Disebabkan jahitan pt saya terbuka pada hari ke 9 berpantang, saya rasa baik saya share benda yg patut ibu2 jaga untuk make sure jahitan betul2 sembuh pada waktunya, harap2 tak jadi mcm pt saya ni, ada gap pada benang tu. Tak kena jahit balik tapi seram la, dah xlawa cik bunga kita 🤭
1. Cuci luka - sila lah baring. Lepas settle mandi/buang air, lap kering2 pakai tisu gulung/tuala, lepastu ambik masa baring dan anginkan luka sebelum letak ubat kuning dlm 5min. Lepas letak ubat kuning, anginkan lg 5min. Saya beli kipas kecik senang nak keringkan tmpt jahitan. Hair dryer boleh tp bising sgt bunyi dia.
2. Spray bottle - beli dkt kedai 2hinggit je botol spray kecik. Isi ubat kuning, nak guna spray je. Spray banyak, biar bahagian dlm lipatan jahitan tu pun kena. Ubat kuning kalau habis boleh mintak lg dkt KK. Kalau pakai kapas dab dab, kadang2 tak kena tempat luka tu, mcm saya la mula2. Beriya letak rupanya tak kena pun tempatnya. Tahu2 benang atas dah hilang.
3. Kurangkan berjalan ttp boleh bersenam - semestinya. Kalau perlu sgt, tolonglah kepit mcm tak bagi emas terlepas dari kepitan kaki. Lagi rapat kepit, lagi cepat daging cantum elok.senaman kegel pon menggalakkan peredaran darah ke tempat luka ,luka lagi cepat sembuh~ uolss tao x senaman kegel camane?? Xtao pm tepi..hihihi
4. Tukar pad - tukar 2 -4 jam sekali. Kira dapat lagi selalu anginkan jahitan tu. kalau anak meragam, buatlah kerap mana yg mampu. Tapi jgn tunggu 5-6 jam, cepatlah melecet nanti, tak masuk kuman lg apa semua. Please elak.
5. Vitamin C, zinc - ambiklah extra vit c. Macam saya tak boleh mkn oren sunkist tu sbb perut meragam, saya ambik vit c tambahan utk bantu pulih luka. Beli je ,asalkan kita cepat baik. Yg boleh mkn oren, lagi baik. Cepat kering.
6. Air garam - ada kata garam ni cepatkan benang reput, ada kata cepatkan cantum luka, mcm2 org kata. So buatlah at least sekali sehari. Air garam pun saya masuk spray bottle senang terus spray je lps buang air. Kalau dpt buat sitz bath lg better.berendam ~
7. Buang air - elak sembelit ye. Minum air cukup, makan buah & sayuran hijau & kalsium juga boleh mengelakkan sembelit ~ kalau susah nak kinum susu,ambik je OSTEOMATRIX kalsium . Sembelit mmg akan kacau tmpat jahitan tu, takut terbuka. Jgn teran2 sgt ye.
Ni je basic penjagaan luka jahitan yg misi boleh share. Yang tambah manjakani, asam keping etc tu optional, ikut keyakinan diri. Saya tak buat & tak sarankan sbb tahap kebersihan bahan2 tersebut diragui juga & sbb takut jadi jangkitan jugak. Sekian.
Kredit : Noor Shafinah Mamat.
Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : 😍
Due to my pt stitching open on the 9th day of confinement, I feel good to share things that mothers should take care of to make sure the stitches will be healed in time, hopefully it won't be like my pt, there's a gap on Don't need to be sewed again but it's scary, our miss flower is no longer
1. Wash wounds - please lie down. After finishing the bath / urinating, wipe it dry with roll tissue / towel, then take the time to lie down and wind the wound before putting the yellow medicine in 5 min. After putting the yellow medicine, wind up another 5 min. I bought a small fan, easy to dry the stitching place. Hair dryer is fine but the sound is so noisy.
2. Spray bottles - bought at the shop for only 2 ringgit bottles of small spray. Fill up the yellow medicine, just spray it. Spray a lot, even the inside of the stitching folds are also affected. If the yellow medicine runs out can be asked again from KK. If you wear cotton and dab, sometimes you don't get the wounded place, just like me at first. It's fun to put it in the place. You know that the top thread is gone.
