1.耐熱容器に薄切りレモン 2枚を置く。
2.レーズン 60gを入れ、上からラム酒 15gをかける。
5.卵を卵黄と卵白に分ける。卵黄 20gを計る。足りない場合は卵白から足し20gにする。
6.室温にした無塩バター 125gを混ぜる。
7.粉砂糖 50gをフルイ入れ混ぜる。
8.5の卵黄 20gを入れ混ぜる。
9.薄力粉 140g、アーモンドパウダー 40g、ココアパウダー 10gをフルイ入れ混ぜる。
10.9をベーキングガンに入れ絞り出す。この分量の生地でベーキングガン 充填2回分です。表面の凸凹を指で軽く押さえておくと仕上がりがキレイです。
12.ホワイトチョコレート 40gを湯煎で溶かす。
13.室温にした無塩バター 80gを混ぜる。
15.5の卵白にグラニュー糖 10gを入れ泡立て、かたいメレンゲにする。
17.ラム酒 3gも加え混ぜる。
18.ベーキングガンに入れ口金 5切を付け、15分ほど冷蔵庫で冷やす。
We made rum raisin white chocolate buttercream sandwich cookies using rum raisins that were quickly soaked in the microwave.
Using the Daiso Baking Gun we all know and love, we created cookies, and squeezed out the cream using the Baking Gun as well.
You can make 30 at once as a set, so you create a bunch for Valentine's Day.
Let's use the Daiso Baking Gun some more!
*Recipe* (60 cookies, 30 per set)
Let's make some instant rum raisins (there will be leftovers)
1. Place two thin slices of lemon in a heat resistant container.
2. Put 60 grams of raisins in the container, and pour 15 grams of alcohol on top.
3. Gently cover the container with plastic wrap, and heat it for 40 seconds in the microwave.
4. Mix together and place plastic wrap on the raisins to cover it entirely.
Let's make the cookies
5. Separate the yolk from the egg whites. Measure 20 grams of egg yolk. If there isn't enough, use the egg whites until you get 30 grams worth.
6. Mix 125 grams of room temperature unsalted butter.
7. Sieve 50 grams of powdered sugar and mix into the mixture.
8. Mix in the 20 grams of egg yolk from 5.
9. Sieve 140 grams of cookie flour, 40 grams of almond powder, and 10 grams of cocoa powder, and mix into the mixture.
10. Put the mixture from 9. into the Baking Gun and squeeze it out. The quantity of dough should be enough to fill the Baking Gun two times. Gently press the uneven parts on the surface and the final product will come out nicely.
11. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and bake for 13 minutes.
Let's make some white chocolate buttercream
12. Dissolve 40 grams of white chocolate by placing its container in warm water.
13. Mix 80 grams of unsalted butter.
14. Mix the mixture from 12. into 13.
15. Mix 10 grams of granulated sugar with the egg whites from 5. until frothy and make it into a solid meringue.
16. Put 15. into 14. around three times, and mix with a hand mixer.
17. Mix in 3 grams of rum.
18. Put the mixture into the Baking Gun, insert the 5-nozzle, and chill in the refrigerator for around 15 minutes.
19. Squeeze 18. onto 11. once the cookies have cooled sufficiently.
20. Place the raisins from 4. on top. Placing two on top will result in the raisins providing a gentle taste. Feel free to add more to your liking.
If you put red sprinkles on top, it will seem that much more Valentiney!
21. Make sandwiches with the cookies.
22. Chill in the refrigerator until the cream becomes sufficiently hard.
23. All done! Yum!
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buttercreamsandwichcookies 在 Hokkaido Marusei Rum Raisin Butter Cream Sandwich ... 的推薦與評價
YES! Cup measurements are available for this recipe.Rokkatei's "Marusei Butter Sand ( Sandwich Cookies )" filled with rum raisin butter cream ... ... <看更多>