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第一本經唐鳳認可,串連她的過去與現在,遠眺自由與未來的深刻之作。揭開神人級公民黑客、台灣抗疫功臣,被日本媒體譽為「天才 IT 大臣」的背後思路;理解她超越一切框架,主張從征服 (conquer) 到增幅 (empower) 的共好價值,用無差別的愛與自由,在奇點與眾點交會之際邁向分享、協作、貢獻的「唐鳳 Style」!
👉 https://cplink.co/PKQDamNC
#就這樣被唐鳳增幅 #shareandenjoy
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#黑色星期五 #BlackFriday
00:00 前導
05:10 如網購平台加入「黑色星期五」的戰場
06:18 對「黑色星期五」的批評與反思
07:39 2020年在疫情籠罩下的「黑色星期五」?
08:58 我們的觀點
10:29 提問
10:44 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→What’s the Real History of Black Friday?:https://bit.ly/3nYv7vq
→黑色星期五""購物狂歡 由來竟這樣負面?!:https://bit.ly/3q5nTaw
→驚見喪屍出沒? 好市多購物節擠爆!:https://bit.ly/367wpxP
→A Black Friday Campout:https://nyti.ms/3fzr05X
→Asda Black Friday madness as frantic shoppers fight over TVs:https://bit.ly/39ffPOv
→Shoppers rushed into Macy's superstore for the Black Friday sale:https://bit.ly/367pyEH
→Black Friday doorbuster deals create chaos in stores:https://bit.ly/3o1ZBfJ
→Black Friday Shoppers Already Camping Out At Best Buy :https://bit.ly/3m8lMAl
→Black Friday Shoppers At Peabody Mall:https://bit.ly/3q1K9Cj
→Looking for the Effects of the Black Friday Boycott:https://nyti.ms/377qDM0
→Black Friday Falters as Consumer Behaviors Change:https://nyti.ms/37cnV7R
→‘Block Friday:’ Climate Protesters Block Black Friday Shoppers in Paris:https://bit.ly/37axlRp
→Black Friday backlash: Protests against Amazon erupt across France :https://bbc.in/3nW0erl
→Thousands of people across Europe are protesting and striking against Amazon on Black Friday:https://bit.ly/2V35mNX
→Millions Around The World Strike on Black Friday for Action on Climate Change:https://bit.ly/3fFin9R
→Why Some Brands Are Leading A Black Friday Boycott:https://bit.ly/367dKCt
→Why 2020 Is The Year Of All Years To Boycott Black Friday:https://bit.ly/3l1yiR2
→美「黑色星期五」特賣 名存實亡:https://bit.ly/39iKI4K
→Who Postpones Black Friday? This Year, the French:https://nyti.ms/2JfiigS
→拯救小型商家 法國""黑色星期五""今年延後:https://bit.ly/39fYK7h
→94年來首度""無現場觀眾""! 梅西大遊行改直播:https://bit.ly/3fCaKB3
→獨立書店臉書串聯 11日歇業對抗削價競爭:https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/202011100298.aspx
【 延伸閱讀 】