3. Reduce walking but still can exercise - of course. If you really need it, please squeeze it as if you don't give gold away from the leg cl The closer the clip, the faster the meat combines the better. Even kel exercise promotes blood circulation to wounded, wounds heal quickly ~ uolss tao x exercise kel camane?? No one pm at the side.. hihihi
4. Change pad - change 2-4 hours once. Counting the stitches always wind up. If your child is squeezing, do what you can do often. But don't wait 5-6 hours, quickly scratched later, no more germs. Please avoid.
5. Vitamin C, zinc - take extra vitamin c. Like I can't eat the sunkist orange because my stomach is squeezing, I take additional vitamin c to help heal the wound. Just buy, as long as we get well soon. Those who can eat orange, the better. Dry fast.
6. Salt water - there's a word that this salt makes the thread rotting faster, there's a word that quickly combines wounds, many people say So do it once a day. Even salt water I spray bottle easy just spray it after urinating. It's better to make sitz bath. soaking up ~
7. Poop - avoid constipation. Drinking enough water, eating green fruits & vegetables & calcium can also prevent constipation ~ if it's difficult to drink milk, just take OSTEOMATRIX calcium. Constipation will really disturb the stitching place, afraid it will be open. Don't push too much.
This is the only basic care of stitching wounds that the mission can be shared. Those who add manjakani, acid chip etc are optional, according to self-confidence. I didn't do it & wouldn't recommend because the hygiene level of the ingredients is also doubted & because I'm afraid That's it.
Credit: Noor Shafinah Mamat.
For papa mama who wants pregnancy - birth - abstinence - educating children & breastfeeding mother's milk can click this link to get it: 😍Translated
wounded child 在 Ado 阿洛 Facebook 的最佳解答
Ado阿洛的確忙碌到無體投地漫天舖地的🤹🏻♂️🏃♀️😱(busy Lady)啦!
詞Lyrics/曲Music 阿洛•卡力亭•巴奇辣 Ado Kaliting Pacidal
Feriw sa kofali to fokes iso
A mipohpoh to losa’ iso
A misaliyawliyaw
Lesa’ saan ko orar
A maraoteng tatireng iso
A misaliyawliyaw
Ano caay paka so’eling kiso to kakarayan
O maroray ko faloco’ iso
Ano caay paka so’eling kiso to kakarayan
O madokaay ko faloco’ iso
Pinokay to pinokay to ya wawa ako
Maruray to malutay to kiso
Caay to liyangen iso ko kakarayan haw
Pinokay to pinokay to ya wawa ako
Aka pihakeno i tisowanan a dawdawl
回家吧 回家吧 孩子
你累了 你疲倦了
那就回家吧 回家吧 我的孩子
別忘了 我為你
Let the wind blow through your long hair
Blow through the tears on your face
again and again
Let the rain fall on your shoulders
Wash away the dust
again and again
If you no longer believe in this world
for you are exhausted
If you no longer believe in this world
for you are wounded
Come home, come home, my child
You are tired and exhausted
But don’t you want to struggle and fight against the world?
Then come home, come home, my child.
Don't forget, that I will
leave a light on for you
wounded child 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最讚貼文
Lama saya tenung gambar ni. Macam macam boleh kita tafsirkan. Seorang wanita yang terluka, dan menjahit sendiri lukanya. Ramai yang begini kan. Sekeliling kita. Cuma kadang tu kita tak perasan.
Banyak punca. Pengabaian daripada orang terhampir, penderaan, kesakitan kesakitan yang datang, struggle mengurus hidup, peranan, komitmen dan sebagainya.
Tadi pun ada terbaca kisah surirumah yang mengadu susahnya urus anak dan rumahtangga. Serabut semua ada. Itu ini serba tak kena, ...
Continue ReadingI've been looking at this picture for a long time. How can we be comment. A wounded woman, and sewed her own wounds. Many are like this, right. Around us. Only sometimes we don't notice.
A lot of causes. Neglect from the people, abuse, pain pain that comes, struggle to manage life, role, commitment and so on.
