on my side and I’ve become more aware of it than ever.
Which brings me to my point; that, after a lot of thought, I’m hoping to split my time more evenly between the UK and SE Asia (mainly in Singapore and Malaysia where my family is based). Thankfully the nature of my work allows me to plan very far ahead, and so I’m excited to announce that I’m available for pre-wedding and wedding day bookings from this November - March 2021 in both Singapore and Malaysia. Obviously I’ll still be in the UK working as hard as ever in the spring & summer months!
I understand that the market is very different in SE Asia and my style won’t be for everyone; you’re NOT going to look perfect, but if you’re able to look past the small imperfections to find the greater beauty present in the honest and fleeting moments, I hope to hear from you. ✨
uk it job market 在 駐英台-景觀筆記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🔎第二階段: 怎麼找公司
🔺part 1: 了解自己的專業能力及清楚自己的定位
1⃣ 找一個喜歡的城市/鄉村學習跟生活。
記得我找公司時,鍵入的搜尋關鍵字是: 景觀設計公司 + 地區。在這前一篇的搜尋是:英國 特色城市。 找公司,除了看公司性質,我也會看環境,在面試的時候順便感受公司所在的城市。 現在想起這樣的設定真的非常正確,因為我享受且滿足現在的生活。環境造人,工作環境佔據 了我一天1/3的時間,坐在望出去遼闊景觀的窗戶旁,總比處在冰冷水泥塊中,自在很多。
2⃣ 坦白的面對自己的能力範圍,放大自己的長處。
很多人說: 找公司、投工作,就海投! 到處散播一樣的作品集及一模一樣的信件內容,100家,總會有10家⋯⋯對,也不對。了解自己的專業能力及清楚自己的定位,才是說服公司錄取你的關鍵。幾個朋友在反省找工作的經驗,最終去的那間公司,總會最快回覆你前來面試,最短的時間內決定是否錄取,因為你的知識範圍最符合公司需求,而不單只是可以畫出漂亮的圖,容易被取代的 / 技術上的能力。景觀的專業範圍很大,如果知道自己未來的發展希望往水資源管理的方向,那海投公司的範圍就會縮小剩20家,自己的勝率也更大,奮戰時間也會縮短。相對的,在未來職涯,唯獨能發揮自己所長,才能帶來成就感。
知己知彼的策略,了解自己的專業能力及清楚自己的定位,不單縮短找工作的時間,甚至減少 未來所會面臨的工作壓力。
🔎Stage 2: Finding a company to apply
🔺Part 1 - Understanding your niche and abilities
Finding a company is easy, but finding one which suits you, where you can play to your strengths is challenging. Office culture, design ethos, scope of works, business management and employee growth plans are one of the many factors that you should consider. It is often the case that individuals will start criticizing the company’s employee treatment, pay check, lack of interesting projects, poor office environment after working for a period of time. However, these “complaints” could have been avoided if a company which best fitted to your expectations and interest was chosen instead.
Hence, understand what you want, be clear of your strengths and abilities, both your short and long term career goals and what kind of environment you would thrive in. This would be the best approach to find a job which can offer you a fun and comfortable working environment where you can grow too.
1⃣ Choosing a city/ town which you like to live and work in.
Each city has its own unique culture and appeal, with infinite options and endless
considerations, narrowing down your choice can be a nightmare.
Recalling back to the time when I was looking for a job, typing in these keywords into the search bar: “landscape design firms + region” and “UK cities” kick-started my journey of working abroad.
Other than understanding the nature of the company, I also considered aspects such as the physical environment – the city where the company was located, population density, transportation and weather. When travelling down for an interview, experiencing the city’s character, culture and vibe in person also helped expedite the decision making process.
This guiding process allowed me to quickly settle in, enjoy and be satisfied with my current lifestyle and working arrangements.
The environment makes us who we are, with 1/3 of your time being occupied with work, it is really important to have a comfortable working environment – For me, sitting by the window, looking out towards the vast green landscape would definitely be much better than sitting within the compounds of a concrete working cubicle.
2⃣ Be honest about your capabilities, Magnify your strengths.
Most fresh graduates would often use the same portfolio and CV content to mass apply to companies, hoping to land a job in one of their several attempts. However, this one size fit all approach to seek employment might not be the best and most effective.
Finding your niche will help you stand out from the rest of the crowd. That being said, understanding your professional ability and what you can contribute to the company is key to persuade the company to employ you. A few of my peers shared their experience for getting employed – An interested company would normally respond and arrange for an interview at the soonest. Their hiring decision made within a short time frame because they believe that your thinking, knowledge, expertise and skills best meets the needs of the company and are not easily replaceable by technology means.
The scope of works for the landscape profession is very large. It would definitely help reduce the amount of time and companies you need to filter through, increase your chances of getting employed if you can be certain of a career path you wish to dive further into. For example, water resource management, wildlife consultancy, landscape journalism, construction etc. In view of future career prospects, only by playing to your strength, can you find a sense of achievement.
The strategy of knowing yourself and your market, understanding your abilities and niche not only shortens the time spent to find a job, but also reduces the work pressure you will face in the future.
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