直径は地球の約0.2724倍 (1/3.7)。これは地球サイズの惑星をめぐる衛星としては非常に大きいものである 。惑星と衛星の比率としては太陽系で最も大きい。また月の直径 (3,474km) は、木星のガニメデ (5,262km)、土星のタイタン (5,150km)、木星のカリスト(4,806km)、木星のイオ (3,642km) に次ぎ、衛星としては太陽系で5番目に大きく、太陽系の衛星の中でも巨大衛星として扱 われている。月と太陽の見た目の大きさ(視直径)はほぼ等しく、約0.5度である。こ のため、他の惑星とは異なり、太陽が完全に月に覆い隠される皆既日食や、太陽のふちが わずかに隠されずに残る金環日食が起こる。月の視直径は、腕を伸ばして(約50cm) 持つ五円玉の穴(直径5mm)の大きさとほぼ同じである。
月の形状はほぼ球形だが、わずかに西洋梨型をしている。質量はおよそ地球の0.012 3倍 (1/81)。表面積(3793万km²)は地球の表面積の7.4%に相当 し、アフリカ大陸とオーストラリア大陸を合わせた面積よりもわずかに小さい。地球中心 から月の中心までの距離(平均)は、38万4,403km。
It is Mr. moon who looked up from the apartment house of the Mach
mastering, and it is beautiful Mr. moon.
It is a real thing in summer.
Osaka is sultry, and 35 exaggerated degrees today.
I go and want to run to the plateau in the vicinity of Mamomayama it
hot if it is Kansai when it is hot in the so much ・・・ It becomes
It holds out without taking a rest till then though it is still to
the rest on around the 16th.
Asease on the fourth though want to be taken the day off by me. it is likely
not to rest it the moon sooner or later
The moon (attach) is the only satellite of the nature of one that
revolves around surroundings of the earth.
Character of the moon
The diameter is about 0.2724 times the earth (1/3.7). This is very large as the satellite over the planet of the size of the earth. It is the largest in the solar system as the ratio of the planet and the satellite. Io (3,642km) of Callisto (4,806km) in Titan (5,150km) in Ganymede (5,262km) and the Saturn in the Jupiter and Jupiter and Jupiter is followed, and diameter (3,474km) of the moon moreover is large in the fifth in the solar system, and has been treated as a huge satellite in the satellite in the solar system the satellite. The size of externals of the moon and the sun (apparent diameter) is almost equal, and about 0.5 degrees. Therefore, the corona solar eclipse that remains without differing from other planets, and concealing the pool in the total solar eclipse and the sun where the sun is completely hidden under a cover in the moon slightly happens. The apparent diameter of the moon is almost the same as the size of the hole of five yen gem that has it with a stretch of the arm (about 50cm)(5mm in the diameter).
The West pear type is slightly done though the shape of the moon is almost globular. Mass is 0.0123 times about the earth (1/81). Surface area (37,930,000km²) corresponds to 7.4% of the surface area of the earth, and is more slightly smaller than the area in which the Africa continent is matched to Australian continent. The distance (average) from the earth center to the center of the moon is 384,403km.