之前接過幾單job,都由大判負責UI/UX設計,我地負責製作。好多時見到UI/UX有問題,向大判designer提出之後,佢地都係堅持用華而不實,完全冇諗清楚嘅設計(好多人會參考web或者game嘅設計,東拼西湊左抄右抄,並且完全無視「好用」、「實用」、不同款式嘅手機硬件嘅種種限制,及不同OS嘅guideline同best practice),結果programmer要用好多workaround先做到對方覺得「web好容易做到」嘅(所謂)「華麗」效果。
呢個係好典型嘅案例,因為客同agency都唔係專門做手機App嘅UI/UX,但係又好直觀咁想抄一啲好fancy嘅design直接放落手機度,冇諗過其實手機介面要方便好用,根本唔需要多餘嘅wow factor,所以好多客會跌落「華而不實」嘅陷阱,令用戶覺得個App唔好用之餘,仲加重咗programmer嘅負擔,例如要處理細mon嘅情況,因為個客嘅design根本冇考慮過原來世界上仲有好多iPhone SE。
另一個問題係,當你hack到個UI好似DVD menu咁fancy,啲OS一更新,或者iPhone又變長咗,就有走位或者library唔再support嘅風險,會增加咗maintenance嘅effort。
好多客中過招之後,因為以上種種原因,最後都會反璞歸真,換一個簡潔、清晰、直接,而又不失個性同格調嘅設計,捨棄當初追求嘅wow同fancy,結果用戶反而覺得易用又順眼,programmer亦唔需要監硬hack啲DVD menu出嚟,往後maintenance又易咗,出個再長啲嘅iPhone都冇問題。
廣告時間:1月24日我將會到 BLOOM co-working space by jumpstart 同大家交流下UI/UX Design嘅經驗,希望到時會見到你:
【 2019 頭炮活動: 初創企業不能忽略的UX/UI !】
屢獲殊榮的本地薑 Innopage 的CEO及
共同創辦人 Keith (偉大航道-李勁華)將於 1月來臨 BLOOM作分享。
地點:BLOOM (尖沙咀新港中心2期9樓905-6室)
題目:《How Do Startups Need Great UX/UI Design》
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,740的網紅Riven 林育正,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集邀請到 UI 設計師黃翎(Lynn Huang) 來和我們分享業界的故事。Lynn 是 AJA 大予創意的介面設計師,歷經與團隊一同設計規劃 Richart 銀行等數位產品,也是科技 / 科幻主題 Podcast《空想科研》的主持人。 AJA 是台灣著名的設計公司之一,與台新 Richart ...
ui design agency 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答
[矽谷產品、設計、科技] 前谷歌設計師談用戶經驗 UX w/ Google eBay NorthFace Design Queen Ashley
網站App產品設計師到底做什麼?矽谷曾經操刀谷歌Shopping Express、號稱數位界奧斯卡獎Webby獎作品目標百貨app、現任eBay資深設計經理的艾希莉分享她從廣告公司一路到企業界的心路歷程,談如何設計出成功的產品,分享成為設計師的門檻,還有公布她正在招募的用戶經驗研究員!
在加入eBay以前,艾希莉在廣告公司曾經經手的客戶除了谷歌,還包括Levis, Calvin Klein, Sephora, The North Face, JanSport, Oakley, Reebok Custom, Vans Custom, Target, JCPenny, Sears (Craftsman, Kenmore), Google, Michaels, Wells Fargo
How to create award-winning app and web User Experience Design? Silicon Valley formal Google Shopping Express designer Ashley Auld shares her career story about how she became a UX and UI leader, give advices to people who wants to be a designer in the U.S., and talk about design secrets - tell a good story, solve the problem, and have great presentation skills! In addition, she talks about UX Researcher intern opening that she is hiring!
Ashley is currently Sr. Designer Manager at eBay. Before joining eBay, she was a UX Director at Fluid, a leading eCommerce design agency. Fluid's clients include -
FASHION: Levis, Calvin Klein, Steve Madden, Theory, Milly, Diane Von Furstenberg, Elie Tahari, Charlotte Russe
BEAUTY: Make Up For Ever, Sephora, Ulta, Lancome
PERFORMANCE: The North Face, JanSport, Oakley, Reebok Custom, Vans Custom
MANUFACTURING: JELD-WEN, World Kitchen, Clorox
BIG BOX: Target, JCPenny, Sears (Craftsman, Kenmore, Lawn & Garden), Diapers.com, Soap.com, Wag.com, Casa.com (prior to Amazon purchase of Quidsi)
MORE: Google, MIchaels, Wells Fargo
ui design agency 在 Nick Ng's Phaneron Facebook 的最讚貼文
[So what's your plan now?] Predictably, I do get this dreaded question a lot. Before answering that, I wanna say thank you to everyone for the wishes! I'm slowly internalizing the fact that I have graduated.
Anyway, the short and real answer is "no plan". Indeed, it's unsettling, especially that I'm practically unemployed right now. But it's real because with an Honours Philosophy degree I can pretty much do anything and nothing at all. There are so many doors. Yet none particularly fit me.
Ideally, I'd love to be a UX designer at a social media software company, like @latermedia or @hootsuite, or any UX/UI positions at a marketing agency. I have a passion for social media and human-centered design. It would be my dream to land a career that brings the both together. I'm betting on my online persona, creativity, and critical thinking skills.
Apparently September is the hiring season so "my plan" for the summer is to enhance my portfolio. I obviously will apply for jobs as they come but I hope to connect with as many tech talents and like-minded individuals in Vancouver as possible. Let's meet up for coffee!
But more importantly, I want to continue to up my digital and people skills as much as possible. We may cease to be students. But we don't stop learning. And that's my plan.
ui design agency 在 Riven 林育正 Youtube 的最佳貼文
本集邀請到 UI 設計師黃翎(Lynn Huang) 來和我們分享業界的故事。Lynn 是 AJA 大予創意的介面設計師,歷經與團隊一同設計規劃 Richart 銀行等數位產品,也是科技 / 科幻主題 Podcast《空想科研》的主持人。
AJA 是台灣著名的設計公司之一,與台新 Richart 、星宇航空、和泰汽車 yoxi 等夥伴,共同打造精彩的數位體驗。那麼,在這裡的設計工作是長什麼樣子?顧問行業又有什麼特殊之處呢?讓 Lynn 用她的想像力,為你展示她對 UIUX 產業的體會吧!
00:00 - 時間軸
02:01 認識 AJA 大予創意設計
05:08 公司 UIUX 角色規劃
07:27 Jr. 與 Sr. 設計師的差別
08:52 Agency v.s. In-House
11:31 在 AJA 當 UI 設計師是什麼感覺
14:14 職場上與人類相處、溝通的方法
17:44 怎麼想踏進 UI 設計領域
22:28 工作的日常時間分配
24:06 給想開始學習 UI 的建議
27:43 推薦免費的學習資源
32:02 空想科研 ❘ 科技,科幻與硬奇幻
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