Just now read the story of the housewife who is complaining so hard to take care of children and household. Frustrated all available. This is all wrong, not done with work. Until depressed.
Don't be be. Don't be a mother's situation like this. If there is no support, it can lead to long-lasting emotional pressure.
Mistakes can be like the woman in the picture just now. Pain, stress, hurt. Then sewing the wound itself. Because no one cares. Huhu.
I really understand, housewives are tired. There are more kids. I've been it. Child can't put, keep crying, doing business again. Life is chaos. Isn't it right if a housewife is just sitting in the house. There's no going out for a holiday or what. Wow.
I don't want to review the psychology chapter or anything because I'm not good at it. Just experience the experience, reading and sharing of friends. I want to share these 10 tips. How to be calm in taking care of the household.
1. Strengthen your soul
This soul is like a battery, he decides for us to move. If the battery is weak, you can't do anything. How to be strong? This is so important. Strengthen our relationship with Allah. Pray for early time prayer, read the Quran in the beginning of the day and dhikr. It gives us extraordinary energy. Biiznillah. If you don't take care of this, it's easy frustrated. This is basic, if you can wake up at night, all of that, my God, it's more powerful. Make it routine, one happiness.
2. Be strong
Exercise a moment early in the morning. Promise to get rid of sweat and body stretch. Can also be in the house. Many ways, just open Youtube search. We feel healthier and happy.
3. Be strong
Do what we like and feel great. I call therapy. Like me, early morning before starting work, I flush the flower trees and vegetables that are planted. Then train yourself every day to read any positive ingredients and say good things are fine.
4. Chapters of cooking and eating
Mom must eat first. Give energy to yourself. Bread to the easy and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate at the beginning of the day. For Energy.
And simple and simple family cooking only. As long as it's nutritious. Don't bother yourself to cook as much as you can. If you don't have time, you can buy and have a lot of food delivery services now. You can't eat from hunger, right?
5. Kitchen material management
Set one day for kitchen setting day. Preparing onions, chili peppers all enter the fridge. Washing protein is ready to pack the parts together. Vegetables only use ulam ulam. Fast and nutritious. There is a setting like this, can cook under half an hour.
6. Home management
Packing is really tired. So put the timing. Packing certain time only. Like me, morning and evening. Between the two hours, whatever happens. Close your eyes. This includes the management of clothes.
7. Child Management
Our children are not the same. Don't stress other people's children sleep well, our children need to sleep. Just relax and relax. When we do things number 1-6, we have time to focus on number 7 which is time for children. Play with him. When we give them quality time, children are easier to take care of. I always hold it, the child will grow, the phase of squirm is hard all that is not long.
8. Help
Learn to ask for a partner's help. Don't want to do it all. If you are able to take a helper who comes to clean the house daily, it is very nice. Or even buy gadget that makes it easier for kitchen work. An example of cuckoo pot, noxxa all that. Measles, setting, just wait to cook.
9. Mindset and rest
Hold this one thing. We don't have to be perfect. Happiness is much more important. Lower the expectation that is too high to be the tip top of all serbi. Yes, while the child is still small. Make time for rest. Leave a moment of housewife work that will never run out.
10. Enjoy and build experience
One's child is different from three, four, five, six and so on. Time will be make and make we take care of our feelings and roles. Just go through with awareness that this moment is experience.
The main key is management, mindset and apply to God who strengthens everything. Insyaallah, in this way we have time to manage the household where it is the source of continuous reward, there is time to rest, there is time to educate children, there is time to find knowledge, there is time to make a favorite hobby etc.
Mother and mother
Be calm yes
And be happy.
Different Fields are different from the grasshopper.
Different people look at each other.
Just sharing. Hopefully there will be benefits.
Credit: najibah mustaffaTranslated
wounded child 在 Inner Wounded Child 的推薦與評價
Unraveling: The 12 Steps to Healing From Childhood Trauma & Codependency · Healing Frozen Feelings & Blocked Emotions · The Wounded Inner Child, Does it Run Our ... ... <看更多>
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In this video, we are going to teach you how to heal from a wounded inner child. This video is for anyone who feels like they have a damaged ... ... <看更多>