2018冬季奧運與殘障奧運將分別在2月9日至25日以及3月8日至18日在南韓平昌登場!美國副總統彭斯將率領代表團出席2月9日的冬奧開幕典禮。今年美國冬奧的代表團由240名運動員組成,將參加15個項目。台灣今年也有選手參加冬奧。你最期待什麼項目呢?讓我們一起為所有選手加油! #Pyeongchang2018 #WinterOlympics2018
Did you know the 2018 Winter Olympics will take place in Pyeongchang, Korea February 9-25 and the Paralympics will take place in Pyeongchang March 8-18? Vice President Pence will lead the U.S. Presidential Delegation to attend the Opening Ceremony on February 9. The 2018 U.S. Olympic Team is made up of 240 athletes who will participate in more than 15 games. Taiwan will also send athletes to the winter Olympics. What games do you want to watch at this year’s winter Olympics? Let’s cheer for all the athletes!